Real truth any my last words here

The time is right for a suicide!
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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

As I said I know what for a person I am, I dont insult, I dont attack people. Whoever kill people during game, or insult them, its not me. I only accept challenges or I return. Insults? I only say to people to search help, if they do deeper, then basicly they deserved anyway. But since 2014 I mostly ignore insults, same as do it last few weeks.

I am here to play the game, and I will do it with style. See ya in game people.
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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by ~TheClown~ »

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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by HDD21 »

I see this topic is a month old, but I thought I might add my two cents in here seeing what I see you post. This is long, so bear with me.

I do not know how old you are, but I have observed some of your posts. I am 22 years old now, well travelled (and going to Nepal, yet another trip to asia next year), run my own business, and on the verge within the next year or two of getting married with my partner who happens to be a guy as well. I have also watched my mother who I was very close to pass away to the other side in 2013 in the midst of all this from an aneurysm. And have had my own place since 16 after a major life changing out of body experience at 14 which altered me from a very immature person. You only need to look at some of my posts on this very forum and others to find that out.

My overall intentions were kinda for the game as a young kid, but I kinda let immaturity and throwing toys out of prams and making enemies of people, playing the victim, you name it. And inside I was a very lonely disturbed person having been bullied all the way through my childhood. My OBE came at a time when I was ready to end my life. While my intentions for entering were good, and while I did some positively polarized actions and had many good times with my friends, I let immaturity get the better of me and made enemies of people by just... well being a prat.

I caused loads of drama and hassle, although I didn't come close to DOGNY. I also made some friends I still speak to today now we have all grown up. I always posted leaving topics and all this crap. And then the out of body experience which lead me to follow a pagan spiritual path afterwards and I left the MP gaming scene and went to pursue it as I still do to this day. It has lead to tapping of ESP ability and learning more about why we are here and our goals in life. Simply put, service to others and helping others as much as possible is key...

Now I am unsure of your age, but posting topics like you do, and spamming as you do really does not lead anywhere. I am not here to judge or condemn you mind, for that is also a negatively polarized emotion and giving unconditional love to your other self as in everyone else is key. I am just saying that it is either the underlying problem of having too much time on your hands, underlying mental health issues, or doing it with intent to annoy? I do not know where you stand but it would make sense to think about how your actions affect others before you do them, each and every one. Consider even the smallest deed good or ill can have a positive or negative effect on people at large. And even at this stage where many people may be unable to stand you, I am sure they would over time be willing to get on with you.

I do think maybe it is time for you stop, and reconsider. Do not try and make out like people are your enemies here, quite frankly most people on this forum are decent people. If you want to leave due to depression and not liking it, leave and all the best of luck. If you don't try and make a friend rather than an enemy out of people.

Consider that at the age of 13 how the relationship between me and alex was, which even that was able to be repaired by just talking as we did do later, by that point I had my OBE and life changing experience, bet I still have the PMs from DXalpha.

Don't make an enemy out of people, because most people are decent if you attempt to make a connection with them on a positive level. It is amazing to see the game still kind of going after gamespy demise. I do not post often for I am often quite busy!

I hope you can read this with some understanding, try and move on from the 'I am a victim' mentality, as you think so you create, see others as equal to yourself and try and practice that as much as possible. If someone is rude outright when you have done nothing, calmly tell them you won't have much to do with it and leave the space. You can't fight fire with fire, and a negative vibration will only add to a negative vibration! Positive vibrations likewise.

I was in your position buddy and whatever is the underlying cause, I would take some time out to reflect. I am not condemning you, I write this in hope that you think it through and that it helps you and potentially anyone else affected by your actions as well.

Consider since I begun to practice this, I have been involved in very few conflicts and never once have I had to raise my voice in a long time to sort them out. Seeing me angry or annoyed is something that very few seldom see. We are only human and may make mistakes, but its never too late to begin positive change, which starts from within yourself. That is the only place you can see change. Rather than WANTING change, BE the change you want to see in the world.

In love and light to you and everyone else,

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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by synthetic »

Well thats the problem, we've all been kids, but this dude is at least in his twenties. What he needs is a proper out of body experience, and I don't mean spectating.

Also, congrats for a bold testimonial, I remember you as a bit of a tard but I am certain I was one too at 13. You seem like a curious and intelligent person, so I wish you and your partner all the best.
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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

Wow, a good one HDD21, a good one! =D>
Usually I go tl;dr, when I see a post going beyond 5 lines, when not noticing something readworthy.
Yours is the first long post for a while, I read entirely.
Though, I fear Darko won't honor it adequately.
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!
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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Hello HDD21 I do remember you, and I respect you, you know why? When all called me noob I told then, then come to sniperbox and proove it. So first we had epic fight in FGS Wunderland, and later at SniperBox, where you were FIRST person who beaten me 1:1 there. Later I returned you, but it was hard game both times. I know you have not respected me much but you were much better co-player than most of those.

About all what has happen to you, seriously I am sorry, dont be sad, do not look life with sad eyes, and more important dont quit. As you said, you need to go life with good ways, and good deeds. I do same. I have bad luck, people do not like me much, not so much cause of me, its because I am honest and open person and I say directly to all people what I think. Most people do not like that. Most people who bully in reality they avoid me, because I am not person who is smart to bully. Anyway I dont like bad things, and I love to do good things, that is good way. I consider myself as good person. And I wish you all best in private life.

