Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

Yeh, Enjoy in spray and weed for all sober people! :smt033
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by Vexus »

Holy metabolic end product. I love you all so much. :bwahaha: :bwahaha: :bwahaha:

Best enjoys to all people that are not in days and enjoy see you in doors all people enjoy
ShadowRunner wrote:lolz, the mayhem of this thread is huge...
~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:Is there anything I can put in your mouth to make you stop talking rubbish? :-s
anax wrote:wow you are amazing. like this woman
[FGS]Kalman wrote:Lol I thought for 2-3 months everybody talks like a sir here, then I realised it's the forum's censorship
~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:Oh my god.. why are small minded people just so... SMALL MINDED! ](*,)
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by Fear »

synthetic wrote:See you in Day people

I see Day clearly now
*love* me that made me spit my drink all over the damn keyboard, credit where credit is due, even if you are grade A wanker.

This topic was a quality read, I change my mind Darko keep it coming please, more posts please.

Darko, you should maybe visit any top 50 player in person and watch them play DXMP to truly realise that you are just not that good, and your suspicions are 99.99% bollocks. Though I don't think this is possible without getting your bipolar face caved in.

Uživajte u dan ljudi.
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by TheWolf »

If you would like to see anyone in DXMP playing, visit
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by anax »

TheWolf wrote:If you would like to see anyone in DXMP playing, visit
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by synthetic »

Don't make me search "croatian" now
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by Kaiden »

I check this forum every few weeks and still amazed to see people constantly feeding Darko on a daily basis, people wonder why he keeps making new threads lol.
{E.D.H}{FPS}HDD21 wrote:I like ponies
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:HDD21 was brutally stronger than any of you
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by [FGS]Chees »

We do it coz fu** all else happens here and it's funny to wind him up :bwahaha:
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by synthetic »

How are we feeding him? I gave up trying to reply to him in any meaningful manner long time ago. He writes some kind of bizarre essay which nobody bothers to read, and we reply with enjoy in day. All seems legit?

It would be another matter if he wrote an essay about all the things he saw in the day, like landmines or someshit, because then we would realize that we are actually on the same topic.
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Darko is probably an Emo person who hasn't grown up yet. No one knows what the *love* he is on about when he posts an essay, but my god it's funny spam and fun to urine him off :-D

This my last post to people nice to others in day.
Enjoy in day have nice doors.
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by synthetic »

I would like to say that there are a lot of people that cannot take a beating, but then I'd feel the need to correct myself and, instead, say that most likely nobody can take a beating. But where some of us just deal with it and try to improve their game, others rage quit, yet others start talking many metabolic end product in game, yet others - start attacking servers or the game or the players individually, or - finally - you have people like Darko that create an imaginary world entirely, where the game developers are eating out of his palm and he is the master of all gametypes and maps and rest of us are only here to learn from him. That, simply put, is the definition of insanity, where one person lives in his own universe and attempts to force us into it. Personally, I don't care if he believes everything that he is writing, I only have problem with him trying to push his little dream on us. Keep your fantasies to yourself mate.
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

synthetic wrote:I would like to say that there are a lot of people that cannot take a beating, but then I'd feel the need to correct myself and, instead, say that most likely nobody can take a beating. But where some of us just deal with it and try to improve their game, others rage quit, yet others start talking many metabolic end product in game [...]
I usually start shooting superrockets in that case.. 8-[
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by Vexus »

~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:
synthetic wrote:I would like to say that there are a lot of people that cannot take a beating, but then I'd feel the need to correct myself and, instead, say that most likely nobody can take a beating. But where some of us just deal with it and try to improve their game, others rage quit, yet others start talking many metabolic end product in game [...]
I usually start shooting superrockets in that case.. 8-[
When there's a person who calls themself "Nobody" you can't even use the word nobody anymore. Use no one instead :-D
ShadowRunner wrote:lolz, the mayhem of this thread is huge...
~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:Is there anything I can put in your mouth to make you stop talking rubbish? :-s
anax wrote:wow you are amazing. like this woman
[FGS]Kalman wrote:Lol I thought for 2-3 months everybody talks like a sir here, then I realised it's the forum's censorship
~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:Oh my god.. why are small minded people just so... SMALL MINDED! ](*,)
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by synthetic »

