Moving on

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Re: Moving on

Post by Fear »

I tried guys i'm sorry, He's the undisputed king of the trolls.

I think i've probably played less than 20 games of DXMP since 2014 due to spine issues, and you were in a maximum of 3-4 of them. One of them you went of crying to zxc's server and i followed you to offer you a medbind, another you went to spectate on dxmp_elevation when i made you maybe 0-7 which Dani posted to youtube, another was the time we had a darko impersonation invasion of karkys server (how that has haunted me) where no combat happened, and the other was sniperbox where you did somewhere between mediocre and poor in a game with like 8 players.

Lord knows where you muster up your adventures from, anyways I have a theory...

Darko is afraid of the number 4, I mean if you think about it he posts videos of him being up 3-0 against reclaimer allegedly and counts it as a triumphant victory, but when he goes down 0-3 he hops to spectate to start falsely accusing people of cheating.

I'd like to remind you of something Darko, DXMP and the Bubble you play in are two very different things.
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jRe: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Yea no that wasnt even me in the video. He planted LAMs in all the spawnrooms of this server he was by playing by himself in for an entire day and DarkSpartan made the mistake of going in there.
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Re: jRe: Moving on

Post by Kuchcik »

RodNeySaLaMi wrote:playing by himself in for an entire day
Watching paint dry would be more interesting than this. There's so much more fun stuff you can do on a computer instead of running around on an empty server and then arguing about it. In some way, I can admire Darko's persistence, too bad it's used in such a wasteful way.
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »


Ok, seriously, Dani and Fear!!!! So it was you! You said its not you who played with Dani!!!! So newsflash!!!! Dani and you filmed fake videos about me 0:10, and 0:28!!!! Seriously dude, nobody NOBODY, beaten me 10:0, like NOBODY. Not even Phantom when I trained with him as newbie!!!! And He is over your and Reclaimers league, because when you guys used superbinds + raised FPS in 2017, I was right behind him, and we had onyl 2 positive score!!!!

SO BS!!!! Dont metabolic end product about me, Die is still around, I have proof you could not beat me in ATDM you tried, nothing happened. Then I went to Dies, no kiddo, you didnt beaten me in Elevation!

Last time Elevation was hosted was in about 7 years that I played??? I dare you to play elevation with me, SERIOUSLY I DARE YOU to play that map against me. Last time I played there was first in ground of about 10 + people! Not only that Leon was pissed because I was best and my team won over him and over his score!

So when you saw me loosing in Elevation? You can try, oh you can try.

Second fact: Yes I had bad day in Sniperbox, you did beat me there, BUT NOT 7:0, in your *loving* dream! You had 7 kills, but I was wayyyyyy from zero. But you forgot to say what happened then?
We continues on next map called Iceworld, when you lost epicly against me in 5 minutes, when you *loving* spectated like chicken......... Then Dani tried, he lost too. Then FAKE Darko tried, he lost 9:7.

From 3 of you, whoever he was, he was stronger than you or Dani. I still dont know who he was. I know was not sidewinder (probably one of the most skilled snipermans I saw), because he was also in server.
Not only that you guys lost after that both on Zan -Gogh! Sidewinder was the one who asked if I can beat you both (you and Dani), to claim title of best of the best in 2013. I did it. So STFU!

You ragequitewd 2 times in 3 matches. I didnt once! So why the *love* you think you can bark about reputation.

Oh and day before that when you your dear friend, Dani, played with phantom, anax, solid and maxhete against me and loq? All except Phantom were NEGATIVE in opposite team!

And about sniperbox, I had bad day, we can test now how good you would be against me. I playing again very good, trigger hits are again here. I dont need metabolic end product you guys use to beat you.


With that said, we can ask Die, about some logs from Christmas map when you ALSO ragequit and speced full match. On few maps. Yes, that was gem. You claimed ALSO it was not you, I DIDNT BEAT YOU. Well funny, you lost then, so whats excuse for loss in 2017? Please!

Anyway, some people need to get spine!

