Moving on

The time is right for a suicide!
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Re: Moving on

Post by synthetic »

And just like that -- after all we've been through? You only think about yourself and dont consider what Leonardo would have wanted.
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Re: Moving on

Post by synthetic »

Also, Darko, you make it all sound very dramatic, but tell me this: how could we constantly abuse you, if you were banned for spamming on most servers?

How could we mistreat DD when im sure it was literally just you, or maybe at most one other guy, and again, you were either banned or ran away from people killing you.

Youre an annoying prick who never even attempted to play seriously, and no amount of text is going to change that.
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Re: Moving on

Post by synthetic »

BUT! All this could change! Use different name and play quietly and show what youre made of - or play under your name and ignore others. CDX makes it rather difficult to cheat undetected compared to other modes, and has mute so you can pwn people in peace :-)

Only you are the author of your reputation my man. Use DXSL if you want to see active games.
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Re: Moving on

Post by synthetic »

Today could be the day that boy becomes a man
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Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Smell The Glove
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Re: Moving on

Post by synthetic »

RodNeySaLaMi wrote:PP
Pretty sick kills tbh

And you Darko who you are peeking there hoping that I'll go away, listen this: harassing everyone in the server is abuse and you are only known for that and for no other feat. That is abuse. If you have a problem with a player, contact admin, but you had problem with anyone who killed you, and made game unpleasant for anyone not involved while at it. And this is only the game side of it, your roleplay here on forums with imaginary events is cool and all, but if it comes at the expense of other people, then that again can be considered abuse. That you find everyone to be abusive towards you is likely just projection and karma both. Stop talking metabolic end product, start playing, problems go away. That simple.

And FGS has kept you unbanned here for 6 years too long, you should be grateful they let you post this crap instead of accusing them. I wouldve banned you in 2014 and kept it that way.

I prefer not having to pay attention to what you post or say, but if you really need me to, I can walk you through the process of selecting proper screenshots, dealing with cheating suspicions, good sportsmanship, and so on and forth. It is clear you need my help with all of these things and more. We can start by what to say in game if someone kills you: if you want to be super nice or found the shot very impressive you can say GS, otherwise don't say anything. If you get killed several times in a row, you need to focus on technique or consider change of strategy. Etc. I'll help you with these things, one by one. Next lesson will be a discourse on the purpose and appropriate use of spectate function.
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Re: Moving on

Post by synthetic »

Okay Darko, I apologize for being mean to you, on the account that you probably have medical reasons you haven't disclosed with the community. That doesn't really justify internet harassment anyway, but it's kinda the tradition here and old habits die hard. Clearly you have some sort of problem grasping where you are and what is happening around you, and I genuinely don't know how one is supposed to handle it. I stand firmly by that if someone spams in server he needs to go, so you deserved that for spam. Lying on the forums though is.. slander, I guess? Another facet of internet harassment, but since you actually seem to believe those things happened, it is again hard to get a handle on this. How can I give you special treatment you need if you are telling shameful lies about people around you? That is really perplexing. And I guess in all honesty also the sole reason why others have apologized to you before. You don't deserve this, but you also probably need to be somewhere else. I don't really know what else to say. You will still keep posting that weird crap about things that never happened, and life goes on as usual, but the real problem here is the mistreatment you suffer as a result of it, if not from me then someone else. I am very hard trying to relate to you, if out of pure curiosity, but.. man. There is absolutely no angle to get at you either as you simply reside in another dimension, and only way I can get you to react is by challenging your story in a way you cannot outspam. You don't respond to reason, you dont really respond to any emotional triggers, the only moment you react is when your story is challenged. You have imaginary clanmates, imaginary events and imaginary friends I suppose, and you come here to share those stories with us, but autistic fucks like me come and flame you for things that never happened. I guess I am not that much better than you, as I take advantage of your fantasies just so I can write all kinds of many metabolic end product. Pot and kettle ;-)

If you absolutely need to role-play out DXMP events, can you perhaps be persuaded to use fictional names as well? While lot of people might still be confused about your proclaimed status, at least nobody will be personally touched by it.

Or if you want to show your skill, come duel, with no additional taunting and stress from me. Show me how you owned me in good old days.
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Re: Moving on

Post by synthetic »

But lets try to simulate how your brain works. Emphasis on try. Take note that I am not trying to directly insult you, but rather describe events as they have unfolded.

