DD Team and history
DD Team and history
I see many people talking about me like they know me, so let's edit/remove/cut/erase made up things forever, and shorten things as they should be. First of all I am Darko from Croatia, founder of DD Gaming Community since 2013.
Reason why community started is simple, there was many kids who wanted own clan and tags and to be part of community. Main protagonists of that projects were B-Dawg and Leonardo, to who I send best wishes. Since 2017 more or less, DD Gaming Community is small private community.
My story on DX omparing to many is short, but rich, turbulent is quite nice description. All started when I got new computer in 2011 and since then I was able to play on better way, so my story on DX started. I was considered as noob, newbie, by many, except of great players like Phantom, Bam, Void's Excsm, B-Dawg, Leonardo, Die, Cozmo, Karky, Henry, FSB, Parker, FullMoon, later ZXC owners and many great people to who I send best wishes and all the best in life. Beautiful memories.
But since I was considered as rookie, problems started, already in 2012 (some people refused to believe I am really professional material player in many games, (passed all maps against strongest 10 bots in CS wit my brother, defeated from first try strongest Unreal Tournament bot already as young player and so on), because when you have skills and you train new things, you start to be target.
- Darko is better than Messiah? Lie! -> It is lie made up by Dani. I only said I am not scared of any player. Never said those words, never considered myself better than any human, neither higher nor lower, always equal to others and with others.
- Cheater, I see now! Lie. Made up thing by Anax. Actually that sentance used very cool guy which many of you know, and that had nothing with me.
- RQ theory. Yes, sometimes I used to RQ as new player, but far from it that was often or that I was scared of anyone.
- Impersonation and insult lies - I never enjoyed to insult people, that did several (6-7) people who were exposed in Karky's server who used my nickname to setup ban for me in 75 % of servers. First who realized I am banned on unfair way is actually Hey who did not quite liked me, but he was honest enough to remove ban and warn about things Anax did.
- Other nicknames - only had one stable nickname, other player undercovers were rare AND only till 2013 when impersonators had strong power and skills good enough to try to beat me and humiliate me.
- Fama about my losses of 10:0 or 26:1 !!! Those are blatant lies. Period I was many times badly beaten often by cheaters or very skilled people, but I am known as person who is capable to lose against anyone but also beat every single player in any game. In fact in DX there is no player that is known to me who did not lose against me one on one. There is no player in DX who beaten me like that. Those sniperbox pictures were actually filmed on random people, in fact I did found Anax and Dani how they fixing score in one server.
- I was known as player who acused of cheats? Yes, and most are right. Many players abused jump glitch, fps abuse and things like aimbot, wall hack, pistol hack, distand remote lockpicking and spawning object (major MTL abuse that leaked later around 2015-2017), they lied about it for so long time, and even called me delusional. All who know me, know that I was the first player who said they abusing meds, admin modes etc etc. They even collected my gaming setup through server, but that is part of their shame about which I do not intend to talk.
Conclusion: I am not ultimate machine, I am capable to lose in most stupid way, but also to beat by impressive margin any single person who steps in front of me. People who really knew me know several things, I did not want to be any king, or best of the best. Never cared about it. All that happened because some people asked for it, and insulted my friends in game, children and girls. That is past now, I will not ppoint fingers, but I see a lot of lies, and was important to clear that crap for good.
STORY: How I started to win my first game, my popularity started to grow in 2012, for example few legendary players could not believe that in full server one rookie who they mocked beaten other 11-15 people in the server. They considered that as a shame. I was just happy. Can not remember in what server was, but I know Monkee was part of that team/clan.
Since I was only little bit older young guy comparing to other kids I was only capable to make website and form official society. We have hit over 1000 hits first week, and grew up very fast to quite big society, probably biggest in 2013. We sterted with win in our first match, and we started to win against any 1:1 or 2:2 or 3:3 match we had. That pissed of a lot of known clans for some reason, and they started to bully most of my friends and community member, leaving me eventually almost alone....... This is story that B-Dawg admitted to me later. Preasure was made by Dani and Anax who back then for some reason wanted to ruin game, and they were not alone in that.
Facts, ONLY reason I was so good is because I trained because of all those impersonations and insults for several hours daily, and once I tried to see If I am ready I DID NOT CHANGE MY NICKNAME ANYMORE. Darko since 2011 till present day. All started in Machetes server in 2-nd month of 2013 i think. OVER 180 GAMES in solo or team, and I DID NOT LOST AGAINST anyone in negative score. Whole that year I lost in team maybe 8-12 matches, always as leader of the team in positive score, and only 3 friendly sniper matches, one against chicken salsa, other 2 against one guy who I played without any competitive spirit. Who knows me, knows also that often I let other people to win, to make them happy. I could not care less about competition.
