Dear Darko

The time is right for a suicide!
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by CarlRoberts1996 »

Stop trying Darko rofl. No-one cares and me and Kai have shut down every point you have.
You will behave like a jackass. That's an order you bitch! Weehee.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Its not possible to denny for what people see proofs, together with your sick insults about me, hacks (which you have in system notifications), and welcome messages against me in server + bots etc etc.

People are not stupid you know. They tolerate both of you and Kai, only because they have nowhere to play. And do not forget, when someone like me kills you Anax, and Kai, that is ban :) I was banned in 2 days 4 times. You guys said, Anax can beat me, so I came and beat you and him Both :) Well ban and freeze mode hahaha :)

Anyway, truth hurts, people saw what you guys did, same as I discovered insulters under my nick, same as I discovered abuses in MINIMTL, now I showed finally proof about your insullts in your own server. Do not worry I came to your server onyl to film proofs what <you guys do to other people.

I also have proofs how you insulted me and my mom with barks + hacking notifications and threats towards me from bot console etc etc.... Its all filmed. Spear people, if needed I will post much more.

About score abuse I have proofs too, we tested it in your fun server, so it was not only in Kai's. So dont worry there are proofs for all. I only returned to show to people who is responsible for all that shame which you guys did. What to say to guys who have Anax as their moderator. No comment.

Oh you think I do not have records when Anax and you changed my nickname with abusive words in your server based on nothing? How many times?

Its all filmed, dont worry, but those are materials for youtube, we will see how you will denny what is on video.

Anyway, good try. Truth hurts right?

Maybe I return insults to idiots, but at least I do not touch in other country or moms of other people like you doo. Buy youself a pride.

Anyway, I dont care, I just came to see last truth about some people, now I can play in peace.

See ya in game people.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by ~TheClown~ »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote: People are not stupid you know. They tolerate both of you and Kai, only because they have nowhere to play. And do not forget, when someone like me kills you Anax, and Kai, that is ban :) I was banned in 2 days 4 times. You guys said, Anax can beat me, so I came and beat you and him Both :) Well ban and freeze mode hahaha :)
i dont even know what your talking about. Only time i've banned you is for insulting us, nothing about who kills who...
Anyway, truth hurts, people saw what you guys did, same as I discovered insulters under my nick, same as I discovered abuses in MINIMTL, now I showed finally proof about your insullts in your own server. Do not worry I came to your server onyl to film proofs what <you guys do to other people.
I'll insult you right here and now, i dont care. You deserve every insult you get.
I also have proofs how you insulted me and my mom with barks + hacking notifications and threats towards me from bot console etc etc.... Its all filmed. Spear people, if needed I will post much more.
hacking notifications rofl what. do you even internet. and insulting your mother? No. Just no. We used the Barks mod, which enables a player to say "Your Mother" at a command.... no insults at all. Unless you actually do take offense at someone just saying the words Your Mother, if you do, you have bigger problems to worry about than what i do in my servers.
About score abuse I have proofs too, we tested it in your fun server, so it was not only in Kai's. So dont worry there are proofs for all. I only returned to show to people who is responsible for all that shame which you guys did. What to say to guys who have Anax as their moderator. No comment.
I'd love to see it. Because as someone who actually knows how this game engine works, i KNOW you're bullshitting.
Oh you think I do not have records when Anax and you changed my nickname with abusive words in your server based on nothing? How many times?

Its all filmed, dont worry, but those are materials for youtube, we will see how you will denny what is on video.
And we have proof to say otherwise, somehow i believe ours is more solid than yours, based on what you've posted in the past...
Maybe I return insults to idiots, but at least I do not touch in other country or moms of other people like you doo. Buy youself a pride.
Yesterday you claimed you dont insult. Make your mind up, and buy yourself a pride.


P.S. Your Mother
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by Leo »

dorka the best and you all pothetec noobs and dorka beats you easy :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: \:D/ :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu:
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Leo. You have your head so far up Darko's ass, how do you see daylight.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

Something like that maybe.. :-k

Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

it is seriously funny to look how they admit that they insulted me, used provocative barks, changed my nickname to abusive scores, they admit they can modify scores, etc etc...... But they still somehow wish to explain that it was just fine. That I deserved ban.

Hm I will say one fact, they said to FITSG, try to protect Darko or even talk to him, and we will ban you. That is fact. They banned Phantom, just because they say "he insulted us". Oh please, reality is that Phantom banned all them, because he has enough of insults. I know, I was there, and they deserved it. Do not know why I am banned too, specially because I have not played in there a lot, but ok.

