The drama of 2017
- Mastakilla
- !Lysergsäurediethylamid!
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- Location: 'Ton Hotel
Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
This is intended for those that actually want to play DXMP, nobody is forced to participate. I wrote a longer reply but then realized that I''m too old for this metabolic end product. I think the reason you have tried to insult me for years now is that you like your memories playing this game as a 14yo kid and DXMP could've been shut down when you quit in 2008 or so, as far as you are concerned, whereas I've been dumb enough to actually spend a lot of time trying to keep it alive and the games clean. You played couple years and figure everybody should play DXMP without augs and with assault rifle on smuggler and iceworld. I never stopped playing until the game died. I played the original DXMP as well as its more successful and less successful mods in that time. Even today I wish the game was alive and fun to play, but you aren't the first friend I know in DXMP that has grown into a selfish dickwad. I never told you how to play this game, I told you we should make an effort to play the only thing that made this game unique. And you decided to start insulting me. Which one of us is Trump, really?Mastakilla wrote:Would've been up for this if it weren't suggested by the Donald Trump of DXMP.
To be perfectly honest, I do absolutely feel like giving up arranging any games at all and leaving this game dead as it is when my effort is rewarded with such insults right off the bat, but at the same time I understand that I cannot ruin the fun for others just over one jerk.
On the note of matches, I think that when opportunity for 5v5 arises for any team, they can just add someone random from their contacts, otherwise it is a success to even manage 4v4. I'll continue to go through some additional forums and contact points for advertising.
- Mastakilla
- !Lysergsäurediethylamid!
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- Location: 'Ton Hotel
Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
While I commend your efforts to get something going again (as somebody who will always love the game), a big factor for many people is the company they are in.. you can't be a complete shitbag to people (for years in some cases) and then expect people to pop up when you have a great idea.
Now in response to your response to Nick...
Also, let's call a spade a spade here... you did absolutely nothing for the aug scene until you had an epiphany sometime after [REN] was over (2010 or there about), since then you've acted like the Jesus of DXMP.
Initially my response was pretty long, but you are right with one thing you said... we are all getting too old for this kinda stuff now aren't we. You would think as one got older they would realise their past mistakes and rectify them though, shame.
Nicks comment makes perfect sense...
Now in response to your response to Nick...
That's a very presumptuous comment to make about somebody who just plays a gametype they prefer, maybe Nick just doesn't have the unhealthy level of OCD you seem to have.synthetic wrote:You played couple years and figure everybody should play DXMP without augs and with assault rifle on smuggler and iceworld.
Also, let's call a spade a spade here... you did absolutely nothing for the aug scene until you had an epiphany sometime after [REN] was over (2010 or there about), since then you've acted like the Jesus of DXMP.
Initially my response was pretty long, but you are right with one thing you said... we are all getting too old for this kinda stuff now aren't we. You would think as one got older they would realise their past mistakes and rectify them though, shame.
Nicks comment makes perfect sense...
Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
Trump is an egocentric compulsive liar that is only interested in using other people to his musings. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. Just because he managed to sell his lies to a lot of people don't make it any less of a fact. It just means a lot of disappointed people who will in time realize they were taken advantage of, more so than Clinton was ever capable of. And no, I did not appreciate being called an egocentric compulsive liar out for his own gain without regard for others. In fact, I don't remember when was the last time I was insulted anywhere near like this.Mastakilla wrote:I take it you don't like Trump then.
We were teaching ATDM to everybody in NEM in 2005, I was playing ATDM with an amazing 10-20 fps pretty much immediately after I started playing at all. I don't expect you to remember it because while Spaz was running around saying how much augs suck, you weren't even up to that bar, asking me to turn aimhax off literally months after I started my first shooter online. Either you were really metabolic end product or I was really amazing. Pick one.Fear wrote:Also, let's call a spade a spade here... you did absolutely nothing for the aug scene until you had an epiphany sometime after [REN] was over (2010 or there about), since then you've acted like the Jesus of DXMP.
Since trying to start anything in this game has led to some kind of massive many metabolic end product storm at my address again I've needed couple days to recuperate, but I will start looking into assembling some teams over this weekend.
Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
Edited: Dis forum is broke.
Last edited by Fear on 08 Jul 2017, 01:52, edited 2 times in total.
- Mastakilla
- !Lysergsäurediethylamid!
- Posts: 1812
- Joined: 27 Jan 2009, 21:01
- Location: 'Ton Hotel
Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
synthetic wrote:We were teaching ATDM to everybody in NEM in 2005

I'll let you get on with it just wanted to express how full of it you are Donny
Last edited by Mastakilla on 08 Jul 2017, 02:11, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
With all due respect you've lied through the skin of your teeth about me for a long while, tried to make people dislike me and tarnish my reputation a player, and I've witnessed you do it to quite a few people actually over the years, I think i pretty much got the worst of it though.synthetic wrote:Trump is an egocentric compulsive liar that is only interested in using other people to his musings. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. Just because he managed to sell his lies to a lot of people don't make it any less of a fact. It just means a lot of disappointed people who will in time realize they were taken advantage of, more so than Clinton was ever capable of. And no, I did not appreciate being called an egocentric compulsive liar out for his own gain without regard for others. In fact, I don't remember when was the last time I was insulted anywhere near like this.
I've never had any issue with you pointing out i was a sore mouthy loser in my [Z] days, metabolic end product even very early [RTK], I just didn't appreciate the nonsense spewing from your mouth thereafter. You've never let go of that imagery in your head, you even said I was in [BIA] which puzzled me, I don't personally know those guys and have never conversed with them either, t'was a bit before my time.
I'll pick I was "really metabolic end product" in 2005, i was fairly new, didn't know anybody, and i was extremely immature as an online competitor at 16 years old, infact i was new to online gaming in general.synthetic wrote:We were teaching ATDM to everybody in NEM in 2005, I was playing ATDM with an amazing 10-20 fps pretty much immediately after I started playing at all. I don't expect you to remember it because while Spaz was running around saying how much augs suck, you weren't even up to that bar, asking me to turn aimhax off literally months after I started my first shooter online. Either you were really metabolic end product or I was really amazing. Pick one.
If you taught ATDM in [NEM] I very much stand corrected for that particular time then, though i find it hard to believe you personally was teaching ATDM to people with you only being on DXMP for less than 12 months at that time. I've only known you since [REN], and from then until 2010 you were a plain ol' zero augger. (Also, there's no need to mention Spaz, especially when he's not here to defend himself.)
I don't want to take it any further anyway, we've always agreed to disagree so I've nothing more to say in this topic, good luck to whoever else takes part if it works out.

Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
Can Nobody split drama into another thread please?
Fear only problem I have had with you was that you've constantly harassed me since 2005 or even 2004 whenever I've been in opposite team from you. Another player might take accusations of cheating or other many metabolic end product about crouching or torso shots (ahem Grubby) as compliments, but I always found them extremely annoying. I cannot have a good game when someone in the opposite team is constantly bitching or accusing me of cheating. And so year after year after year. Do you understand why that might be an issue for someone?
And masta, we had actually quite a lot of fun playing augs in server greatdane hosted. I remember you ended up kicked due to fight with Calabria, but it wasn't my call after people voted. In general I find your entire attitude against augs very childish. How old do you need to get, really, to understand that DXMP was designed around Deus Ex trademark augmentations and RPG skills menu element. When was the last time you saw skill upgrades in 0a? What do you think Deus Ex would be without Paul and JC Denton, and without anyone else augmented. It would be guard duty on NYC streets arguing about gas grenades. Nobody would want to play that. This is not about what is better or worse, my entire agenda for the past 12 years has been to encourage people to try and see how fun the original game is, without strings attached. You, Cyrus and Clix would have made amazing rifle augers, like Splitter when he upgraded connection/puter, with clean style that was quite absent from ATDM for years. And with that said, I don't want anyone to think that ATDM should just be rifles. Just you two would've had great fun with it when you played it seriously. And you never did. And now you try to give me attitude because I'm pissing in your childhood sandbox. Don't forget I was mostly playing 0a myself. For the most years, we had no other choice.