So you afk kill one of my friends, and brain goes "omfg be still my shaking fingers I need to get this sshot, finally they see the king". And at some point this one afk kill gets multiplied by 100 in the memory, maybe as it is trying to re-live that one-off occurrence time and time again.

But then it all changes, suddenly and without a warning, you get shot in the head and you die. How? How could that be? It is you that we are talking about. "A cheater", your brain replies. As a noob of course all this is much more pure reaction and example here, later on you learn more about engine vulnerabilities so your initial reaction just picks up necessary evidence as according to how all biases work. But okay, everyone else has clans, but what clan could both simultaneously hold an FPS shooter giant such as yourself, as well as keenly guard your most secret and private teachings of Da Wae? Simple, you make your own clan, of course. But now you face much similar problem: how to find worthy members who both come close to matching your unbelievable skill level as well as are capable of protecting the wae? Maybe you get lucky and find someone even younger who is from your region or relatable enough, but much easier is just to take your own image - and as you did with your frag from the start of this story - multiply it in your mind again and again, gaining new copies of your magnificence, new actually worthy members.

Now you have achieved the pinnacle of domination, are completely surrounded by cheaters, but have a formidable crew to protect da wae. But it is kind of boring to keep your glory all to yourself, so you need to share it somewhere of course - every person wants to do that. And as you have seen so many do, you come to forums, prepared to deal with any trolls and flamers, and confidently share your adventures with others. But sometimes, sometimes there is this one *metabolic end product way out* who gets close to endangering da wae, and you need to temporarily pull back. Rest my friend, talk to your clanmates and come back even stronger.
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Hahaha, wow, and which game exactly that would be where you would "try" i quote try, because I have not seen you to be competitive in 9 years I play so far? In 2013, you took my clan nicknames and hidden around with Dani, Psycho, Fear, Solid and Machete. But, difference is that they at least lost like a man, (here and then).

I would not return here, but you know if filming how you loose in front of all, would make you silend, same as rest of people before you, fine, lets do it. And what now? Who will pull back :)))) Which game? Please? Apex, CS:GO? You said DX is broken, so I guess you will not accept any sniping map against me cause I know you suck since ever with sniper.

But instead to let you bark, I see you told I pull back? Wow, nice troll. I have better deal? What country you are?

1. Lets do it in REALITY. Yes you heard me right, what country you are? I see you are very insecure and frustrated person, with some lines broken inside, so maybe few loses would put you to the ground.
We will play any game you want from those I play, default setup (that can be setup inside of the game), I will bring someone to film you and me and stream it directly to internet any my channels. I do not joke, I seriously want to meet you guys. ALL OF YOU.
Machete, Dani, Sinthetic, Psycho, Solid, Anax & Fear. Now also Reclaimer. Tjose people I want so see together with you. You ALL are welcome to play against me in reality individually. I seriously have HUGE desire, to see those skills of you. Seriously man. So seriously I will even stream your loss.

2. My clan was created together with many people, back then young people and kids. Reason, they asked me to make website, and they had no knowledge. Then we had to pick marks, and name DD is randoom, my desire was that everyone writes letters inside. They refused so stayed DD. We had over 1000 people in visits in first week, and 4 moderators. One was budder, one B-Dawg, one me, and maybe one more, not sure.

3. Our first win is online. We were not beaten by anyone, since noone anyway made clan wars with us.

4. Me and B-Dawg in 7 matches against Dani and Fear, beaten them in 5 matches.

5. After that went downhill cause B-Dwag told me that Dani and Anax blackmailing him to leave society because they will bully him, and make him banned by whole society as I was.

6. I was banned by 75 % of servers because 6-7 of you took my name. Based on Karky's logs those were: Anax, Dani, Machete, Sinthetic, Solid, Psycho, and you, sometimes Fear. How she knew? You guys were so stupid so that you came same day back into server after your normal nicknames, and when I owned you guys, you guys changed nicknames. Problem was you guys were never smart, and you should know Karky would ban you all. She had zero tolerance policy.

Also Karky and Hey, were first 2, who prooved that I am not person who humiliates people. Hey also removed Anax's moderation over server for while, because he saw he kicked me based on nothing. Cheese lost moderation as admin over FGS forum, because he breached admin, just to kill me, since they lost (same as Anax).

