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Post by Pacomeister »

The GrandeKeeh team (tm) has managed to track down the commander of the croatian special forces and have his facebook adress

take a look:

Image pic link: http://imgur.com/a/wAoTh

GrandeKeeh is tired of darko's many metabolic end product and they want their 40$ and if we dont get it we may have to make all of his pictures public to anyone we already have them in our servers so he canot do anything if he makes the profile private :twisted:

Bonus pic: http://imgur.com/MWdB8j5

Contact us at: Grande_Keeh@Goatse.iyo
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Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

If I say that you are stupid, I would insult people which are stupid :) Sorry but that is just fact, when FITSG came in server to tell me there very confident that someone has my pictures I just laughed and I said in advance, there is no way you can have one.

First of all, even if you contact Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft etc etc companies which have contract with FBI, you still would not have access to my picture. Well even if you find through which computer i play on access, you still would not find my picture, but I would track you and find who you are. Not only that, even Google maps can not show not only my house, even my street.

There is also no person on internet which can provide you those. But I can note, I dont wear glasses, and I cut my hair in 2 mm. As I said I love martial arts, so kiddo, you can blackmail who you want, that will not be me.

Actually you can publish those pictures where you want, until someone sues your ass, but that is not my problem. Also do not put my portal picture on fake profile on facebook which you made.

You know what you just did? My site left cookies on your computer (you used picture from my portal on fake portal), which I can track, and basicly I can also that way track fake profile which you made, and locate your IP. In short you are stupid..... "bip bip bip bip"

Oh and funny, have you not said last time I am I quote "Darko Loncar" :) I laugh over and over. And please stupid pedophile leave kids alone, last time you bullied Leonardo on facebook and youtube when he was age nine. What for a morron. I knew you even before who you are, it does not makes any sense to put your personal data in here, half of people already know you are clown. But please dont fake youtube profiles and facebook, because I can track you anyway. You spent so much time for nothing, because I know who you are, besides you know Facebook is optimised on your language? You stupid clown! :) In short "Danito" you shame yourself with every stupidity which you make.

I have 2 quotes so far, but for you I will make new one:

1. You cant change people, only drugs can.
2. Human stupidty is infinite, but your breaks space and time. =D> :-D
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Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I repeat one more time where you did mistake just when you posted those pictures:

1. Facebook optimised preview of each profile to your home language, so it is visible from you picture that you are from Spain, Right here, look :clout: [-X :---)


2. When you showed to me name of your fake account (I know its fake because that user is not my team-member so he has no legal access to that picture), you basicly prooved that you created this account with fake details, what is actually criminal act you know (stealing and sharing of private data in bad ways is ciminal deed).


3. If we ignore all those obvious facts who you are, you know that also you exposed your location, IP adress, right away when you visited my website, uploaded website picture to site where you left IP adress one more time, and to facebook, where they collected your IP and location one more time? :bwahaha: :-D

Anyway a lot, a lot of stupid mistakes. So even if you faked languages on your OS, I still can find and report you. And one more thing. Do you know that you faked name and last name also? Both Darko and Drzislav are names in Croatia. So that is not name, and last name. It is only matter of time when someone will report you to police. They will track you in no time. I can track you in no time, i tracked fake picture, profile name, and your location, how hard would be for police. Chill guys. Besides I know who you are, this time you stored info from my website on your browser (computer) so it was lot easier.

Enjoy :wave:
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Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Life is too short to spend it on stupidity Paco :) Relax kid, and have a beautiful day.
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Post by Pacomeister »

Dude i was doing some things while i was away and you just bombarded me with huge amounts of autism i actually dont know how to react to it but i think i got the answer you are a massive homosexual and that's it

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Post by synthetic »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:If I say that you are stupid, I would insult people which are stupid :) Sorry but that is just fact, when FITSG came in server to tell me there very confident that someone has my pictures I just laughed and I said in advance, there is no way you can have one.

First of all, even if you contact Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft etc etc companies which have contract with FBI, you still would not have access to my picture. Well even if you find through which computer i play on access, you still would not find my picture, but I would track you and find who you are. Not only that, even Google maps can not show not only my house, even my street.

There is also no person on internet which can provide you those. But I can note, I dont wear glasses, and I cut my hair in 2 mm. As I said I love martial arts, so kiddo, you can blackmail who you want, that will not be me.

