Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting again

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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by ~TheClown~ »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Actually only people who know me, really know that I never insult, I only do not like trolls like you 3 + your sidekick. And no it was not bot :) But its just fine. This bot had ping + he had Sinthetics language :) Anyway funny, just funny :)
Incorrect. It was B, not sinth.
I just like when they admit their crimes, so lets finalize what they did:
This is gonna be fun.
1. They admited they are involved in bad activity and internet bully (what is crime) by deeds, not only by words.
Nope, no we did not. You invented that story awhile ago for Nax and have adapted it in your mind to include me and Carlos.
2. They admited they broke game codex and insulted people with "bot" whoo is stealing clan + username marks.
Breaking game codex? You mean... modding? Games open source mate, modding is perfectly acceptable. Game even has the SDK released, so, invalid. And insulted people with "bot"... none of that ever happened. The other Darko, again, was not us, was another player who also does not like you due to YOUR own actions.
3. They admited they manipulated score in game.
See above regarding modding. With addition of server administrators are granted the power to do as they desire in their own servers. If you do not like how a server is run, dont play there.
4. All 4 of them knew about that, and were involved in that.
All your points are invalid, moving on.
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by CarlRoberts1996 »

More than agreed with Kai.

You really need banning from this forum and all the game servers once and for all.
You don't deserve to play the game.
Your points are just wrong in every way, we're enjoying how much you're embarassing yourself.

Again, bored yet?
You will behave like a jackass. That's an order you bitch! Weehee.
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by anax »

Darko you should do this.
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Ok guys watch this (their lies, they just do not match):
CarlRoberts1996 wrote:Guy undercover is a BOT, your brain can't comprehend that, it was done as a joke which you got all butthurt over.
Kai can change scores on his GAMEMODE, yet you were in an RPG server where kills don't matter.
:mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu: :mofu:
I request someone please get this guy off this game because he never changes and he really speaks through his metabolic end CULO. (butt)
~TheClown~ wrote:And insulted people with "bot"... none of that ever happened. The other Darko, again, was not us, was another player who also does not like you due to YOUR own actions.
It was B, not sinth.
- OH guys, decide was it bot or not lol. Do you see people? In one post they said its bot, and they state that was programmeed and based on "Anax's fiction and big imagination" which could be caused by drugs or frustration, and they said that bot supose to insult all based on my behaviour. Wow, funny :) Specially cause I play mostly in silence, and I talk only when people talk to me, or when I know those people :)

On other place they say "it was other guy who also do not like you"

On third place they say It was B :) Wow wow wow Funny, is it not?

And it isnt. Its only possible on our own servers. Where noone is fighting. Thus whats the harm in it? You have no right to dictate how i use my own mods in my own servers. I can show you how its done, and why its not possible on any combat based servers.

95% of the players realized its YOU ruining the game. the other 5% IS you.

Not even related but okay. We dont host minimtl, and we have no connection at all to fear, danni, sinth or "company". You bundle us together because you hate us all. There is no "crew", just people who are sick of you.
- WELL another lame lie, why? I always said to people that my deatch sometimes counts for 2 points, and that someone is deducting my scores in Kai's server. Noone believed in it until R clan users and few others saw on their own eyes including Bam, that when I die it counts for 2 points :) So it had to be fixed on my nick. And that happened a lot.

I even tested that with few guys when Kai and Carlos were not online, so it was not hard to show proofs. And yes, they can modify score, and you can clearly see it.

Also its not truth that in past year they have not defended raised FPS. They said towards Fear, I quote: "Since when is raised ping abuse, and superbind" Fear and Anax are polite people!
- funny thing since exactly Fear, Sinthetic and Anax, who use now superbinds and raised FPS call Phantom cheater, when they have same + even worse abuses.

Based on that I asked Carlos & Kai, why is then Phantom banned?
- they said i quote "Phantom insulted us", well that is funny because Phantom is 2 times more polite than Kai and Carlos, and at least 20 times more polite than Fear and Anax, and Phantom probably never took my nick. So please, spear me.

