Dear Darko

The time is right for a suicide!
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

Hi and welcome back!
As you see, after about two years, Darko's still entertaining us. :alc:
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by Kiki »

"I see now" :-D :-D :-D
"It is always good to do good things." - Darko
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Lol, you know that was not my quote? Hahaha, OMG. At least I know who impersonated Julian. How many clowns in this game, OMG :clout:

One more guy with multiple accounts in here? :-D :bwahaha:
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Enjoy people and see you in game.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by synthetic »

help srani?
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by A!BSolid »

what is the link to ab forums?
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by [FGS]Chees »

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Re: Dear Darko

Post by synthetic »

I thought I had deleted it, but found in some img\img\img directory, so I'm just gonna leave this here. :-D

Problem with darko is that he goes to spectate at 3rd, altho when this guy on the picture got older, he picked up similar habit of chatting

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Re: Dear Darko

Post by DaniSaggenza »

Considering that Alvaro has a signature with a high-irony lvl I had to take another one in order to keep my mind in calm..

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Re: Dear Darko

Post by synthetic »

I think he meant his mom :-D
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

How much I chat and how good you play sinthetic you can find here on those pictures:

Please moaning more with "player nicknames and spectate there":

Interesting "who spectating and moaning during game", also you guys had preety impressive scores :-D
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by synthetic »

lol, youve only ever managed to outscore me 5-3 when i played with 2000 ping. How many times have I destroyed you only to see you pop into spectate and complain about cheats or about serbian motherland?

edit: I think I still have dx installed somewhere. If anax or someone oversees it, I can come and kick your ass one more time, darko. I haven't played this game properly for like 2 years, and I bet I'll still own you with eyes closed and one hand down in my pants.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

You see my dear friend I will not make excuses with ping, because of it I did lost against Dani on the map where I usually dont loose with sniper, but excuses are not excuses. Problem is Synthetic that most of you REALLY DID, HAD, and maybe still has abuses. I will not name them, starting from abusing jump glitch where you are not also wounded when you fall down, all of you used it, except me, and few others wgho refused to do it. I also know about pistol glitch, and auto reloads, I know about medkit spawning (5 of them and constant refuel, and you guys managed to hide that until MTL abuse was out officially), I saw people to beat me in own server with admin mode on, so yea, not that I told lies. Od what about Dani's body detector (based on his words it can be combined with binds, that would explain why after binded healing + changing weapon he never failed to hit me), but lets be honest some of you still use that crap. Not to mention that beautiful wallhack (truth glitched and in green color (based on Dani's words), for what I claimed proofs on this forum where guy went out of path (no way he would come there), and start shooting before he came to that wall LOL. Enough? So my dear friends, you called me delusional, sure I crapped, but tell me, was it all truth? Sure it was! How I know? I play games since my 12'th year, at least on computer, and I need ponly few minutes to see abuses.

Its not just skills as you said, not only you, many of you, when you said ITS SKILLS, when after reheal you always managed to hit me superfast. Your exceuse was IN CLOSE RANGE we can hit and kill with no zoom. But there is flaw in that theory my dear friend. Me and few of R clan guys tested that, and no, you cant kill person with no zoom, mostly, SPECIALLY not on servers with over 60 ping, yet you guys constantly doing it up to this same day. For example i can not kill person in 50 % of hits even with full zoom and hit in the head on server with over 200 ping.

What about that superbind where many of you neglected those binds? You guys said its only 0.5 seconds difference, it is. I managed really to overcome that and in 2012, where most of you guys (including you) called Dani unbeatable, I was one of few who could beat him. He admited to me, that on sniperbox he drinked tea and laughed. Sure I knew about that crap, and sure its not cool when one morron has to play over 200 % (me), to beat one guy who bareally needs to do anything besides to move(you Dani, and company). Still thats the reason why I was so good in 2012. You can say any crap you want, but I lost only 3-4 times in 1:1 during whole that year, and only few times in team, despite crap you guys used. And yea I played in 2012 with Dani, and all of ou 1:1 in front of all, how many times I lost?1-2 times? How many times you guys lost? 10-100?

Lets pretend you guys dont use that crap anymore. Lets believe that (I dont), but you guys have now something called superbind, and I will not lie, I HAVE ZERO CHANCE in close combat against that crap. One guy who hosted server had superbinds and owned me 5:1 before I managed to smash him first time in close combat. I played game against FGS and R guys, and I lost 2 matches, because I had no chance to deal with those guys in close combat, in most cases, so I managed to win only in third match. Where is problem? Problem is my dear friend, that you guys have pushed superbinds to another level, so Darko is finally out of the picture now in close combat. In short all that crap used with pistol glitch is way over my or any league. Before I could asmash anyone with my trademark assault + sniper, but I did it opposite you guys did. Ask anax what setup i had, he told, interesting.

To put it simple, I cant beat superbinds in close combat, because gun+medkit+gun back + zoom if sniper with ONE SINGLE button has now over 0.5 advantage. Actually your superbinds are now so fast I dont even see it during fight. Not to mention that rest of us (naive suckers) who dont want to change anything in ini file, have lag on scrooling. I repeat AND WILL CONTINUE TO REPEAT. I dont care what you guys claim as legit, If I cant tip it in from gaming inventory under keyboard setup, I will not use it.

So since I am honest and I know my skills cant overperform that metabolic end product (noones skill can), I can only say challenge accepted. We will do it in oldfashion way, Sniperbox. One medkit, pure skills. If you refuse dont worry I aint gonna come close, any way near close, cause I know what you guys use, and I dont have sign Idiot on my head, so prepare for distance fight. But sure, my dear friend, challenge accepted. My finger is better, I think I can handle 10 minutes of fight on medium level, I am on 90 % so yea, for sure challenge accepted. Let me know where and when.
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Re: Dear Darko

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Maybe I am really noob, dont know, loosing 0:2, then equaled to 2:2 did mutate mapvote, and lost 3:2 :P Rookie mistake in last seconds, but happens. Truth got 2 kills on spawn, but let it be.

Still here is what counts, despite finger recovering I did some solid match, and nah that guy was not troll (had raised FPS in first match, dropped it down for second), neither he was rookie, I was rusty, did naive mistakes, had lead on beggining and end of match, but whole middle I struggled. That guy totally knew how to duck and where is peak of his head, never understood how they know, accident, or what, but for sure without my great aiming this would be mission impossible cause guy looked for higher ground, and had weird nice timing, luckly I saw his predictable movement (people just cant understand what and why I managed to win some games), I observe..... I adapt........... So he lost. Only problem is, they always brag when you loose, still you dont know who they are. Aint that funny, right? Anyway good game.

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Re: Dear Darko

Post by Ermac »

only your ping is good
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