Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Ermac - I agree with your statement, its good that someone admit, but you denny obvious..... Its not problem in US legends, its problem in EURO legends! They abuse, not americans (based on what I saw). Do not know who started first, but I know what people said who had first aimbot (euro player). Etc etc. Who had first frame rate first? Euro player. Who used first wallhack? Euro players.

SO lets be honest if we denny all that, and leave it to the past, WE NEED IN NEW VERSIONS OF SERVERS, all stats, FPS & PING. Bring that to us in servers, and it will be fine. ALL DRAMA, would be lost. Why? They cant brag anymore then. I saw "those legends" how they refuse to play against me even in zero augs where is visible that they have raised fps. Why? Seriously, because there is no guarantee they will beat me, and its clearly visible they have better ping (for 10-20), they have 35-45 i have 50-60, and they use 120+ FPS when I use 60.

Why to leave game? Dude you joking? I ADAPT, ALL THE WAY, OVER AND OVER. Sure there are some maps where I struggle against such people, but trust me, after few minutes there is always way. You talk to leave game. Why? Just put FPS + PING stats, and when those guys say they beat you, you just show fact that he has better ping + higher FPS, and if you lost for 1 or 5 frags, his win is not legit, and he was basicly weaker than you. Those are facts.

About my skills, dear friend, you forgot one thing......
1. When I started in 2011, all called me noob, because I never used binds + scrool.

2. In 2012 i started with legendary behind wall jumps (tell me one player which did it in 2012? That is how I smashed with sniper all other players in sniperbox. I am one of first who started to predict movement of players, and those players like Dani, and Anax, they saw how I play, well not even that, Dani said to play with me training few times. That is why he was so close to gameplay.

3. When you talk about setup in game, and why Anax is so good after year 2015, but ask him why is he so good? He forgot to mention to you that he saw my key setup on keyboard. Nice trick, but it seems it payed off, he plays lot better since then. So Ermac If I lie about my skills, why other players instead of jump (where i kill players easy as soon as they jump, that is why I smashed Dani when others could not (because he used missed Fear + Phantom philosophy to jump during movement, but against player like me that has not helped at all).

Do not get me wrong..... Anax was preety good always, but dealing with abusers bring him way back..... He was scared of those, and he worshiped them into stars...... Same problem was with B-Dawg... That youg man beaten Dani and Fear alone (when even I could not), and he was still modest. We beaten Dani + Fear tander in 2:2 fights about 22 of 25 mathes. I dont kidding, we had even screenshoots. That was in my best days, but B-Dawg could beat me, its not only cause we constantly played together, it was because he was seriously good player. Not only him, Leonardo as young kid with just 9 years, Liquid....

You know why they hate me? Ask Anax, do I have binds, as many of them? I dont, I refuse! Only what is possible to bind from game is sniper, and I have that, and he said, smart on which place you did it.

4. About my skills. Ermac I trained 6 months, sometimes 2 hours daily in Karky's server against 50 commandos until I have not passed level with zero deaths.

When they implemented wall hack I IMPLEMENTED JUMP SHOOT! I had always superfast aiming, he saw me behind wall, he knew I will come, BUT HE COULD NOT PREDICT i WILL JUMP BEHIND WALL and I killed him from jump.

When they implemented superfast bullets, and pistol/sniper hack (yes i know about that too) + superbinds I started to play on 50 meters distance to beat them, never closer, because I still had advantage in sniping.

I am not fool, I know they saw my game setup, I KNOW they started to use jump shoot (Dani, Phantom, Price and co....), I know they started to predict shoots with sniper which I did. But something they will never do..... In 2012 I could do skill/wing shoots (what is that? its combat with one person, and you react fast with aim to another and hit him with sniper from movement), well Ermac, that is something you can learn with training. That is something what noone can learn or predict, that is something why those abusers will even today fail against me. Despite his raised FPS, despite he saw my keyboard setup, despite copy of my movements, despite they do jump shoots too, he still cant do one more thing, if he is 5 metters left I will hit him with fast reaction..... And man I did it in 2012 insane good.

