Euro Server Pool

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Re: Euro Server Pool

Post by TheWolf »

synthetic wrote:
The rule stays, will never change no matter how much you try to lecture me on how to run a server. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this acts in the best interests of the Americans and even a few Europeans. You don't have to play in my servers, in fact we don't need you and I'm assuming that since you're arguing so much you a) have nothing better do to or b) are a person who aliases in American servers to avoid shame from the Americans(Continental). Now for the most important question, and stop avoiding it. **Do YOU have any better way to solve the problem of continental Americans taking the urine?** Stop putting this off like it's nothing. This is a serious problem.
Eh no matter how little sense it makes or how impossible it is to enforce it (for repeatedly mentioned reasons), its your server and not really my problem. Bigger problem is your inability to comprehend why the firefix was added. It seems you don't realize that the number of people who won't cheat is the minority. Most people entering your server will be cheating whether they do it intentionally or not (mostly not). This is because game is too old and needs patch. So as a server host you have three very simple options: play with cheaters, play with firefix, or play some other game. Simple like that.
And if you go with the first option, you most likely end up banning people who didn't cheat, because they killed you or whatever.

Anyway, hopefully there'll be an alternative fix to this issue eventually.
I understand firefix, and I was contemplating installing it on my servers since day one because the lag was unbearable on the first version on any kind of server, now it is bearable on paid servers but still slightly there. The hope is it won't affect me since they're US servers. An EU server is playable with minimtl as long as its not homehosted(Machete's server and Hey's is unplayable for me). So that's where we stand on that, going to trial run minimtl. Aliasing rule stays though, people not stepping out of their sub 80 ping zone or stepping out and changing their name is just plain retarded and unsportsmanlike.

Edit: As Anticipated it works fine, minimtl stays, and to stop you from flipping your metabolic end product Iremoved "No Aliasing" from the title and changed it to "Aliasing is discouraged" and placed it in the motd
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Re: Euro Server Pool

Post by synthetic »

Hopefully we have eventually alternative fixing options. So far I've suggested FPS and DT display.. if those are visible then you can theoretically catch cheat program users as well, and keep firefix automation disabled.

random example would be like

Player A Frags Deaths Streak 100 fps 1.00Time
Player B Frags Deaths Streak 150 fps 1.01Time
Player C Frags Deaths Streak 300 fps 2.10Time
Player D Frags Deaths Streak 40 fps 1.00Time

so admin or player looks at info and sees that theres one dude with old pc (40 fps), theres some dude with barely legal fps cap of 150 and slight acceleration, but not really a massive cheating there, and then theres some dude with 300 fps and 2 X faster game speed. Now that one is obvious hardcore cheater.

this issue works both ways though, player can also experience decelerated gamespeed.. iirc FPS doesnt affect it.. i think, but cpu does

so you can have some guy with

Player E Frags Deaths Streak 500000 fps 0.03Time

that is cpu bug, with that high fps its probably multicore bug. From time value you see that he probably doesnt even see other players, and just floats around or is constantly warped back to start.

edit: as for your aliasing thing, the main problem with that idea, no matter what issue is, is that with your method its the normal players that get harassed while your problematic players will continue to alias or simply impersonate another players nick. Not to mention you'd have to know what names everybody uses or when they change it. Basically its all big nonsense. If you want registered nicknames for server then you need a mod.

Right now as game is dead and no real competition is taking place its not really a massive issue, but I'd like to remind everybody that trigbotting is very easy in this game because of colour coded crosshairs. Deja tried to change it on my suggestion but his crosshair still has too many pixels on enemy target. If you go play UrT (popular + free shooter = massive cheater issues) you see their crosshair is always white on enemy and doesnt react specially to enemy target. With miniMTL bot fix you still get big crosshair on enemy (or flowerpot lol) and bot will fire.
Basically, if we want safe score based game we gotta get rid of red crosshairs, unfortunately. Idk if itll ever happen in DX, but it is how it is.
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