That moment when nostalgia hits your hard after seeing smth

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That moment when nostalgia hits your hard after seeing smth

Post by DaniSaggenza »

So, yesterday I was looking for some documents and among all that stack of papers and useless information I find this:


It's one of those walkthroughs they used to deliver with the game's CD back in the time... it belongs to the original DX copy my dad bought me back in 2004 xD, good old times, I spent like 30-40 mins reading the guide because of the nostalgia, I might even re-play DX but under the instructions of this guide, like in past. \( ^^)/

Some extra pics:


Btw, merry christmas and a happy new year to everyone in case I don't get to say it in time, wish all best ~
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Re: That moment when nostalgia hits your hard after seeing s

Post by Kuchcik »

Ah, I still have my physical copy I bought back when I didn't have an Internet connection yet, it's at my parents house at the moment, I have GOTY on Steam.

It was back in 2002/3 I think? had to make a phonecall order to a game delivery company - there were those ads in game magazines with listings of games and a phone number, you could call and get them delivered by mail with cash on delivery. It was the Sold-Out Software version one, no goodies, only a GOTY CD.

Spent more than a year playing SP, went to the Internet cafe to download mods (Zodiac, TCP - recorded them on a CD-RW), even a couple of times I installed and played multiplayer - FunLine maps mostly, having no *loving* idea what was going on. Good times.
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Re: That moment when nostalgia hits your hard after seeing s

Post by synthetic »

I probably have some "Sold Out" plastic encasing still somewhere, but the manual and stuff reminds me of the cardboard cd case with manual I got in.. 2001 I think. I don't think it was 2000, but maybe it was. I borrowed it and installed the game, but had to give it back :( On steam I got the DX Goty that Dani gifted ^^

SoldOut was kinda weird metabolic end product, sort of like that D2D version it had different, protected exe I think. Classic and GOTY installations are much better. Or even GOG releases.
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Re: That moment when nostalgia hits your hard after seeing s

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

I still habe my original DX package from late 2000, proof below! :matrix:

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Re: That moment when nostalgia hits your hard after seeing s

Post by anax »

I still have the Sold Out disc from around 2004 hiding somewhere in my room! :bwahaha:
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Re: That moment when nostalgia hits your hard after seeing s

Post by Tidus »

I have my old old CD-ROM too which i bought i dont even know when.. but its a classic release.
I have a PS2 version also and i have it on steam too. Damn i bought the game four times (I gifted a additional steam version to a friend)

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