After Machete removed server there were several matches, and all culminated in 12-th month again........ For some reason since 2011 each year despite how much I beaten them, they always returned with words noob is here, lets own him, like they never had enough. Dani, Phantom, Fear, Sinthetic, Machete and one more came together with Lox. I know was 7 against me, Dani said, king is here, let's humiliate him on what is said: Bring it on. Cargostation Alpha map, Machete's server. They started with 3:0, but after 7-th frag they all except of one guy were in negative score. Fear and Dani ragequit from game for a while, Phantom changed a nickname, while Lox said he changed team just to help me because he could not watch one guy fighting 7.
After that saga continued on few more maps. I know we were on Iceworld v1 where they all said to me proove you are best. A lot of people watched to see my fail, sadly for them they were dissapointed. Dani joined and he lost, then Fear joined, I beaten him too. But then came real problem. One of the best players I DO NOT KNOW TILL THIS DAY WHO HE WAS, that I played against, and I played against many. I managed to beat him 7:5, super hard game....... Whoever he was, he was more than good. Still low person for impersonating me and not brave enough to use own nickname.
This is all story. I never asked for it, never wanted it........... I just happened to be good gamer who trained all he had to beat all possible cheaters in the game. I appologized to all who I might insulted, because god or bad, you never know what other person goes trough in the life, so I am proud that I appologized to every single person in this game, and I say again I AM SORRY if I insulted anyone on any way.
My moto was always, respect all people. You can beat every single player no matter if you are pro or rookie, sometimes might be your lucky day, a lot of training or just lucky hit in the last second.
Happened to me also.
Well people I do not point fingers, this is all story.
Reason why community started is simple, there was many kids who wanted own clan and tags and to be part of community. Main protagonists of that projects were B-Dawg and Leonardo, to who I send best wishes. Since 2017 more or less, DD Gaming Community is small private community.
My story on DX omparing to many is short, but rich, turbulent is quite nice description. All started when I got new computer in 2011 and since then I was able to play on better way, so my story on DX started. I was considered as noob, newbie, by many, except of great players like Phantom, Bam, Void's Excsm, B-Dawg, Leonardo, Die, Cozmo, Karky, Henry, FSB, Parker, FullMoon, later ZXC owners and many great people to who I send best wishes and all the best in life. Beautiful memories.
But since I was considered as rookie, problems started, already in 2012 (some people refused to believe I am really professional material player in many games, (passed all maps against strongest 10 bots in CS wit my brother, defeated from first try strongest Unreal Tournament bot already as young player and so on), because when you have skills and you train new things, you start to be target.
- Darko is better than Messiah? Lie! -> It is lie made up by Dani. I only said I am not scared of any player. Never said those words, never considered myself better than any human, neither higher nor lower, always equal to others and with others.
- Cheater, I see now! Lie. Made up thing by Anax. Actually that sentance used very cool guy which many of you know, and that had nothing with me.
- RQ theory. Yes, sometimes I used to RQ as new player, but far from it that was often or that I was scared of anyone.
- Impersonation and insult lies - I never enjoyed to insult people, that did several (6-7) people who were exposed in Karky's server who used my nickname to setup ban for me in 75 % of servers. First who realized I am banned on unfair way is actually Hey who did not quite liked me, but he was honest enough to remove ban and warn about things Anax did.
- Other nicknames - only had one stable nickname, other player undercovers were rare AND only till 2013 when impersonators had strong power and skills good enough to try to beat me and humiliate me.
- Fama about my losses of 10:0 or 26:1 !!! Those are blatant lies. Period I was many times badly beaten often by cheaters or very skilled people, but I am known as person who is capable to lose against anyone but also beat every single player in any game. In fact in DX there is no player that is known to me who did not lose against me one on one. There is no player in DX who beaten me like that. Those sniperbox pictures were actually filmed on random people, in fact I did found Anax and Dani how they fixing score in one server.
- I was known as player who acused of cheats? Yes, and most are right. Many players abused jump glitch, fps abuse and things like aimbot, wall hack, pistol hack, distand remote lockpicking and spawning object (major MTL abuse that leaked later around 2015-2017), they lied about it for so long time, and even called me delusional. All who know me, know that I was the first player who said they abusing meds, admin modes etc etc. They even collected my gaming setup through server, but that is part of their shame about which I do not intend to talk.
Conclusion: I am not ultimate machine, I am capable to lose in most stupid way, but also to beat by impressive margin any single person who steps in front of me. People who really knew me know several things, I did not want to be any king, or best of the best. Never cared about it. All that happened because some people asked for it, and insulted my friends in game, children and girls. That is past now, I will not ppoint fingers, but I see a lot of lies, and was important to clear that crap for good.
STORY: How I started to win my first game, my popularity started to grow in 2012, for example few legendary players could not believe that in full server one rookie who they mocked beaten other 11-15 people in the server. They considered that as a shame. I was just happy. Can not remember in what server was, but I know Monkee was part of that team/clan.
Since I was only little bit older young guy comparing to other kids I was only capable to make website and form official society. We have hit over 1000 hits first week, and grew up very fast to quite big society, probably biggest in 2013. We sterted with win in our first match, and we started to win against any 1:1 or 2:2 or 3:3 match we had. That pissed of a lot of known clans for some reason, and they started to bully most of my friends and community member, leaving me eventually almost alone....... This is story that B-Dawg admitted to me later. Preasure was made by Dani and Anax who back then for some reason wanted to ruin game, and they were not alone in that.
Facts, ONLY reason I was so good is because I trained because of all those impersonations and insults for several hours daily, and once I tried to see If I am ready I DID NOT CHANGE MY NICKNAME ANYMORE. Darko since 2011 till present day. All started in Machetes server in 2-nd month of 2013 i think. OVER 180 GAMES in solo or team, and I DID NOT LOST AGAINST anyone in negative score. Whole that year I lost in team maybe 8-12 matches, always as leader of the team in positive score, and only 3 friendly sniper matches, one against chicken salsa, other 2 against one guy who I played without any competitive spirit. Who knows me, knows also that often I let other people to win, to make them happy. I could not care less about competition.
After Machete removed server there were several matches, and all culminated in 12-th month again........ For some reason since 2011 each year despite how much I beaten them, they always returned with words noob is here, lets own him, like they never had enough. Dani, Phantom, Fear, Sinthetic, Machete and one more came together with Lox. I know was 7 against me, Dani said, king is here, let's humiliate him on what is said: Bring it on. Cargostation Alpha map, Machete's server. They started with 3:0, but after 7-th frag they all except of one guy were in negative score. Fear and Dani ragequit from game for a while, Phantom changed a nickname, while Lox said he changed team just to help me because he could not watch one guy fighting 7.
After that saga continued on few more maps. I know we were on Iceworld v1 where they all said to me proove you are best. A lot of people watched to see my fail, sadly for them they were dissapointed. Dani joined and he lost, then Fear joined, I beaten him too. But then came real problem. One of the best players I DO NOT KNOW TILL THIS DAY WHO HE WAS, that I played against, and I played against many. I managed to beat him 7:5, super hard game....... Whoever he was, he was more than good. Still low person for impersonating me and not brave enough to use own nickname.
This is all story. I never asked for it, never wanted it........... I just happened to be good gamer who trained all he had to beat all possible cheaters in the game. I appologized to all who I might insulted, because god or bad, you never know what other person goes trough in the life, so I am proud that I appologized to every single person in this game, and I say again I AM SORRY if I insulted anyone on any way.
My moto was always, respect all people. You can beat every single player no matter if you are pro or rookie, sometimes might be your lucky day, a lot of training or just lucky hit in the last second.
Happened to me also.
Well people I do not point fingers, this is all story.
- Angel/0A
- Posts: 13
- Joined: 26 Oct 2020, 21:16
- Location: DXMP_Smuggler
Re: DD Team and history
glad to see you still got the spirit there big bubba
i go to rio, de janeiro, my oh me oh
Re: DD Team and history
Message to Cheese: We were friends from Urban Terror, you might not believe me, but I was not the guy who gave you reason to kick or ban me. You did that on Scoutingknivez map forcing Dani and Anax to lead biggest trolling action against one guy in probably history of one game. No hard feelings, I always remember only good things, same cool guy who I meet later in Urban Terror, which BTW i still play. Hope you doing fine.
Message to Dani: Look Dani, I know why you came to me on Discord, I am not naive, I know how you and several others work and every little pull for nose someone as naive. Since 2013 you guys doing that to me, and mocking me, but you have no clue that you playing my game. Kiddo, I am working as internet marketer for over 8 years, I am gamer over 20 years now, I meet trolls you can not imagine. But I do believe there is mostly good in you. I do thank you for all nice words, and I do believe you were many times honest when we talked and when you said hallo. I respect that. You were only person who actually appologized to me, for that I give you huge respect.