So its funny thing that people who lied about me, whoo insulted people with my nick, and who took other nicknames too, or tolerated insults with my nick in their own server, call me a problem? Or any other person? While we all know Anax and Dani did that with 4-5 more guys, and Carlos and Kai tolerated that, with excuse, we cant ban whole community. Oh please :) Dani and Anax + 5 more are hardly whole community, there was 20 more people who left exactly cause of those 5 who took nick, and cause of Kai and Carlos who tolerated that.

So yes, its paradox that same 3 Anax, Kai and Carlos talk about honesty, when they took my nick, create bots who insult people with my nickname, and allow other guys to impersonate and insult people with my name. What is worse they host over 50 % of servers in Deus Ex. So you can think how lame is that.
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

About lies about me:

Ok guys I collected their statements, and you will see , well basicly that they lie.

1. It is prooven that in 2012, users Anax & Dani (and their sidekicks, Machete, Fear, Solid, Sinthetic, sometimes B dawg and co.) took my nick to insulted me. Reason?

- I beaten Dani and Anax epic ammount of time, even when they abused, what was attack on their ego, cause Dani was positive he is best, well sadly nah, he could not beat me, even through I never used even binds. And who remember those epic fights from 2012 where I was always first he can understand frustrations of Anax. Do not forget I have cca 60-180 pictures from 2012 where I played in Machetes server where I have not lost. In whole 2012 I lost 3 matches, 2 were against legendary player from alpha with which I trained and played a lot when he returned to DX.

- after that Dani said i quote: "Darko said he is better than Messiah"
Just to be clear, I was positive he is talking about Jesus or God. I had no clue what he is talking about. I never meet that legend, I only said fact that I beaten all player who ever fought against me, well probably all, cant say for those who never came back.

My moto is: "Every player can beat any other player at some point, its all about skills, luck, or last second hit, or all that together"

So you see, basicly people started to hate me cause Dani lied about me.

2. When 90 % people believed in that story of Dani, they tried to insult rest of 20-40 personal friends from game, starting with Karky, Shana, FSB, B-Dawg, Die, Leonardo etc etc....... How? They used my nickname and started to insult other people, film fake movies where I lost 10 or 20:0, and where they said hacker, cheater, and etc crap which I normally never use. I have no reason to insult people at all.

- I needed 2 weeks to convince Leonardo & Karky that they use my nickname. Worst was with Anastasia who was really great girl, and few more people to which I needed 2 months to proof that I would never insult people, and they only believed when I came in server and when I have not returned insults. I always beaten fake Darko, I know many times Anax, Dani, Sinthetic and co tried to beat me under that nick but they could not beat me. Basicly after 2 months people understood that 6 people took my nick.

- Worst was with B-Dwag who admited to me 2 years later to me: Dani and Anax blackmailed me that if I do not go out from our clan with marks
"<-( )->"
that they will bully me, and other kids.
Also B-Dawg said the he understands that I have not insulted Anastasia. It was hard to him to believe me, because he needed to listen Dani. So you see Those people were my friends and I needed 1 full year to convince all of them that i dont insult people.

3. I returned same way only to nick stealers and insulters, why?

- Why should we respect people who insult other people? No way. We should beat them, and show them that they need to retire. That is exactly what I did to Fear, Anax and Dani, for full year. Not only to them, to Machete, Solid, Sinthetic and co, (all 6 whoo took my nick).

So those lies, that I am insulter are pure crap, and many people can confirm. I only return to people who bull other people, and to guys who insult others, because lets be honest, they deserve it. Ask Karky how much time I attacked her? Ask Leonardo? Ask Anastasia? Ask many other people? So lets cut the crap.

