CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

Alright, Darko..
1. People who know me, know that I hate long posts! I can't believe that I read approx 70-80% of it nevertheless.
2. After having read all your posts, I wouldn't have given a reaction on it, if RP-G-eorge wouldn't have pleased me to do so.
3. After having read all that, I actually estimate the root problem on your end, because consider the following..
     .. if someone has trouble with everyone, it's unlikely that everyone else are the trouble makers.When you come to realize that, you're on the right path.
4. As RP-G-eorge pointed out.. you're making accusation yourself, without any proof, also your tendency to glorify yourself is.. immature to be honest
    .. stop comparing yourself with people while making them look bad, everybody has a value in his/her own way, including yourself.
5. First you want to get unbanned, then you don't want to visit altfire anymore anyway.. if you don't go there anymore, unbanning you seems to be a waste of time for me.. isn't it? :-k

You are right, he could have been banned abusively.
However that is not the case, because as he said himself, he got banned while he was not on the server.
That cannot be done abusively within the game. Sure, somebody could have broken into my server and added his IP manually.
However that is not the case, because I figured out that IP ranges myself and banned them afterwards.. beyond the running game.
It's right, I cannot show immediate proof of why I did it, but if I do something like that on purpose, I do have a solid reason.
Also, it's not possible that I accidently banned him because I didn't look for his name but for the IP that was causing trouble.
You were also right with my response time and the vendetta he feels to get from server hosters.
First, I was very busy at my new work, since I'm still at trial time, so I couldn't response earlier.
Second, since I just vaguely know Darko due to my own absence within DXMP, I do not have some personal issue running against him.
However, his posts on this topic have the potential to perform that, though.

So, enough said.. I've exceeded my average word count for this month already by far.
I'll take a look at the issue when there's time over within the next days.


Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Whiplash »

Lol, I came into this thread expecting something bananas :roll:

I'm kinda hesitant to wade into this kind of stuff, because I risk getting "political" here, also because of the extremely limited time I've committed to DX recently.

But I feel that I have something to say here. Darko, I am sorry but I cannot get behind your request for an unban. The reason is simple. Politics follows this particular individual everywhere. It's been my memory that whenver I'm in a game and Darko is there, it's always a flame fest of politics and stuff. I'm not 100% sure whether this is someone faking his name or something, but the kind of stuff I read here complaining about Dani and so on is the kind of stuff I've read in game in the past. I don't know if these allegations are true, but it is the kind of stuff that I would be reading when Darko is in a game.

This may be presumptious of me to speak for the majority of players, but here goes. WE DON'T REALLY CARE.

If people are faking your name, by all means report it to the administrators. Not been following but I'm fairly sure that the FGS admins would deal with name-fakers same as any other fr00b. But you have to understand that the average player doesn't want to read lots and lots of moaning and complaining in-game about other players. it just turns people off and distracts from an otherwise enjoyable game.

As it stands, the only way I could get behind an unban for darko was if he agreed to alias as a "player" and not to use the "say" and to a lesser extent "TeamSay" commands. At all.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by ShadowRunner »

Making any sense of this is hard because I think several people use that name to be honest.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue


This is the biggest pile of retarded cocksplash I've read in a long time.

Also, go *love* yourself
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

OMG, SPAZ U WHORE, LOL.. that's your first post in about two years, What have u been up to?? :D
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by synthetic »

This amount of discussion in this thread is possibly only because lot of the people apparently don't play the game actively, otherwise it wouldn't be a discussion.

Darko is one of the most annoying noobs to visit DXMP community in years, I'd say worst since SovetGunPoint and DOGNY. Those who know these two names understand what I mean.
  • While clearly being a beginner he spends full maplengths in spectator explaining how he is best player in the game, and how he has demorecordings of beating everybody.
  • If you kill him you are cheater, if you kill him twice you are going to be banned from game, if you kill him thrice then he will spectate and explain how many demorecs he will upload to planet deus ex in order to ban you from the game.
  • He used speedhack before miniMTL firefix. If you read the above, you see the irony.
  • He has his own clan with alternate personas that he uses as necessary, generally claiming that Darko retired from game after beating everybody. If he gets good score he puts real name on and apparently never retired.
  • In addition to uploading demorecs to Planet Deus Ex, he will also write to Romero if you don't play nice and happen to kill him or otherwise respond to his clownlike existence.