I was so good at sniping that I was FIRST PERSON in Deus Ex who had 52:0 ration in Sniperbox (or any game) against 6 players. Full 10 minutes match without any death. I dont have that picture sadly, but B-Dawg still has it. I repeat B-Dawg was guy who could beat anyone, including me. Leonardo (kid trained by me) was youg kiddo who said I will never made killing spree..... That young kid soon not only it was first person I EVER SAW to make MONSTER KILL on zero augs!!!! That kid made on 2 maps more frags alone than whole Hivemind clan with Psycho, Sinthetic, Fear, and Sile together. That kid had more frags than me many times in Sniperbox. He was like B-Dawg attacker type, but he was most insane attacker I ever saw..... Attack no matter what. I was always tactic player. So you see..... If I am noob let it be it noob, but dont neglect statistics and facts which I made in this game, ok?

Facts are, I have lost only several matches in my career 1:1, there is no person who could beat me ever 2 times: Sidewinder, Kyle, R-leader, Fear etc maybe few more, but noone, read noone could do it 2 times. I always returned. How good I was says fact that they banned SNIPERBOX from all servers, because it was BORING? No Ermac, it was not boring, they banned it because I was so good that nothing helped them. They could reproduce all what i did except 1 thing, they could not do reflex shoot as I did. You are born with that, or you get it with years of playing, and I play since year 12.

So you can call me how you want, fact is I will hardly be EVER on insane level as in 2012, I was close in 2015, when I played 7 days in row, I slowly started to kill again with reflex shoots and with jump shots. 7 DAYS! EVEN i needed so much again to get in that.

And for the end, why I still pushing? I was insane, probably one of 2-4 fastest players who could heal in jump with scrool, I was insane with assault - sniper, and one of rare who used that setup, all others had other way with pistol. EVEN TODAY I stick to that. But STILL i have no chance against their bloody SUPERBIND, EVEN I AM not so fast. I played before 2 days against binder, I am bloody fast natural player, but I even I am not so fast how he is with superbind. He manages to heal and hit me when I am near to press medkit (auto change, heal and shoot with next weapon in same second - that is their superbind). If I heal he is down I guarantee you that despite what he use and how fast he is.

So NOOB DARKO, as you called me let it be noob i dont mind, asks you now:
1. Why you guys implemented addon which can see setup of players, in your server to see which server I have?
2. Why you banned sniperbox and all maps where sniper skills are in first place?
3. Why is even area 51 banned from most servers? (i will tell you why, because Darko has now new monitor, and he see in dark preety well now)?
4. Why is MINI DUST not on most of server, I will let you why, because only person who can keep up in there is Phantom. 3 games were tied, one win for him few frags, one for me. We could play up to 48:48 to tied.

So you see this noob is very very hard to crack. I dont mind you forget that I beaten Dani and Fear in front of Sidewinder, Phantom and all who said, proove that you can beat them, do it now on Zan-Gogh. I did it..... Both of them. All saw, all still neglect that ever happened, but you know it did.

All saw how I played against Fear and Dani on Iceworld 1:1 and returned them. All saw how I could beat anyone on any other map in that 2012, but they neglect that. Why?

Because Darko is not hidding, he will fight like monster, without medbind, and other binds, without raised FPS...... And he will still win, or at least will be one of the best. I dont care how high ping I have, I will loose like a man. Like I did before 2 days when I had rendering problems. So I ask you now, why you neglect all what I did into this game? You all bannes sniper maps, because people like Phantom, Fear, Sinthetic, Machete, Dani, Anax and co went off the map when they saw I am there. Why? Because they knew who will win. Ask Phantom about Dragon map. Ask Machete about Cargostation Alpha......... Only Phantom of all those 7 people could kill me there and be competitive. But still I managed to win 13:10, LOX helped me at the end of match.

HOW I PLAY TODAY? I KEEP DISTANCE WITH SNIPER. They have raised FPS, they have better PING, they have superbind, but they are not better where they should be, at sniping, and trust me, I will not let them close. So Ermac..... I ask you now, why you wish to leave? Cause they will beat you? SO WHAT?

DO what I do, LET THEM COME. keep distance, and finish them before healing, predict their movement on the map. That is why they dont like me, that is why some maps are banned from servers, and admit it or not, that is why you guys neglect all what i did all those years!

YOU WANT TO MAKE ME NOOB AND REMOVE EVERY SINGLE MAP WHICH MADE MY LEGACY (SNIPERBOX, MINIDUST, ZAN-GOGH, ICEWORLD, AREA 51, POOL, DRAGON), specially sniperbox and second in row mini dust........ First is almost banned from servers.

I dont attack your legit wins, be polite, you dont attack mine. I am last warrior who will not run despite what they will cheat, YOU BRING THEM, I WILL FIGHT. I DONT TROLL I WILL KICK MY ASS TO SMASH THEM. And I aint insult them, or talk or moaning, like you say. I will fight, and mark my words I have only one intention, TO BEST THOSE BEST OF BEST.

