Darko vs Anax: the Results

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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by anax »

for the forums the worst thing is the constant repetitive posting, beside this, the worst thing, in general is their persistence in ignoring how the game works.
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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Dani its not oke and it is not camera, that is vision which I see on my monitor, those weak conditios and that super dark conditions are for me in super dark maps. And even after those super hard conditions you lost, that is reason why I picked map which does not suits to me (iceworld), but at least it is bright. Here is one match where you are 1:1 and where you lost. Must I say that I was away from zero augs 5 monts? Do not know what is worse, that you lost or that you cheat but you still lost? :)

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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

Lol.. what the fr34k broke loose suddenly??
It was tl;dr again for me but wtf.. I thought I banned Darko? o_o

Hmm.. maybe I estimated that as a waste of energy and decided not to do it.. :?
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!
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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by anax »

Darko stop playing DX like it's the most important thing in the universe! :-({|=

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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

Ehhh... I don't want to touch him! 8-[
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!
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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by anax »

:D :wink:

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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by Hey »

Darko has been thrown back into the dumpster.
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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

There is one slight problem. I do not play anymore in 17 server and I talked to Kai which can confirm that they abuse my nick and they film fake clips. Hey only who belongs in there is you. Have you seen my 1:1 fights against any of those people? And you think I can lose against Anax. 7:0??? Really dude? He is not in position even to come even close to my score.

Anax, next time when you will film fake pictures like you did with dani and booner and now with deviant which took my nick and then you film 10:0 or 20:o win, then I will tell my brother to take your nick and then I will make 50:0 or 100:0 win and I will post it on youtube, all servers and clans, and all will laugh on you. Stop filming fake loses cause I will return you on the same way. Such things can do only person which has no dignity and no brains. It is even worse that person like Hey (which lost) against me on one map 1:1 can believe in such stupidity.

I will post few pictures again so that I remind you anax how ends every match against real darko. I do not bother with your fake pictures, cause we both know those are fake, but those pictures are real, and that hurts you a lot. So I will post here to remind you what is reality:



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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

See ya in game people :)
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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by anax »

You don't need to repost the same pictures in every single reply, we all saw them and know you either lost or fluked a win. You challenged me, Deviant and an aliased player to fight 3:1 Phantom joined at some point gained some kills before switching to help you in what was already a meaningless challenge, Phant left the game after some time, leaving you with the 19:18 score, which really is not all that bad . :wink:

It's not entirely clear if Phantom has reformed or that his abuse of FPS, Bugs, Engine faults has stopped, if Skype convos between me and Dani before he left DXMP are anything to go by, it was suggested that the sheer power of Phantom's new computer is simply impossible to suppress with any amount of known fixes. These facts coupled with his relative skill developed by almost exclusively playing 0-Augs and BTDM grant him his debateable yet legendary status.

You of all DX players should also see this, since the above means your typical accusation that a player is hacking or has "aiming scripts" and "abuses" is at least 80% true, in regard to Phantom, to this day. Especially since Phantom has become your newest target of spamming and general attacks.
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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by synthetic »

Phantom is legendary as in a legendary noob. I played without any cheats 1 vs 2 against phantom and fullmoon several times, and they hid inside computer room practically all of the 20 minutes. Reason was pretty simple, too.. if they stuck nose out theyd get shot. If I stuck my nose inside, Id get wtfsprayed by two speedbunnies.. I should've quit the game in 2008 with the rest of my friends, as those two tards turned 0augs and later even augs into a friggin circus. I think i only stayed because my ego didnt want to give in to couple noobs ruining my game.
The sentiment shadowrunner keeps posting about phantom getting his cheats from elsewhere or that others were doing the same is bull, if anyone else used cheats that time around, they all sucked worse than darko. Top players at the time all played clean, and the one friend I had that didnt play clean was not the top fragger by any means.

In retrospective we can dismiss players that have cheated, various results that no longer count for anything, but one thing we cannot dismiss is fcked up games that we have some noob players and server hosts to thank for. It must be really hard to just play for sport eh.
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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I said that I will not come much here, but something hilarious happened and I MUST to share that, it is precious gift for every real gamer, but first I must correct some stupid comments from Anax and 2 things from Sinthetic.

Anax things:
1. They attacked people in Carl's server so I told them please play against me on bright map and you will see what real win is. They came, they were loosing badly, they had already 23 scores before I joined, and as you can see from my picture I was alone up to 19:18. Phantom can confirm that he joined after 20-th score to my team. So Anax lies, I had lead up to 19 without anyone else. And more more thing I played alone against 4 people and not three, and they still lost.

2. He acuses Phantom about cheating. Who are you to acuse Phantom of anything? You are only mad at him cause he uses sniperbind better than you are. That is all. Do not know if he has cheats or not, but who are you to insult him. I beaten him and honestly except of sniperbind I have not noticed anything else.

3. In all fights against me you lost, and it is stupid to comment your stupidity. About players, I never hide, and I play always under nick Darko, cause I am not scared of anyone. I honestly doubt that someone cares about your words and halucinations. You life in your own reality where you believe that you are pro player and other people are noobs which you beat every day. No comment.

