Altfire maps

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Re: Altfire maps

Post by ShadowRunner »

in classic 0-aug it seems a smaller rotation is better than a massive one, not sure if that works for altfire though.

I just got internet back in the new house and went on the server. I thought the list seemed good, maps from 2001 all the way to Concordia/present and we have a couple more "new" altfire maps to come. Maybe some need editing, but generally I thought there was enough choice and enough maps to keep most people busy.
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Re: Altfire maps

Post by Tidus »

For me:

If i know them, i vote them if i like them.
When there are too many, i stick with the ones i know, never really get to see new ones and like them.
When i see a random new one and i like it a bit, chances are that i will vote it eventually if i see it on the list or someone else is voting for it (when i remember the name of the map ofc, they get weirder every year lol)

Too big map lists are.. too big? then i probably stay in the first few ones and vote the one i know (or close the vote window and not even choosing one)

For others this may be not the case but i think alot of ppl do it likt this.

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Re: Altfire maps

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Hum I expected a handful of replies but not his much. Most maps on there need a quick edit, aka player blocks on Cargoyard and so on. if there is an ok for this type of fix for maps hosted can we start from there? also 8red is a nice map but the spawns need changing or it's get wep, open door and head blown OFF :matrix: small change to the maps like this will make a difference from all 12 players staying to just 3 because of map choice and spawn kills. jMO
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Re: Altfire maps

Post by ShadowRunner »

Adding a missing playerblock is not the same as re-designing a set of spawnrooms. Fixing becomes editing, editing becomes redesigning. At some point fixing becomes unauthorized editing and also I can imagine mappers and map lovers all disagreeing or disapproving of editing, people tend to like the original version even when the update solves issues of gameplay. Having said that, those spawns would really benefit from being a bit bigger and having a second exit, like teleporters to indoor locations around the map, a bit like AG or Cybris.

Tidus, would it be better then if new content was automatically played for a period of time like 1 month or 1 week then. Or should it just be highlighted and at the top as someone suggested. Or new maps aren't that interesting? or you just like a few maps?

Maybe map names do have to be less generic as DXMP gets older though.
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Re: Altfire maps

Post by Tidus »

Well i tend to dislike over compicate maps and like simple easy maps where you respawn and you are in the battle again like Smuggler, ice world, area 51 and this little map we played yesterday from THC with these green slime pipes. Liked that alot tbh.

I would say a little tag like "hot" or "new" would help there to test them out but having them online without the players choice to play them or not isnt good either.
Noone should force someone to play those :)

Maybe im wrong with this alltogether but yea thats how i do things \:D/
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Re: Altfire maps

Post by Fear »

THC_Choof i think thats called, pretty decent
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Re: Altfire maps

Post by ShadowRunner »

Tidus wrote:Well i tend to dislike over compicate maps and like simple easy maps where you respawn and you are in the battle again like Smuggler, ice world, area 51 and this little map we played yesterday from THC with these green slime pipes. Liked that alot tbh.
I would say a little tag like "hot" or "new" would help there to test them out but having them online without the players choice to play them or not isnt good either.
Noone should force someone to play those :)
Sure, so you wouldn't have a map rotation then, how would you test maps.
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Re: Altfire maps

Post by Tidus »

Maybe you misunderstood me but the tag "hot" or "new" would or would not (depends) let the players vote for those hot or new maps. Maybe when they just not vote anything (like me sometimes) they automaticly vote for those maps?

I dont know :D
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Re: Altfire maps

Post by machete »

Pacman was the only map I ever voted for on Altfire.

I'm posting in necro thread to make my feelings towards Pacman well known.
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Re: Altfire maps

Post by ShadowRunner »

I vote Chinny to remake it with that darned missing rifle on the wep rack fixed and some sexy curves and lighting. Also a vortex grenade or neutron bomb would not hurt either. Kinda co-op map.
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Re: Altfire maps

Post by ShadowRunner »

I think you should remove all WW2, RPG and altfire maps and have only cagematch on every server. Everything else is so boring and HOW DARE mappers make maps with more than one room.
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