I dont mind that you guys call me noob, but dont lie about me, and dont say I have not beaten them, I did, EVERY SINGLE OF THEM.

Price, FullMoon (which I respect because he was one of rare who respected me when I was newbie), BAM, and similar are one of rare people which I never fight 1:1. But I know for sure, Price is not person who likes me much.

As I said I am one of last no binds player (except zoom which you can legally bind to mouse in inventory), one of last who does not use raised FPS nad one of last who does not use superbinds and medkit binds.

So saying to leave game? Rather stay and play for fun, sayme as I do. IF YOU DONT WANT TO LOOSE, play with me against them, and there is low chance you will loose. Not because I am arogant, I am realistic, you watch my back, and I guarantee you, they will hardly pass side which I cover with sniper. So instead of kiling or leaving game, play EITHER FOR FUN, or ignore them, and give your best. IMPLEMENT IN ALL SERVERS PING + FPS RATIO, and you will see that they are not willing to rish they reputation against someone like me. Why? I dont care if he has 180 FPS, and calles me noob, I will be there and I will fight. Will he be able to beat me, and risk reputation?

Check my wins from 2015, 2016, when there were FPS ratio and which I filmed. Tell me in which actually they smashed me? I was one of 2 who played in 60 FPS, and I was not negative against them. So this noob does not just troll, he is ready to fight for justice.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

All what is needed in this game are honest people and players, without any binds outside from those from game inventory, with ping 60, and who play for fun. For all others who dont play like that, ignore, and give your best, but involve in all servers PING + FPS stats, so that those can not bully anyone. If they want to post how good they are, first they will have to play in same conditions as we, and we all know that aint gonna happen same as their posts would not be legit even if they win anyway.

1. They are not even light years so good as I am on 60 FPS, and without superbinds which I dont use, and they do.
2. They will not risk to loose on server against players like us even if they use all those tricks and advantages, because server will show their FPS, and they know that we are hard to beat, so risk of their shame is high.

So guys, just implement all stats into inventory, play for fun, and enjoy. That is what I plan. I dont care who will call me noob, who will loose against me and who I will beat. I do not plan to talk anymore or argue in here or in game. At all. I plan only to play Deus Ex and enjoy. That is all what I know.

AS I SAID: "Anyone can beat anyone, it can be luck, skills, or lucky hit in last second, but sooner or later, you will win". All people are winners, and all are best at something.

Wish you guys all best and have a nice life. See you people in game.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by ~TheClown~ »

You get more and more racist every day. Not a good thing.