Also to ban FITSG just because he respects me, its low. Its just proof how low they play. Also why I am banned on FGS? Because I attacked Cheese and Nobody , and said, NOW YOU CAN BAN me?

Why I did that? They banned me for 2 years because nothing, Dani and Anax abused my and Lucky's nickname when we played in server, and they banned me and Lucky instead of those who took our nick. We have not insulted anyone, but that has not stopped Nobody and Cheese to ban me and Lucky. At that point I was positive Cheese is my good friend. You can think how I was surprised....... On negative way. Lucky had ban 2 days before me, and I received ban 2 days later. Pathetic.

I never knew even why. So you see I told FGS TO ban me, because I deserved it. Some would say, forget it, it was before 2 years, but you see, when someone ban you for nothing........ Then you have dutty to give him real reason. Now ask them how it looked like when I really attacked them? In short I gave them very good reason.

I dont care that I am banned in 75 % of servers which are property of biggest insulters of DX community, for me its important that I play in rest of 25 % honest servers hosted by good people.

That is all what I can say.

Enjoy in game guys.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by ~TheClown~ »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:it is seriously funny to look how they admit that they insulted me, used provocative barks, changed my nickname to abusive scores, they admit they can modify scores, etc etc...... But they still somehow wish to explain that it was just fine. That I deserved ban.
You do deserve the bans, i stand by that. Yes modifying scores is fine, who seriously cares what my score is in a server where noone does any fighting? You seem to be the only one that DOES care. And if you have us for USING barks, you must HATE the person who MADE the mod right? You must HATE the voice actors for DX who recorded it. You must HATE Warren Spector for MAKING a game that has such evil dialogue. No? Just hating us for using whats already in the game? Yeah, okay.
Hm I will say one fact, they said to FITSG, try to protect Darko or even talk to him, and we will ban you. That is fact. They banned Phantom, just because they say "he insulted us". Oh please, reality is that Phantom banned all them, because he has enough of insults. I know, I was there, and they deserved it. Do not know why I am banned too, specially because I have not played in there a lot, but ok.
Fun fact, only time we banned Fits was when he started insulting us and spamming the server. Nothing to do with you. And you know why you're banned, for metabolic end product like THIS.
Also to ban FITSG just because he respects me, its low. Its just proof how low they play. Also why I am banned on FGS? Because I attacked Cheese and Nobody , and said, NOW YOU CAN BAN me?
So... you admit that you attacked TWO members of the clan, meaning insulting them, and you wonder why you're banned? Thats moronic.
Why I did that? They banned me for 2 years because nothing, Dani and Anax abused my and Lucky's nickname when we played in server, and they banned me and Lucky instead of those who took our nick. We have not insulted anyone, but that has not stopped Nobody and Cheese to ban me and Lucky. At that point I was positive Cheese is my good friend. You can think how I was surprised....... On negative way. Lucky had ban 2 days before me, and I received ban 2 days later. Pathetic.
I wasnt even there for that but I can tell for damn sure you werent banned for nothing. If you were like this two years ago, thats reason enough.
I never knew even why. So you see I told FGS TO ban me, because I deserved it. Some would say, forget it, it was before 2 years, but you see, when someone ban you for nothing........ Then you have dutty to give him real reason. Now ask them how it looked like when I really attacked them? In short I gave them very good reason.
"They banned me for nothing"
"Why am i banned on fgs"
--> "So you see I told FGS TO ban me"
thus you've disproved your own arguement about being banned for nothing. wot.
Darko logic, one hell of a drug.
I dont care that I am banned in 75 % of servers which are property of biggest insulters of DX community, for me its important that I play in rest of 25 % honest servers hosted by good people.
Or its a sign that you urine everybody off and should seriously rethink how you treat people?
That is all what I can say.
Even THATS a lie becuse i've only read TWO of the three posts you've sent in today so far.

P.S. Your Mother
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »


1. I dont respect people who abuse, steal nicknames or insult. With rest good people I am fine.

2. I am not competitive person, but I always respond on 1:1 requests, I am not scared of anyone, and I will respond if someone try to kill me or if he kill other guys who just want to play their game.

3. I dont insult, but if people touch my mother like you and your company, I will return you at some point, not towards your mother, but I will tell you that you need help, and I advice that to you and your friends.

4. After Nobody and Cheese unbanned me from FGS I came and I said one sentance to them. Which sentance, not important, and I said, now you have REAL reason to ban me. And honestly I can leave with that, why? I was permabanned 2 years for NOTHING. Now I am banned for reason, so yes, its fine by me.

