Before 3 years I saw first abuses in Deus Ex (some was emp jump, but problem was, some users did that even 20 metters high with no damage on fall) well that is problem dont you think? Also I saw first of superbinds (one click changes weapon, heals, and returns wepond with automatic shoot, so called 3:1, many of them still uses it, including 17). They abuse pistol hack. There was also wall hack, raised fps, and normally aimbot (now they have body detector). Where is exactly problem if me and few more people disclosed that?
1.1. - problem is that 17 clan neglects abuses (their argument is that ANNA should block aimbot), truth, but that aimbot is actually maybe body detector or some other crap, as you know they develop abuses and sadly Deus Ex does not develop protection against those anymore. How you can test it. Well play with them on middle range map, fight with assault (i recommend on USA server where you both will lag), you will see that when he changes weapon he will kill you, luck you say? Well fine, you will see that same will happen again, again and over and over. So i had in 2013 a lot of time to think about that. I am one of best sniper players in all games I play, and even in my prime in 2013 I could not hit more than 4 of such kills from 10 attempts, but people like Dani, Sinthetic, Machete, etc etc do it all the time. What is insane cause none of them is even half so good with sniper as I am. Nor so fast.
1.2. - problem is that 17 clan does not admit that PING as such influences on gaming experience, they laugh on people with 200 ping when they loose, BUT they refuse to play in other server because of next thing: WHY SHOULD WE SUCK ON LAGGY OR BAD OMPTIMISED SERVER? So basicly when people suck in their server they post on internet HOW MIGHTY they are, but when they need to play on other server and suck, then PING IS HUGE PROBLEM!
It is sad that one programmer like Kai do not know that high ping without good internet connection can be pain in the ass I will qoute to you kiddo, why is LOW PING so important, but you know that, you only troll people: "Having a low ping is always desirable because lower latency provides smoother gameplay by allowing faster updates of game data." In short guys with lower ping have big advantage.
1.3. - they state that FPS has no role in gaming, what is insanity. Person which game works on 180 FPS and yours on 60 FPS is not same, do you agree? Even if you play with guy with 90 FPS there would be difference. For example on internet tournametns you have locked FPS from 60-MAX 90. That says all. But 17 again do not consider that as a problem. Do not forget, if you check topic about phantom, you will see how they insult him because of raised FPS., but when their friends do it THEN IT IS FINE.
1.4. - they state that there is not aimbot or body detector, what is preety funny because in their server playing anax and dani who used that

1.5. - they state there are no superbinds, what is preety funny since Machete made preety detailed description here on forum and said he uses it WHERE KAI SAID IT IS LEGIT. But now, he turned story, and said THAT DOES NOT EXISTS!
1.6. - they state Dani abused nicknames in their server, what is preety funny because I will show you right now who is doing it (Anax), what is worse Kai stated that "his friends" and moderators dont do it. What is again lie, since I considered KAI and specially Carlos as my friends. In 2015, after anax lost against me on several 1:1 fights I entered as usually in their server, but soon I saw my nickname as some dirty filthy something, and not only that Anax sent in server to all users every 20 seconds on screen notifications about me. He was stated as co-admin in 17 in 2015, and in there as moderator. You know what happened? When I said to them stop him, they muted me. When I said I dont respect them anymore, they even banned me. WELL PEOPLE THAT IS 17. That is filthy truth. But they are good when they blame other people.
1.7. - they say their friends DO NOT abuse admin rights in server whet is insanity, since Carlos and Anax several times banned me just from clear sky after I joined in their server. Now you will asked why I joined? Because they took my clan marks, or had abusive names about me and often insulted people under my nickname. So yes, I see problem in that, and yes Carlos did it too. Not only him, mister Kai joined them too. In other servers too.
1.8. - they say it is not their fault and they do not bind keys to other people. Funny thing, since they did it to FITSG, and me based ON NOTHING. They insulted me first, then FITSG. I said I HAVE NOT INSULTED ANYONE. I only called B as arogant player whoos ass I will kick because he provocates my country. Sorry that is not insult, that is fact, when someone insults you on any way his arogant. That was not insult. Not only they attacked FITSG several times, they also binded keys first to him, and then to me. And it is lie that only Carlos did it, because Anax did it in his server same to me.
1.9. - Kai said Anax never abused admin rights, what is lie. In 2014, he banned me several times from Hey's server and I had to contact Hey to check logs so that man could unban me. What is worse he did SAME in FGS servers when Cheese at one point put him as moderator. After what Nobody was at least so honest to answer me and say, I admit you were right I warned them. So yes, thanks to nobody I could put that in public. There is still topic and there are pictures how Anax goes over walls and kills me when he cant do it from fight.
1.10. - what is worse that same guy took mine nickname with Dani, and insulted me and my friends full one year, and to such person in 2015. half people gave access to 75 % of servers and I was banned from 5 servers. So tell me, how fucked must be this game when such person who basicly ruined this game, is still admin or moderator in 50-75 % of servers, AND PEOPLE DECLARE AS HIS FRIENDS.