People who said "i am best", and who said "i am insulter" are only people who said THET THEY ARE BEST, so I beaten them. Why I beaten them? Not because I am best, I beaten them just to show them what i said:

"Every player can beat any other player at some point, its all about skills, luck, or last second hit, or all that together"

End of story.
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

So one more time based on statements which many people can confirm I can say, people who really know how goo I am they will confirm:
- I do not like fighting so much at all
- I do not care about score
- When I fight I am quiet and I do not have reason to talk at all and insult anyone
- I often let people to win, and I always train them if they ask for help
- I dont use any superbinds or raised FPS, because those are abuses despite open source or not, and in real INTERNET TOURNAMENTS FPS would be always limited, and setup cant be changed except that in game, when we talk about online tournament games, so yes, superbinds and raised FPS are abuses in DX because they offer to some users big advantage.

:mofu: Anyway good try, lock and load :matrix: :)


One more try lets see what they said:

1. They admited that they created bot who behaved with insults towards players (Anax created his behave based on his fiction how I act), so they made bot who cyber bully others. Also that "bot" insulted my country on national ways, what you can see from logs.

2. They admited they broke game codex and insulted people with "bot" whoo is stealing clan + username marks.

3. You can see they support even users who steal clan nicknames and usernames, and their only defence is, its not our fault? Funny because I am positive game policy is to warn and kick such users (check other games)

4. They lie that it was bot, you can see they claim it was bot, other user or B :) Basicly 3 different stories.

5. All 4 of them were included in that act.

6. They admited that they can manipulate score in their servers.

7. They obviously do not hold themself responsible for what they do to this community, despite all facts and proof.

8. From picture you can see it was not me who insulted, so Kai lies, it was Darko(2), and I was Darko (6), also you can see I was attacked (again) by them, right away, so I just returned.

In short, more they talk, worse damage they do, lock and load, case closed. Anax, Clown and CARL are busted :matrix: :mofu:

One more time:
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

See ya in game guys. All best.
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by CarlRoberts1996 »

Okok rofl sorry we aren't the perfect gods of DX like you Darko, even though we'll get the story straight eventually even though you'll insist you're still right.

Kai is nicer than I am, so I'll tell you really what happens because I don't care, I don't like you, no one does and I'm sick and tired of twits now who keep bringing disrespect and this stupid troll behaviour to my server, to these forums, and to this game itself. The entirety of DX unfortunately is full of trolling cretins like you and you need sorting once and for all. Situation is the ACTUAL bad players blame it on the GOOD players because we do things such as make mods that actually go against all sorts of exploits, glitches and cheating, but thats what the bad players hate because they know standard DX gametypes are exploitable as anything and they actually CAN cheat on those servers. (The real reason players like Fullmoon love the standard DX gametype)

1. They admited that they created bot who behaved with insults towards players (Anax created his behave based on his fiction how I act), so they made bot who cyber bully others. Also that "bot" insulted my country on national ways, what you can see from logs.

Response: Okok no. Just no. We created an NPC (scripted pawn for the higher intellects), a perfectly normal in game character that replicates your behaviour because hey ho, we don't like you and we thought it would be funny. I couldn't care less about insulting you, frankly you deserve it. I ONLY just got on the server so I presume Kai made the NPC able to be controlled through the remote admin system known as RCON. As found out before, it was actually B and we were remoting the ID of the player to say those things. There is only one project we created like that and it was especially for you because as I mentioned, it is quite funny. You also have a DarkoMachine. Furthermore, DO NOT suck up to use and try accuse us of racism or any other stuff like that because "Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting".

2. They admited they broke game codex and insulted people with "bot" whoo is stealing clan + username marks.

Response: Where are you getting this thing about game codex? Kai is a modder, and the game WAS MADE so you could create custom content. That's called modding, not hacking (like you openly shown you would do in our IRC logs), internet relay chat if that helps you. The "bot" is actually a scripted NPC called PartyStuff.Darko that replicates your behaviour based on configurable lines. There is ONLY one for you because again, funny.

