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777 disappearance.

It's over 5000!
It's over 5000!
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Posts: 6970
 28 Feb 2006, 21:07

777 disappearance. - Postby ShadowRunner » 16 Mar 2014, 17:25

The airplane went to 45,000 and there were no mobile phone calls at all, so it suggests that someone depressurized the plane and the passengers died very quickly from lack of oxygen and that it happened exactly as one pilot left the cabin or opened the cabin door, when they finished climbing from KL.

The black box has only 21 days left, so I doubt they will find it, unless they can figure how long it actually flew for.

I think everyone is assuming it is the pilot, but we don't know anything yet. If the pilot wanted kamikaze, he didn't need to switch off systems, change altitude, change heading etc. None of the explanations fully make sense yet, but it does seem likely between India, Antarctica and Australia somewhere under the water.


Posts: 144
 19 Jan 2013, 21:04

Re: 777 disappearance. - Postby Alvind » 16 Mar 2014, 23:35

I assume your talking about the mayalasian plane?

My theory is it was plain and simply hijacked by terrorists. 239 hostages and a big plane to cause damage with puts them in a very strong position IF they can remain hidden. Give it time they will come forward with demands etc.


Posts: 85
 07 Dec 2011, 07:02

Re: 777 disappearance. - Postby bamz0rz » 17 Mar 2014, 03:43

maybe terrorists...i dunno, its strange that govs can't figure this out, so that's why i'm learning to some sort of covert gov. action rather than terrorism. i'd like to know who was on that plane


Posts: 144
 19 Jan 2013, 21:04

Re: 777 disappearance. - Postby Alvind » 17 Mar 2014, 11:57

A plane that size needs a runway of at least 2.7km. In Cambodia/Vietnam there are countless of unused runways left by the Americans from the Vietnam war.

It's over 5000!
It's over 5000!
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Posts: 6970
 28 Feb 2006, 21:07

Re: 777 disappearance. - Postby ShadowRunner » 17 Mar 2014, 20:41

bamz0rz wrote:its strange that govs can't figure this out

One or more countries may have figured it out and are keeping quiet. The sources of information might need protecting, whether that be military hardware or human assets in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or I think the plane has come down where there is no military radar and I think it's less likely to have flown to the Asian continent.

The news it descended to 5000 feet is significant because it affects fuel, meaning it's probably not Australia, anywhere North of the Himalayas, Kyrgyztan etc. There seems to have been an effort to avoid Vietnamese and Chinese airspace and head away from Cambodia too. This probably leaves only the Indian Ocean, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Bhutan within range.

The lack of any contact from 239 people, pirates or terrorists is depressing though and probably if we don't find the plane before the black box is found, the pilot is going to get the blame, because he communicated "all right" after devices were turned off.

They can analyze the voice comms and his flight simulator records and other clues, so after more than a week, the whole is definitely a bit fishy, that they are still undecided on the pilot.

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