CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

anax wrote:Darko vs Messiah, go go go, who win z!! [/sarc]
One more stupid lie from Dani Saggenzza. I never played with Messiah, I am not sure If I saw that person ever in Deus Ex. That is only halucination of some person which used that quote to provocate people against me. I remember when he used that quote to rage Blade and Phantom against me. B Dawg can say for sure I never said that. And B Dawg knows almost all people. So if someone said that, that was Dani, not me. I will repeat one more time, I never meet Messiah. I heard he is a legend, just as some I heard from one american guy about some american strong players from alpha clan, but I nnever meet them, maybe few guys from alpha, and Zxc leader in last few month.

Only thing what I said is that I am not scared to play against anyone, but for sure I have not said that I beaten people with which I never played lol. No further comment lol.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by synthetic »

There we go!
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by anax »

PLEASE tell me you did not just take that post seriously, i even put "sarc" in a box JUST to help you, but you STILL took it seriously.

Dude, you are beyond help, you MUST have a mental condition, there is no doubt at all.

Also: Who the hell needs more than 3 lams in online multiplayer, noobs like you, obviously!

i won't bother to explain why the above is true because you cannot even understand how to use the speed aug for surviving "huge jumps."
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Anax I feel sorry for you cause you are just arongant little person similar to Solid, which tried to infiltrate together with DD under other nick, and then he attacked me cause he never managed to beat me 1:1.

Also he tried to shame me in AUGS server, but ask B Dawg how that ended many times for him. Trust me Anax you will see me in augs and I will ebat you sooner or later badly, and I will post it here.

I do not know foor noobs like me, but I know from fact about noobs like you, that 5 lams are cheat, cause every normal person knows that 3 is limit (all about that is manipulation on not natural way), and huge jumps are abuse, cause noone can do 20 metter jumps except people like you. But trust me that will not help you a lot. Remember my word, you will see me, and you will remember me, just as Dani did, just as Solid did, you will be just one more person in my statistics which I shamed. And why? Cause of your arogant language. I do not like ragers and insulters like you, so trust me, I will beat you, and I will post it in front of all.

For your health I hope you will choose your next words on more normal way, cause more you will insult me, more I will come to beat you, just as I beaten always Dani. Do not put that on personal way cause I will do that every single day if you continue to insult me. But that is your problem. We will see ya in game, have no doubt in that and I will not hide.

Enjoy :)
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Hey »

Range IP ban him please thank you.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Ye, you will like that.

I ask myself why you have not banned your precious friends in your server which stealed my nick with range ban?

Oh sorry, you have not done that cause you supported their insults and lies right Hey?

Truth hurts. And on which base they should kick me? Cause I tell truth about you and your raging and insulting company? Your words were together with Dani and your company froim ADTM: We will not stop untill all will hate you? Or you forgot Hey that you tell that to me.

You can demand whatever you want, onaly who insulted here, were you and your friends, which attacked me and other people. So cry on other place. If you were honest you will ban real abusers anyway, and not good people.

So please keep your oppinion for yourself. Thanks.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by [FGS]Chees »

A horse walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender says, ‘Why the long face?’

Same old... same old stuff let it go kids

Take some of my medication for Sciatica you may then all finally stfu and be happy your alive 8-)
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Since this community do not trust me anyway and since 90 percent of people believe to abusers and insulters anyway I am off from here. I know that Nobody and moderators of this forum do not hate, me they just believe to wrong people cause they are in contact with them. That is cool, but every time I will see nick stealers and abusers, I will come here and post it so that all see "THAT DARKOS BANANA ISSUE " is not banana issue, it is just sad truth which happens because of people which love to insult others.

Only what I can tell is that I am sorry to hear that someone insulted Chees also, same as they did to me, Vitali, Karky, Leonardo and many other good people.

To all good people I can only say all best in life and see ya on my community site, game, and maybe here sometimes.
See ya in Deus Ex.

Enjoy in day.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by anax »

just going to leave this here.


EDIT: Seriously where are you pulling this metabolic end product from?
i never said more than 3 lams was possible anyway, that's the whole point lmfao.

