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by Kuchcik
21 Sep 2021, 08:42
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: Hey
Replies: 24
Views: 75818

Re: Hey

RodNeySaLaMi wrote:guess it's true what they say about pollacks.
They say plenty. Most of it is true. :-D
by Kuchcik
14 Sep 2021, 19:08
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: Hey
Replies: 24
Views: 75818

Re: Hey

'Bout 50% vaccination rate here in Poland, not many new cases, masks still mandatory in large malls/some shops but overall much less visible. We've got the same tinfoil hatters as everywhere spewing retarded conspiracy theories, myself, I got the jab asap and now am free to travel around. Came back ...
by Kuchcik
28 Dec 2020, 23:27
Forum: Urban Terror
Topic: Can anybody suggest the best path to RuneScape
Replies: 1
Views: 35408

Re: Can anybody suggest the best path to RuneScape

Allow me to elaborate, dearest of all my bots, as I've played plenty of RuneScape! Alright, so, for ages I've head that stab weapons are much superior to any other weapons when fighting dragons. That is correct! High end stabbing weapons are quite expensive though, so for lower end (green/blue) drag...
by Kuchcik
04 Nov 2020, 22:33
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: Do you miss the Darko?
Replies: 25
Views: 127594

Re: Do you miss the Darko?

I just want to see him stay in happy :oops: seeing as he's been the primary driver of any discussion around these boards.
by Kuchcik
27 Oct 2020, 17:00
Forum: Spam
Topic: Happy Birthday Nobody! (The German Dude)
Replies: 31
Views: 125194

Re: Happy Birthday Nobody! (The German Dude)

You may congratulate me in 3 days, tho!
Happy birthday then!

I'm certain you've aged like fine wine.
by Kuchcik
17 Oct 2020, 12:34
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: Moving on
Replies: 256
Views: 493111

Re: jRe: Moving on

playing by himself in for an entire day Watching paint dry would be more interesting than this. There's so much more fun stuff you can do on a computer instead of running around on an empty server and then arguing about it. In some way, I can admire Darko's persistence, too bad it's used in such a ...
by Kuchcik
11 Aug 2020, 17:53
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: Moving on
Replies: 256
Views: 493111

Re: Moving on

What you saying is full of codes Shouldn't have brought up being "good" in a game that you don't know the basic lingo of, or seem to lack understanding about it. Anybody who would spend a month or so actually playing actual csgo, being interested in learning and improving could understand...
by Kuchcik
10 Aug 2020, 11:20
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: Moving on
Replies: 256
Views: 493111

Re: Moving on

Also I playing on prime, so hope you are up to that lvl. If yes no prob. :matrix: Everybody who has half a brain (or bought CSGO at any point in time) plays on prime, since nonprime is riddled with cheaters. What's your current and top MM rank? Need to know if we can queue up together, I could prob...
by Kuchcik
09 Aug 2020, 23:08
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: Moving on
Replies: 256
Views: 493111

Re: Moving on

Do you want to see 10 mins sniping from CS Go, by me? Only half sniper? I would absolutely love to see you play a full csgo match, for real, it's like the only FPS I play currently and can objectively judge your skill. Just let it be an regular valve 5v5 mm or faceit/esea, no casual many metabolic ...
by Kuchcik
27 Jul 2020, 10:49
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: How to use a gravity rifle...
Replies: 3
Views: 21985

Re: How to use a gravity rifle...

Thanks for the bump bot! Grav was so much fun with the movement, but due to the gravbug/predatorbug (enable altfire scope which had a see-enemies-thru-walls effect like Vision Enhancement aug, drop it, the effect remains and you basically have a free wallhack now with any weapon) it had to be remove...
by Kuchcik
30 Jun 2020, 21:42
Forum: Complaints/suggestions about/for FGS
Topic: the smell
Replies: 7
Views: 75175

Re: the smell

making any user with <10 posts unable to submit if their post contains a link A quick search found me no such plugins for phpbb. That would require making a modification in the code of the forums, specifically the posting part. I think the questions about Deus Ex that are asked on registration are ...
by Kuchcik
30 Jun 2020, 21:32
Forum: Disco
Topic: Post Good Music
Replies: 18
Views: 106213

Re: Post Good Music Snail Mail, totally forgot about them, I liked their debut album Here's something I've been into lately, you gotta admit it sounds pretty slick. The rest of the album is not as good though.
by Kuchcik
18 Jul 2017, 15:35
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: adidas ultra boost mens
Replies: 7
Views: 25700

Re: adidas ultra boost mens

I think there is a way to bypass the registration question - I find it hard to believe that a human was involved.
Which version of phpBB are we running?
by Kuchcik
13 Jul 2017, 21:30
Forum: Homepage
Topic: Stun sandstein platten story
Replies: 19
Views: 134412

Re: Stun sandstein platten story

Then everything stopped, after installing one custom question in the registration process. 8-) However after that step, the activity on this board went to almost zero. 8-[ Glad to hear. :cool: The second, not so much. But I guess I'm at fault as well. You might need to fix (disable) your IPv6 :mofu...
by Kuchcik
13 Jul 2017, 21:14
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: Discord.
Replies: 14
Views: 46455

Re: Discord.

Joined up as weeeeelp, nobody was online though. Maybe seeing that little DX icon on my server list will make me remember to finally play MP, since I'm online most of the time elsewhere. yeah, Discord is pretty much the only IM I'll touch these days Managed a teamspeak3 server not that long ago, but...