Dear Darko

The time is right for a suicide!
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Dear Darko

Post by machete »

Dear Darko,

Like you, I am sick of abusers and their abuses. I'm sick of binds. I'm sick of people spawning with 5 meds. I'm sick of people admin abusing in servers they don't even have the admin password for. I'm sick of 500% sniperbinds. I'm sick of these MTL hacks. Basically I'm just sick of the loosers in the DXMP community and I want to report them all to Alexander Brandon.

Remember that time we beat Ken, Dani, Fear, Clix, Kiki, Blade, Mastakilla, Phantom, Fullmoon, Biatch, Anax, Kai, Duke, Ricci, Hey, Khaam, Scarface and Messiah in sniperbox 18v2? That was fun. Then they impersonated us and used abuses to change our scores so it looked like we lost. But we know who really won. I have the screenshots somewhere but I haven't finished editing them yet.

Anyway, if you will have me, I would like to join DD with you and start the fight against abuses in DXMP. As a show of goodwill, I plan to delete the many screenshots I have of you being dominated by other players.

Thank you.

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Re: Dear Darko

Post by anax »

FKing rolling :bwahaha:
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

First of all Machete, you will never be accepted in DD cause of 2 reasons, you are abuser as first reason, and as second you are just not good enough. I must note also, I never said that I am best, I always said that I will train until I will be capable to beat anyone, cause sooner or later someone will beat you: My exact words were:

"Everyone can beat everyone, it is just mather of time, skills and luck. For example he can join in last seconds and kill you, and win 1:0".

Those were my words.

To make things clear, I never played with Biatch and with Duke 1:1. Biatch I am not sure that I even know, and Duke is person which I respect and he was one of my rolemodels before he insulted me for some reasons which only he knows. Clix I am not sure that played before I came in Dx 2011, And Messiah I never meet.
All others I did beat and I will beat if you host sniperbox at any time, anywhere. But that will not happen, cause we both know that you do not have half of my skills and aiming precision. You should know I posted pictures on my portal how I beaten all of them, including you, not only on sniperbox. Well I will show you some pictures even today.

Today I was in MTL server and I could not believe when I saw that they repaired auto reload on sniper and other guys which appeared after last downtime, BUT THEY HAVE NOT cheanged abuse in MTL where they can abuse even your score, number of medkits which you spawn etc etc. It is insane to talk what they can abuse and bind to buttons.

Biggest shame is that most of them (Anax, and Cheese are admins on other servers where is anna protection so they will either ban you if you beat them, like they did to me), or they will spawn 5 medkits and on ping 150 you have 5 % chance to kill them in close combat. Machete said: "Where is problem with that".

I wonder he is calling Phantom abuser because of FPS, but funny thing they abuse MTL, they spawn 5 meds, and he does not see any problem with that, maybe I have halucinations, let me guess YOU FIXED AUTO RELOAD ON sniper but you left MTL abuse and you put biggert provocators in history of DX as admins in all other servers? And you do not see problem.

Machete I promised you something: Before I quits from all those servers where insane people abuse, I will hunt you and your friends 1:1 one film it and post it........ But you have not expect that I will do same night. Enjoy and pleaee do not cry, it is just game. Here you have proof that honest guy which you insult every single day can beat people like you very easy:

This is picture from AiB server where they insulted me and invited me 1:1. I left when they started to insult, but I returned as a Player. You will be surprised how easy is own them when you do not need to type, and when they cant kill you on typekills, nice scores you got in there machete haha


Here is picture how his precious friend (admin in AiB) lost together with him. Machete you RQ on score 0:5, you said you will be back, but you left like a scared person, shamed of even bigger shame. Why? Because it was CMD map where I guarded all outside areas with sniper, and Norse guarded with sniper. You precious friend lost later alone against me in AiB, cause you had nothing in panths to stay and help him (even through it is hard to help him when you had score 0:5 before you RQ).