Message to Anax: Well do not know what is reason for your up's and downs but hope that trolling will stop one day, and you will overcome all those troll actions with people who trying to ruin this beautiful game. First you did with Dani, then with Reclaimer, who is next?
Message to Fear: You said many bad words about me together with many others, that I am delusional, that I am nor normal, that I am troll, but hey, you said also you are not beaten for 5 years, and then in 2017 in Die's and Poor's server you lost against me, several times. One win is even in ATDM. And what happened in 2013? I have dreamed all that? Do not forget you also lost in 5 of 7 matches 2:2 . You and Dani against me and B-Dawg, we won almost every single time. Did I lost against you, Dani and others? Yes I lost probably against every single person in this game. But since 2013, my dear friend, I can count on my fingers ammount of times when I lost. So be polite and do not manipulate reality and history against honest ways.
Message to Phantom: I was never against you (I know someone told that, that is not truth, I am that same Darko that you used to play a lot of times when we both trained prior to 2013 a lot a lot of time). I was never one of those that complained about cheats against you, even when you played against me on Pool, and we had 2 draw matches in row and you were warping, but I did not care. You know very well that with Bam, you and FullMoon I always liked to play friendly matches on real gaming level.
Message to Sinthetic: Against who you fight exactly? There is talk about abuses, and I see all talking crap about me, but fact is, was there pistol hack? It was!! Was there jump glitch? It was! Was there Aimbot? iT WAS......... Wass there wallhack? It was. Was there medkit mtl hack? It was! So why I was so sick and delusional? I was all the way right. You all know very well how good many of you used those hacks to gain advantage. You can call me how you want, I will not return insults back. BUT HEY, do not forget Hivemind vs Void + DD fight where 3 of you against me Rat and Excsm lost super hard. Do not forget how little Leonardo beaten full hivemind alone in 2 maps and had more frags than you all together.I think I do not need continue.
Message to Machete: Yes, you are great player, yes you beaten me, but yes, you lost against me also and you know it. You claiming victory on sniperbox over random player when Sretnik on your picture killed you, and beaten you Dani and Anax all alone lol:) Dani and Anax were negative score, you were draw LOL. You called me FullMoon
No Machete, it was not FullMoon it was Darko, same Darko who you posted pictures of beating me 20:0. But we both know reality, right? We both know you still have proofs of server logs from 2012-2013 where I won over 180 matches, but hey, who I am to tell you that story, right?
Message to Reclaimer: In 2020 you came to me in Zombies server and told me, you are fake Darko. Hm, really I said? Then you said prove me you are the legend! I said I have nothing to prove. You tried to drag me to fight 3 times. Let me remind you what I said. I said I did not play competitive since 2017. You started with 4:0 against me, what I turned to 7:6 and you were loosing, saying to me, you really are legend. I said kill me to make it draw, and then you killed me. So tell me Reclaimer, why you do not show to people that fight where I gave you mercy kill to get you draw, IF I AM SUCH NOOB AND ROOKIE? Why do you not tell to people that you lost in several other fights? Including Rhyno which you tried to lure me in. Yes map was naded, you know why? I wanted to bring you on open fight, and not hidding around and collecting medkits as you always do. You RQ after 3:0. Why do you not tell to people that I hit you in average 3 times more than you hit me? What noob can hit such professional like you 3 times more? Come on man. You ragequit from game for a year, and then you returned talking crap about me, and then you ragequit again after defeat in Rhyno's? Whatever man. You have several wins, enjoy in that, but we both know from what server they come. Sunny side, and American server where I had big ping. You eventually lost also in revenge in Sunny side also + in Rhyno's. But whatever. You got your 5 minutes of glory till I took it back. Next time when you show respect to someone as you did to me, try not to insult that person for no reason at all. Respect lasts forever, not only for 5 minutes.
Message to Dark191: You said your mentor is such a power and he humiliated me, WOW. You are so known of telling truth. If you were in the Rhyno's, why you hidded your identity? You never did that, only your mentor did. Your precious mentor never playing under his indentity panicly scared of major loss, and he knew even in 2020 without training I was power, 25 % of what I was before, but still skill power. You said I am scared to beaten of everyone? How? I was beaten by everyone when I started this game. I do not even care. But you are making stories. Stories which are LIE. When match started, you said I DO NOT FILM. But hey, from where you have video if YOU DO NOT FILM? hA? So you lied? And yes, server was naded all around, except in the middle. You tried to hide and go around, you or your mentor, but NAH, there was no escape, you had to fight me, and then you ragequit. You or your mentor. And What did Reclaimer did when you and Anax lost against me? He spectated how you guys loosing. He joined 2 times on my team and distrated me haha. Frustrations after his loss in Rhyno's. YOu know, Reclaimer is good player, but my dear friend, you have no clue how good i was in 2013, you did not see 25 % of me in 2020.