3. You can see they support even users who steal clan nicknames and usernames, and their only defence is, its not our fault? Funny because I am positive game policy is to warn and kick such users (check other games)

Response: We do not. The DX community is as toxic as is without your input, unfortunately this is one of those games where there is no protection against what names people use. And it isn't our fault, players are free to choose any nickname, people only steal yours for the laughs because as I'm sure I've mentioned before, people don't like you. The DX community is tiny now, if we were to kick and ban everyone that had a problem with you, there would be no players left. You expect us to do everything for you because "oh i'm the god of dx".

4. They lie that it was bot, you can see they claim it was bot, other user or B :) Basicly 3 different stories.

Response: WAS NOT A BOT. I apologise for some confusion there, story is straight now. Kai just didn't want to be honest about how we were actually having a laugh out of you (Which as expected you blew your lid at and went on your period).

5. All 4 of them were included in that act.

Response: Of insulting you? Yeah true, you're a moron and it was pretty funny to be honest, because what we take as a light joke you throw greatly out of proportion and do things like this, hence why people dislike you. You cry like a baby.

6. They admited that they can manipulate score in their servers.

Response: Kai's custom game type CAN change scores yet we DO NOT and HAVE NOT changed scores during matches. You are only crying over that one time Kai set his score to 9001 (reference to the over 9000 joke) on an RPG server, which means PLAYERS DO NOT FIGHT, which means, THAT IS NOT RELEVANT.

7. They obviously do not hold themself responsible for what they do to this community, despite all facts and proof.

Response: We hold ourself very responsible for creating custom content, custom gametypes that defend in many ways against exploits and cheating, and actually being very harsh with punishments in light of trolls such as you who roam freely without punishment. The only problem with this community is players like you, and the players who can't embrace change, such as elitists, who think that one custom .uc class is an attempt to hack the game, although they still sometimes play gametypes that are easily exploitable (hence why they love it believe). This is not a reference to everyone.

8. From picture you can see it was not me who insulted, so Kai lies, it was Darko(2), and I was Darko (6), also you can see I was attacked (again) by them, right away, so I just returned.

Response: Darko(2) was remoted to insult you as it's funny, it really is, how you expect people to like you when you see someone with your name and you absolutely spill your period all over these forums, when me and the others were having a light bit of humour. You need to grow up and learn to have a laugh, and perhaps you won't be insulted. It's this behaviour that gets you disliked and insulted, but your brain can't comprehend that, and still has failed to do so after how many years?

FINAL NOTE: I know after all this you will still refuse to back down and believe you're right but truth is no one really listens to you anyway. Cheers for the laugh Darko! It's always good to see you are trying so hard still to prove you are the innocent god of DX and you are ALWAYS correct. ALSO, you only have a problem with me and Kai because you have a problem with Anax, so if we don't ban Anax we are in league with him in your mind and think we run some ring where we secretly plot to ruin the game! (Hence, not true, check out my new maps such us DXA_UNRemake and the new Tomb map which I've recently been developing for the game, if I wanted to ruin it, pretty sure I wouldn't be making maps).

You will behave like a jackass. That's an order you bitch! Weehee.
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by ~TheClown~ »