Here is picture how he tried to play with me and one more player - probably you undercover. I had one guy (Death Dragon in team which let them a lot of kills he tried to distract me, but when he saw that he cant and that I kill your friend and you so fast that you have no chance to kill him, you left when Dragon started to play better. Later I was for a while 1:1 with your precious friend, and look how badly ended for him. To bad you raged 2 times in same night, but that is all recorded:


Here is last picture where we can see how your friend changes nickname and pretends like Armageddon, funny thing, you guys will never learn, GAME reminds your nickname for a while when you change it!!!! Here is something of his shame, when he saw I will not fall for that he banned me. Bravo Machete, I shamed you and your friend, you RQ on score 0:5 on CMD, and later probably on smuggler when you and your friend lost badly, but here is proof how you guys still took nicks of other people:


Here you go guys. Bravo Machete. In one night you wanted to ruin my reputation but you have not expected that I ruined yours, and your friends in 3 maps in row before you all ragequited and changed servers. If any of you stayed I would film even more, but you all left from DX or you went to Wunderland where I am banned, In any case, in your face 3 times. Do not be sad, one day you will play like honest person, and act like a man.

All best to all good people this is also very possible my last post on DX forums outside of DD community Forum. Enjoy people, and do not let them to ruin your game and ignore their insults like I did. You beat them like I did and that would be biggest punishment for them when you see how they ragequit, lose, and ban you after they see who just beaten them haha.

All best to all good people.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by anax »

Lol we changed servers to A!B 0-augs because you wanted to fight there after you lost on FGS server. :bwahaha:
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by machete »

Let's be honest, we only played one serious round tonight before the usual flame wars started. You had Overlord Hacker Phantom on your team and you still lost. I took a screenshot knowing it would come it handy when you inevitably try to rewrite history.


This is what happened the first and only time we ever had a 1v1:


You're welcome to a rematch anytime you like on any server you choose. I'll even stop taking my valium that day to make it a proper fight.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Lol you took fake clip with your friends from time of Darkos Box, since furry does not play anymore for god knows how long, and I already proven that you took my nick with anax and filmed fake movies which you put on darkos box. Why I know that? Haha when you filmed that guys with nickname Sretnik beaten you (what you captured on one of pictures at the wall, and you ended in there with score -8. That was our last official fight and you hate me since then. Now you hate me even more cause you lost in 90 % of team matches in zero augs which you played against me. :)

Please look our last 1:1 fight when you lost in Darkos Box :) You played with anax & Dani against me alone. I do not have desire to shame you, search little more. Same day you posted this fake picture of 1:1 i owned you on 3 matches in row with nickname Sretnik in Darkos Box right after I saw your fake pictures and finished job. So you lost then, you lost today, and before few days you lost on Area 51 against me 1:1. I am sure I have that picture but do not worry I will see you again, and kicking your ass same as today when you raged at score 0:5. Please rage less and play more.

I know it hurts your reputation when I own you like a child, but honestly your reputation was gone in 2013 where I beaten, you dani, anax, fear, lox and bajas and phantom together on 7:1 fight together. Do i need to remember you that I have 150 pictures from 2-nd month in 2013 where I played in your server 30 days over 5 hours daily and I lost only 3 matches, 2 of them against Kyle with which I trained (ex alpha member and legend of dx), and one against Bajas. Over one month in your own server in year 2013, after what you dani and fear retired for a long time. You returned in late 2013 and since then we never fought until last days when you lost a lot of time in team and out of team.

Do not worry we will meet again. Ps: We did fight 2:2 and you lost in official match before 1 weeks anax captured it, and you had negative score..... What to say...... I think your reputation is done with toillet when we compare how you abuse this game, using bind to use buttons, mtl abuses, 25 meds bind" which you support with other players so you must use it etc etc.

Ps: When you will beat 7 players which ask you: "Darko came, lets shame him, prove now that you are best", and I did beat you guys 13:11, so when you do that agaist such players talk to me.

Oh forgot to say do you know that I have biggest win in history of DX with zero? I won in sniperbox WITHOUT ANY MEDKIT which you can find in map, onyl with sniper fight 52:0 agaist 4 people. Third best win all times, when I beaten your precious 6 hivemind players together with sev on Void Basecamp with score 23:8. Etc etc........ I can go so long as long can be book.

You just train cause right now it seems that even binds and abuses do not help you much.

Wish you nice training. And I hope others will avoid such people.