While other players ie Fear or Chees constantly accuse other players of cheating if they get bad score, Darko is extra class and you have to play against him to experience it yourself.

Also, I use his name now and then in servers that haven't banned him. Usually for playing and repeating his typical lines for fun. At this rate our friend Darko here will be a reputable auger :)
I think Dogny or HDD21 or whatever is using his name as well, probably for the famous spamwall.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by TheWolf »

Ahh classic DXMP drama lol
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Mastakilla »

synthetic wrote:While other players ie Fear or Chees constantly accuse other players of cheating if they get bad score, Darko is extra class and you have to play against him to experience it yourself.
That's a great idea to write that on these forums, surely no argument will come from this! ;-)
Bit unnecessary to mention it meight.

I had to google unnecessary to make sure I spelt it right, what a fucked up word that is.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Since I have not been here for some time I want to say thanks to people which named my topic "so nice".

First I will try to make people which lie about me quiet. As I said here is proof what other people do with my nick, same happened in Karky's, in Cagematch and in USA servers, but since there are admins which I really respect, they banned fake Darko's there, and there are no prbolems anymore. Here is proof of fake Darko for other admin owners:

About Hey: Look this paradox why he banned me: His words: "Darko you're banned because of the constant all-chatting about metabolic end product", and later he said that he will not ban Sinthetic and other people when they do this: "We're not going to ban them for metabolic end product talking you". Can you please explain that to me?
If I understand right: Sinthetic started to insult me about no-game stuff, and he is not banned, but when I return on nice way, I am banned because he started to insult me for no reason, and I am then kicked for metabolic end product, and not he? Lol Hey youre the legend, bravo!!!! Nothing more to comment here.
More about Hey: Since I do not come anymore in his server first some dude came to ZxC where I played with my friends, he started to insult me, even trough I ignored his insults, and when I started to kill him, and my friends said to him that he sucks, he said to me that is reason that I am banned? What is reason that I am banned? Because my friends defend me when he insult me? Because I can beat him?
That Is not all. After that Hey came to USA zero augs where I played really strong game with one of my friends which I have not seen for long time, some games he won, some I won. Hey joined to his team, and since I had ping 200 it was impossible co compare, so Hey laughed at me because I could not kill him easy because I am too slow with no binds (but real problem is that person which plaed with Hey was just too strong, and I just could not keep up against 2 very good players. Then I said to Hey: Since you are arogant please lets go to play in Machete, and he accepted that: First he refused to play 1:1 on sniperbox, and other people joined, so there was no point to play, then his friends which insulted me voted 2 games in row dark maps, and after that we played again sniperbox.
Hey said to me:: Darko play now: And I did, we were short on players while Hey camped in spawnpoint, and he still had lower score, how his friends joined to help him, 2 of my friends (and some pro player which did not introduced to me, sai: You will see how they will ragequit now, and they did. When all of Heys friends left, all others came to spectate, and that pro player has put spectate mode, so that me and Hey were only 2 players 1:1, after that Hey ragequited very soonwhen he was owned, and after that same pro player said: "I told you so", now i go to own them in augs server. So that is how ended match against me and Hey. And I am that one which insults? Many people can confirm my words.

About Sinthetic: You are loud English kid which use abuses. Since your clan insulted me and my friends, I started to train hard, for weeks and for months in Karky's server, in UrbanTerror, and trust me Sinthetic, I never hide, I never spectate, and i never ragequit. I never left deus ex, I only left servers where I was banned because of you and your friends. Sinthetic I cam to Heys, and I said to you, If I am noob, please come to play on Usa server, or in Machete 1:1? What you said please? That you will not go? Adn why? Cause you know how will end that. Remember my words Sinthetic, any mode, any time, any map, me and you, just say it. You or anyone else, I am not scared.
I do not play augments? That is not correct, I am very strong with infinite bioenergy, only problem is that I must change to many augs before I play servers with limited bioenergy and limited number of augs. And that is only reason why I do not play that so much. Why you hate me Sinthetic? Cause I beaten you on zero augs in clan war beetwen Void and Hivemind, actually me and Sev beaten you, Fear, Dani, Psycho and one more person together (last person I will not name because of respect). Also kid which I trained - Leonardo, which has now something about 12 years, beaten you and few more people alone on 2 maps. Even I have many proofs where you lost a lot. I understand that you are frustrated. Proofs? I think there is no person which do not know about abuses in Hivemind server, George even linked confesions of Dani where he admits that :)

