Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

See you in game bro
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Yes I am very unsecure, thats why I am right now waiting in "finally" unlocked zero augs, first player that comes there in order to show how unsecure I am :)

You are welcome, if all you talk here aint pure trolling or joke (what it is).

Anyway, you know where I am.

Have fun (in trolling), cause winning aint happen, at least not against me, you would test it if you would join it, and since I see players playing other mods, and noone joining into zero augs confronting me, well I would say, that says all.

Anyway, fun to listen your hunting stories.

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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Which server? I was just playing with Duke, Poor, Die, Price, Knife, Ken & Cozmo in a 0 aug server and in atdm. A great bunch of games with some greats.

I'll keep an eye out for you bro.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Oh I almost forgot. I saw you come into Kojak's Killery yesrerday but you left after a few deaths. Tho I know that aug deathmatch isnt your forte. Thats what id like to train you in so you can play with us.

But you gotta be cool if you wanna hang.

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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

My forte is all, I just dont play with nabs like you, who use superbinds, and raised fps.

For such pricks I play on safe and play only skill related maps where I know for sure, your superbind body lock aint gonna help you much.

Since I know from UrbanTerror and past CS + Dues Ex experience, including Half Life, Quake and Unreal Tournaments, I could smash down any nightmare bot, so trust me, I will do easy same with you.

As I said I play only unlimited augments (all of them). Reason? I have no intention to mess just for ATDM every day different 2 augs, and then switch it to gaming mode back. Or for unlimited server augs.

Yes I am totally known to leave after few deaths, lol, what about that you try your theory in some servers which I named to you.

You sure you saw me?

I aint. I go now again to zero augs, I except to see your ass there.

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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Youre welcome to call your friends, to have some training against me, maybe you guys end like in 2013, AGAIN :))))

Bro :)

Oh, after next humiliatin try not to ragequit game for years, same as back then :)

Bro :)
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

What about that you enlight us who you realy are, bro :)

I see pure strenght behind that alias :) I am already feared to death :)

Same as yesterday when I saw you guys to enter zero augs, but you played Kojak :)

But impportant that you saw me there while I was in another server, also writing message from there here :))

Genious :)
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Anyone to play game? I am in zero augs.

Have fun.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Conclusion, we were in USA server, my ping was 170+, closest to me had 40 ping down comparing to me, still I did my best. I sucked but did my best.

They trolled me and demorec'd videos. Dont forget I played with 60 fps, 170+ ping and no binds. They had all + lower ping. Still I managed to win one game.

Later they said I metabolic end product and that I can move to euro server. Price made 1 kill while I made 4, Rodney could not even touch me. He aint that good at all. Point?

Its easy to trash and demorec on someone when he is playing on other servers, at least I have honesty and I refused to play on euro server cause I would humiliate him as he did me on usa servers.

Difference between me and Price and that guy is that I have honesty. As I said no honesty to beat someone on homeground so i left when I saw he cant touch me on sunny.

All I wanted is to proof 2 things:

1. On US server I would own them (had better score than Price, and owned Rodney (proof you cant win in unhuman conditions, but at least he had superbinds and I didnt, still didnt helped him).

2. They are not so good as they think, on EURO i had more frags than Price. In short late here and no time to make debate further.

DXMP is toxic community with unhuman dickheads that are not capable to understand how much influence higher ping has.

When i saw I would win I just left, no dignity to film that metabolic end product, when he has 200 ping as i did on USA server. I aind gonna drop so low to film non legit win.

But I have proof at least i beaten them 1 time in USA server still, enough for me. About my loss on sniperbox...... Solid beaten me on usa, same as anax, but on euro they lost badly.

Its stupid to talk to stupid people. They are not so good they think, so aint worth to take my time further.

Case closed for me, will let other people to talk to trolls, aint worth.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by Kaiden »

oh dear

Take this crap to private messages lol.
{E.D.H}{FPS}HDD21 wrote:I like ponies
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:HDD21 was brutally stronger than any of you
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

I'll just say this. Darko really wants to be known as a great player of DX. And isn't interested in taking advice from old players, and also refuses to accept any defeat as legitimate. That said, I think it would be best to just do as the rest of the community has already done, and ignore him. He's truly irrelevant, and will likely continue to play by himself in Zombie and RPG in order to avoid having to confront skilled players.

There's guys like this in every game I've ever played. Tried being as nice as I could but it was pretty much futile, as yall already indicated to me.