At least I admit my loses, while others are just chickens like Ken, Fear and Reclaimer, including Machete. I will not call Dani, because we had epic battles and he never deny me as a player. He also appologized, something what many of you never did.

So first be polite, then admit someones legacy, then you can talk.

I respect you, but to talk with you makes no sense, cause you admit part of history that suits only to you. Reality on the other hand says totally different things.
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Re: jRe: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

RodNeySaLaMi wrote:Yea no that wasnt even me in the video. He planted LAMs in all the spawnrooms of this server he was by playing by himself in for an entire day and DarkSpartan made the mistake of going in there.

1. When you saw Spartan to change nickname? (I did never)
2. When you saw Spartan to ragequit during game (I did never)
3. You said I know you would bith about win over me (why would Spartan say that)?
4. Even if was not you, your shame is bigger because you called me SAME DAY in there, YOUR PICK, not mine!
5. YOU WERE AT SAME TIME ONLINE, so you were scared to come?
6. Middle of map I didnt plant because I want to be sure you aint gonna hide, I had desire to smash you in direct sniper fight so that I put you to the ground, first you tried to do is to come around, well you bithing here cause your plan was mess!
7. Who looses has right to cry!
8. I played in server where I could not heal, scrool, and my ping was for 80 higher than you! I didnt bitch, and you still almost lost in 2 of tzhose 3! In second match you reconnected what saved your ass cause you knew I pinned you to box! In third match you had luck that I spawned in box where you had me in hit area, and I could not heal fast enough with scrool problem and healing. So you turned 4:2 into 5:4 with 3 in row. SO STFU man.

I called you 2 times on Discord in SunnySide, you refused! Second time you came, and bitched about nades! You were pissed cause you tried to hide and camp around in dark parts of maps, instead to snipe and play like a human. Crybaby!!!!!

After that you refused sniperbox on euro server with excuse, WHY WOULD I COME? YOu said that 2 times, once in server, once on discord? Why would you come? Well maybe because you would be target parctice for me? So you pick only servers where you have advantage, and In proper EURO servers or servers where I can heal and scrool, youre scared? I understand.

Also you called me 2 times in RHINO, you picked server! You didnt appear! What says that to you? You were ONLINE. Why I have put Lams? Because I waited 38 minutes! We can play any map on euro server dude! Any. I dare you same as Fear, try to beat me in sniperbox, try, or elevation, OH YEA, I WOULD LOVEEEEEEEEE to see that.

Remember how enved for you match in 2019? I am sure you saw it more than enough times. Was easy for you in USA server, but that what I did to you in Sunny side and euro server was wayyyyyyyyyy too easy. You told me you leave? Dude was 5:2 in sunnyside, and those 2 kill you made ON TYPE!!!! I typped that is just to easy there........ So I left, you said I am scared so I went on USA server, and filmed that! So was I scared? STFU dude?

Call it how you want, you invited me there, you lost or didnt appear (even worse), CALLED YOU AT LEAST 5 TIMES after that shitty USA match, you made EXCUSE EVERY *loving* time.

I aint gonna loose time with you anymore. I am in shape, but rather would play with players that deserve it. You had your chances to lose, you did, always undercover, enough for me.

Have fun.
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Re: jRe: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Kuchcik wrote:
RodNeySaLaMi wrote:playing by himself in for an entire day
.... I can admire Darko's persistence, too bad it's used in such a wasteful way.
Look man, I know how it looks, but those guys many metabolic end product a lot. I cant stand lies. If you watch me you would see I am realistic, I dont pretend I am unbeatable. But man I cant stand many metabolic end product. They denny even facts wisible from pictures and videos! Superhilarious!!! People that lost against me with several people, claiming win over me with 10:0 BS! many metabolic end product! I just cant stand that stupidity. Whatever man. But as you say, its useless.

Ps: If you have desire we can play CS:GO. I am usually in 10 minutes matches, I know youre more for tournament type of games, but youre always welcome. Dont believe I am ass as they claim. I dont care for win and losses.
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

See you around people :wave:
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Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Thats only you can do when you cant deny obvious facts.