Anyway the players abandoned DXMP christmas 2014 i think it was, so any such debate is now tantamount to crying over spilled milk. I made last efforts back then to get people who absolutely hated augs (for some reason or other) to play it as my team, and had huge success with that as far as my clan went, and practically no success what so ever as far as the broken game went. The game has no future at this point, hasn't had for years, today we discuss some arranged matches for those that want to play.
And these matches in this thread are intended for any gametypes that the teams find fun. Nobody is forced to play altfire, nobody is forced to play atdm, nobody is forced to play 0a or anything else. Your team figures out what kind of variety you can play, and are matched with another with similar or overlapping interests.
Fear only problem I have had with you was that you've constantly harassed me since 2005 or even 2004 whenever I've been in opposite team from you. Another player might take accusations of cheating or other many metabolic end product about crouching or torso shots (ahem Grubby) as compliments, but I always found them extremely annoying. I cannot have a good game when someone in the opposite team is constantly bitching or accusing me of cheating. And so year after year after year. Do you understand why that might be an issue for someone?
Dejavu took all 0a servers down in 2006, including our paid REN server. How exactly do you think I was plain 0auger. Well, actually, I know. We all played ATDM while you saw nobody in the few 0a servers that would pop back up and went to another game. Also, even Chaos played ATDM. Played pretty well, but neither of us played it well enough to claim bragging rights there. It was easier for us to claim that we owned everybody in 0a rather than admit that we never were above average in augs. I discussed with him back then the idea of trying to war [3] in ATDM and train hard for it, but I think he felt we had too much effort cut out for us. I only got a puter that could run this game in 2007 I think it was, so in 2006 and before I would've been on cloak whoring duty and thats not how I roll.fear wrote:If you taught ATDM in [NEM] I very much stand corrected for that particular time then, though i find it hard to believe you personally was teaching ATDM to people with you only being on DXMP for less than 12 months at that time. I've only known you since [REN], and from then until 2010 you were a plain ol' zero augger.
And masta, we had actually quite a lot of fun playing augs in server greatdane hosted. I remember you ended up kicked due to fight with Calabria, but it wasn't my call after people voted. In general I find your entire attitude against augs very childish. How old do you need to get, really, to understand that DXMP was designed around Deus Ex trademark augmentations and RPG skills menu element. When was the last time you saw skill upgrades in 0a? What do you think Deus Ex would be without Paul and JC Denton, and without anyone else augmented. It would be guard duty on NYC streets arguing about gas grenades. Nobody would want to play that. This is not about what is better or worse, my entire agenda for the past 12 years has been to encourage people to try and see how fun the original game is, without strings attached. You, Cyrus and Clix would have made amazing rifle augers, like Splitter when he upgraded connection/puter, with clean style that was quite absent from ATDM for years. And with that said, I don't want anyone to think that ATDM should just be rifles. Just you two would've had great fun with it when you played it seriously. And you never did. And now you try to give me attitude because I'm pissing in your childhood sandbox. Don't forget I was mostly playing 0a myself. For the most years, we had no other choice.
Anyway the players abandoned DXMP christmas 2014 i think it was, so any such debate is now tantamount to crying over spilled milk. I made last efforts back then to get people who absolutely hated augs (for some reason or other) to play it as my team, and had huge success with that as far as my clan went, and practically no success what so ever as far as the broken game went. The game has no future at this point, hasn't had for years, today we discuss some arranged matches for those that want to play.
And these matches in this thread are intended for any gametypes that the teams find fun. Nobody is forced to play altfire, nobody is forced to play atdm, nobody is forced to play 0a or anything else. Your team figures out what kind of variety you can play, and are matched with another with similar or overlapping interests.
Last edited by synthetic on 08 Jul 2017, 03:13, edited 2 times in total.
- Mastakilla
- !Lysergsäurediethylamid!