P, aka person you all know very wellfrom Slovenia, who made Humans vs Creatures mode, prooved to people also it was not me who made problems to other people. So in fact you guys were banned FROM MANY SERVERS once they catched you.

What you guys then did? You guys tried to trash fun servers after Karky, P, and Hey, banned some of you ! =D> =D>

You guys planned it well, till I was unbanned again from all servers, and you guys banned. Problem is that you guys lick some asses so you got unbanned and supported over and over, and stealing nicknames went too far.

Leonardo told me he received insults on FB? Wow, what for a heroes, you guys bullied little kid back then. Wow.

So you see my website despite me inside has a lot of views, its not important many left society because you guys bullied it. But that one person with nickname <-(DD)->Darko, is kicking your filthy ass as long as 9 years in row.

Your problem is you have to live with that.

And those claims about my imagination, wow, sure, 30-40 pictures here shows how big imagination I have :) Where are your videos and pictures clown? I call you clown, cause you are one.

You want to be hero, talking behind my back I left? You think I leaving this forum because of you? Man, if I want I would make you nutts. But I have no desire to be here. And youre not worth.

Ex cheater, who sucked and cried here, cause Phantom was just better than you with crap you used. You cried here over Phantom, all the time, with your company. Now you claim that metabolic end product, as legit. PLease crybaby.

Onyl who running is you. You claiming here some 1:! matches?

IN FRONT OF ALL I INVITE: Machete, Psycho, Dani, Anax, Cheese, Fear, Sinthetic, Solid and Reclaimer to REAL LIFE tournament, where we will really see WHO IS WHO, and who has real skills.
Also my reward if someone beating me, is still there. I have for years still same reward. So you have one more motivation. You want money? First try to beat me in reality.

What do you say about that 1:1? Lets do it? Germany, Austria? Croatia? Lets do it. I think Germany should be in the middle for all. I am in.

Troll now. Lets see if you dare, you know where is my website. I see a lot of barking, I didnt see for 9 years, SINGLE invite in real life gaming tournament.

Till then you know what my nicknames in the, game. Be polite say who you are, and lose. Oh pardon me, you cant be polite, and youre to scared to say who you are, cause same as in case of Reclaimer, God forbid that someone see how you lost. Or how you hit barelly opponent 3 times in 5 minutes :) Lol :bwahaha: #-o
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

This will be interesting.

1. Guy who admitted on this same forum about using cheats, calling me about dignity.

2. Guy who insulted girls and kids with my nickname before he received ban on his own based on his location, lying that I did such things? Lol :)

There was 7 people involved in this. I have huge desire to have tournament with all 7 of them + Cheese (who manipulated my ban in FGS, despite he knew thosew were Dani and Anax) + Reclaimer. Seriously man, 8-9 of you are something what is needed.

All 9 of you barked and called me every single year as nab. So lets see how many of you will actually be able to beat that "nab" in reality. Why to hide?

In case of DX:

1. Match with open frags where all individual, most frags win.
2. Everyone against everyone. Default original setup 60fps, no binds, default setup, with supervisor on each side. Lets see what player would smash others.

I already know there is none who will be even close to me in 60 fps and no binds. Even in 2017 when I joined I was after Phantom , and rest of the players had raised fps + binds. I was only not to have it.

This will be interesting. I am totally on. Lets see how much WINGS you will have now, lets see who is REALLY SCARED.

I am playing all games since I know for myself, I am now on 75 % of what I can be, but for that tournament I would be on the level of 2013. Dont doubt about that for a second.

Hope I will see you around in DX more. Dont be scared to check servers more. It seems you dont check them good enough.
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

See you around people :wave:
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

No point to discuss further, told all I had. Also tired of waiting so that people who provocate can write more excuses and lies.
Who wants to prove something there is my website, my offer stands for tournament.
I told all I needed, for rest is my website, so all my pals from games are welcome to come if they have desire.

All best :wave:
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Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

All this for 9 subs who prolly us subbed for the lols
Smell The Glove
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Re: Moving on

Post by FITSG »

the war continues... :)

all nubs r invited to take part in once in a lifetime tournament where I chew some bubble gum n kick ass, you will be well rewarded - any and all nubz welcome to join in, get free lessons in how to lose to me (lol).
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Re: Moving on

Post by FITSG »

RodNeySaLaMi wrote:All this for 9 subs who prolly us subbed for the lols
wats goin on rodney, how you coping with life these days...?, what's happening with dxmp? still ticking.