Here is one for you from video:
vslAjrW.gif (1.55 MiB) Viewed 15577 times
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

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Re: Moving on

Post by Fear »

The effort he puts into these stories, and the amount of years he's kept it up even though they are a complete farce is astounding... Darko my active period in DXMP was before you even existed aside from the few times I've had the misfortune of sharing a game with you that us players arranged over skype, discord or steam.

These other guys might have interacted with you in game more but I certainly haven't, (gladly) I hardly know you... most of my knowledge of you is from other players which have a good standing in the game, and from reading your forum outbursts when I have snacks lying about.

The players you say you've had great battles with, learned from and wont say bad things about are amongst the biggest detrimental idiots this game has ever had, people like Phantom and Dani? [-( lol I guess that explains your delusions and troll-like beliefs, I bet even they read your posts for entertainment purposes only like we do.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Dani and you filmed fake videos about me 0:10, and 0:28!!!! Seriously dude, nobody NOBODY, beaten me 10:0
First of all Dani just as much of an irrelevant pissant as you are, also huh?
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:like NOBODY. Not even Phantom when I trained with him as newbie!!!! And He is over your and Reclaimers league, because when you guys used superbinds + raised FPS in 2017, I was right behind him, and we had onyl 2 positive score!!!!
Lol, since you started in 2012 and don't know any better let me correct you, taking all gametypes into account Phantom isn't even half the player Reclaimer is. I would place him above me as an overall player as he plays more gametypes than me, but go find Phantom and ask who he learned from when he couldn't snipe and walk simultaneously in 2008... for me to say phantom is better than me in 0a would be putting him on the level of Clix, and that isn't even remotely true.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:SO BS!!!! Dont metabolic end product about me, Die is still around, I have proof you could not beat me in ATDM you tried, nothing happened. Then I went to Dies, no kiddo, you didnt beaten me in Elevation!
Me... Fear? challenged you to ATDM? Damn son I ain't surprised I lost. :-s
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Second fact: Yes I had bad day in Sniperbox, you did beat me there, BUT NOT 7:0, in your *loving* dream! You had 7 kills, but I was wayyyyyy from zero. But you forgot to say what happened then?
We continues on next map called Iceworld, when you lost epicly against me in 5 minutes, when you *loving* spectated like chicken......... Then Dani tried, he lost too. Then FAKE Darko tried, he lost 9:7.
I said it was DXMP_Elevation where I turned you inside out, even long after I stopped playing regularly. This evidence is either on Dani's youtube channel if its still up, or buried somewhere in the Waifu folder of his hard drive.

As for the other part of your sentence, dunno what you're on about there lad I don't recall any of that sorry.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Oh and day before that when you your dear friend, Dani, played with phantom, anax, solid and maxhete against me and loq? All except Phantom were NEGATIVE in opposite team!
Dani is most certainly not my friend, also Huh?
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:With that said, we can ask Die, about some logs from Christmas map when you ALSO ragequit and speced full match. On few maps. Yes, that was gem. You claimed ALSO it was not you, I DIDNT BEAT YOU. Well funny, you lost then, so whats excuse for loss in 2017? Please!
Huh? since you said Die and logs I guess you mean it was one of his servers? no offence to Die but when has he ever hosted a competitive matchplay server that isn't full of mods that next to nobody plays? I don't recall one.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Anyway, some people need to get spine!
Heyyyyyyy I said I'm having spine problems you inconsiderate insensitive BETCH! :( :( :(
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:At least I admit my loses, while others are just chickens like Ken, Fear and Reclaimer, including Machete. I will not call Dani, because we had epic battles and he never deny me as a player. He also appologized, something what many of you never did.
I'm not going to apologise for something that's made up, btw the 5 names in that sentence are all atleast twice as good as you.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:So first be polite, then admit someones legacy, then you can talk.
I admit your legacy, and now I'm able to talk I can say that this is a video game that was never an e-sport and not many 1:1 in web cafes have ever happened, so there are no legacies here unless trolls with below average skill in fps games are an exception to the rule.