I did see it coming! :assshaking:
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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Post by machete »

synthetic wrote:I would like to say that there are a lot of people that cannot take a beating, but then I'd feel the need to correct myself and, instead, say that most likely nobody can take a beating. But where some of us just deal with it and try to improve their game, others rage quit, yet others start talking many metabolic end product in game, yet others - start attacking servers or the game or the players individually, or - finally - you have people like Darko that create an imaginary world entirely, where the game developers are eating out of his palm and he is the master of all gametypes and maps and rest of us are only here to learn from him. That, simply put, is the definition of insanity, where one person lives in his own universe and attempts to force us into it. Personally, I don't care if he believes everything that he is writing, I only have problem with him trying to push his little dream on us. Keep your fantasies to yourself mate.
Yep. This is exactly it.

Darko realised a long time ago that he was never going to get close to the best players so he decided to become the best troll instead. And, to be fair to him, I'd say he achieved his goal. I genuinely believe that Darko is the single greatest troll that DX has ever seen.

Who are his competitors. really? Hitman was largely ignored and never got thousand-word essays in response to his many metabolic end product. Same thing with Soviet and Dogny. Majin and Reclaimer et al. were just arrogant. Phant and his cocaine crew provide an interesting challenge for experienced players with their cheating. Bumpkin is annoying and amusing in equal measures -- and no matter how much you hate him, he still plays the game legitimately. The "aimbot!" squad were mostly a minor nuisance who rarely stuck around for long. Deja was a short-sighted petty criminal who damaged more than he trolled. Pein was just a 12-year-old kid in 12-year-old underwear. Spaz and Sike were good players who dicked around a lot. I'm fairly sure there were a couple of really annoying EdH/DIOS kids back in the day as well. Billiam was too busy touching kids to troll much. I'm probably missing quite a few but if I can't remember them, they can't have been that memorable.

In my opinion, it's time to give Darko what he wants: the title of "DXMP GOAT troll" and the sense of achievement that comes with being the best at something. If we give him the crown, he can run home to tell his mother and leave the world in peace.

But the problem is that (as you say), in my honest opinion, Darko's troll persona has kind of integrated into his psyche and he no longer has a complete grasp on reality. i don't know whether to feel sorry for him or not. At the end of the day, DX is just a (90% dead) game.

I've never actually seen Darko on anything other than 0A (maybe that's my bias rather than his) but I can only imagine that with his cognitive skills, he'd be a horror show in ATDM. Not that it matters. In his mind, he's beaten everyone at every gametype (you at BTDM, Hey at ATDM, Fear at 0A, me at Altfire, Anax and Kai at DXAG and every single level solo on Cagematch etc.)

Most of us realise within about a year whether we're gonna be any good at DX and FPS games. Within a year, most top-tier players are going positive in most games (even if, like me, DXMP was your first multiplayer FPS). If you realise you're skilled, great. If not, you have to make a decision about whether being competitive matters to you. Most (mature) people get over it and learn to play for fun without ragequitting or being abusive. Then you have the rest, like Darko, who just can't handle not being good at DX/FPS games and react in strange, unpredictable and sometimes hilarious ways (but always immaturely).

Actually, it doesn't matter even if you are skilled. I'm sure all of us have been on the end of ridiculous beatdowns at some point or another like when I ended up playing you, Fear and someone else from Hivemind in Iceworld pretty much on my own a few years back (I was browsing my sshots the other day and saw it, which is why I remembered -- I went 34-49, which I actually didn't think was too bad against multiple top tier opponents). But at the end of the game, I still said "gg". It was a fun challenge. And also none of us started our first FPS going positive in every game. I'd argue that some level of "pain" tolerance is necessary to reach the top tier in the first place, even if you are naturally skilled. Anyway, attitude is a large part of what separates the men from the boys and the Danis from the Darkos*.

*Case in point regarding Dani: I remember playing him a lot in the summer of 2012 when I was still better than him and his attitude was always good. He always said "hi machado" and "gf"/"gg"/whatever. Obviously in the 2 years after that, he overtook me massively and went from 25-40 to 40-25. I was already close to my peak and when Dani got near to his peak, it was just higher than mine. Then it was my turn to show respect and handle it like a man. Since 2014, we've had some close fights but mostly he beats me pretty comfortably. But I like to think we have a lot of mutual respect, which is a concept that Darko will sadly never understand.
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