CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

The time is right for a suicide!
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Hey »

The screenshots have been posted, Darko has been sent back to the fun servers.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Last edited by <-(DD)->Darko on 20 Aug 2014, 17:30, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by machete »




More Darko duels from today. :mofu:
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Hahahaha this is just too funny to be truth hahahaha.

First of all Dani boy and Hey, you both together can not beat me in Sniperbox, that is first. I know cause I beaten you both before I received ban :) As I said I played machete last time when I was not banned and when you Dani played with 4 people against me alone, and I still beaten you guys. You laughed because I started with score 2:7 but when I had positive score and when you saw that I own you, that your score is negative and that your team will lose against me alone, you run away without any notice and your team lost :) So much about machete server :)

About ZxC server I can only say that my ping is not over 300 :) When I played with my friends my ping was 270 - 280 so I will not bother with such things, cause I know that that dude which steal my nick with ping 120 preety much do that on other servers :) So let me guess again filmed fake loses haha?

If I play I mostly play on ZxC only full augments fun server. On zero augs ZxC I go only when my friends come and say that they wish to train, or on american zero augs. I also use to play on Cozmo map server. That is all last weeks. I was on Deus Ex game maybe 2 hours last few weeks so I will not comment stupidity. It is very well known where I play and where people can find me, and for sure that is not machete, FGS wunderland, kldjerz server and Hey augs server, where are people for which I feel sorry.

I guess some people do not know to lose so they film fake movies to bring their little ego up. Nothing strange for abusers and weak children like Dani and Hey lol :) Besides I see on pictures Solid. Ahahhaa do not know in which server was filmed that but I NEVER BUT never play and go to server where are people like him, Dani, Hey or Phantom. Why? They are all same. They get ass kicked, and then they are moaning whole day. I did not forget how Dani and B-Dawg with whole A-TO insulted Karky, I have not forgot how they stealed my, Munij's and Karky's nick. I think that say's all. I am to proud to play with such people. Let me guess this way, I beaten Dani, I beaten Phantom, I beaten Hey, well I beaten all which invited me on 1:1. And trust me after that I have no desire to go in such server, to such people. For me most of you are cheap abusers anyway.

I have great oppinion about 10 - 15 people and with them I play always on servers where I still come. I will not name their nicnames cause I know those retards will steal their names, so no point to name my friends.

When I see this stupidity (and specially in servers where I am banned, and when I shamed Dani badly together with Hey) I can only laugh so hard that I can fall from my chair :)

As I always said. Abusers are people which will lie and insult most, and if you beat them, they will force your ban or play with your nick and lie about you,

I know that Dani and Hey are kids which can not sleep cause I shamed and beaten them in front of all, but that is part of bussines. It is nice come from work and to read such stupidity which can make you laugh even before you step into Deus Ex yet :) But I will try to find time today around 18 hours (half hour from now). Because some of us need to work and to relax.

Now when I laughed enough I can only say my day is better :)
All best to good people.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by DaniSaggenza »

First of all Dani boy and Hey, you both together can not beat me in Sniperbox,
When I played with my friends my ping was 270 - 280
You've no friends.
If I play I mostly play on ZxC only full augments fun server
Ahahhaa do not know in which server was filmed that but I NEVER BUT never
eh... what? :S
I have great oppinion about 10 - 15 people
Are all of them <-(DD)-> members?
Now when I laughed enough I can only say my day is better
You make our day better with your golden-quality posts, keep it up man!

Anyways... what to say about a dude who has to edit a "Haha" 3 times :-D

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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Mastakilla »

DaniSaggenza wrote:Anyways... what to say about a dude who has to edit a "Haha" 3 times :-D

:-D my new signature, cheers
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

AS I SAID I came from work at 17 hours, and those pictures are fake pictures cause they all were posted before I came here, together with people which used my nick and they filmed fake pictures

SINCE I SAW that they lie about me and posting fake pictures and proofs I decided to join MACHETE LAST TIME and beat them all. Guess what, even trough I have not played for few weeks zero augs I smashed them preety easy and I will post that very soon. I WILL ALSO PROVE that those pictures were fake and that my ping in those servers do not macth to fake Darko pings from those pictures. Since I have posting problems (I just can not attach pictures here) I will attach pictures later on internet, and then I will link them.

I WILL PROVE TO PEOPLE that Dani Saggenzza is weak noob which not only that can not beat me, he also ragequits when he lose, and on 2 maps he was also in negative score hahahhaa :) After I saw that they posting here fake Darko's and fake pictures, I decided to play last time under ALIAS in their own server AND SMASH THEM ONE MORE TIME.

THAT WAS THE LAST TIME that I must join to prove my skills, and very soon I will post that here. Now we will see how Dani boy will be shamed. As I said he can beat with abuses maybe newbies but against me he is only one little looser which can put that abuses in his weak ass CAUSE I AM TOO STRONG for him and his friends.