Actually you can publish those pictures where you want, until someone sues your ass, but that is not my problem. Also do not put my portal picture on fake profile on facebook which you made.

You know what you just did? My site left cookies on your computer (you used picture from my portal on fake portal), which I can track, and basicly I can also that way track fake profile which you made, and locate your IP. In short you are stupid..... "bip bip bip bip"

Oh and funny, have you not said last time I am I quote "Darko Loncar" :) I laugh over and over. And please stupid pedophile leave kids alone, last time you bullied Leonardo on facebook and youtube when he was age nine. What for a morron. I knew you even before who you are, it does not makes any sense to put your personal data in here, half of people already know you are clown. But please dont fake youtube profiles and facebook, because I can track you anyway. You spent so much time for nothing, because I know who you are, besides you know Facebook is optimised on your language? You stupid clown! :) In short "Danito" you shame yourself with every stupidity which you make.

I have 2 quotes so far, but for you I will make new one:

1. You cant change people, only drugs can.
2. Human stupidty is infinite, but your breaks space and time. =D> :-D
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Post by Fear »

Wait a minute?


His clan is promoting double damage yet he keeps claiming everybody else cheats? HSACKR TO SEE NOW Y A SHET.
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Post by DaniSaggenza »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:.stupid clown! :) In short "Danito" you shame yourself with every stupidity which you make.
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Post by anax »

AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Post by synthetic »

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Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I dont mind when people post 15:0, 12:2 and similar scores about me, but it is funny how some people (read Anax), comes to servers and ragequit when I beat him with zero. Last time he killed me with luck (and baricaded himself in house) confident i would not return, but i did, and then he ragequit. He was positive I reseted score, but that was not point (i just changed augment, which sadly i forgot, and there is no way I would killmyself again to give him frag), after what he left when I hit him.

Also I should notice that SOlid had one preety good fight 11:9 (against me), true, but I returned him with tax just few days later. How Solid and Anax, and Sinthetic can beat me 10:0 or 12:2, you can see from those pictures, so judge for yourself what is truth. Surprise! My pictures contradict yours a lot, since you cant beat me in legit fight with other people. Preety weird isnt it?

And who is "fake Darko here" I wonder? :)

Little sword skills where ALL OF THEM were there:

Surpriseeeeee, official fight:

And ragequit 1:

Some more skills:

And watch this moaning again and ask yourself who was that haha:


Ragequit 2:


SOme fight in Die's:

And last but not less worth, where you can see both of them "how they rock" against me:
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Post by anax »

Of course you're going to beat me when you insist almost religiously on playing in servers that are either poorly optimized, laggy, or have an unconventional game type, with bad maps where I have to hunt for lockpicks to even get (good) weapons, in a room that has only one entrance, that you can camp in. Your success on Sniper Box proves nothing whatsoever about real skill in this game, despite what you might think, skill is more than just aiming. I'm not good at long range sniper fights and you chose to play it in one of the most lagged servers. If you want a TRUE 1 vs 1 fight you will play on a GOOD server for three different maps that are well made and well balanced in the location of spawns and weapons, and where we both have similar pings, exactly the same as how "official clan wars" are done. FGS zero augs is perfect for this, but everyone knows you will puss out and call me a "texture hacker" :bwahaha:
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Post by DaniSaggenza »

Now it hurts right in the feelings to see Paco's name in this topic, but it also brings a smile to my face while reading his posts.. he gave us some hilarious moments even if his stay in this game was too short, wherever he is right now, I hope he felt this game the same way I did.
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Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Oh Anax, Anax. What for a nice story you just made for people. Preety funny isnt it? You know preety well I am far more than just good aimer (what you will see soon on my portal and Youtube), since you could see we already building our website on professional level. Just give me 2 weeks.

About Sev's, I am aware, I cant win at least 50-60 % of games. Specially close combat maps, why? Some people have lower ping against me + they use binds, so basicly I have lets be honest 20 % chance to win that fight despite my skills. So I tested today one theory with Christos (to show him some funny thing).