Anywhere I have typed "huh?" is an open invitation for you to show evidence, one last reminder that DXMP and the Bubble you play in are two very different things Darko.

Enjoy in day :wave:
Last edited by Fear on 18 Oct 2020, 01:17, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

I don't think Darko knows what ATDM is
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Nice nice, funny.......

1. You say BS about Dani, then again proofs are on his server? Hm weird......
2. Many people have proofs that Dani and Machete + Anax filmed fake videos with my nickname, and TRUST me, you have not beaten me even 5:0, and specially not 10:0, you can have wet dreams about that.
3. Sorry about your health conditions, but guess what, I had broken finger, was long time from the shape, still didnt prevent me to smash Reclaimer in 2019, when he called me names, same as you did.
4. Calling Die's server not visited? Wow, what for a many metabolic end product, because whenver they host server is most populated server IN DEUS EX.
5. Phantom was trained by FullMoon. I know that much cause I played with them, and Full was one of the first people that I played a lot including with Phantom.
6. In 2013, ALL people avoided sniping with me. ALL. NO EXCEPTION. When they saw sniperbox and me inside, 5-10 players started to go away. NO EXCEPTION. Only people in 2013 that had courage to play against me, were ChickenSalsa and Kyle. Only 3 losses I had that 1:1 year i think.
7. Worse style for me is from Unknown, Ajit, and ChickenSalsa, their gaming type is seriously dungerous for me, cause we have very very similar skills and movement type. Ajit often asked me why is for me so hard to beat him, while I can beat Dani and rest that he struggles a lot. So guess what, even in Hivemind that hated me I had good pals. Ajit is one of them.
8. Most competitive matches (legit ones) I had were with Phantom, we used to play MiniDust 3 times, and I think our score was till near 50 frags tied, several times.
9. You can say what you want, but you were around both in 2017, and in 2013. based on your descriptions. Just makes no sense. Also stating about my skills, you and Dani played against me and B-Dawg 7 times, and you won in team only 2 times, we beaten you guys 5 times in 2:2 match. So how can you trash on me, as you lost?
10. Talking about Phantoms skills, and I saw him probably last time in 2017, AND HE WAS IN FRONT OF YOU KEN, ANAX, even me! I was close to him, but he had more frags, hew had best ratio, I was second and only with positive score besides him! So sorry but how can you trash on him? Makes no sense. Match was played in Iceworld revision 3? Not hosted often but its last version of Iceworld, saw it hosted only that year. I was second yes, but I was ONLY with regular FPS and no binds. (Stats were visible including FPS in server).
11. I played with Phantom, I know when someone cheats, but trust me all I saw is his warping! I dont see crime in that since you guys using that metabolic end product, all the time! You guys calling it legit now, and then was a crime? Chill man! I know more than well that you and Ken, including Reclaimer abusing this game more than he EVER did.
12. I talked with FullMoon and Phantom alone, we played some friendly games last time I saw them before few years, they allowed me to play with them, I DIDNT SEE ANYTHING WRONG in their gameplay. They honestly said to me its BS all can use metabolic end product they want, but when they use it, they are bullied by others.


Finish words. People like you Ken, and Reclaimer hidding all the time! ALL THE TIME. You guys loosing not only against me and others epic ammount of time like chickens, but when you win you metabolic end product on all forums about that!!!!
Phantom was dominant force for a years (loosing mostly only team fights), and because of such preasure I understand why him and FullMoon dont want to play!
I won thousands of games, and when I loose one game, all trash on me! All forget that I beaten same players 100 times, but just one loss is enough to metabolic end product on me. How much times Reclaimer lost against me? Freakin way more than I did. But he craps around like ass! He lost in 2019 in all rest matches we played, but hes trashing about that USA win over and over, denny's fact that he lost against me on Iceworld 7:6, SunnySide 5:2, and USA server also 5:2!!!! Then I didnt see him rest of the year!!!!