FROM MY PICTURES you will see that I was undefeated whole 2 hours in their server, and noone could beat me haha. It was hilarious, they insult fake Darko, they even created Darko's box, but only problem was that they did not know that REAL DARKO owned them all in there :) They laughed, and now all will laugh on them.

Ps: I saw now true face or some people. Christos I feel sorry for you, same as for Duke. I always said Duke is my rolemodel, but now I am shamed that such person was my rolemodel when I was newbie. I can not believe that Duke could believe that those noobs can beat me. It is shame that 2 people which I respected believe to such noobs and insulted me behind my back, specially cause both of them saw 100 times how I smash other people like Dani, and DANI itself. You know what is funny? Duke was also there, and he lost against me, machete also :) BUT ALL THAT WILL BE ON PICTURES.

They will find out soon who I was. THERE IS ONLY ONE DARKO, and noone of those noobs can match with me. Pictures will be posted when I find time. Reason why I modify my posts is one: I write too fast so I make too many mistakes. But that is not important, only what is important is this: Now we will see who will laugh. :)
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »


Hello FGS Clan lovers and people, here are my proofs that Dani, Hey, Anax and all involved in huge lies about me are pure loosers which lie for their own ego, but they did not know that I will join to Machete server last time ever even trough I am banned (I had no desire to do that, but I saw fake pictures about me so i decided to smash them once for all times).

MY ALIAS WAS: SRETNIK -> that means lucky man, I played in front of their nose and they could not beat me :)

FROM THOSE PICTURES you will see that I do not have ping 50, not 40, not 120 as on those pictures, I have exactly 75-85 ping on Machete, and not 100 or 120 as on their pictures, and I do not have 300 ping on ZxC as you can see from their picture, my ping Is exactly from around 250-280, and you will see that from this picture.
Here is proof of my ping from ZXC zero augs server, you will see that is way lower than from person from their picture: MY PING ON ZXC ZERO AUGS SERVER

PICTURE OF FIRST WIN: After I saw problems on this forum, after I came from work I decided to take a brake for a 30-20 minutes, then I took my alias SRETNIK (so that I can play in peace). As you will see from picture my ping is 86. You can see also from picture after the match that they talk about fake posting on forum but they did not know that REAL DARKO owning them RIGHT NOW RIGHT THERE. In my team was one more person, he was ok, and on opposite team you can see those people: Machete (solid score), Duke (solid score), and ReoS (Dani Saggenzza - with score 0:1 ahahaha), so not only that me and Darkos friend were whole time short for one person, Dani several times ragequited and rejoined and they still lost: Please take a look: MY WIN ON MACHETE SERVER TODAY

PICTURES OF SECOND WIN: I needed some time to save proofs on computer, so I returned much later before the finish of the second match. Please take a look on scores of Dani Saggenzza (28:34 really pathetic), Anax (7:29 no comment for that), Darkos (1:3 whoever he was really not impressive), and Hydra was actually only one which attacked out of base, and he was that one which killed me a lot cause I attacked a lot too, so his score is actually impressive (that is reason why I respect ZXC clan, they are real players, I have not seen him to say anything during the match, great person). Please look another Dani's and Anax shame (with impressive negative scores hahahhaa): MY SECOND WIN ON MACHETE SERVER TODAY

PICTURES OF MY 3-RD WIN WAS 1:1: On this match was only one person which was crazy enough to play with me 1:1, and he had Dani's ping with insulting nick, well judge for yourself :) Match was, well, haha very short cause he ragequited very soon after I start to own him: LOOK HERE: MY 3-RD WIN ON MACHETE SERVER TODAY

After almost 2 hours where I was fully undefeated on their own server in front of their eyes, I stayed for about 10 minutes if someone will be strong enough to join against me 1:1, but as you can see when he ragequited, noone joined anymore and match ended with my 3-rd easy win, you will see that I waited there for at least 10 more minutes if you compare to picture up: PLEASE LOOK: THEY LOST AND CASE CLOSED


What to say after that? I showed them who is the BOSS. They lost, case closed. Arogant people deserve to lose, and they lost.

One more time I will say this. I play only on ZXC servers, and on Cozmo mostly (I will not come anymore to servers where I am banned, so please do not waste my time, all provocators lost badly today, and there is no point to waste my time on people and servers where people hate me anyway).

I wish all best to all good people, and I wish you all beautiful life. Goodbye.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Mastakilla »

umad bro?
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Since most of FGS do not like me anyway, and since I showed the real truth to people It is time to move away from here. Anyway I have my own community and forum, so I will focus on that.

