Dear Darko

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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I checked out and ping status is same for all (even from 2-25 cca) mostly, but that is only for player on him own, realistic for all others is as it is, that guy probably saw my ping on around 100, as I saw his, while he had probably same. I know that because I already asked how is that possible since I am not admin, or from same country. I also asked if is from Croatia, they said no, its from UK. So not possible. On other Uk servers I had around 60.

But, you can be next in the row my dear friend who can check that statement. Wunderland is great place to show skills. Dont you agree? After all I recuperate from broken bone + I am very well know noob. Right?
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by machete »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Its not just skills as you said, not only you, many of you, when you said ITS SKILLS, when after reheal you always managed to hit me superfast. Your exceuse was IN CLOSE RANGE we can hit and kill with no zoom. But there is flaw in that theory my dear friend. Me and few of R clan guys tested that, and no, you cant kill person with no zoom, mostly, SPECIALLY not on servers with over 60 ping, yet you guys constantly doing it up to this same day.
Any good 0 augger can zoom and fire so quickly that they don't really see the zoomed reticle, even without a meleesnipe bind (which I've never used but only because it was introduced to me far too late in my playing "career" to become habitual).

It's not as important in other gametypes but close range sniping is like half of being good at 0A. It's how I beat speed freaks like Phantom. My mediocre assault skills are hardly ever going to beat out his super-AR but the gap between our sniping skills is even bigger than my assault disadvantage so I win a lot. Phant would not be a good player without his various cheats and a large part of that is because he sucks at sniping.

I don't even know why I'm bothering to reply as if it's a serious discussion but someone's gotta keep this place alive and it happens to be you.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

First of all Machete, stop calling Phantom as rookie, or lame sniper player, because I CAN TELL from FACT, that he is guy who dared to play SniperBox team matches UNTIL THE END, what I cant say for you guys and company, who were regular costumers that said: ITS BORING.

I fought with Phantom both close range in MiniDust, I managed to get tied results with him, we had epic clashes, sure I saw some warping, didnt like it, but man, those are matches that make you push harder. In fact he was way more polite to me than any of you. He showed me respect. You guys took his bad days and call him abuser. I can say from fact that many of you ABUSED MORE than he did.

Let me remind you Machete, it was your quote from one topic when you said: "With one mouse button I can change from current weapon, reheal and swith back to sniper zoomed, that is my superbind". So yes I say many metabolic end product over what you just said.

I am probably only non superbinder and I CALL LIE what you just said, that you DONT SEE zoom arrow on superfast shot. Thats a lie, except if you have binded guns on mouse, to zoom, shot, and press button on mouse, but even then its a crapy statement, and you can sell that stupidity to someone else. Since I am not binder, I must scrool, and even in fast zoom and scrool its clearly visible response time, and besides binds thats fastest way to change weapon.

Now someone will say, why dont you unzoom just? Its still visible, and whats the point unzoom sniper while reloading? Point taken. Some people should pay attention what they type, because we all (who played Deus Ex for years), know very very well what is truth, and what not.

Even In Urban Terror where I have superfast conditions I can see my fast zooming, and trust me I am fast there to the insanity, also holding speed shots in SR8 and Instagib, so I dare to say I do zoom and snipe fast.

Every player has own opinion, but I know from fast few things. Phantom is legendary player. He said to me, I have bad days, but even when I started to use what I did (raised FPS) they started to attack me only because I am better than they are. And machete, I played with them (FullMoon + Phantom) + Fear + Anax + some others, and guess who was on top of list when I came? It was Phantom as far as I saw. And no, he was not only one who has raised FPS, and I was probably only with regular, and still was third on the list with one of best positive score on the map besides Phantom.

I did talked to FullMoon and Phantom, and I know for sure, they used raised FPS only because others did. Their statement was, why they should use it, and we not? And they have point. Who the *love* you guys think you are? You guys attacking them just because they were better with what they used then you guys. I played against them, and guess what, they seems legit to me. Actually was worse to play against you than against them, because they didnt had those cheap superbind metabolic end product as many of you where non legit close combat kills come from non zoom. Even with zoom torso hit CAN NOT kill, but guess what EVERY hit of you guys did, and if you telling me that you and 10 more players in DX can do what I can not, and change weapon and szoom and aim under second from close combat IN HEAD, then I call that many metabolic end product.

Actually my friend I already explained that is not possible to change gun + zoom, + AIM HEAD under ONE SECOND, actually from 10 times EVEN I did 3 reflex shots from sniper, but those were reflex shots, and you guys doing it all the time with almost no exception, and every year there is more and more of you guys doing it. So my friend I call that many metabolic end product, and you know it.

My 5 cents.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by Fear »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:I did talked to FullMoon and Phantom, and I know for sure, they used raised FPS only because others did.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Well from all people, you should know its truth Fear. All I will say.
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