And yeah, i can make huge jumps by moving my finger and pressing Q to activate F7 Speed aug.

It must be difficult for you to press one button, so much brain effort. :D
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

It is difficult for you to activate brains I said 20 metter jumps (you can not jump 20 metter high with speed aug).

All know perfectly well about that I talk. And spear me of your nonsense.

Please try to report me to Deus Ex planet: Say to them, guys please ban Darko, he is so annoying, how he dares to own me Dani, and company which use abuses but we still are not on his level even trough he does not use any kind of abuses and binds, so we are forced to take nicks od Darko and his friends, we are forced to insult his friends and talk lies about him, cause he just do not want to play on weak level: Yea you should write that anax. Maybe then I will be banned lol :)
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

This topic should be renamed to: Banana issue of real provocators in Deus Ex (we all know who they really are, but they are cool friends of FGS, Hey servers, and FGS clan and even trough admin of those servers know very well truth, they will not put real logs and proofs here.

I am sure we can write a book about few people which cause all those problems.

To all good and cool people i can only say: See ya in game and have a nice day.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Would the big jump not be down to lag on players and servers part? Seen it myself at peak times on many servers and then people complain of cheating and shooting round corners when in fact the connection was interrupted for 0.5 of a second.

Meh why am I posting this.. who gives a shizzle anyways :bwahaha:
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by anax »

nobody is suggesting you can hack and jump 20 meter with speed aug.

Let's take the box shaped spawn room in Silo, the one with the LAM on top, as an example.
IRL that building would probably 20 feet tall as a rough estimate, and you cannot jump onto it even with speed aug.
However, you CAN survive FALLS of many meters if you use speed aug.

Yet again you're pulling random claims outta your ass.

Nobody can jump 20 meters, nobody can spawn with 5 full medkits, nobody can collect more than 3 LAMS.
These things are not coded into the game, they are completely impossible.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by DaniSaggenza »

anax wrote:nobody is suggesting you can hack and jump 20 meter with speed aug.

Let's take the box shaped spawn room in Silo, the one with the LAM on top, as an example.
IRL that building would probably 20 feet tall as a rough estimate, and you cannot jump onto it even with speed aug.
However, you CAN survive FALLS of many meters if you use speed aug.

Yet again you're pulling random claims outta your ass.

Nobody can jump 20 meters, nobody can spawn with 5 full medkits, nobody can collect more than 3 LAMS.
These things are not coded into the game, they are completely impossible.
Dani can cus he paid 100 euro monthly CSS hax.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

You are very wrong Anax. I saw on my own eye dude which had: 5 meds every time when he spawns, dude which lagged me in game, dude which body dissapeared after I killed him, dude which Insulted me heavy, while he played in the same time (he could also go spectate and join, and spamm at the same time), also I know from fast that some dudes used glitch to jump and fall down with NO DAMAGE AT ALL from 20 metters, WITHOUT augs. So you see if you jump 20 metter with glitch that is bug, but if you fall and you have no damage, how can that be bug? Lol that is abuse. I also tested some wallhackers and posted that also: I hided myself on randoom part of map which was always totaly out of way of movement, but they have found me always, they even shooted before them came to me. Lol is that joke? I was newbie back then, but please do not talk to me that kind of abuse do not exist, cause I posted about that. I will not name who had it, but it does exist trust me. Have I something against that all? No, not at all.

But you know I am sich of playing with guys which use some kind of abuse, and then i must play 15 minutes in full shape, and try to get to medkits, while dude spawns even at sniperbox with 5 meds and bring it on. Or example I saw him to play on Zan Gogh with emp which is i think not at all at that map lol. So you see I watched that all and I played epic games with those people, but because I was quiet that does not mean that does not bother me.

Why should I play 15 mintues with no binds, in totaly silence, while all the way dude plays with 5 meds, and his body goes away after I kill him, and he uses bug jumps. Really? You know how hard it was to beat them? Trust me epic hard. And I was tired to play against such dudes, cause even trough I often won I was so tired of playing few hours on 200% that I rather played on other servers.

I will not name anyone cause I do not care, but do not say that those things does not exists cause forums are full of that.

Enjoy in weekend.