Short after I returned in Deus ex after few weeks of not playing, I saw Leonardo and we played together. Then came Dani and he teased Leonardo :) Then I said stop it Dani, or I will join against you. He said come and join. I did, and he killed me 3-4 times in row, and he wrote stupidity like, you suck, to easy, sit and similar :) I only laughed, and then i killed 1 time, 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, 5 times + in row hahhaa and then he started with cheater and similar excuses when he starting to lose and to insult. If there was not one more person Dani's shame would be even bigger. Then me and Leonardo started to play on another map. Do I need to say more?

About Nobody: I respect that you took your time, but If you do not want to believe me that is not my problem. What should I do? You really do not think that I will came here to have discussions where people like Sinthetic insult me for no reason? Besides, please look his post, full of anger and insults. Do you really think that I am THE ONE which is problem. I gave you proofs, you only need to check your time and to see logs. Yolu said that you banned me with reason? Nobody, that is just not correct. I played in your server often alone, and noone insulted me, when i returned I had no access. Sorry I cant say to you more. Problems happened when they insulted Lucky, and someone kicked Lucky and not those 2 who took my and his nick. Only what I can say is that Cheese was there and he saw that all.

About Whiplash: Well how much you do not care that someone took my nick and insult me, so much I do not care that you must read such reports on forum. Because if banned those which deserved to be banned when they took my nick nothing of that will happen, but no you banned me. As I said I do not care what you think. I respect you, I know you very good, but you must understand, most of them played long time against me, and they know act very well. Do you know that few of them do same to Karky? And Munij? I know that Solid took Karky's nick, and one more guy? So what you will say now? That Karky is also problematic? Please dude, if you know real Munij and real Karky, then you will know what good people are. It is not our problem if someone can act very good. YOu just need to watch very good and catch them into lies. I am Croatian, so it is not obvious that they can not speak Croatian? For example when they act as Darko they say: I am Horvat, and that is nor correct lol :) I will not say what is correct cause I know that they read, but just watch them more, try to catch them into lies, and you will see who is real problem. I kno that you can not believe that so much people hate me, but that is correct. On Deus Ex if you are stronger than abusers, you will have many enemies. I am proof of that.

About ShadowRunner: Thank you for that, but all people who know me knows that I do not love to insult, that I never hide, and that I am not scared to fight, and lose or win. But I am happy that you are realistic and that you saw that something is not normal, and that there is more Darko's. It is stupid to name them all, cause I am sure that half of hivemind used my nick on this or another insulting way when they insulted my friends and family also.

About my community: My community is not clan, that is place where all people can post their successes, where all people can use forum, and write about games. I created that only for young kids, and for people like B Dawg which wanted to have their own place, and website. Problem is that I am not so active anymore, I have around 20-40 wins, games, to post, but I have no time to so right now. In first month we have over around 1200 visits, what is impressive for new site! We had many friends on site, and about inactive site or clan I will not waste my time. When I will have time, I will try to activate gaming portal again, for now I have no time, and moderators are for now on stand by mode, what does not mean that we do not play or do not communicate.

One more time, I am not inactive, I always play Deus Ex, I do not hide, I always have my nickname, and all those who have anything against me, 1:1 anytime anywhere, I never ragequit, I never insult, and i never run. Remember that Sinthetic and company. I do not know with who you played, but trust me, you can try, and you can fail. Ps: I do not attack others, they attack me, so I came here to show proofs, and to put their nicknames in public.

For other people which respect me I will be always happy to play with you all. I will not waste my time on stupid arguments. I know what real truth is, and that is only that counts. Enjoy in day.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by synthetic »

Mastakilla wrote:That's a great idea to write that on these forums, surely no argument will come from this! ;-)
Bit unnecessary to mention it meight.

I had to google unnecessary to make sure I spelt it right, what a fucked up word that is.
You're right, of course, but so am I :-D Doesn't really matter either way, wanted to pop in the thread because some of the discussion here was funny, from active players point of view.

