Cage Match?

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Cage Match?

Post by RP-G-eorge »

Hi there. :)

I met someone by the screen name Poor, who used to host a server where people would fight together in a cage against different creatures and you could buy weapons, etc.

At the moment he or she is hosting a type of war server, which I played today, which was fun, but has it's limit for me, where I'd like to play something new and getting to 300 kills to the next level for me gets tiring.

This person was nice to link me here, though I can't find anything in the search about this cage type fighting server and how to set it up and sadly the person had to leave and I was still testing the war server, so I didn't think of asking how long before the cage match returns.

Due to my location, my ping isn't the best in VSing people on this game and the best servers for me are USA, though even then it's just nasty for me if everyone's ping is under 100, while I'm at 210-230. The cage fighting server was good for me, even if I did delay, at the same time I wasn't being sniped instantly on a constant basis like it happens for me in death match type games.

The cage match fights were short, simple and challenging for me and I remember others enjoying playing it too.

I remember the cage match being updated to some type of coliseum, which was more roomy to move around, but I preferred the small space of the cage, as less time was used for running around, so more game time was good.

I'm not looking at being a 24/7 host on this game. I just want to play the cage match. I don't care who hosts it, as long as I can play it. :)
If someone's happy to teach me, I'm happy to learn it or if someone's happy to host it, I'm happy to play it. :)

I miss the variety of aliens, robots, winning things, etc. Was fun, especially when you were working together with others too.
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by ShadowRunner »

Another anti-WW2 post, and from an OP whose post is his first ever post. Congratulations on such an unusual, opinionated and expert post, for such a beginner. I'm truly impressed.
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by RP-G-eorge »

ShadowRunner wrote:Another anti-WW2 post, and from an OP whose post is his first ever post. Congratulations on such an unusual, opinionated and expert post, for such a beginner. I'm truly impressed.
Excuse me? There's no need for any attitude. I don't hate the war game server.
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by ShadowRunner »

There is no attitude here, just observations. It's your first post and an extraordinary one so it's not very believable. I appreciate your feedback on cagematch and your comment on the WW2 is noted too, but simply not believed by me that either you aren't new and you're aliasing or multi-accounting, or simply someone has encouraged you to do this, the timing is too extraordinary. A number of unexpected comments about WW2 mod have surfaced in the last 24 hours, so if you are genuinely new, then your timing is unfortunate and coincidental. If you stick around and prove yourself to be real, then I am likely to apologize, but for now, I believe you're known already to the community, or you have been encouraged to do this by someone else.

It's not normal that someone who is new to the game, takes the time and effort in their first ever post to ask for removal of a mod, so please try to understand why you are not being taken seriously. Your actual complaint about WW2 doesn't really make any sense, all you can say is that it has limits for you. Surprised because it has new weps, parachutes, drivable vehicles and many things that did not feature when you played Single Player, therefore it's simply unbelievable that you're genuinely new.

It's not an RPG server, but there are far less "limits" in WW2 than in cagematch. I don't say you hate WW2, but I'm still trying to understand how I could better it for you. Also the mod is unfinished, so not much I can say, until you saw the finished mod. Personally I find cagematch very limiting, the action takes place in a 512x512 sized room and sometimes it is difficult to vote the map you want. I find far more freedom in WW2, where I can drive, snipe, fight lots of bots, explore more than one room.
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by RP-G-eorge »

ShadowRunner wrote:There is no attitude here, just observations. It's your first post and an extraordinary one so it's not very believable. I appreciate your feedback on cagematch and your comment on the WW2 is noted too, but simply not believed by me that either you aren't new and you're aliasing or multi-accounting, or simply someone has encouraged you to do this, the timing is too extraordinary. A number of unexpected comments about WW2 mod have surfaced in the last 24 hours, so if you are genuinely new, then your timing is unfortunate and coincidental. If you stick around and prove yourself to be real, then I am likely to apologize, but for now, I believe you're known already to the community, or you have been encouraged to do this by someone else.

It's not normal that someone who is new to the game, takes the time and effort in their first ever post to ask for removal of a mod, so please try to understand why you are not being taken seriously. Your actual complaint about WW2 doesn't really make any sense, all you can say is that it has limits for you. Surprised because it has new weps, parachutes, drivable vehicles and many things that did not feature when you played Single Player, therefore it's simply unbelievable that you're genuinely new.

It's not an RPG server, but there are far less "limits" in WW2 than in cagematch. I don't say you hate WW2, but I'm still trying to understand how I could better it for you.
I can understand your suspicions. According to your profile, you're part of some type of game clan here, so if the owner of this website would like to share my IP address with you in private, please, feel free too. :) There's no VPN, etc and it hasn't changed since I joined, so those you have banned for cheating, etc, my IP address probably isn't even in the same country as those.