Message to Cozmo: I hear you want to dismantle me in ATDM, but hey, how would that happen when i am IN Nederland, playing literally on bed, on wi-fi, on laptop? Do not get me wrong I am still incredible, If I lock the mouse I will reflex shot everything what moves for 1-2 seconds, but I can not track moving player for more than 1-2 seconds on bed. I am good, but I can not do miracles. I can get to 75 % of 2013, but I do not hold hopes I will ever be so good. I am not that young, nor have nedd to prove anything. And do not forget, you gloated how Reclaimer beaten me, but tell to world truth.......... You mod made him to win. You all knew my scroll will not work, and after he said he will beat me 10:0 I said sure, try. You can see my face when I realized my scroll on mouse does not react, I can not move from sniper to medkit, I can not shoot. Basically I shot 2 times on each 3 hits of Reclaimer. Still I lost once 11:7, once 11:10, and once he would lose if he did not reconnect to spawn behind me. All that without healing. So man........ Did you check my video from sniperbox what I did to him? On euro server? Did you check what I did to him on Rhyno's? Well you can trash me if that will make you happy, but do not forget.......... It is same Darko who was amazed by your work and Cozmo maps. Hey, man, it is same Darko who still adores your work. You want to beat me, just do it, I have no grudge over you. But I will not forget what you did to me with troll like Reclaimer. I needed to wait that troll for one month to beat him back in regular conditions...... still admire your work and I repeat I have no problem over you.
Message to Cheese: We were friends from Urban Terror, you might not believe me, but I was not the guy who gave you reason to kick or ban me. You did that on Scoutingknivez map forcing Dani and Anax to lead biggest trolling action against one guy in probably history of one game. No hard feelings, I always remember only good things, same cool guy who I meet later in Urban Terror, which BTW i still play. Hope you doing fine.
Message to Dani: Look Dani, I know why you came to me on Discord, I am not naive, I know how you and several others work and every little pull for nose someone as naive. Since 2013 you guys doing that to me, and mocking me, but you have no clue that you playing my game. Kiddo, I am working as internet marketer for over 8 years, I am gamer over 20 years now, I meet trolls you can not imagine. But I do believe there is mostly good in you. I do thank you for all nice words, and I do believe you were many times honest when we talked and when you said hallo. I respect that. You were only person who actually appologized to me, for that I give you huge respect.
Message to Anax: Well do not know what is reason for your up's and downs but hope that trolling will stop one day, and you will overcome all those troll actions with people who trying to ruin this beautiful game. First you did with Dani, then with Reclaimer, who is next?
Message to Fear: You said many bad words about me together with many others, that I am delusional, that I am nor normal, that I am troll, but hey, you said also you are not beaten for 5 years, and then in 2017 in Die's and Poor's server you lost against me, several times. One win is even in ATDM. And what happened in 2013? I have dreamed all that? Do not forget you also lost in 5 of 7 matches 2:2 . You and Dani against me and B-Dawg, we won almost every single time. Did I lost against you, Dani and others? Yes I lost probably against every single person in this game. But since 2013, my dear friend, I can count on my fingers ammount of times when I lost. So be polite and do not manipulate reality and history against honest ways.
Message to Phantom: I was never against you (I know someone told that, that is not truth, I am that same Darko that you used to play a lot of times when we both trained prior to 2013 a lot a lot of time). I was never one of those that complained about cheats against you, even when you played against me on Pool, and we had 2 draw matches in row and you were warping, but I did not care. You know very well that with Bam, you and FullMoon I always liked to play friendly matches on real gaming level.
Message to Sinthetic: Against who you fight exactly? There is talk about abuses, and I see all talking crap about me, but fact is, was there pistol hack? It was!! Was there jump glitch? It was! Was there Aimbot? iT WAS......... Wass there wallhack? It was. Was there medkit mtl hack? It was! So why I was so sick and delusional? I was all the way right. You all know very well how good many of you used those hacks to gain advantage. You can call me how you want, I will not return insults back. BUT HEY, do not forget Hivemind vs Void + DD fight where 3 of you against me Rat and Excsm lost super hard. Do not forget how little Leonardo beaten full hivemind alone in 2 maps and had more frags than you all together.I think I do not need continue.