"AS I SAID: "Anyone can beat anyone, it can be luck, skills, or lucky hit in last second, but sooner or later, you will win". All people are winners, and all are best at something."
in the same post where you say Euro players are objectively bad and "not even light years" near your skill level because they use binds?
Ermac - I agree with your statement, its good that someone admit, but you denny obvious..... Its not problem in US legends, its problem in EURO legends! They abuse, not americans (based on what I saw). Do not know who started first, but I know what people said who had first aimbot (euro player). Etc etc. Who had first frame rate first? Euro player. Who used first wallhack? Euro players.
Racism, you cant know that for a fact at all, since you started in 2012 and the first aimbot and wallhacks were AT LEAST 10 years before that. Also, the nationality of the hacker has NOTHING to do with the skill level of other people in that nationality. That is pure and simple racist hate speech, and does not gain you ANY respect at all.
Also, the biggest aimbotter in DX was Lionheart, whos from california. Last time i checked, thats American, fool.
SO lets be honest if we denny all that, and leave it to the past, WE NEED IN NEW VERSIONS OF SERVERS, all stats, FPS & PING. Bring that to us in servers, and it will be fine. ALL DRAMA, would be lost. Why? They cant brag anymore then. I saw "those legends" how they refuse to play against me even in zero augs where is visible that they have raised fps. Why? Seriously, because there is no guarantee they will beat me, and its clearly visible they have better ping (for 10-20), they have 35-45 i have 50-60, and they use 120+ FPS when I use 60.
You want servers YOU control, basically. No. Because drama will never dissapear for as long as you exist. Also..... those servers already DO exist and you're still drama'ing.
Why to leave game? Dude you joking? I ADAPT, ALL THE WAY, OVER AND OVER. Sure there are some maps where I struggle against such people, but trust me, after few minutes there is always way. You talk to leave game. Why? Just put FPS + PING stats, and when those guys say they beat you, you just show fact that he has better ping + higher FPS, and if you lost for 1 or 5 frags, his win is not legit, and he was basicly weaker than you. Those are facts.
So you're saying you want MORE ways of disregarding other players scores due to stats that partially they cant control?
You cant control your ping, but someone who has better ping should just be ignored? By your logic though, with me on my tiny laptop that struggles to get 30 FPS, i'm a *loving* god.
3. When you talk about setup in game, and why Anax is so good after year 2015, but ask him why is he so good? He forgot to mention to you that he saw my key setup on keyboard. Nice trick, but it seems it payed off, he plays lot better since then. So Ermac If I lie about my skills, why other players instead of jump (where i kill players easy as soon as they jump, that is why I smashed Dani when others could not (because he used missed Fear + Phantom philosophy to jump during movement, but against player like me that has not helped at all).
You don't use binds, so that means your keyboard setup is default. Who cares who see's it, anyone can see it by opening their own user.ini on a fresh install of DX LOL. So thats a non-point.
You know why they hate me? Ask Anax, do I have binds, as many of them? I dont, I refuse! Only what is possible to bind from game is sniper, and I have that, and he said, smart on which place you did it.
Nope. People hate you because you want to argue with EVERYBODY. And you don't see the obvious fact that people are reacting to your toxic PERSONALITY, not even giving a flying *love* about your gameplay. Which is your own fault. People will NEVER respect you if you dont show respect first.
In 2012 i started with legendary behind wall jumps (tell me one player which did it in 2012? That is how I smashed with sniper all other players in sniperbox. I am one of first who started to predict movement of players, and those players like Dani, and Anax, they saw how I play, well not even that, Dani said to play with me training few times. That is why he was so close to gameplay.
Uhh no darling. That started in 2002. "Predicting movements" is how the OLD sniper players managed to get insane headshots. If you really think you INVENTED that, your even more egotistical than i thought. Unless your secretly Clix in disguise. I don't think so.
When they implemented superfast bullets, and pistol/sniper hack (yes i know about that too) + superbinds I started to play on 50 meters distance to beat them, never closer, because I still had advantage in sniping.
That only exists on bad servers who refuse to use basic anti-cheats.
I am not fool, I know they saw my game setup, I KNOW they started to use jump shoot (Dani, Phantom, Price and co....), I know they started to predict shoots with sniper which I did. But something they will never do..... In 2012 I could do skill/wing shoots (what is that? its combat with one person, and you react fast with aim to another and hit him with sniper from movement), well Ermac, that is something you can learn with training. That is something what noone can learn or predict, that is something why those abusers will even today fail against me. Despite his raised FPS, despite he saw my keyboard setup, despite copy of my movements, despite they do jump shoots too, he still cant do one more thing, if he is 5 metters left I will hit him with fast reaction..... And man I did it in 2012 insane good.
Again, you seem to be taking credit for gameplay styles that existed probably before you were even born.
Anyone can learn and predict that metabolic end product.
I was so good at sniping that I was FIRST PERSON in Deus Ex who had 52:0 ration in Sniperbox (or any game) against 6 players.




And the only other part I can be bothered replying to.
1. Why you guys implemented addon which can see setup of players, in your server to see which server I have?
2. Why you banned sniperbox and all maps where sniper skills are in first place?
3. Why is even area 51 banned from most servers? (i will tell you why, because Darko has now new monitor, and he see in dark preety well now)?
4. Why is MINI DUST not on most of server, I will let you why, because only person who can keep up in there is Phantom. 3 games were tied, one win for him few frags, one for me. We could play up to 48:48 to tied.
In order: 1. The *love* does that even mean? The see setup? You mean see FPS of players? Ask Alex about that. Also didn't you want that?
2. Because you insult people constantly, nothing to do with game play.
3. Because it's a pretty boring map..?
4. Because it's a pretty boring map...? I mean, it's a CS map, CS is pretty dull in map design imo.

I've said this many times, you get banned due to your argumentative attitude, NOTHING to do with any amount of skill anyone has.
Long story short, you make claims to have invented stuff and defined a gameplay style when you only started playing 4 years ago... All that stuff happened a decade ago, you cant take credit for anything. And, stop being *loving* racist, it really just proves that your intentionally trying to anger people rather than making actual serious arguements.
And be honest D, you dont honestly think people are changing server settings and maps just because of YOU do you? rofl.
This feels like a political debate sometimes. You're obviously the Donald Trump of this analogy.
Always fun countering your points darko, try doing your research before posting.

