CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by synthetic »

Darko (real darko) is just one of those players who are bad sport, they cannot take a loss *AT ALL*. He could become better much faster if he didn't have that issue. However, at this point he has talked so much many metabolic end product to me and every other playing veteran that he will need a *loving* century to clean his act up.

And btw, if you duel him he will spectate after 3 deaths and spend next 10-20 minutes talking about your cheats and about how croatia won every war. That is the real darko. I even took a demorec of such a game once (last year).

Basically all this drama is simply because one dude cannot accept being killed in online game :S Thats bit underwhelming considering how big posts we are making on the topic. I guess his idiotic statements that go on the side don't really help the case, either. Before someone rushes to making a point about potential bipolar issue here - I don't belive it. It deals with ego of a relatively dumb person. He is patronizing to weaker players, smiling and encouraging them (as well as providing them with false information about other players), and as soon as someone starts getting even little better than him he changes face.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I am the REAL Darko.
Dani Sagenzza you can not beat me. If you think you can, say me date and time, I will come to play 1:1 with you. Ask Hey how that ended for him? I must say to you 1 thing? Why Darko from your pictures has not ping 80? Please can you explain me that? As I said Dani Sagenzza, I know that you filmed with fake Darko's fake movies, when person with ping 120 lost against you and when you reported me to Machete from your computer when you took my nick. Maybe you are strong enough to beat some kid. Here is one more time proof which is mine ping, and which is ping of fake Darko:
From this picture is all visible.

People like B- Dawg can confirm that Dani Sagenzza together with Fear beaten me and B-Dawg maybe only 1 time from 10 matches. Me and B-Dawg were just to strong for them. I am sure that B-Dawg has many proofs, and I have proofs also. Some of proofs are on my website. As I said to you Dani, say me date, place, webcaffe, take 1000 euro, we will play on randoom computers, webcaffe owner will install deus ex, one person will watch you, one will watch me, no binds, no other stupidity, and you will lose. You can not beat me even with abuses :) People from Machete can confirm how you insulted me and Phantom when you lost 2 weeks in row when you insulted Karky. Every single day you lost on Machete, and that is reason of all those fake nicks.

How strong I am on zero augs you will see from this picture (I can not post it sadly on this forum, some error appears), so please people visit my community website:, visit this topic: WIN FROM VOID'S SERVER, and there you will see all. All that was filmed just few days before I made Fear and Dani to retire from shame from Deus Ex. Just few days later I beaten them on THC map Zan-Gogh in front of Phantom, Blade and Sidewinder. Both Fear and Dani ragequited from there, and all named people were there. Blade said to me, if you can beat them show to us, and I did. After that Dani and Fear left with some moanings away on skype. People which I named in this topic can confirm my words cause theys were there. Why should I lie? Noone of those people like me, but they all saw what i said. How strong I am Dani? You should know :) Enjoy and do not cry cause whole world will see how you and Fear lost against me alone :)

One more time, any time, any day, any server, 1:1 any person. Who has problems with me will play against me. And guess what? That person will lose. I am not scared. I do not use binds, but I know what I can. I am stronger than ever, and I will proof that to every arogant person (I will beat him, as I did to all which tried 1:1 with me last month) which will insult me or any other people.

Good people which respect me are always welcome to play with me, I will be happy to win or lose against them, I do not care, I play for fun anyway. All best to all good people. Enjoy.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by anax »

i really want to laugh hard, but i can only grin in a state of confusion and complete brain death.
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Hey »

He just makes so many hilarious posts, I don't understand where he gets it all from.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by machete »

Hey wrote:He just makes so many hilarious posts, I don't understand where he gets it all from.
I've heard he has access to some seriously good stuff. Also explains why he's terrible at DX.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I laugh when I see comments from those people:
Anax: Person which called me noob but he played on server with one more HK member and they both lost against me alone. What to say more? (On several maps).
Dani: People saw how he lose maybe 50-100 times against me, and many of those were in front od B-Dawg, Excsm and other people in THC or Void servers. I will not even talk how much time I shamed him on Karky's. Only time he actually had more frags than me,, was training where I helped him to train sniper (it is seriously low when person put that on internet as win, cause you can see conversation where I say if he want to know how I trained etc etc....) I guess that says all about him. He cant beat me since last 6 months, and I doubt he will do that ever again.
Hey: Person which came to insult me on ZxC server, and then he lost and ragequited in front of full people when he actually start to losing against me 1:1. You see abusers can play with me on maps with medkit, but on maps with real skills with no aditional medkit they just do not have chance. He saw that on hard way. I guess he has good lesson now.
Machete: Person which insult me since always and which banned me because of Dani's clones :) He always say's that I suck: I will say only this. Unban me, (your server is only Euro where I have fully competitive ping), and we will see who is noob.

As I said against provocators, any time, any day, any map. YOu will fail. Enjoy.

To all other cool and good people all best. Bye
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by machete »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Machete: Person which insult me since always and which banned me because of Dani's clones :) He always say's that I suck: I will say only this. Unban me, (your server is only Euro where I have fully competitive ping), and we will see who is noob.
I don't think you understand how IP addresses work, my friend.