Message to Machete: Yes, you are great player, yes you beaten me, but yes, you lost against me also and you know it. You claiming victory on sniperbox over random player when Sretnik on your picture killed you, and beaten you Dani and Anax all alone lol:) Dani and Anax were negative score, you were draw LOL. You called me FullMoon

Message to Reclaimer: In 2020 you came to me in Zombies server and told me, you are fake Darko. Hm, really I said? Then you said prove me you are the legend! I said I have nothing to prove. You tried to drag me to fight 3 times. Let me remind you what I said. I said I did not play competitive since 2017. You started with 4:0 against me, what I turned to 7:6 and you were loosing, saying to me, you really are legend. I said kill me to make it draw, and then you killed me. So tell me Reclaimer, why you do not show to people that fight where I gave you mercy kill to get you draw, IF I AM SUCH NOOB AND ROOKIE? Why do you not tell to people that you lost in several other fights? Including Rhyno which you tried to lure me in. Yes map was naded, you know why? I wanted to bring you on open fight, and not hidding around and collecting medkits as you always do. You RQ after 3:0. Why do you not tell to people that I hit you in average 3 times more than you hit me? What noob can hit such professional like you 3 times more? Come on man. You ragequit from game for a year, and then you returned talking crap about me, and then you ragequit again after defeat in Rhyno's? Whatever man. You have several wins, enjoy in that, but we both know from what server they come. Sunny side, and American server where I had big ping. You eventually lost also in revenge in Sunny side also + in Rhyno's. But whatever. You got your 5 minutes of glory till I took it back. Next time when you show respect to someone as you did to me, try not to insult that person for no reason at all. Respect lasts forever, not only for 5 minutes.
Message to Dark191: You said your mentor is such a power and he humiliated me, WOW. You are so known of telling truth. If you were in the Rhyno's, why you hidded your identity? You never did that, only your mentor did. Your precious mentor never playing under his indentity panicly scared of major loss, and he knew even in 2020 without training I was power, 25 % of what I was before, but still skill power. You said I am scared to beaten of everyone? How? I was beaten by everyone when I started this game. I do not even care. But you are making stories. Stories which are LIE. When match started, you said I DO NOT FILM. But hey, from where you have video if YOU DO NOT FILM? hA? So you lied? And yes, server was naded all around, except in the middle. You tried to hide and go around, you or your mentor, but NAH, there was no escape, you had to fight me, and then you ragequit. You or your mentor. And What did Reclaimer did when you and Anax lost against me? He spectated how you guys loosing. He joined 2 times on my team and distrated me haha. Frustrations after his loss in Rhyno's. YOu know, Reclaimer is good player, but my dear friend, you have no clue how good i was in 2013, you did not see 25 % of me in 2020.
Message to Cozmo: I hear you want to dismantle me in ATDM, but hey, how would that happen when i am IN Nederland, playing literally on bed, on wi-fi, on laptop? Do not get me wrong I am still incredible, If I lock the mouse I will reflex shot everything what moves for 1-2 seconds, but I can not track moving player for more than 1-2 seconds on bed. I am good, but I can not do miracles. I can get to 75 % of 2013, but I do not hold hopes I will ever be so good. I am not that young, nor have nedd to prove anything. And do not forget, you gloated how Reclaimer beaten me, but tell to world truth.......... You mod made him to win. You all knew my scroll will not work, and after he said he will beat me 10:0 I said sure, try. You can see my face when I realized my scroll on mouse does not react, I can not move from sniper to medkit, I can not shoot. Basically I shot 2 times on each 3 hits of Reclaimer. Still I lost once 11:7, once 11:10, and once he would lose if he did not reconnect to spawn behind me. All that without healing. So man........ Did you check my video from sniperbox what I did to him? On euro server? Did you check what I did to him on Rhyno's? Well you can trash me if that will make you happy, but do not forget.......... It is same Darko who was amazed by your work and Cozmo maps. Hey, man, it is same Darko who still adores your work. You want to beat me, just do it, I have no grudge over you. But I will not forget what you did to me with troll like Reclaimer. I needed to wait that troll for one month to beat him back in regular conditions...... still admire your work and I repeat I have no problem over you.
- Angel/0A
- Posts: 13
- Joined: 26 Oct 2020, 21:16
- Location: DXMP_Smuggler
Re: DD Team and history
man dont diss the laptop bed gaming lol i play that and im p good all things considered, cant spit metabolic end product like this when u dont play no more alls im gonna say
i go to rio, de janeiro, my oh me oh
Re: DD Team and history
I did not return to be part of your trolling world, I came to say truth, and after that I do not plan to return. Big FGS with amazing players like Shadow and many others turned into place that supports and works with biggest cheaters and trolls....... I call that shame. No I do not hold grudge over anyone. I am just sad how you guys make up history. Read my story, you will see so honest facts about me, ma flaws, but also my biggest wins, losses etc etc.CHIPSAILOR wrote:glad to see you still got the spirit there big bubba
This beautiful game called Deus Ex used to be such amazing place, and still is, but how can you lie about some facts?
1. After 2013, every single year you guys tried to modify something to beat me. In 2014 you guys had binds connected with medkit, still was not good enough.
2. After 2014 minimtl was exposed and still you guys could not beat me. Delusional Darko was all right, many of you abused medkits, right? So who was then delusional?
3. After 2015 you tried to make sniper reload on switch to next weapon and back, but I was even more dominant, that change lasted one weak and was returned back.
In 2017, Unknown who was in better shape than me, admitted me that he refused one offer of you guys where you tried to gave him cheat where bot locker locks the body and without zoom kills instantly with 250 % power. i suspected that cheat for years since till 2020 more and more people used it, even me in 2013 was not that precise from close combat. You guys can do that from close what is IMPOSSIBLE except of case of super big luck since you can not even see head of player with such zoom on half meter unless perfectly tracking and reflexing fast what is stupidity.
Unknown explained me in details that you guys tried to use aimbot, but aimbot tracked dead bodies on the floor, and was bad call, so rather than that you guys created tracker that tracks object and maximized power of sniper output to 250 % making it to kill even without zoom. Wih that said I can only say, you can shame yourself.
I can understand some of you used jump glitch, even wallhack, even aimbot, even raised fps, even medkit cheat, even superbinds, but to cheat with sniper power is next level of low.
5. After all that drama about Phantom you all decided in 2020 to proclaim fps abuse AS LEGIT. WOW. SO MANY bad words about man, and after all that crap you claimed all AS LEGIT. WOW!!!!!! You guys from DX SOCIETY are some special kind of people is that not fact?
6. You guys talked how Phantom is overated, and Blade etc. Hey people. I was not in shape in 2020, I was ONLY who still used scroll and 60 FPS, and in that same map Phantom was first, Fear second, I was third (despite i joined later) and I have to say....... Phantom and FullMoon were attacked by many of you so many times just because they used same crap you guys using on better way, or better to say, they were just better with things you use also. And many of you used even worse things. I know because I played against them.
7. YOU ALL IN 2021 CALLED LEGENDS AS WEAK, INCLUDING TRASHING OF MESSIAH. BUT HEY PEOPLE, I WAS IN 2021 THERE WHERE THEY KICKED YOUR ASS. I SAW WHAT MESSIAH AND ALL OF THEM DID TO YOU GUYS WHEN YOU GUYS PLAYED SO PROUDLY AS PLAYERS!!! I am so proud thy all kicked your ass because i left Fear's channel for second time after Reclaimer and you guys trashed all of the LEGENDS, and noone was happier than me when they kicked your ass.
Nothing more to add.
- Angel/0A
- Posts: 13
- Joined: 26 Oct 2020, 21:16
- Location: DXMP_Smuggler
Re: DD Team and history
cmon man aint nobody holding grudges like this
i go to rio, de janeiro, my oh me oh
Re: DD Team and history
For the end, same as I came it is time to go, but fun facts
1. Only player that won one rund 62:0 against 5 other people on any map that I heard OF AND ON SNIPERBOX! Meaning I did not die full 10 minutes.
2. Only player that did not use till this day more than 60 fps, nor binds, nor modified exe file (or one of very few rare ones).
3. You all said I will lose in unlimited augments when first real player comes. People, you tried to kill me sometimes 5-6 of you there, noone could do it. Only who actually beaten me in that mode so that I finished second was Die. Even Price tried and did not beat me in fun server. You all said he will, we he did not.
4. I might not be as good as before, but hey chipsailor, hey all rest of you, playing on wi-fi, bed, in foreign country, on laptop that can not run apex, and cs:go and that can not play deus ex because fight lasts forever, just wait when I come home or bring my pc on normal table from Croatia. That day will come. I am so happy chipsailor that you are so loud against me specially since you can visit my website and see your epic results against me. But hey, I am proud on you. Beat me, whatever.