WELL another lame lie, why? I always said to people that my deatch sometimes counts for 2 points, and that someone is deducting my scores in Kai's server. Noone believed in it until R clan users and few others saw on their own eyes including Bam, that when I die it counts for 2 points :) So it had to be fixed on my nick. And that happened a lot.
False, my servers that arent combat servers do not modify deaths. I have occasionally made gametype modifications that grant additional scores for certain actions, but thats the game mode, not a cheat. In RPG servers, score doesnt matter.
I could easy show you every piece of code for my mods and prove that there is no score fixing. More proof than you seem to have to the contrary.
I even tested that with few guys when Kai and Carlos were not online, so it was not hard to show proofs. And yes, they can modify score, and you can clearly see it.
Proving its NOT us doing it then? alright, you just destroyed your own arguement there, i dont even need to try lol.
Also its not truth that in past year they have not defended raised FPS. They said towards Fear, I quote: "Since when is raised ping abuse, and superbind" Fear and Anax are polite people!
- funny thing since exactly Fear, Sinthetic and Anax, who use now superbinds and raised FPS call Phantom cheater, when they have same + even worse abuses.
yes, i have not defended "raised FPS", whats your point?
Fear and anax ARE polite people, you just refuse to see it due to your own delusions.
There's no such thing as "superbinds", just Binds, which are not a hack, the game allows them. And before you say otherwise, the game shipped with a user.ini file, same as any unreal engine game. Deal with it. You can play without binds if you choose but you cant tell other people how to use the games built in functions. It's like me telling you off for showing the crosshair, thats obviously cheating too right?!?!?!?!?!
Based on that I asked Carlos & Kai, why is then Phantom banned?
- they said i quote "Phantom insulted us", well that is funny because Phantom is 2 times more polite than Kai and Carlos, and at least 20 times more polite than Fear and Anax, and Phantom probably never took my nick. So please, spear me.
I personally was not involved in that ban, it was another admins choice, so i cant speak for them. But i stand by the fact that the only bans i enforce are for trolls like yourself. Other bans you've mentioned in the past, Fullmoon? Spamming french insults about 70 times, i think that justifies it. Hell we didnt even ban YOU until you started spamming the chat with slander, racist slurs or the classic one I remember, the time when you joined our server and within 5 seconds began insulting our families. You claim to never forget things, well neither do I.
So its funny thing that people who lied about me, whoo insulted people with my nick, and who took other nicknames too, or tolerated insults with my nick in their own server, call me a problem? Or any other person? While we all know Anax and Dani did that with 4-5 more guys, and Carlos and Kai tolerated that, with excuse, we cant ban whole community. Oh please :) Dani and Anax + 5 more are hardly whole community, there was 20 more people who left exactly cause of those 5 who took nick, and cause of Kai and Carlos who tolerated that.
There's a difference your not taking note of. Its not about tolerating, its just that i don't control every other player. If you've pissed off players to the point where they are taking action to annoy you intentionally, that's between you and them. Me and Carlos have no involvement with this feud you have with Nax and Dani and whoever else other than the fact that you keep including us in it. You attack me personally, I respond, that's all there is to it.
So yes, its paradox that same 3 Anax, Kai and Carlos talk about honesty, when they took my nick, create bots who insult people with my nickname, and allow other guys to impersonate and insult people with my name. What is worse they host over 50 % of servers in Deus Ex. So you can think how lame is that.
Like i've said twice, wasnt us, was another player. A player who you yourself have annoyed in many ways that's made them want to act against you. You should take note of that, its YOU annoying the players and turning them against you.
And a problem with us hosting so many servers? Wouldn't be a problem if you weren't such a troll. I've said many times that if you'd stop insulting us, this feud would end and you could play on the servers, but MANY times you've broken the simplest of rules, we've given you a thousand chances to play nicely but every single time you've turned that against us, so in the end, if we chose to ban you, and you have nowhere left to play, that's not our fault.

So one more time based on statements which many people can confirm I can say, people who really know how goo I am they will confirm:
- I do not like fighting so much at all
- I do not care about score
- When I fight I am quiet and I do not have reason to talk at all and insult anyone
- I often let people to win, and I always train them if they ask for help
- I dont use any superbinds or raised FPS, because those are abuses despite open source or not, and in real INTERNET TOURNAMENTS FPS would be always limited, and setup cant be changed except that in game, when we talk about online tournament games, so yes, superbinds and raised FPS are abuses in DX because they offer to some users big advantage.
Don't like fighting? Then stop.
Don't care about score? Then why do you complain so much about my score mods in an RPG server with no fighting? Contradictions right there.
When you fight your quiet? Bollocks. You've never been quiet, if you were, we'd ignore you and leave you alone, but instead you start fights at every possible chance.
You let people win? LOL thats hilarious, your ego has many times shown that you HATE to lose, and every time you DO lose you'll invent stories to justify it.
Don't use superbinds or raised FPS? Neither do I, whats your point? This ISNT a tournament game, so who cares what tournament games do or don't do? DX gives the players tools to make the gameplay as complex or as advanced as they desire, you chose not to use certain tools, fine, but you have no right to demonize players who DO use those tools. FPS advantages exist on every single action based game ever. That's PC gaming, the way around that? Get a better PC. DX runs on a potato so if your having framerate problems your PC is woefully outdated.