See ya in game people
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Just reminder how weak you are in 2015:

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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

See ya in game people.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by anax »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:using bind to use buttons, mtl abuses, 25 meds
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by machete »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Just reminder how weak you are in 2015
What would your reaction be if you got a screenshot of me with a negative score? o_O
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by synthetic »

25 meds? Wouldn't that kill you?
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Biggest shame is that most of them (Anax, and Cheese are admins on other servers where is anna protection so they will either ban you if you beat them, like they did to me), or they will spawn 5 medkits and on ping 150 you have 5 % chance to kill them.

Darko yet again with the wrong facts. I cant speak for Anax or others. I have never cheated, spawned with 5 medkits or any other sort of cheat. I don't care who beats me in servers even if the score is 1800 - 2 I'm there to have fun! I have never banned or kicked a player simply because they are a better player than me. I kick you out the server for being a massive left handed monkey wrench in servers and when others are trying to fight and have fun but your annoying everyone and they all ask me to kick you out so they can continue playing the game.

Will say it yet again. Darko stop badmouthing me in forums about things I haven't done. Get your facts right before you post in forums.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Cheese we all know that you lie, you know that I never insulted people, and we all know that I was not in server before 2 years when you kicked lucky from server. You banned me 2 days later when I beaten you 1:1 in Wunderland, but you played under nick player. I still have that picture on my computer. All people which know me can confirm that before 2 years Lucky entered server, he started to win against Dani and Anax which used nicks Darko and Lucky. They spammed a lot in there, Lucky tried to explain which is real, but you knew that Cheese perfectly well. When they saw that one admin allows that to them, they did that to all people in all servers. Actually you banned me 2 days after lucky.
Before half year server returned you said Darko forget it. I put all possible metabolic end product on you, and then i told you: Now you can ban me, now I insulted 2 people, only you and Nobody.

You will tell me to forget how all calledd me spammer insulter and sick person and we all know that was not me. To how many people you appologized Cheese? Have you appologizet to Anastasia, which cried cause of your friends, to Karky, to Leonardo, and other kids which they hunted even on Facebook and youtube? I spit on such people. I insult? You are not worth of insults. I though you were my friend, and you knew perfectly well that I never insult. We played 1 year together and you never saw me insult. But we all know about you. FGS people warned me about you, but sad thing was when you said it was nobody, not me. At least we know that you lie too. In any case i do not judge you, you have 50 people to which you need to appologize, cause that metabolic end product started in dfgs server that day when you allowed them trolling.

I know I said I will not come here cause they are just not worth, but I must send one beautiful picture. I receive warnings on my portal that they acuse Darko as lame player and that they blame every player to be Darko, or every player which had new nick. Hhahaa, I only laughed. I received warning from AOC which said to me, please come play with me, all play with more players against me alone and it is hard to beat them. So kid this win was just for you, to prove you that you can beat them even when they play with more players against you, here is big fall of machete and anax together:

Beutiful picture how easy is to beat them both:


And here I helped to my new friend. He won one match alone 7:5 cause I came too late, but on next 2 macthes they camped and hidden on the map cause we shamed them badly, anyway kid here you have your pictures:

Here he beaten them alone, I came to late to help:


Here he had my help and machete and anax refused to play further when they saw that they do not have chance, preety pathetic, at least I expected some resistance, it was like lame practise:


And here is final score where AOC won his teammatch with impressive score even after i stoped to play to see how he can do it alone, As you can see he did it preety good. Congrats my friend:


From now on pictures where you guys own them only on my portal please, thank you :)

Wish great weekend and all best in life to all good people.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by [FGS]Chees »

I banned you once for being an idiot like I stated before and people agreed it was right to do that. Ya know what I might as well go ahead and ban you on every server I have admin on. You accuse me of it so I may as well go ahead and do it! :clout:

Edit: I would cheat with the 5 meds you accuse me of doing if i knew how. Might as well figure out how to do it if your going to accuse me of it!
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by TheWolf »

Dear Darko

All you had to do was shut the *love* up and I would let you play in the a!b servers. Really that simple. I'd rather metabolic end product in my hands and clap than play another round with you in the server.
Ingame: Sev
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