Just wanted to give him a chance. But he blew it. Anyway, not gonna read his posts anymore as they're pretty incoherent anyway, and really dishonest and misinformed. Which you guys already know. Ah well, you can't reach everyone. But damn a lot of people are lost these days especially a lot of ppl you encounter on the internet.

There's not really any harm in Darko believing he's great at DX. At least, it's of no consequence to anybody else. But it does give an insight into what's going on in the world today politically and psychologically. Competetive culture driven by an aggressive economy and manipulative media.

Hope to get to talk to some cooler guys on here, but this place lookin pretty dead. It's been around awhile though. Keep it goin Noodz. Keep it cool gents.

Oh FYI this is RECLAIMER. I never ragequit Darko. But I did ragequit getting owned by Solid recently lol. That guy can be a *loving* *metabolic end product way out* but he's good at DX. Darko, sadly, is just a dope. GG, get good bro.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

One thing I glean from the posts is true, ping is pretty big deal, especially in an old game that has clienside and serverside hit detection that doesn't always sync up. [FGS]Cozmo is doing amazing work to improve this problem and it may go on to help redevelope other multiplayer games.

Particularly the problem in DXMP is the character mesh not showing up to the client where the server detects it, hence you have to lead your shots because what you're seeing is an after image. Darko probably doesn't understand that.

The client pings the server at a certain tickrate that is measured in miliseconds. So one thing that is completely valid on Darko's part are his complaints of playing with a 200+ milisecond latency compared to my 100+.

Now great players like Duke and Price know how to compensate their aim ahead of target to hit the same even in high latency. I know how to do that as well, but againstskilled players who are pinging only double digit miliseconds of latent response from the server, I'm pretty much outmatched at 250ms.

Didn't really have too hard a time with Darko in Sunnyside. I was actualy expecting to lose since he pings 70ms and I ping 290. But once I got a feel for it and he started to die more, he pretty much decided that he was already going to win and didn't finish the match, which in Sunnyside is first to 20 kills. So, yeah. Tried to get something definitive to finish on so it wasn't just me bashing him in usa, but at a certain point you can see the guy doesn't want to lose in Euro to a yank and trying to get him to risk his pride became an indulgent and petty trifle. So I'ma just let it go.

I don't really care much about posting the demos or sshots of the match cuz, well, who cares really lol. But at this point Darko is really just trying to convince himself at this point.

But damn DX really needs the server-client hitbox/mesh fix so it can be up to par with modern MP's. Being that DX is unique, still hosted, and still regarded as the greatest PC game it doesn't necessarily have to go by the way side like so many other MP games.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

RodNeySaLaMi wrote:Didn't really have too hard a time with Darko in Sunnyside. I was actualy expecting to lose since he pings 70ms and I ping 290. But once I got a feel for it and he started to die more
Just this part haha, I am dying from laugh, seriously. My 2 deaths were on type, and I killed you 2 times, that was revenge for what you constantly did to rest on US server. So urine off.

If my 2 deaths from type are relevant for you, then youre sad person. Why dont you post demo from EURO match in here? Please do it........ So that people SEE HOW you saw that you can beat me. Dude seriously I give you 100 euro if you from that video put relevant kill on me LOL.

Also those 2 kills were your ONLY kills back then, you made before I left one more. So much about you in EURO server.

If I am not relevant what are you then. I won at least on US server against all there. Where were you? You barelly made honest kill on euro server. And I should continue.

I came there because of Price's big tounge where he said I am not relevant and then I left him and you into the dust. Not to mention you had Dani on your team, so no excuse for you mate. You guys still were terrible. While Price on my team made 1 frag. QUOTE: ONE!!!!

SO much about all that. Your mistake and Prices also was to call me in Euro server. There I showed to you both that even MY GRANDMA can win with 100 ping lower than oponent.

For rest of people....... Why do you think they play in US servers, suny side, etc etc..... Why do you think there is not anymore fps statistics? Those guys cheating on the level you cant imagine.

If you guys want I am ready for online tournament with all those "self proclaimed" relevant people. No binds, no modify of exe files, fresh install of deus ex, and let see who has skills.

I wonder if they will kill me at least once. Seriously It would be miracle if they kill me once without that metabolic end product they use. And they use binds + raised fps to the roof.

Let me rephrase that way: In 2013, 2 gas grenades killed you instantly.... I saw some of them pass near 4 of them and they didnt die.......... To smart thats enough. How they survived, ask God, or their cheats, logic left the room long time ago, so normal people would not be able to answer on that question, I know I cant.