1. They admited that they created bot who behaved with insults towards players (Anax created his behave based on his fiction how I act), so they made bot who cyber bully others. Also that "bot" insulted my country on national ways, what you can see from logs.
Again no.
2. They admited they broke game codex and insulted people with "bot" whoo is stealing clan + username marks.
Still this? No, "game codex" breaking involved. Learn 2 internet.
3. You can see they support even users who steal clan nicknames and usernames, and their only defence is, its not our fault? Funny because I am positive game policy is to warn and kick such users (check other games)
Yep, its not our fault, stop annoying players and they'll stop messing with you, it really is that simple. You chose to antagonize players, they're going to fight back, thats how the world works.
5. All 4 of them were included in that act.
Existing in that server at the same time != Being included.
6. They admited that they can manipulate score in their servers.
The only correct thing you've said all week. But what's your point? Are you saying i'm not allowed to do as i wish in my own server? Who cares what an arbitrary number says on a scoreboard that no one was taking seriously to begin with? The fact is, it can only be done on our servers, FGS doesnt have my mods so its not possible there, and thats the end of that.
7. They obviously do not hold themself responsible for what they do to this community, despite all facts and proof.
I could say the same thing to you. You don't take any responsibility for the fact that players independently are acting against YOU. You group me with Dani and the old crew but the fact is, i've never even spoken to Dani except like once in a random match on LOX's server before i even knew you existed. I came to my own conclusions about you due to my own experiences, which says more about you than it does me. Same for Carlos, he was the last person left who thought you were decent and then you turned him against you to without any involvement from us.
8. From picture you can see it was not me who insulted, so Kai lies, it was Darko(2), and I was Darko (6), also you can see I was attacked (again) by them, right away, so I just returned.
Yes, your "picture" which shows only you and the fake player talking....? Was not us, we didn't even speak to you until you started threatening us.. Which is usually how our encounters go most of the time.

Darko has serious mental issues, possible psychosis or bipolar, or just the mentality of a 7 year old.
Someone should speak to Darkos mother and get him checked.
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

I just tested if the the forum's warn function still works.
IT DOES! Thanks for cooperation, Darko! :)
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

- Its funny to see how they still confuse fake player with "bot which they created", so base on them creation of bot who insults is not insult ahahahaha OMG =D>
- Also do not forget even if it was other player, they allowed insults, nick stealing + community mark stealing. Even worse.

Also funny thing they claim they do not abuse in their server since I proven that in 2015, Anax + Cheese abuses admin powers in FGS for what Nobody said he "warned them" lol :) So you see, its hard to believe or trust anything what you say because Cheese and Anax were mods in your server.

Do not forget that Carlos know very well why I dont play anymore in your server:
- Anax and him changed my nickname to insults and sick things + they wrote insults in logs of server as notifications to other users in front of all and against me
- Also Carlos insulted my mother, and me with barks in his server, what seriously bothers me.....

So when you ask yourself why I do not play in your server, and why most of people leave from your server, try to start with ugly truth and your sidekicks.

I had enough so I came here to tell truth, and if something people can see, then it is one thing for sure: You lost even that little reputation when you support such people. If you do not believe check logs. Who attacked who in your server? You, Anax, and Carlos insulted me, always. Logs against me, insults against me.

About hacking before 2 days, you were that one who said I will be hacked :) So you see I have things filmed too :) You always insulted me. I never start first and I dont insult people. Only assholes like 5-7 of you lunatics with mental issues.