5. Most of you can not imagine how hard it was to play against most brutal cheaters in 2013, I literally played over 200 % on maximum focus to beat them. After months of training it was so easy, I used to have 70 kills with sniper only in full server and constantly was first in front of all. Yes it was amazing year for me. Year that I will never forget, because besides cheater there were many amazing people still playing, and I was in such a shape. Something to be proud of.
I still playing from time to time, mostly Urban Terror where despite bad conditions I regulary wining sniper and tdm games, and reason is simple, despite on 50 % there one hit can kill, in other games cant. Big difference. One day I hope I will be back on pc and table. If not I will still come to watch or say hello.
Till that day
1. Only player that won one rund 62:0 against 5 other people on any map that I heard OF AND ON SNIPERBOX! Meaning I did not die full 10 minutes.
2. Only player that did not use till this day more than 60 fps, nor binds, nor modified exe file (or one of very few rare ones).
3. You all said I will lose in unlimited augments when first real player comes. People, you tried to kill me sometimes 5-6 of you there, noone could do it. Only who actually beaten me in that mode so that I finished second was Die. Even Price tried and did not beat me in fun server. You all said he will, we he did not.
4. I might not be as good as before, but hey chipsailor, hey all rest of you, playing on wi-fi, bed, in foreign country, on laptop that can not run apex, and cs:go and that can not play deus ex because fight lasts forever, just wait when I come home or bring my pc on normal table from Croatia. That day will come. I am so happy chipsailor that you are so loud against me specially since you can visit my website and see your epic results against me. But hey, I am proud on you. Beat me, whatever.
5. Most of you can not imagine how hard it was to play against most brutal cheaters in 2013, I literally played over 200 % on maximum focus to beat them. After months of training it was so easy, I used to have 70 kills with sniper only in full server and constantly was first in front of all. Yes it was amazing year for me. Year that I will never forget, because besides cheater there were many amazing people still playing, and I was in such a shape. Something to be proud of.
I still playing from time to time, mostly Urban Terror where despite bad conditions I regulary wining sniper and tdm games, and reason is simple, despite on 50 % there one hit can kill, in other games cant. Big difference. One day I hope I will be back on pc and table. If not I will still come to watch or say hello.
Till that day

- Angel/0A
- Posts: 13
- Joined: 26 Oct 2020, 21:16
- Location: DXMP_Smuggler
- RodNeySaLaMi
- Principality/2C
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- Joined: 20 Jan 2019, 12:34
- Angel/0A
- Posts: 13
- Joined: 26 Oct 2020, 21:16
- Location: DXMP_Smuggler
Re: DD Team and history
Topic can be closed, my story is shared, honest, direct and without holding secrets. As always. Only reason I shared this all is continue with lives and make better version of us. One chapter is closed, but another always comes.
For the end wish to say huge thank you to all good and nice people on my road: Bam, ZXC team, Hasharin, Mario, Phantom, FullMoon, Leonardo, Die, Karky, FSB, Parker, Henry, Poor, B-Dawg, Shana, Anastasia, FITSG, Raven, Excsm, Jack, Munij, Julian, Dereck, Whiplash, Chinny, Cozmo, P, Cat and many many others. Thank you for one huge beautiful story to all of you and wish you wonderful life.
For those who want to stay in touch and contact me, my website is in last 7 months not that active since I have no conditions to produce materials, but I am here and then online and you are always welcome.
https://ddgamingcommunity.wixsite.com/d ... nity/media
Best Regards,
For the end wish to say huge thank you to all good and nice people on my road: Bam, ZXC team, Hasharin, Mario, Phantom, FullMoon, Leonardo, Die, Karky, FSB, Parker, Henry, Poor, B-Dawg, Shana, Anastasia, FITSG, Raven, Excsm, Jack, Munij, Julian, Dereck, Whiplash, Chinny, Cozmo, P, Cat and many many others. Thank you for one huge beautiful story to all of you and wish you wonderful life.
For those who want to stay in touch and contact me, my website is in last 7 months not that active since I have no conditions to produce materials, but I am here and then online and you are always welcome.
https://ddgamingcommunity.wixsite.com/d ... nity/media
Best Regards,
- Angel/0A
- Posts: 13
- Joined: 26 Oct 2020, 21:16
- Location: DXMP_Smuggler
Re: DD Team and history
never let it be said i didnt try to fix him
i go to rio, de janeiro, my oh me oh
Re: DD Team and history
Thanks for giving me a reason to login again as the entertainment was well worth it...
However, as much as i do get a kick out of reading these things you seriously need some help brah.
However, as much as i do get a kick out of reading these things you seriously need some help brah.
Re: DD Team and history
Okay who turned on the AI post generator again, I got a law for you
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!