He started crap in 2020, and I was naive to join in server where I could not scrool nor heal, but I only did it to proofs in front of all,. THAT SERVER IS RIGGED, THAT I CANT HEAL, AND THAT HE LIES ABOUT 10:0. Where the *love* you saw he can beat me even 2:0? Seriously man, he had 4:0 cause I had DISCORD + superdemanging loilo activated!!! Final result was 11:8, even then he would loose, but its my own fault for that. In second game he manipulated reconnect because I would smash him, and third match was pure luck cause I spawned in his box where I had to pick gun and eaten bullets before I could take a gun, and since I needed to heal (but I could not) he connected 3 in row for win 5:4. So please dude, even there he almost lost 2 of those 3. First game was my own bloody mistake, but rest 2 matches are many metabolic end product.

If you count mine hits and his, he is hitting me 50 % less than I hit him. And if Reclaimer is better player than you, HOW THE *love* i can be worse since I beaten easy him and you? He lost against me IN EVERY SINGLE EURO MATCH WE PLAYED. You hear my words? every bloody match we played he lost in euro. Youre delusional man!

He invited me in RHINO,m he didnt appear. I aint gonna try to call him, called him on Discord he refused in front of all, and later in USA server after those rigged games! Later he refused to play in SunnySide, scared with excuse of nades! Seriously tell me why you need hidding on map in sniping map? Anax and Spartan played and lost against me, and nobody forced them to come to me, since I hunted them also around the map. I am always for open fight I dont like hidding, I am great sniperman!

I can stream my games in CS:GO and Apex directly, so you can see some genuine skills. So stop trashing with delusional claims. I played against better players that never beaten me in team. I played in funny server against one guy Dani told he will beat me, but he could not. He aswas strong guy, but he could not. So guys, chill!

You say no tournament games? I will tell you some names you should remind:

1. Rat, Hey, Ricci, Monkee, Phantom, FullMoon, Ste

Also Cannabiss, Blade, Leon, Dani, Ajit, ChickenSalsa, Messiah, EDH, ZXC, VOID, RA, R players that I will nto even name so many of them.

Dude, all those are capable to beat you and Reclaimer EASY. No offence but easy. You, Ken, Reclaimer and Machete bark a lot, but there are old legends I saw this year to smash you guys over and over. They joined after 10 years, and I saw one guy, cant remember nickname, he wooped all novadays around like a mop! He literally smashed all of them. I saw Messiah spectating same night while that old legend wooped ass of rest.

So man, you are really in some dream if you think I didnt play in time of legends, cause I meet thewm all, talked to them all, and all accept my skills, besides, you Machete, Ken and Reclaimer. Why you guys dont like me? Cause all of you 4 abuse, and I still smashed you. I understand its not nice to see when someone crushes your ego, cause I did that to 4 of you in 2013 a lot.

If you want to see where is your placew, lets organize WEBCAFFE tournament! LETS SEE OF THOSE 20 + PEOPLE I NAMED HOW MUCH CAN BEAT YOU MACHETE, KEN AND RECLAIMER. I put my money that all 20 are capable to beat you guys easy in zero augs!!!

If you Machete, Reclaimer and Ken planning to organize massive webcaffe tournament, I AM SO IN TO TEST SKILLS OF YOU 4. Seriously we can stream real life webcaffe tournament how I bating you reclaimer machete and ken. I AM SO IN!

I am not God, I lost also, but, when it comes to no binds + regular gameplay I am dominant there. If I would use raised FPS + metabolic end product you guys Use, well man, ma dominance would be even bigger. Its a fact.

I have no doubt all 20 people in list are capable to beat me in that list, but if you think I cant beat them also, youre seriously in some massive dream. I am epic player in all games I play. Sometimes I have bad day, sometimes good day.


"All can beat all, its only matter of time, skills, or someone can join and make lucky shot in last seconds and win, or all that combined!. That is my sentance I use from day one. Its a fact.
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

See you around :wave:
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Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

get laid
Smell The Glove