How they did it? Well first, and not least, I played only once in Darkos Box. That was with moderator of this forum and few more guys. That is it. Simple as that. So all that crap 10:1, etc etc which you saw, and which was filmed there, is only Dani + Machete where one of them took my nickname, and other killed him 10 or 20 times. Do not be fooled, join in there, and you will see how far they did it. Its not ONLY 10:1, its even 10: 0 and If I am right 20:1 or 20:0 ???? Something like that....... So since we know Anax did same with Dani, and since we all know there is no person in earth who can beat me in Sniperbox even 5:1 (I lost in whole my history in there onyl several times), who would believe you anyway....... Also I will repeat one more time, I sent you picture where you got ass kicked against Sretnik (that is funny cause you claimed that you beaten player which was by the way in my team, before I joined, and you lost). So tell me....... How can I be 2 people...... One person lost 10:1, while other Sretnik, smashed you into -1, Dani into -7, and anax into -18. You heard me right I played alone against 3 of you. So please enlight us........ How could I loose in there 10:1 when I was there under other nickname and beaten all 3 of you alone. You moaned that IS FULLMOON! No kiddo, it was not fullmoon, it was Darko.
So Machere, all what you can do is to cry here, and call yourself as "pro player", please rather start with pro abuser which by the way sucks anyway. Why you suck? In early 2012 , so only 6 months after i started to play, I already owned every single player in Deus Ex, and that was with old keyboard, and with old monitor...... Gues what....... 180 games in your server only 3 loses, 2 against Kyle from Alpha, 1 against chickensalsa. There was epic match where You Dani, Sinthetic, Fear, and co, said "i repeat again", king is here, lets kick his ass...... You started well, with 3:0, but after that, boat of 7 of you started to sink..... A LOT. First who ragequit, was Dani, then Fear, and Phantom changed nickname..... So you see when 1 guy beat 7 people, that usually mean something specially when those 7 claim that they are better than me

In short, I called you in 2015 to play against me, it is pathetic how you always lost, let me remind you, you played with Anax, against me alone, you started with 4:1 and then, again, your boat sterted to sink. A LOT. AGAIN. Video is on youtube, I played about 10 minutes before Phantom joined to my team, and i was in positive score. You cried that I kill inactive guy. So in map where I played 10 minutes against 3 peope, who constantly killed me at spawn, I was positive because of no skills, and on some miracle I found always inactive guy. Dude, even on clip you can see what i did to you. Anax cut only where he killed me or phantom, but truth was brutal, you were humiliated......
In next few days, you tried to play against me 1:1, you lost a lot... I hosted all on internet, your luck is that you were undercover as Darkos Boss, (dont worry i catched you how you change nickname, so we know it was you), and I sent few pictures of clip how you lost 1:1 AGAINST ME. So you see Machete, if you are shamed to be killed against me, that is not your biggest shame. Your biggest problem is how to beat me. SINCE you are not capable to do that.
Even worst humiliation was when I beaten you anax anax alone (also on internet), and humiliation over all humiliations were when me and Lucky beaten you and anax about 70:10 all together???? I think I was modest, also on internet.....
Those guys which you said, I admit Price is strong guy, we had few fights in 2015, you can ask him. But he wil telll you what I said you, I was not negative, not even once. Only what he achiaved is that he was best once, and I was best 2 times.... That is all..... I never played against him 1:1, but I will not refuse. I never refuse 1:1. About Dani, well honestly hes good skilled player, but lets be honest, despite abuses which you guys used....... He could not beat me, same as you could not.
Fear played with me in 2016, and sorry to say (to ruin your world) he said to me to join, not to be scared, it was on Die's Bathroom, he said, sorry Darko, I have not saw you to win best players on this planet. Someone maybe you have beaten, but me, and others, nah. Funny, because I will soon release clips on my portal how he left from that server when he saw that I started with 5:0 and that he will not catch me up..... SO much about that.....
About your provocations..... Tell me Machete...... You say you have sniping skills...... Funny, because since 2012, and humiliation which I did to "legends" because I lost ONLY 5 matches in sniperbox, and there is no person on planet who has not lost against me there........ Please tell me, why you, Phantom, Fear, Sinthetic, and other ragequit from server when you saw that map? I will tell you why..... Cause you do not have any tiny single chance,..... Please, but preety please, let me see your sniper skills, seriously dude, do me favour, bring whole world to see that match, host sniperbox, send me e-mail and bring it on, seriously I want to see how you will beat me, well *love* it I will even reward you if you beat me.
Assault skills, well I was insane, buttttt sadly........ Despite how insane I was, you guys solved that problem, right? Its call raised FPS, where you guys have faster bullets....... And honestly from distance of 20 metters, I have no chance..... Normally, noone with natural skills has... Since people with dignity (like me) play on 60 FPS, while you have 120+ with your company. BUT, lets bring another deal....... Assault fight, there is perfect map...... MINI DUST. Anax and Dani invited me a lot of times there, both lost....... So please, preety please, lets do that too. Bring whole world....... Lets do it kiddo.... Preety please...... Try, just try........ Many tried...... At least you will try

About me in 2016, sadly dissapointment, I have huge rendering problems on new OS, so I need to play on low details...... This night I was not competitive 3 matches before I found setup (i must put all to low details, thatnks to stupid ati, who has no drivers for new os anymore), but dont worry, you will see me a lot in this game, I will be here, so talk less, bring your ass to servers, and try to beat me, yes, seriously I want to see that story. Oh, and Machete...... please dont hide ....... Ok*? Because you are fameous in hidding, same as your pals from list which you named.
And all those lost against me in front of many people....... YOu call those tier one people...... Well i wonder what am I then, since all those (except price) i beaten alone in 1:7 fight in 2012

And for the end, I will not say I am best, I will not say I am good, I will just show what I can, and I can do a lot. I do not need raised FPS like they do, I do not need "superbinds" which they use, I will smoke their ass on my own way, same as every year since 2011. And what is best, I will not say I am best.
And one message for cheese, you will see very soon, if all goes nice our compilation how DD team beaten best team, and players in SR8 + other stuff from urban terror. Those guys claimed they won profi tournaments, and that we are nothing if we do not play there..... Well..... Check little more server stats..... It is funny when it goes from guy who I smoked without problem first time when I played in Urban Terror. But you can dream, until you see our aiming with sniper. Such videos kiddo, such aiming, you will not see often. When you will see who we beat, you will change your opinion fast. But I do not want to spoil fun. Watch youtube, watch my website, a lot of news will come. Redesign will also come soon.
I will say one more time, I do not say I am best, well I do not even care if I am best, I just play. Those who say "I AM BEST, like Machete, those are actually best in abuses, tounge, and ragequit". That is where he is best, on tounge, ragequit and nick stealing, not only him, few more.
Believe in that, I did, that is why I did what I did in Deus Ex. That is why they hate me... More they insulted me, better i played, better i was. Dont bother with them, just play your game, enjoy, and do not let such people to ruin your day.
All best people, see ya in game.