- Posts: 1812
- Joined: 27 Jan 2009, 21:01
- Location: 'Ton Hotel
Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
Skillpoints etc are RPG elements which are expanded upon more efficiently in RPG mods then it is in bloody ATDM. DXMP is an arena style shooter though so skillpoints are bollocks so is progression in the form of unlocking augs (perks). DXSP is not DXMP.synthetic wrote:DXMP was designed around Deus Ex trademark augmentations and RPG skills menu element. When was the last time you saw skill upgrades in 0a? What do you think Deus Ex would be without Paul and JC Denton, and without anyone else augmented. It would be guard duty on NYC streets arguing about gas grenades. Nobody would want to play that. This is not about what is better or worse, my entire agenda for the past 12 years has been to encourage people to try and see how fun the original game is, without strings attached. You and Clix would have made amazing rifle augers, with clean style that was quite absent from ATDM for years. And with that said, I don't want anyone to think that ATDM should just be rifles. Just you two would've had great fun with it when you played it seriously. And you never did. And now you try to give me attitude because I'm pissing in your childhood sandbox. Don't forget I was mostly playing 0a myself. For the most years, we had no other choice.
Anyway I was all for augs untill the whole ddos debacle. That's what killed it for most die hard players. But hey these were 0 aug players so I guess they don't matter.
Stop making assumptions you moron.

Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
So you are saying skillpoints and augs in DXMP were somehow accidental, as were all of the changes to MP augs and weapon damage (and skills system)? So Augs, Skills, Weapons were all changed for DXMP as a complete accident and because the company that released it had no idea what they were doing at all? Is that your *assumption*, or a fact you found somewhere, moron?
Or is it just you re-designing the game and selling it under your name? My point in the past was that what the developers released was a damned fun game that a lot of the players never bothered to try when there was counterstrike style option available. DejaVu tried to force people. I tried to convince them to give it a chance. I have never defended what DejaVu did, if anything nobody besides me even remembers what he did anymore. And in your opinion the ddos somehow discredited entire effort behind the ion storm release?
Or is it just you re-designing the game and selling it under your name? My point in the past was that what the developers released was a damned fun game that a lot of the players never bothered to try when there was counterstrike style option available. DejaVu tried to force people. I tried to convince them to give it a chance. I have never defended what DejaVu did, if anything nobody besides me even remembers what he did anymore. And in your opinion the ddos somehow discredited entire effort behind the ion storm release?
Last edited by synthetic on 08 Jul 2017, 03:19, edited 1 time in total.
- Mastakilla
- !Lysergsäurediethylamid!
- Posts: 1812
- Joined: 27 Jan 2009, 21:01
- Location: 'Ton Hotel
Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
No I'm saying they aren't designed perfectly and the game has some flaws. Shock!

- Mastakilla
- !Lysergsäurediethylamid!
- Posts: 1812
- Joined: 27 Jan 2009, 21:01
- Location: 'Ton Hotel
Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
Also yes as DXMP was patched it it's all a bit iffy dude.
By the way at no point during this thread have I advised against augs in anyway and the only reason I mentioned them is because you brought it up.
By the way at no point during this thread have I advised against augs in anyway and the only reason I mentioned them is because you brought it up.

Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
If you go and look at augmentations and skills and try to make changes yourself, you'll soon realize how brilliant the Balancing of the ATDM game was. Unfortunately, most else they did was flawed or left to wish for.
The appeal for 0a was there right after first realistic type modern shooters started coming with counterstrike, admittedly even playerbase is not and cannot be identical. ATDM is somewhat like UT perhaps, whereas 0a is clearly player-designed after counter strike. Default 0a would have had GEP guns and HE20 and LAMs, hugely overpowered in 0a (because it was not intended) but very nicely balanced in ATDM.
Now the thing is, if you ask Warren Spector about 0a, his reply would probably be: why didn't we think of that? He would be perfectly happy if people found exactly what they wanted to find in his game. Unfortunately 0a mod in DXMP has not aged and is not relevant in any way when you have CSGO and COD and million analogues. Show me another game that works exactly as ATDM, though?
I think the main reason the game died a quick death was its utterly metabolic end product netcode and lackluster performance on the computers of the day. There are many testimonials from 2001 period where people would try to give it a go but ultimately leave. And those who say MTL killed the game are not any smarter than you are. There are certain augers I know that would claim that. It is about as logical as saying that earth is flat because you see it flat.
Just because no shooter with RPG elements has had comparable success to modern tactical shooters doesnt make the idea and execution behind DX Multiplayer bad. I think they had excellent idea, even if early/late idea and not a fully polished one. And no other game has managed to replicate that idea. Having a mere cloak or bullet absorbing mechanism in some other game, a la snowblind or crysis, doesnt make it DXMP.
The appeal for 0a was there right after first realistic type modern shooters started coming with counterstrike, admittedly even playerbase is not and cannot be identical. ATDM is somewhat like UT perhaps, whereas 0a is clearly player-designed after counter strike. Default 0a would have had GEP guns and HE20 and LAMs, hugely overpowered in 0a (because it was not intended) but very nicely balanced in ATDM.
Now the thing is, if you ask Warren Spector about 0a, his reply would probably be: why didn't we think of that? He would be perfectly happy if people found exactly what they wanted to find in his game. Unfortunately 0a mod in DXMP has not aged and is not relevant in any way when you have CSGO and COD and million analogues. Show me another game that works exactly as ATDM, though?
I think the main reason the game died a quick death was its utterly metabolic end product netcode and lackluster performance on the computers of the day. There are many testimonials from 2001 period where people would try to give it a go but ultimately leave. And those who say MTL killed the game are not any smarter than you are. There are certain augers I know that would claim that. It is about as logical as saying that earth is flat because you see it flat.
Just because no shooter with RPG elements has had comparable success to modern tactical shooters doesnt make the idea and execution behind DX Multiplayer bad. I think they had excellent idea, even if early/late idea and not a fully polished one. And no other game has managed to replicate that idea. Having a mere cloak or bullet absorbing mechanism in some other game, a la snowblind or crysis, doesnt make it DXMP.
Last edited by synthetic on 08 Jul 2017, 03:42, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Summer 2017 DXMP Games
Last little bit from me sorry..
So going back to your forced comments... all the hatred, sourness and controlling behaviour on gametypes in this game has always come from elite auggers.
That is without doubt a solid fact.
A few examples would be your attitude these last few years, Ricci, Sike during his days, with Deja sitting on the damn throne.
I can completely understand how that would be very frustrating, trouble is, I have NOT constantly done this like you say, not even close... maybe once or twice in 12 years. Infact the last time i ever said anything to anybody ever about cheating (excluding Phantom) was during [RTK], and that is why i am absolutely at furious ends with you all the time because you have constantly, constantly, bloody constantly harrassed and tarnished me thereafter. Hivemind ring a bell? I literally licked your arse during my spell there, nodded at everything you wanted, hardly spoke in games to keep you from losing your knickers and you STILL were a sh1thouse towards me just because i was doing well in games. Alteast thats very much how it came across. I'm not saying anything else on this anyway because i am at peace with myself with my views on the matter.synthetic wrote:Fear only problem I have had with you was that you've constantly harassed me since 2005 or even 2004 whenever I've been in opposite team from you. Another player might take accusations of cheating or other many metabolic end product about crouching or torso shots (ahem Grubby) as compliments, but I always found them extremely annoying. I cannot have a good game when someone in the opposite team is constantly bitching or accusing me of cheating. And so year after year after year. Do you understand why that might be an issue for someone?
The trouble here is, that people who primarily played 0a, or altfire, or anything besides ATDM/BTDM were literally presumed to hate augs by auggers, I don't hate augs, i just don't enjoy it, primarily because i wasn't any good at it with a default ini, 'nor did i have interest in improving or adding a ton of binds to my ini to be able to compete, i just didn't care, and people were offended by it.synthetic wrote:Nobody is forced to play altfire, nobody is forced to play ATDM, nobody is forced to play 0a or anything else. Your team figures out what kind of variety you can play, and are matched with another with similar or overlapping interests.
So going back to your forced comments... all the hatred, sourness and controlling behaviour on gametypes in this game has always come from elite auggers.
That is without doubt a solid fact.
A few examples would be your attitude these last few years, Ricci, Sike during his days, with Deja sitting on the damn throne.