Before I go from here I wish to say thanks after more than 2 years of playing to great people which were near me and supported me and played with me when no other people believed in me: I wish to say thank you to: Karky, Die, Henry, Starbit, ShanaPah, Parker, FSB, Mario, Leonardo, NightRaven, Raven, GermanGirl, Heather, Poppy, Excsm, FGS DJ, Munij, Vitali, Endre, Hasharin, RyRy, Shadowrunner, George, P, Ghosty, Josh, Dominik, ColonelDawid, Freeman, and many other people from clans and no clans which i know from all parts of the world, I hope noone will be mad cause I can not remember now all nicknames of all great and good people.

As I said to all good people I wish you all best and beautiful life. I will still play on Deus Ex, but mostly on Cagematch, ZxC, Karky's (if will be there), Cozmo, and maybe another new server which will be up and where they will invite me. Also you can visit me on: and you can leave me message always on forum, chat, fb group or mail.

All best. Goodbye people.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Kiki »

Well its obvious that Darko have serious illness. I SEE NOW. ( sry for that joke ;/) His brain (hard to use that word when talking about him but let it be) will always defend itself from normal informations and the way how it does it is creating imagined situations or modifying the real ones. The only exception is the situation when his eyes are seeing what the brain wants to see ( hearing praises from people who never played dx seriously or never had skills ,killing players in fun servers, "owning" ppl when its not 1vs1, laughing about someones 0:1 score, etc etc ). And when u guys are talking to him that thing in his head switch into that defend mode and send pulses to his fingers and u guys see results of this. I guess theres no way to beat that. U can try to be: nice, cruel or whatever - it doesnt matter, its like script. Well i know its also hard to ignore him all the time. Not because hes telling that he beats all dx scene but because we just dont tolerate stupidity, imbecility and maybe haughtiness. Amen.

Anyway i know Darko will write stories about beating me or my ultra unlimted med hacks (I really have this but shhh). Let him post. I wanna read this all cuz maybe i will learn something new about myself :)
"It is always good to do good things." - Darko
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Re: CRITICAL: My ban problem!

Post by DaniSaggenza »

Am I the only one who noticed that the dude took the sshots with a camera? #-o
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Re: CRITICAL: My ban problem!

Post by ~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~ »

is this a new hitman/hdd21 case?
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by anax »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Since most of FGS do not like me anyway, and since I showed the real truth to people It is time to move away from here. Anyway I have my own community and forum, so I will focus on that.

Before I go from here I wish to say thanks after more than 2 years of playing to great people which were near me and supported me and played with me when no other people believed in me: I wish to say thank you to: Karky, Die, Henry, Starbit, ShanaPah, Parker, FSB, Mario, Leonardo, NightRaven, Raven, GermanGirl, Heather, Poppy, Excsm, FGS DJ, Munij, Vitali, Endre, Hasharin, RyRy, Shadowrunner, George, P, Ghosty, Josh, Dominik, ColonelDawid, Freeman, and many other people from clans and no clans which i know from all parts of the world, I hope noone will be mad cause I can not remember now all nicknames of all great and good people.

As I said to all good people I wish you all best and beautiful life. I will still play on Deus Ex, but mostly on Cagematch, ZxC, Karky's (if will be there), Cozmo, and maybe another new server which will be up and where they will invite me. Also you can visit me on: and you can leave me message always on forum, chat, fb group or mail.

All best. Goodbye people.
Good. And stay out of real DXMP, nobody will miss you.
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

anax wrote:
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Since most of FGS do not like me anyway, and since I showed the real truth to people It is time to move away from here. Anyway I have my own community and forum, so I will focus on that.

Before I go from here I wish to say thanks after more than 2 years of playing to great people which were near me and supported me and played with me when no other people believed in me: I wish to say thank you to: Karky, Die, Henry, Starbit, ShanaPah, Parker, FSB, Mario, Leonardo, NightRaven, Raven, GermanGirl, Heather, Poppy, Excsm, FGS DJ, Munij, Vitali, Endre, Hasharin, RyRy, Shadowrunner, George, P, Ghosty, Josh, Dominik, ColonelDawid, Freeman, and many other people from clans and no clans which i know from all parts of the world, I hope noone will be mad cause I can not remember now all nicknames of all great and good people.

As I said to all good people I wish you all best and beautiful life. I will still play on Deus Ex, but mostly on Cagematch, ZxC, Karky's (if will be there), Cozmo, and maybe another new server which will be up and where they will invite me. Also you can visit me on: and you can leave me message always on forum, chat, fb group or mail.

All best. Goodbye people.
Good. And stay out of real DXMP, nobody will miss you.
Lol.. I'd rather say, good bye until next week!
..I doubt he can resist coming to this sexy place. :-D
Btw Darko, you're indeed unique. I've never met someone who tried to remain being banned so hard! :smt104
Also, since we want to enjoy the uncensored entertainment, your ability of editing your posts has been limited.
And yeh.. I'm nazi-admin, I kno! :D
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!