I've seen this guy somewhere around 2-3 years in beginner servers and later in main 0a servers, where he pretty much pissed off every single experienced player, and not with his gaming skills. It's gotten to a point where I'd consider interaction with this guy a form of online shock tourism, and those that haven't played him yet are missing out.

I created that only for young kids,
Read within *his* context. He speaks the truth, and I've seen what he tells and writes to his young kids. Phantom #2 basically, but with a lower IQ.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Mastakilla »

Ken, I believe he called you an angry english child, lulz
You are loud English kid which use abuses.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by synthetic »

Well, he was supposed to upload demorecs of my "abuses" to planet deus ex, but I am still yet to see any of his proof :S

If you kill him in-game you will effectively become croatia's public enemy number 1, for whatever that is worth.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Let me make this clear little arogant English kid.
I beaten before you Sidewinder, I beaten Psycho, I beaten Fear (even trough he said he is best, and that he will never lose, until he lost in front of Blade, Sidewinder, Phantom and many other people. Map was Zan-Gogh on THC server. Blade said Darko prove to us that you can beat them. First Dani failed, and after that failed Fear). So trust me Sinthetic I beaten even you. Your nick was -21 smething like that, do not remember what was in front, but you always said "man down". And yes I beaten you. I though that is Sidewinder, but later I heard that was you. So what I need to proof?

That was before few months, after that I practiced on Urban Terror, ultra fast game, when I returned to Deus Ex i though I will suck, but no, my sniper skills were even better. Even trough I am little rusty, trust me, I am better than in those days when I beaten you and your Hivemind friends, so before you call me noob, tell to people which day, which map we will play, cause I am ready to beat you. So stop insult people.

I said before many months, If you beat me in reality, on random computers on webcaffe, with no binds, no setup changes, with one person behind you which will monitor your possible changes in console, you will receive 1000 euro. But guess what. Even abuses will not help you, and that is reason why you insult, cause I beaten you before, and I can do it easy again. i did that to all your friends.

I do not wish that people think, that I am arogant person. Best of best. I will never say that. I enjoy in game, but when it came to arogant kids like you, then prepare to be owned, cause I will be always there, to beat arogant kids like you and Dani. Sinthetic. And remember word Croatia, there is person which kicked your ass. And I am ready to do that again and again, just as with Fear, and Dani. And when you look for proofs about your looses, please look more on my site :)

Ps: You think you are something special? Have you saw how Josh play? Dude is excellent. Have you saw how Phantom play? Have you saw Nobody? NoName? Have you saw Heather? There is 2 more girls which can kick your ass very easy trust me. I saw how that girl beat Phantom and Mango together on CMD map. Haw you saw Leon? Poppy? Politra which is very very strong on Wunderland, and many many other people. Some are legends which I meet last few weeks. SOme call me newbie, but noone call me noob, cause I say to them, if you wish to insult me, first you will play with me. And there stops all. Cause noone play against me 1:1.

Only person which beaten me after I came after few weeks on Deus Ex was Josh from America. I have not lost for maybe 1 full month, but he beaten me on map which I love a lot, sniperbox. Games with him are epic. He is modest person. And I respect legends like Duke, like ChickenSalsa (Bajas), Josh, and few others, and know why? Cause I watched them when I was newbie and they did not called me noob. Look more at them. I never call noob new people, as you call them. And you know why? Cause I am not afraid to train new kids like Liquid or Leonardo. They are future of this game. If you think you are strong then train new kids. Or you are afraid to lose? You see I am not afraid cause I do not care if I lose or if I win.

When you insult people first prove your skills, and after that talk stupidity. YOu are just like some of your friends which insulted me and called me noob (Fear, Sinthetic, Dani, Psycho, BadSanta - selfdeclared best 5 lol), but you all have something together, all 5 of you lost against me. So how you can be better when noob beaten you? Am I noob? Well prove it. As I said I am not scared. You can make clan war, 1:1 war. I am here, I will not run anywhere.

Respect to all good people. and for those which do not like me, just awoid me. Enjoy in day/night.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Hey »

Please post more of these quality posts Darko.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by synthetic »

Well.. I guess your post speaks for itself , lol.