For ban in your server, anax took my nickname, insulted my familly, Croatia, or changed my nickname to body organs or other things........ You never even warned him, or kicked him, or muted him, or at least took his moderator status, and corrected my name. I had to do myself. AND NOW YOU COMPLAIN WHY I RETURNED TO HIM? So when I did it, you muted me, and banned me few times? Seriously, check your logs from my last time. YOU TOOK MY NICKNAME, YES YOU, ANAX, CARLOS AND B, all of you, because that player, bot or whatever it was, was fake, you knew it, you admited, you programmed it, and then you tried to say its human...... Or B....... But fact is, it insulted me, called me imposter, insulted Croatia, hack threats..... Etc etc..... Its all visible from logs...... And you wonder why I dont play in your server please. It was never problem in me.

I have problem with abusers, insulters and provocators. With rest I am fine. And no I have no desire to play in 75 % servers hosted by insulters, cheaters, or people responsible that people left, like anax. And your server is connected to him. I dont judge you guys. I just dont want to have business with you.

People say wolves can change the skin, but not mood.

5. I dont hate barks. Barks are funny + supercool, but problem is how Carlos combines them together to insult my mother, me or other players. And because of that I left. And yes I do mind on that.

I dont judge people and I dont hate them. But I jusr do not have desire to speak or play with people like you. Change yourself. You were better person in 2014. Its not that I care, its your life, your decision.

For rest of people, see ya in game people.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by ~TheClown~ »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Facts:

1. I dont respect people who abuse, steal nicknames or insult. With rest good people I am fine.
I never did any of those things until you started disrespecting me personally. Even after that I've only insulted you, because you react to it in hilarious ways. Also lets not forget how this started. We were cool with you basically until that one day you joined the server and the first message sent was insulting our mothers n sisters.
2. I am not competitive person, but I always respond on 1:1 requests, I am not scared of anyone, and I will respond if someone try to kill me or if he kill other guys who just want to play their game.
A lie, that first part. You can't claim to be not competitive while at the same time claiming to be the best player alive.
3. I dont insult, but if people touch my mother like you and your company, I will return you at some point, not towards your mother, but I will tell you that you need help, and I advice that to you and your friends.
Refer to quote one.
For ban in your server, anax took my nickname, insulted my familly, Croatia, or changed my nickname to body organs or other things........ You never even warned him, or kicked him, or muted him, or at least took his moderator status, and corrected my name. I had to do myself. AND NOW YOU COMPLAIN WHY I RETURNED TO HIM? So when I did it, you muted me, and banned me few times? Seriously, check your logs from my last time. YOU TOOK MY NICKNAME, YES YOU, ANAX, CARLOS AND B, all of you, because that player, bot or whatever it was, was fake, you knew it, you admited, you programmed it, and then you tried to say its human...... Or B....... But fact is, it insulted me, called me imposter, insulted Croatia, hack threats..... Etc etc..... Its all visible from logs...... And you wonder why I dont play in your server please. It was never problem in me.
Fun fact, that last time. It wasnt even OUR server. It was B's own server. If you have a problem with how HIS servers run, fine, but it aint my problem.
5. I dont hate barks. Barks are funny + supercool, but problem is how Carlos combines them together to insult my mother, me or other players. And because of that I left. And yes I do mind on that.
But the problem is you take it too seriously. Its not insulting anyones mother. Hell I could take SERIOUS offence to it if I chose to, but I dont, because i know its a joke. It's not an insult to anyones real mothers, its just chaining up barks to make JC say fucked up phrases.
Your mother is a gep gun. She isnt REALLY a gep gun, its just a funny thing to hear a game character say, thats all.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by CarlRoberts1996 »

Oh my god he is still going rofl

I literally wouldn't bother trying to get through to him Kai

I just have to read a small few lines to see he's talking about the same rubbish as before which we've explained 690000 times.
You will behave like a jackass. That's an order you bitch! Weehee.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Nobody please unban Darko....SO I CAN BAN HIM AGAIN! Should keep him moaning about it for another 15 years or so. Darko ya crazy Croatian baguette :bwahaha: :clout:
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by synthetic »

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Re: Dear Darko

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

[FGS]Chees wrote:Nobody please unban Darko....SO I CAN BAN HIM AGAIN! Should keep him moaning about it for another 15 years or so. Darko ya crazy Croatian baguette :bwahaha: :clout:
I just notice, he is banned on both FGS servers. He must have been a BAD BOI 8-[
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by Kiki »

Hi guys XD
"It is always good to do good things." - Darko
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