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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by synthetic »

Darko, how can you write such a meticulously constructed post and be utterly delusional at the same time? I've never met anyone like you, and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.

I don't even disagree with some of what you said there - mind you, it was some small bit - but as long as you live in an imaginary world where you are the best thing to ever happen to deus ex, there can be absolutely no dialogue with you.

For starters, what has happened to every time you've challenged me to 1on1? Remember? I don't have to write it here, I think you remember yourself.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

synthetic wrote:[...] and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
LOL.. that worth a quote :bwahaha:
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by TheWolf »

You ever meet someone before and...
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by synthetic »

I once saw on the backside of a seat while on a bus:

putin silni
putin klas
aabama pidoras

google translate will give a decent translation
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by TheWolf »

na kenny it didnt give me shite as a translation just the same thing i think ya broke it
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by synthetic »

With dodgy translations (this here is not in cyrillic, so thats probably the problem) you should enter source language manually, then it works :)

Otherwise I think it detects Sudanese or something.

It translates to Putin is strong, Putin has class, Obama takes it up the ass. Well, to make it rhyme it would. Lit. pidoras means homosexual. Thought I'd mention that writing here and share a bit of local culture, have nothing against Obama. I love the idea of every state in the US building walls absolutely everywhere, though. If Trump manages to labyrinthize America to an extent that we could see it from Space, I would certainly consider it very, very great, again.

Right now the US could really use the system we here in Estonia just experienced. Our presidential candidates (tech. candidates for presidential candidates - dont ask me) just rallied for like over half a year, which is unusual here. Voting failed and they all got flushed. And now some random lady that nobody knew got elected after couple days of introduction, coz everybody could come to an agreement with voting for her. What I am saying is that all your candidates suck.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by TheWolf »

I'm Canadian actually... But it's the same story here, the candidates all suck and we(actually Ontario and Quebec because they have more representatives) elected a complete moron with a majority
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by DaniSaggenza »

TFW Darko still mentions you in almost every post.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by synthetic »

I'm curious about Darko but he is not my generation retard. Back then we had Fear and Majin, that weirdo Hitman too, I guess. I used to read triad forums quite a bit when I started, as well as void and hc boards, so I kinda remember the darkos before my time too. Every generation has their own darkos.

edit: fck, I forgot grubby xD
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by Fear »

Your case is pretty different to most Ken, as your retarded behaviour increased with age... normal people grow up and leave that stuff behind you see.

You're basically Darko with a reasonable level of intelligence, which is actually worse if you think about it... but er, each to their own opinion though eh xx

Back to the topic, fck me... another mind boggling Darko extravaganza, I see the drugs clearly aren't working.

Same crap coming out of this things mouth since 2012, it's no longer fun to read anymore...

I'd rather go back to some other outdated 'tard gimmicks like Majin when he was in [4], or Sike when he was in , or Ken when he was, online.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Dont worry I will wait you guys. You guys are strong against fake Darko which is provided by your pals aka you guys, so you guys starting with filming fake movies. Dont worry I will come undercover, win match, and post on my website (change my noickname in last second) as last time, and show to world that there is fake Darko, and real Darko, fake Darko weak, and real on top.

I saw how surprised you were when I came to you and called you to play on sniperbox, and then you lost after you told to fake Darkito "easy". Funny how it turns when real guy with real skills comes, right?

Oh yes, and one tiny detail........ I know all about your body "detector", I know all how you guys cleaned this forum and Dani's statement who gave im abuses. So basicly I played against 90 % of cheaters in 2012 and beaten them?

Wow, now I really know how good I was. Well I am still good, but sadly I cant play so long as before, still dont worry, real Darko will not go anywhere, you guys just film fake movies, dont worry, from time to time there will come real Darko to surprise you and kick your ass like before few days. And besides, you cant pretend to be my whole community since we have top 1-250 results in every single server in Urban Terror, so tell me, how you will ruin such skills and stats?

Please...... You just dream, as I said, I film my videos in real HD where will be visible how I move, how I aim, so whatever you will film, dont even bother, very soon nobody will believe you. Even those who will they will stop to believe after one match with me. Until then enjoy, because I play for fun.......

I dont care if you loose your nerves or search doctor, that is your life, and your problem. I play for fun, and I will just enjoy to kick ass of such people. :D

With rest of people I will play in peace.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

See you in game people.
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