1.11. - They abused score in their servers Kai said he could only change his score...... Fine fine but He lied that he cant do 2 things: He lied that one death on me counts as 2 (with one guys from R clan i tested and every kill on him counted for 1, while on me counted for 2), also they could kill me from console, despite they said ITS NOT POSSIBLE.
1.12. - 17 clan was one of those who said there is no MINIMTL abuse, what was normally lie, because I prooved that you can even lockpick from one mile distance, and spawn 5 medkits, on this server because RedFow, told me to show that and report, because some of them already use that and lie to people, THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO SPAWN 5 MEDS. Well guys, it was possible, and they used it, and lied to you FOR AGES.
1.13. - in 2015, for short period of time they allowed sniper to gun auto reload, but since they saw it will not be possible to kill me, they removed that, and BUM that was solved, just like that, wow. Also some maps banned from all servers, some mods banned from DX.
1.14. - Anax was involved in attacking all servers with fun servers, so basicly he used proxy to avoid range banning from Karky, and not only him, 5 more did it, and basicly trolled for years like that.
1.15. - FITSG said that Kai admited to him some girls from game were actually him, they dont exist. And honestly I wonder what is truth anymore. It would not surprise me that they actually made fake characters. Honestly I have nothing against that.
1.16. - they say I cry, I insult, I say to others they have no skills. Funny I was quiet, played in peace, and since I entered in map they attacked me on both maps, and they lost by the way. Die can check those logs, and proove that only Darko which moaning is fake one which they impersonate. So Do not know which problems Anax and Carlos have, they attack me with lams and law, kill me, I beat them, and then they cried and called me no skiller? Seriously? I attacked them with pistol, then they attacked me both, well sorry after that I attacked them and beaten with all what I had. I am not naive.
1.17. - they say we do not ban PEOPLE, there is only few people left. BUT THAT IS LIE, Me and fitsg both were banned BASICLY FOR NOTHING, INCLUDING PHANTOM, while their precious abusers and worst players and abusers of Deus EX are protected because there is only few people playing? No Kai its because you cant admit your people behave like low people who insult other people. FACE IT, YOU GUYS HAVE ISSUE.
There is probably much more, but lets go to facts, Die and Poor, if you read this, please look at this:
- on one map they could literally disable guns they did it before I joined, and said, you did it. What is lets say stupidity, because on other map after that guns worked again
- they also said they will talk to you guys because you guys hate me, I will be banned, etc etc. But what they forgot if that I have state of the art recorded which films their every action, so I will put you in here only part where you can see how precious 17 is involved with ANAX in impersonating, abuses + insults. And dont forget they have mission again to ban me on all servers. Why? Because I told to all people truth. They abuse privacy of people, they INVADE IN THEIR KEY setup and modify it!!!! DIRECTLY FROM GAME. What is ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR!

As you can see Carlos is involved again in that crap, he knew who that guy is and they do it planned, and together. There was also one more guy (one player). So lets say Kai has nothing to do with that, his friends have, and Die will easy check logs and see who should be banned, and that is for sure not me. Because do not know who disarmed half of guns from his server, do not know who insulted, but trust me it was not me. Oh and they even impersonated, and promised me to be banned, BECAUSE Die is his pal.
In short, IF I WILL BE BANNED in their servers, If I see my nickname again ONE MORE TIME. I dont care how low people you are, I DONT CARE IF YOU COME WITH 100 % of servers who will ban me, but if you PUT SUCH PEOPLE AS YOUR FRIENDS, AND ALLOW THEM TO INSULT AND BAN PEOPLE, then please ban me,, because I dont want to play in such servers anyway. And dont forget, I will play even more and 17 guys dont forget, I can use proxy too and I can overide your ban too, and I will film videos how I beat you, just like in old days.
You take mine nickname, you insult me, you abuse, you insult my friends, I come to you, beat you, post on internet. You want that, no problem. I will not insult you back, I have no intention to drop on your level. It is not possible to drop on your level.
Involved or not Kai, you have friends which shame your clan. That is only what I can say, and if you dont want to accept that you have friends with issues, then you only harm yourself, because those people obviously have some kind of issues, because someone will hurt someone with bad words what will influence in their life (I dont plan to hurt someone). It is sad to see how low this community is, I dont care if they will take my nickname and insult people, that will say more about them. I dont care if I will be banned because THEY HAVE FRIENDS, at least I will know even more people which I should ignore. So far those are Machete, Fear, Solid, Sinthetic, Dani, Anax, Carlos, Kai, and list will probably go on.
I will play my game, want it or not, you cant even come close to me, and dont bother to answer, I dont care what you think or have to say. I said all what other people know anyway. Goodbye 17, and good luck.