And no running near them has nothing to do with that since if you place them into doors you cant escape because its way too late, jump behind aint gonna help you, nor you can run through doors since 1 sec is opening time.

There is much more, but no point. In 2013 I saw cheaters, In 2019, i see desprate people trying to neglect their abuses and cheats, defending their statements, calling 2 only kills in server as chance to win? looooool. Demo mate, I want proof of demo, show how many kills you had when I left..... Show to people that your 2 kills on me were on type, still you were only on the HALF OF way to me, and that is if I dont count kills by price.

Fact is I am one of rare 60 fps, no bind players, and when you will be on my level, you would be able to say, you are skilled. If you are skilled, come to croatia, bring whoever you want, we will demorec whole event, be a man play with 60 fps, and with fresh installed deus ex, only DEFAULT keyboard setup, then talk. Since we know that aint gonna happen, you can stay in silence.

Since I already told THAT YOU GUYS USE sniper abuse binded with instakill (I KNOW IT), no *loving* way Price, you and 2 more people, not to mention Dabni from 2013, Fear and Sinthetic....... Man thats way too many people using same metabolic end product, and you would tell its normall every *loving* time to hit in head from close and instakill, and zoom while in jump? You *loving* normal??? Maybe 1 of 20 hits you can hit, but you guys doing it all the time......

I would love that I see game statistics where those sniper hits land at all, I bet leg or torso, what AINT kill, but its counted as kill, because no *loving* way so many people SAME WAY doing what rest of us who playing on insane level with sniper, cant do after 20 years.

I beaten Dani and was best sniperman using behind wall jump zoom hits since 2013 on, that was long distance, but I stay behind my word, whoever claims its easier on close distance he is freakin lunatic !!! AND IDIOT!!!! Youre lucky if you aim person from so close, not to mention head, and no, you cant aim head in front since you move and have to jump while other player shooting on you, so noone is static target.

In short many metabolic end product on level 10000% but I am tired to explain obvious.

As I said I have proofs how I beating cheaters on Urban Terror, I hold both instagib + sr8 records, I am insane in direct 1:1 fight, some play professional tournaments, and all still fall down. Many demo videos will come.

Those lunatics think I am teasing, but they will be veryyyyyyyy surprised...... Also i called them to urban terror, to play with sniper against me......... Ye......... We all know they aint gonna come.......... If you think i snipe fast in Deus Ex, you should see what I doo on superfast game as Urban Terror, you would be freakin amazed.

Anyway, I stand behind my words, they abuse game, they hide FPS stats, and they always be, and they metabolic end product on me, BUT THEY WILL NEVER EVER, confront me in ANY WEBCAFFE because they would be smashed on devastating level, since they barelly can hold me up with metabolic end product they use now.

Not worth to waste more time on this.

Urban Terror sr8, or proper EU server sr8 with fps ratio included, and we can talk.

Whoever want to fight me there, no problem.

But as I said, it takes a lot of strnght to bring your ass in reality and play on 60 fps and play with scrool, and try to even kill me once, after you guys struggle with all that metabolic end product in online fights....... I remember how far behind me on regular setup people were in 2013......... I seriously doubt anyone will fight against me on regular setup.

Only 2 legit people that I know use regular setup that beaten me, are Kyle from Alpha, and Unknown, those guys are beasts.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

About fun servers...... Tell me........ You laughed on SkillaX....... He owned you in proper DX original mode on Cozmo 2 times. While you guys cried and bragged (you and Dani), SkillaX for who you said he cant beat you, actually kicked your ass there.

I did not even tried to attack any of you, because as I said, I am pacifist, but whoever attacks me on fun map I will give him a blast, bad blast.

Anyway I will still play all servers I still play, if someone has something to say, no problem I am ready.

Better to play on home ground against "fake" players than on their ground with even more metabolic end product and on oversees server what makes it even worse.

URT is very good balanced game, you guys are welcome to test your theory about sniper and skills, or leathal weapon, I dont give a metabolic end product, and I will show you that you have zero chance.

I respect all people in games, except arogant people and abusers, and when I see some metabolic end product, thats enough.

Funny you deny possible sniper cheats, since in bot arena you got sniper instakill, and Dani created video where metabolic end product he uses balances bullets into same target on body. After posting that video, and obviously you 2 are in touch, you seriously think anyone will believe you guys, that you dont use that metabolic end product in DX too? Please, spear us.

Not worth to waste more words.

I rest my case.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Respect and dignity forever.

See you in game people.

Have fun.

All best.
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