4. You behave on such arogant and abusive way when you talk about other players but what about you? You steal my nickname, clan nicknames, and nothing? You insult people, and nothing. You spamming in servers and nothing. You provocate me 1:1 and you say always that you are filming, abut every single time you lose and then you ragequit or act like a nice person. Cause you are scared that I will post. Do you know why I post? Cause you insult people, you spam in servers, you insult my friends and me, and it is shame that server owners defend you.

5. What about you? Cheats and trainings from Dani? They are away? Common dude, we all know that Dani trained you and that he gave you all that metabolic end product, and any of people will believe you that you erased such metabolic end product. So please zip it.

About Sinthetic:
1. I have no doubts that you are strong player, and yes It is truth I was newbie back then when I started in 2011. but I was far from noob. Even back then noone could kill me even 5 times before I killed him back. So sorry 1:5 is not noob, that is rookie. Please do not talk about sucking cause In last 2 years I have not lost maybe 10 games totally (just few of them 1:1, one against Bajas, 2 against Kyle if I remember his name right, and with Phantom we had epic battles, but since he knows Croatian we also talk so it is rarelly on competitive level). As far as I know last time I played against you was in BaseCamp in Void server when Hivemind had war against Void and where me and one guys from US beaten 5 of you guys with score 23:7. That says all and I was killed 1 time. If that is rookie, then ok. Since then I am even stronger, and please do not forget, I am MAYBE ONLY player which does not use ANY kind of binds. I use just default setup in deus ex inventory, and I have no changes in .ini file.

2. About FullMoon I saw him before few days and I highly doubt that guys is cheater. When I was rookie he was nice to me, he showed me some tricks on map, and he was polite. He never insults, he does not talk much, so I think hes cool guy. Do not know if he uses even sniperbind like many of you do.

In any case please do not forget guys, you all were friends of Dani and company, so you all used some kind of abuses and advantages. Phantom? Ye, if he used that he was not only one, and we all know that. When I said some guys use vision enhancements, speed jumps 20 metter with no damage on fall, 5 meds, body which goes away after you kill him and aimbot, all laughd, but all that I have posted on net, and after all Dani admited. So it is hilarious how all blame JUST Phantom for metabolic end product which happened, cause honestly i believe there are guys which cheat much more.
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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I have no time and desire to proof my skills, but now some funny things which happened today. Many people know that I do not play anymore zero augs, because they insult me or my friends, and I am away from 17 server where they insult me, kill from console etc etc. So last weeks I play only fun servers.... I refused to go on 1:1 battles cause I have enough i really have nothing to proof..... Anax provocates me every single day on ZxC that I am weak, that I must fight...... So today I saw him how he abuses my clan marks....... And I had enough so I came and I beaten him. It is shame how some guys help him when they try to beat me..... All is filmed and that is last time that I play for honnor and to proof something. DUDE get it in YOUR HEAD, you lost many times, do not shame yourself, stop spamming in servers, stop abusing my and my clan nicknames, stop insulting people, AND STOP inviting me 1:1. After that I am not interested here are proofs:

You will see 4 pictures:
1-st picture: Anax had abusive nick of my clan and he told me, "I WILL film that". LOL over lol I was just quiet, and as you can see after 4:1 not only that he stopped filming, he also ragequited, AGAIN.
2-nd picture: Proof how that dude ragequited and how I had empty server just 30 seconds after 4-th kill.
3-rd picture: I respect Specom, I am not sure who he is but he played with pistol in Dani Saggenzza style in any case he lost also, and I would not film that but he joined soon after Anax's ragequit so I was positive that Anax sent him to try to beat, as you can see from his score 4:9, it is not esay to beat me. Note: That dude was strong, really strong, he used sniperbind, so it was epic hard for me cause I do not use binds,and I was way slower.
4-th picture: I was really surprised when Specom left from server, and when he used spectate button so that he tries reset his score and host it that he had positive score. Specom if you read that, that was really low move. I respect you but low moves are not way how honest guys do it. You disconnected 1 time, and you tried 2 times with spectate - join returns, but in all 3 cases you had negative score. As you can see he had in 3-rd picture 4:9, and here he has 3:5, so that is proof of what I told you.

Picture 1: Anax lost with his abusive nickname in 1:1 fight

Picture 2: Proof of Anax's ragequit cause he was filming and he was scared of even bigger shame

Picture 3: Game against Specom for which I sucpect that Anax sent him because he joined shorty, but he had also negative score 4:9.

Picture 4: Proof how Specom tried to get positive score with spectate -join button, but I filmed that (please have in mind that on third picture he had score 4:9, and on this one 3:5 so that is proof. Preety low moves. Do not know if that was real specom but he used sniperbinds and he had pistol skills like Dani. In any case he lost also - 3 times during the match cause he disconnected once, and spectated about 2 times.

As I said I have nothing to proof, and If someone had doubts in my skills now I cleared all doubts. And remember I have nothing to proof and I will ignore all insults and provocations of people which do not have smarter business than to insult others. I respect all people and I do not care if I win or lose. "No hard feelings guys".

All best to all people. See ya in game guys.
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Re: Darko vs Anax: the Results

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

See ya in game people, and for all DD friends: ddcommunity.weebly.com

Have a nice life.
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