If anything, I just returned to this game in the last 24 hours, but to begin with, I was never good anyways and I found out I can't keep up because my ping just doesn't cut it, but in cage match it managed, but still not perfectly.

I didn't mean for my first post to appear to be rude about the war game server. Just, 300 kills to me isn't a light game compared to other games, but it's not to say I didn't have fun. I just miss the quick games of the cage and the variety of stuff it had that you could select. Levels, etc. I learnt a few things in there too.
As for your comparisons to 1 Player Mode, I wouldn't know, as I never played 1 Player Mode. I just got into multiplayer mode, as someone told me about the cage game and that person wanted me to play it with him at the time.

I took a look at the screen shots here and I noticed some people play past 50 kills as an average game. I'm not used to those types of games. I'm more used to 15-20 kills per games, so when 300 kills is the limit, it's a fair bit for me. :P

As for the war server, I don't have any complaints about it. I'm not a war type talker, though if detailed thought went into the type of weapons, uniforms, etc, I'm sure those who have an interest in the war would like to give it go.
As for my game play in it though, it's just like death match when I VS another human. I usually am behind because of my ping and once the sniper rifle comes into play, that's pretty much game over for me and my fun of the game has been killed. :( Not that I'm saying that's your fault though. That's why I like the cage game, as that type of thing doesn't happen.

I remember someone giving my sniper training too. I forgot the screen name this person went by though, but I wasn't able to keep up and that's when he told me about my ping. I tried playing a few death match games on his team too, but it just didn't work out. Everyone with under 100 ping while I'm on 340ish ping. I know that was a Europe server.

Well, it was fun VSing you in your war server before and I hope you open the cage server again at some point or if you could let someone you trust open it, that would be great. :) If neither, if you know if you'll ever open it again, if you could share that please? I won't ask about hosting it no more, as it's clear there are those doing the wrong thing on this game.

I remember lots of people joining the cage game. Mostly people who were new like me played it when I was on. I thought of it as a training place. :)

Thanks for your time and hopefully this mess about my bad timing can be resolved. :) I'm off to bed for now. Almost 3:00 AM here.
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by Poor »

The timing is extraordinary but I did talk to this player and told him this was the most active dxmp forum. I found this guy in a 0 aug server with 400 ping and inexplicably floating and unable to move so I invited him to the WW2 server.
I took a look at the screen shots here and I noticed some people play past 50 kills as an average game. I'm not used to those types of games. I'm more used to 15-20 kills per games, so when 300 kills is the limit, it's a fair bit for me. :P
The score limit is 300. Player kills are worth 20 points. Bot kills are worth 1 point.

As for your question George, I miss the mod myself but I don't have the money to host a cagematch server right now. I know someone with an American who might be willing to host it for a few days at best.
Last edited by Poor on 10 Jan 2014, 18:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by ShadowRunner »

Your post wasn't rude at all about the server in any way at all, it just seemed extraordinary. Looks like I do owe you an apology. There are those who support any type of DX and happily co-exist, but there are those who, instead of recruiting new players, feel they need to fight for existing players by manipulating opinion towards certain gametypes.

This is why you will see some derrogatory remarks and insults hurled from time to time about people using the SDK or trying to modify the classic dxmp game. In 2006 a supporter of the classic game, with help from other players, carried out D-dos and other attacks on every server that wasn't playing the classic game. He was referred by Moscow police to Slovenian Police, who knew the offender, so he was not punished, other than to be asked to contribute something back. He donated a 32 slot server and a 16 slot server for a period of time, one was augged, but both featured custom maps chosen by custom mapping people.
Some feel it necessary to compete or insist on the classic game or on their server, rather than try to recruit greater numbers.

I'm 45 years old, very direct and will say to people's faces what I am thinking and I will tend to stick to principles that are fair, inclusive of everyone and allow freedom and creativity. In this WW2 mod, there are over 10 people contributing assets. In the previous mod I helped run, there were over 40 people contributing assets. It's a great thing, many people get to experience creativity, sdk and to enjoy watching people use their assets, but it is marred by the insulting remarks that fans of the classic game or people who wish to compete, make. In the whole of 6 years, I've banned less people than some clans ban in one month and my philosophy is different from the others I mentioned. I apologize if there was any lack of sympathy, but as long as aliasing is allowed in this game, I can't take much seriously and genuinely thought your post was a fabrication.

I would be more involved, spend more money, work harder and do far more digital marketing for dxmp, but when faced with constant disruption and hostility for releasing custom work, I'm not much encouraged to invest in this community.

FYI DXMP hosting comes from $1 per slot.
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by ~DJ~ »

I uh, have a server given to me by Hawk, which I completely forgot.. I do want to host something of mine, which was the reason I asked Hawk for it (btw; thanks again Hawk :x APOLOGIES CUZ I FORGOT ABOUT IT)
but anyway, my work is in progress and would take more time, so meanwhile I can host something for someone, so if you're interested.. PM meh?
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by RP-G-eorge »

Poor wrote:The timing is extraordinary but I did talk to this player and told him this was the most active dxmp forum. I found this guy in a 0 aug server with 400 ping and inexplicably floating and unable to move so I invited him to the WW2 server.
I took a look at the screen shots here and I noticed some people play past 50 kills as an average game. I'm not used to those types of games. I'm more used to 15-20 kills per games, so when 300 kills is the limit, it's a fair bit for me. :P
The score limit is 300. Player kills are worth 20 points. Bot kills are worth 1 point.

As for your question George, I miss the mod myself but I don't have the money to host a cagematch server right now. I know someone with an American who might be willing to host it for a few days at best.
Oh yes, sorry about that. I remember getting 20 points per kill on an actual player, but I've been playing it while others haven't been on. Probably time zone.

I had no idea it costed money to do what it was. I thought it was free. I just thought perhaps your bandwidth was used up on one server alone, as I read the server may experience lag while someone's downloading the map files, etc.
ShadowRunner wrote:Your post wasn't rude at all about the server in any way at all, it just seemed extraordinary. Looks like I do owe you an apology. There are those who support any type of DX and happily co-exist, but there are those who, instead of recruiting new players, feel they need to fight for existing players by manipulating opinion towards certain gametypes.

This is why you will see some derrogatory remarks and insults hurled from time to time about people using the SDK or trying to modify the classic dxmp game. In 2006 a supporter of the classic game, with help from other players, carried out D-dos and other attacks on every server that wasn't playing the classic game. He was referred by Moscow police to Slovenian Police, who knew the offender, so he was not punished, other than to be asked to contribute something back. He donated a 32 slot server and a 16 slot server for a period of time, one was augged, but both featured custom maps chosen by custom mapping people.
Some feel it necessary to compete or insist on the classic game or on their server, rather than try to recruit greater numbers.

I'm 45 years old, very direct and will say to people's faces what I am thinking and I will tend to stick to principles that are fair, inclusive of everyone and allow freedom and creativity. In this WW2 mod, there are over 10 people contributing assets. In the previous mod I helped run, there were over 40 people contributing assets. It's a great thing, many people get to experience creativity, sdk and to enjoy watching people use their assets, but it is marred by the insulting remarks that fans of the classic game or people who wish to compete, make. In the whole of 6 years, I've banned less people than some clans ban in one month and my philosophy is different from the others I mentioned. I apologize if there was any lack of sympathy, but as long as aliasing is allowed in this game, I can't take much seriously and genuinely thought your post was a fabrication.

I would be more involved, spend more money, work harder and do far more digital marketing for dxmp, but when faced with constant disruption and hostility for releasing custom work, I'm not much encouraged to invest in this community.

FYI DXMP hosting comes from $1 per slot.
It's all good. :)

I've seen people crash gaming servers many times on variety of games, cheat and type crap to people for no reason, but nothing as bad as what you've described there.

I had no idea just how much work is involved in creating what it is on this game either. I thought there were simple programs used, as I've read from others on other shooting games, but I have a better understanding now about keeping certain methods a secret.

Sadly there's nothing I can really do to help with maps, etc. I'm just a gamer from this end of it all. The best I could do is just try to ask those not to type crap and to enjoy, though from the most I've experienced from doing this on a variety of games, that doesn't work. Lol. Other than that, I can throw ideas out there.

Well, thanks to each of of you two for your hard work and I appreciate what's there. :) Knowing certain information now, it's more enjoyable to me, even if I'm behind. :) I'll still hope to see that cage match one day though. :P

~DJ~ wrote:I uh, have a server given to me by Hawk, which I completely forgot.. I do want to host something of mine, which was the reason I asked Hawk for it (btw; thanks again Hawk :x APOLOGIES CUZ I FORGOT ABOUT IT)
but anyway, my work is in progress and would take more time, so meanwhile I can host something for someone, so if you're interested.. PM meh?
I second this, but I'm sure we knew this. :P

If I see the server, I'll be sure to say thanks for it, but if it doesn't happen, I'm sure it's nothing personal against you. I've seen people create certain work, shared it with the closest people only that they trusted, only in time to find out it was shared around, abused, etc, which threw that person off from sharing again, but instead that person created a way where others could use what it was without giving them the original program. Such as it being built and modified into the original setup of the game, if that makes sense. I don't know if that can work on this game, but it's just an idea that I thought I'd share. :)

Have fun everyone and hopefully people quit mistreating this game, as it's obviously a classic. :)
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by ~DJ~ »

hey, technically you can host a server for free, if you want to, by yourself.
You can host it yourself, there's a host button on your DXMP thing on the server-lister. You just have to port-forward

If you manage to follow that, and do host a server, I can help out with the rest.. about how to change server-name or that sorta stuff. But you'll need Poor's packages for that.

Since you say that you don't really care who hosts it, I think it'd be the best thing ever for you to host it yourself. You'll get better pings, it'll be US-hosted and stuff.

sorry, I haven't read all of these posts, and not yours completely either. (they're big.. heh.. SO NOPE) I'm just assuming you did not know that. There are servers which people pay for it to be hosted, but like any other shooter games you can host yourself.
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by RP-G-eorge »

~DJ~ wrote:hey, technically you can host a server for free, if you want to, by yourself.
You can host it yourself, there's a host button on your DXMP thing on the server-lister. You just have to port-forward

If you manage to follow that, and do host a server, I can help out with the rest.. about how to change server-name or that sorta stuff. But you'll need Poor's packages for that.

Since you say that you don't really care who hosts it, I think it'd be the best thing ever for you to host it yourself. You'll get better pings, it'll be US-hosted and stuff.

sorry, I haven't read all of these posts, and not yours completely either. (they're big.. heh.. SO NOPE) I'm just assuming you did not know that. There are servers which people pay for it to be hosted, but like any other shooter games you can host yourself.
Thanks for the information.

Poor spoke to me in the server after I made my previous post here and filled me in on how he pays to host each month, but thanks for your time. :)

As for me hosting, if it's just me playing, I don't mind, but for others wanting to play, most people would probably get 350-450 ping, as I was told most people play from Europe.
I remember playing yesterday on one server and it was impossible for me to move around and there was only Poor in the server at the time.
I'm sure my server would crash at some point if people have to download the files from me and I only have a 300KB a second upload speed, which would choke my internet instantly if I were to upload at max. It's the best my country has to offer at the moment. :(

Poor did say that he'd like to share the cage match files, which is good, but he wants to complete it and make sure there are no problems with it, so that's good to hear. :)

Thanks for offering to help me. :) A good community I can see. :)
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by ShadowRunner »

DJ is so right of course and I have always been so lazy at trying.

All these botservers and no-admin/playerless RPG's are a relatively new thing, only since 2010, Hengsha and WW2 aren't final, so it wouldn't surprise me if cagematch wasn't either, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by RP-G-eorge »

ShadowRunner wrote:DJ is so right of course and I have always been so lazy at trying.

All these botservers and no-admin/playerless RPG's are a relatively new thing, only since 2010, Hengsha and WW2 aren't final, so it wouldn't surprise me if cagematch wasn't either, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
I'm liking this RPG one.

At the moment in death match, when I try to move, it won't let me and it draws me back in like a magnet. One server was in the UK and just now the other is in the USA, though the war server has a higher ping for me than both of them and yet I'm able to play there. I'm being told about something called FPS, though when I checked it was over 400 in the USA server. I'm wondering is there are some type of server restrictions put on against high pings in some servers or if there's something I can do to fix it?

I've got nothing custom installed.

Update: All good now. Someone taught me to type netspeed 10000 and now I can move. FPS limitation.
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by RP-G-eorge »

I've noticed the RPG server keeps going offline. Is that hosted 24/7? I've started to get into that map.
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Re: Cage Match?

Post by ricci »

I have come to the conclusion that Cage Match is dxmp's best solution for recruiting atdm players. I played cage match and it's pretty awesome I really like the whole saving up to buy augs and weapons idea, it's great. If you could spawn players with augs in some arenas it would be nice. Players will be like "WTF IS THIS" start using it, like it, then they may actually learn to buy augs from the store. They will learn what augs are, appreciate them, understand dx abit further, and maybe be willing to try out atdm.

Cage match can be used even further as a macro training arena where players can fight bosses and concentrate on turning on and off their augs at certain times to conserve bio and to survive.

Another idea if possible, add a configuration guy. "Please select the keybind configurations you would like to use". This guy has a database of all top atdm player's keybinds and will adjust your settings to match but at the same time keep a backup of what you originally had and replace it back(some strategy plan must be used here if they disconnect, can we not override the disconnect method?, gpfs would be an issue, can we load new configurations in memory as oppose to in their actual ini?)
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