1. Many people plays with obvious abuse where they change weapon, press fire, and kill you instantly. I said already to Machete, that is abuse, and he admited he uses 3 in one, one button, change weapon to medkit, heals, and returns zoom's and hit again. Called superbind! Well call me insane if that is not cheat. I constantly see more and more people to use that metabolic end product. That would be not problem on euro servers where I can win despite that, but on servers with ping 200 I CANT KILL HIM WITH 30 bullets from asault, and I am basicly dead. There is no way even in theory that I can put that person down from close combat.

So when Christos asked me where is problem I said: I aim well with all guns in head, and there is no way that someone FROM CLOSE can aim so good, and from close change gun after healing, aim your head and instantly kill you as some guys CONSTANTLY DO. Its not Dani only one who is doing it, at least 10-20 people except him using that crap.

So I told Christos, 100 $ you cant kill me without zoom with ping 200 without zoom. He shoot me in head 2 times, I WAS NOT EVEN RED. POINT CLOSED. Some of you still abuse this game, what is seriously low. Its not important that I play lame game like today with just 5:5 or 7:6 etc etc, it is problem that we can do a metabolic end product in high ping servers against that. That is why I play only long distance maps on high ping servers.

2. On zero augs you can use aimbot, you can use same that superbind it will not help you. Reason, I have ping 50, I dont lag, I am with scrool only half second slower than you with superbind, and I would kill you with under 30 bullets from my assault, what I CAN NOT doo on server with ping 200. So no Anax, I will not call you abuser.

I was banned from Machete's in 2013 after nobody could beat me whole 30 days in 180 mathes. I repeat I have lost only 3 games and those were only in teams.

In 2015 I was banned from FGS, 17 etc etc, when I found that you and one more admin abuse ADMIN console in FGS servers to kill me. You still have posts where Nobody states he warned you and that admin :)

Despite that, you could not beat me, so you constantly banned me, cause you are so well connected that you were admin or mod on 75 % of servers, what is sad.

You know Anax I dont have anything against you, but I will now show you how good I actually am on EURO servers. In USA servers I will loose 60 % of close combat fights, because lets be honest even I cant match those who use superbinds and have lower pings than me. BUT ON EURO SERVER, you can only run or ban me, because I am faster, I am better, and guess what, I DONT LAG.

i will remind you and Solid how that ended for you champs in 2015 on euro servers (as you know I will come on FGS zero augs anytime, anywhere against anyone) as I did 2 weeks in 2015 when you guys banned me (I was banned because nobody could beat me full 2 weeks). You cried here that I DUCK TOO MUCH. :) Do you rmeember that? Anyway you make good excuses. As I said from personal reasons I will not play in USA server close combats because I AM NOT IDIOT to fight guys who use superbinds anyway. While on zero augs we can play anytime anywhere. Do you want that I post again how you and machete lost against me both? In 2015? Do not force me. YOu know very well how good I am on EURO servers.
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Post by ~TheClown~ »

I told myself i wouldn't reply to any more darko nonsense, but when I see stuff like this, I just need to..
In 2015 I was banned from FGS, 17 etc etc, when I found that you and one more admin abuse ADMIN console in FGS servers to kill me. You still have posts where Nobody states he warned you and that admin :)
Let's disect this for a moment. Banned from FGS,17? Nope. Banned from FGS, because you insulted them, then got unbaned, and insulted them again and told them to ban you. 17? Nope. My server has no bans. You just don't play there because you're scared the big bad hacker Clown is gonna keylog you, thats what you said, right? Admin abuse in FGS? Also wrong. FGS doesn't have the mods that allow the remote killing of players, which you did claim they did.
1. Many people plays with obvious abuse where they change weapon, press fire, and kill you instantly. I said already to Machete, that is abuse, and he admited he uses 3 in one, one button, change weapon to medkit, heals, and returns zoom's and hit again. Called superbind! Well call me insane if that is not cheat
Okay. You're insane. It's a part of the game. It's not even that complex of a bind. "Superbind" just sounds ridiculous.

And as for the rest of the post, just the usual "i'm better than everyone and everyone else must be cheating" thing, still? You obviously don't understand the game engine enough if you're still claiming aimbots. Also, you say ANNA is protected against aimbots, yet still claims Solid was aimbotting when Darko got his ass kicked, in an ANNA server, among many other players you claim abuse glitches? Have you ever thought, for a moment.... maybe they just know how to aim?
No? Oh, alright.

Ahh, I missed having a good rant.
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