But you must consider now several facts:
1. I tried to be good with most of them, but they always turn your back. You know why I dont insult them on same way as they do me? Because as you said , you never know what hard life they have, so whatever they tell to me I will not return. All what I mostly do is posting pictures where I say they are not completelly honest or they make fake fights (not always but on 10:0 or 20:2 yes.

2. You should know they took my nickname for full one year and insulted people, FGS even helped to them and banned Lucky and 2 days later even me who was not in there, instead of those 2 who did it (Anax and Dani). Do you know they faked same way ban to me on 4 more servers?
Do you know they insulted all my friends in servers, and that on this same FORUM they had support of admins and topic to make ban for me on all servers? If you do not believe search it.

3. Do you know I never said I am best, and better than Messiah? I do not know that person, and Clix also. I only said, everyone can beat everyone, there is no such player who will not lose sooner or later. Every gamer knows that.

4. I gave them chance several times, and they always insult back, or they bind users keys, or they insult with changing my nicknames in their own server..... Most people agree that is not nice, and it is kinda abusive thing to do.

I can go further and further.........

Do you know also that most of them telling people that is same when I play in 250 on SEVS as someone who playin on 180? Well its not same. I played on 120 in Blades server, and later I had 70 ping, and trust me, its HUGE difference. It is so huge difference that on 250 my bullets will miss him a lot, and bullets are stronger with lower ping. All know that. Except them. You can save ping higher for 50 only with superbinds (what I do not use), so consider me with 250 and them with 170 or 180, and they use also superbinds..... Its insane right? So basicly I can play on server with high ping only with sniper, and I avoid with them close combat. They cant understand why? Because it is impossible to them to explain. You and me both know that ig huge difference to play with ping 50 and 120, specially 200. When I see someone has over ping 120, I mostly avoid close combats, because lets be honest its not legit fight. But they come here and humiliate people with 20:0 scores even through all know person with ping 200+ can barelly wound you if you have ping 50.

Also they use raised FPS, not to tell about other crap....

So you see, I dont say I am angel, but I know what I talk. They had preety much enough chances, but most of them bip bip them up. Thos epeople who provocate me, they dont care (like Anax, Solid), but I dont return to their insults, because I do not know how hard can be in their lives. That is why I dont want to make someone sad. Specially not to that level so that someone hurts himself. I do not want to have that on my soul. I understand you perfectly.

I believe I am good guy and i try to help to people. That is all. People who know me for years, they know I am not even close to that what some people say here, but hey, it is their right to believe what they believe.

One more time, you always had my huge respect, you are impressive player, and hope you will come here and then to DX again like many people, at least 1-2 times per year.

All best, and best regards,

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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by ~TheClown~ »

Not going to start an argument, since we always get in to the loop of me proving you wrong and then you ignore my point and keep acting as if what you think is fact, and its boring, but...
I believe I am good guy and i try to help to people. That is all. People who know me for years, they know I am not even close to that what some people say here, but hey, it is their right to believe what they believe.
You only have yourself to blame. You bitch about us behind our back, insult us, start claiming ridiculous metabolic end product like our servers host viruses and keyloggers, which isn't even POSSIBLE, start saying whoever your fighting against is cheating every time you lose (ive lost track of how many players are "body detecting" and "medkit spawning" at this point), start fights with us at every opportunity and constantly bragging about how you think you know everything, and never even LISTEN to people who your talking to, how do you EXPECT us to perceive you? If you act like a moaning child, that how we'll think of you. If you want anyone to respect you, just stop and play nicely with people for a change. Even your buddy FITS can see that you act irrationally 90% of the time, it's only you that doesn't get it.

Also, last point;
4. I gave them chance several times, and they always insult back, or they bind users keys, or they insult with changing my nicknames in their own server..... Most people agree that is not nice, and it is kinda abusive thing to do.
Complete lies. We never even talk to you until you start arguing with our players. And "we" dont bind users keys. That's only Carlos. And he only does it to players who continue to break... well, the ONLY rule we have, which is don't be a bitch. Also, we've never changed your name. If you'd simply not insult us, we'd have no problem with you, but you can't even follow the one rule we have.
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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

See you in game people.
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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Wiggle times PhomerAdoft :mofu:
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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by anax »

[FGS]Chees wrote:Wiggle times PhomerAdoft :mofu:
Enjoy in wiggle, all best to good wiggles
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by machete »

Hey Jake (your name is Jake, right?)

Long time no see. Glad to see you still kicking around and much happier in life.

I was one of the only people who didn't hate you iirc. Didn't I even let you join Px?
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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by ShadowRunner »

I'm uninstalled at the moment, taking forever to get a new PC, but I notice post lengths diminishing in this thread, which must be a good thing, less beef must mean more gravy.

My apologies for the fascist brexiting pig-loving nation known as the UK. Has anyone made a DXMP_Brexit yet? You know, MJ12 and Mole People. Donald Trump starring as Bob Page, Theresa May starring as Anna Navarre. Boris Johnson as Gunther Herman. Angela Merkel starring as Beth Duclare.
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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Well Shadow you know I had a lot to say before I left for some time from this portal. Still I came to say hello, maybe I will come from time to time, I dont have much time. So: Hello to all people, see you in game.
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Re: Real truth any my last words here

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

For all who do want to visit my portal or stay in contact, you can do it now here, I was forced to move on other website, but all stuff is still here:

Have fun people and enjoy.
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