Its not that I hate you, it was time that people find out ugly truth. I discovered truth about abusers, I discovered truth about MINIMTL abuses + admins involved, and last thing what I had to do is to show people how you and Carlos were part of that.

Anyone who played in your server could see insults about me, all the time. So you can pretend what you want, people know truth. And besides if you want to see real fight, as I said anytime, I will soon start again professional internet tournaments, so I am in best shape I can be. We can solve that for old times :)

i will not talk about insults, its more than clear how they denny their insults and obligations, every normal person knows that those guys have issues, and those must be very very deep.

As I said many times, truth hurts, it seems truth hurts a lot this time.

This is last thing what I had to discover, to show to people that even after year 2016, they have not stop with insults and impersonating.

Anyway, could be its last time I am on this forum, but if you count that I will leave DX, dont worry, It will not happen. Only in your dreams. I play it since 2000, and if you ask me without higher power I plan to continue. Even if there would not be one I would probably create it just to play online or LAN, so in your face and in your dreams :-({|= =D>
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by CarlRoberts1996 »

I give up with you, it's like talking to a wall. No where have we said we would hack you, that's a flat out lie.
You never start first, but we was just sat on a server and the logs clearly show that you started first.
As already mentioned, we are not a babysitting service to ban anyone who uses your name.
Anax and Chees don't abuse powers, Anax barely bans anyone and Chees is rarely on.
Yes, we insult you like you do us. You deserve it. It's called a taste of your own medicine.
The bark system we always use not to insult, but we use it as a laugh, I often tell my other admins in
rather funny bark conversations to screw their mother, but it's a laugh and taken in adult humour,
something you're incapable of understanding. As for everything else, I really don't care if you play on
my server, I cannot stand you, quite frankly no one can and no one listens to you so whining your
crybaby butt on here gets you nowhere. You cannot manage to get on with anyone and therefore will
not be liked. PLEASE, do not play on my server. I don't want you on it. Actually I said nothing about
why people don't come on my server and I haven't recieved any complaints, other than those of
the same type of player like you. So don't act like were the bad guys and my server and staff is
terrible, anyone who listens to you is just as bad as you.

Now please shutup because your points are repeatedly invalid, you're spamming up this poor site
with your cancerous posts, and I'm getting bored of reading your crap and using precious energy
I need to retain for my not so sad life typing back to a village idiot.
You will behave like a jackass. That's an order you bitch! Weehee.
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by anax »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:I admit i am not best in game but that only texture hackers are shitter banner noobs which i always own easy, all player can be best. Never said this was lie, but which of you can best me on a 20-0 score? Noone can do this if that person is abuser who uses RCOM which is thrid party troll programme, there is ca 60-100 photos of Sinth, Dani, Fear, Anax and cO abusing on this metabolic end product. You can't proof me wrong buahahaha.
*love*(Yourself c*nt){
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Post by ~TheClown~ »

No point even replying to you now darko, everything youve said there i've already countered and disproven. But just one last point.
i will not talk about insults, its more than clear how they denny their insults and obligations, every normal person knows that those guys have issues, and those must be very very deep.
I don't deny it, i insult you. Because i cant stand your presence, everything about your personality irritates me, and more over you absolutely deserve every insult you get. Because at the end of the day, I've given you opportunities to end this whole argument, and yet your ego, or arrogance, or whatever problems YOU have, makes it so you can't even admit you're wrong, and makes it so you can't follow the basic of rules that everyone else can follow. And in the end, THAT's why I ban you, and will continue to ban you. And for as long as you continue to slander us and insult us, I'll continue fighting back and banning, because I'm stubborn and refuse to let someone as pathetic as you have your way. I've disproved everything you've said with ease, because the way you re-use the same arguments after they've been disproven proves you really have nothing to base your "facts" and "proofs" on.

And with that, my rant is over.
P.s. your mother.
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