Anyway, I won't humour you by inviting you for a 1vs1 because from what I've heard, you either won't show up or you'll just ragequit the first time I kill you.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by anax »

"additional medkit"
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by DaniSaggenza »

I'm starting to think that dude has a serious mental disorder and trusts every single lie that he tells, so I decided to stop laughing of him because I have a basic education (think that he has not, as we can see), and I don't really feel okay by making fun of a mental retarded. :wave:
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

First of all Machete I do not have desire to play in your server, so do not think that I wish that.
I know how IP adress works, I can overide Ip adress, I can also overide advanced range ban, but I have no desire for that. As I said before, I am proud person and I will not crouch anymore to servers where I received ban which was not my fault: Machete, Fgs Wunderland, Kldjerz, Hey (augs). Case closed.

You think Machete that I have something against you? Wrong. What is problem then? When I came in Deus Ex after few weeks of not playing, you said oh no Darko is here. First commenct was that....... No reason to comment that, but you did..... I even did not know who you are, and what is your problem....... So why I have ban? Only because of your precious friend Dani which used my nick as clone for spamming, and you know very well. You know very well that he also filmed fake loses with my nick, but you will not admit that..... But as I said your problems are not my problems.

About Dani's comment I will say only this: Dani, do not look in mirror when you say such things :) It is stupid to hate yourself so much :) I understand that you do not love what you see in mirror maybe, but that is not my problem.

Machete last message for you: I forced Dani and Fear to retire when they lost from shame in front of all on THC server - Zan-Gogh map. I wrote about that. They have not played after that for months.

After that they returned and they insulted me and I forced them again to retire (but this time I was way way stronger, and I had new nickname <-(DD)->Darko. When I came back after few weeks, Dani Saggenzza was in Machete server with 3 more people. I played alone against 4 people, my score was 2:7. Dani laughed to me, nice score Darko. Hey commented he will ragequit now, Dani provocated me. YOu know what I said?
I said only this: Now watch and learn what are real skills. Not only that I shamed Dani and that he ragequited when I returned my score in positive, even one more dude connected to me. Funny thing, they did not laughed anymore :)
I ragequit? I am scared? No kid, I never ragequit and I never run. If you want 1:1 I will come. Ask Solid, Ask Hey, ask Phantom, ask Bajas, ask Sile. I never run and I never ragequit.

You know what is funny also? Fear returned also and he played with Dani Saggenzza in same team and I had other nick just to show them :) Even trough they had way stroinger team, Fear commented my team sucks and he left haha :) LOL After that he saw me and said to me same stupidity Darko, you never beat me bla bla bla bla, and then I said but I did :) You remmember that nick? That was me :) Well funny part was when he lost after that. I am not sure if I saw him after that :)

I saw Dani last time when Leonardo returned and when he teased Leonardo, then I said to Dani, do not tease him cause I will join to him and beat you. He said please do that :) He killed me once, 2 times, 3 times, and he said you suck, too easy, and sit. All what he say always :) I only laughed and then it started..... I killed him 1 time, 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, 5 times, 6 times in row and then finnally he said CHEATER!!!! LOL i laughed so hard and I said to Leonardo please lets go no point to waste time with such person :) That is last time I saw Dani Saggenzza :)

I made them to retire 2 times and you think I am THE ONE which is scared? Lol good one :) Machete I have nothing against you but trust me if you want 1:1 I will come, any day, any time, any map, just say it.

And all that stupidity that I talk much when I play hahahhaa :) LoL i do not comment much when I play. I am focused only about my game. Ask Phantom. Ask him what we say when we play? Only gf or gg. Never much more during the game.

It is not my problem if you have issues with fake Darko's. I really do not care. I know that many people do not like me because of fake Darko's which ruined my reputation, but guess what. I DO NOT CARE :)
i CAN only say this to people which have issues: Any time, any day, any server, any map :)

To other good people I wish all best and enjoy.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Hey »

DaniSaggenza wrote:I'm starting to think that dude has a serious mental disorder and trusts every single lie that he tells
I also believe this is true.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by anax »

oh my dear lord. All those emotes, i'm gonna have a real side splitting when i can bothered to read all of that. :bwahaha:
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I know some people are frustrated and they have good reason for that :)
You can not against truth :)
You can lie, but truth will always be there :) Og look I laugh again to SAME arogant PEOPLE :)
Enjoy :)
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by synthetic »

anax wrote:i really want to laugh hard, but i can only grin in a state of confusion and complete brain death.

I think Darko is proof that parallel universes exist. Xposed.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by DaniSaggenza »

Machete last message for you: I forced Dani and Fear to retire when they lost from shame in front of all on THC server - Zan-Gogh map. I wrote about that. They have not played after that for months.
Darko you're pathetic and stupid, today I gave this guy a 1 on 1 on his beloved "zXc Server" with 200 ping and ashamed him badly.

It started like 9-0 in 4 minutes for me:


Then dude did the magical RageQuit:
