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Re: Hey

Post by flaw »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Happy to see you still here. How are you doing?
I'm good!
DarkSpartan191 wrote:Life's hard over here at Bangladesh. Apparently the whole country is under lockdown, but i still see some people out on the streets. Just a day earlier, there were two people found with the Coronavirus in our town. Their residence is really close to ours. I'm here, being really careful not to contact this coronavirus, suddenly this news hits :-D . Hoping a vaccine gets released soon [-o< .
How long will Bangladesh be under lockdown? I've been in/around South Asia but not to Bangladesh.
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Re: Hey

Post by Dark191 »

flaw wrote:
DarkSpartan191 wrote:Life's hard over here at Bangladesh. Apparently the whole country is under lockdown, but i still see some people out on the streets. Just a day earlier, there were two people found with the Coronavirus in our town. Their residence is really close to ours. I'm here, being really careful not to contact this coronavirus, suddenly this news hits :-D . Hoping a vaccine gets released soon [-o< .
How long will Bangladesh be under lockdown? I've been in/around South Asia but not to Bangladesh.
The lockdown keeps getting extended. First it was until 4th of April, then 11th of april or something. As of me writing this post, it has been extended to 25th of April. Infections are increasing due to stupid people walking around even as lockdown was declared. Many people are not following coronavirus containment procedures. The lockdown might actually be extended to this whole year as it is.
Last edited by Dark191 on 30 Apr 2020, 00:58, edited 1 time in total.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote: Ouch ouch ouch ouch
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Re: Hey

Post by flaw »

That's happening around here in the US as well. For me as of today it's until the end of June now. Have you been outside of Bangladesh before all of this? Just to travel, work or school? I saw a bunch of people also broke curfew to attend Ansari's funeral.
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Re: Hey

Post by Dark191 »

flaw wrote:That's happening around here in the US as well. For me as of today it's until the end of June now.
Yeah, this pandemic has caused schools and mosques to close off, not the shops or bazaars. They need to sell stuff to stay afloat in a society concerned with money.
flaw wrote:Have you been outside of Bangladesh before all of this? Just to travel, work or school? I saw a bunch of people also broke curfew to attend Ansari's funeral.
Ahhh, no. I've never gone outside of Bangladesh. I was born and raised here in Bangladesh. Not to travel, work or school. I saw this coronavirus pandemic unravel with my own eyes. I was giving a state exam as the news broke. Thankfully the test ended before March.
Also, regarding that Ansari funeral incident, I was shocked by that myself. They may believe it to be a feat of heroism to defy this coronavirus lockdown or something idk. I find it to be sheer stupidity. They defied a goverment law because they themselves thought they were doing some work of allah or something. These people should've been shot down as the police had the chance. Those shitbrains are gonna make this pandemic much worse.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote: Ouch ouch ouch ouch
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Re: Hey

Post by flaw »


How does everybody's areas/states look now? Lots of people vaccinated here and no longer wear masks. I now have surprisingly good 5G service at all times.
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Re: Hey

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

We got a good amount of vaccinated but also quite a few triggered qtards refusing to take it and getting sick prompting my county to roll back mask mandates.

But most people dont bother masking cuz the only people getting sick are part of the problem so we just let them eliminate themselves and hopefully reach their kids as they reach the age they can get it.
Smell The Glove

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Re: Hey

Post by Kuchcik »

'Bout 50% vaccination rate here in Poland, not many new cases, masks still mandatory in large malls/some shops but overall much less visible. We've got the same tinfoil hatters as everywhere spewing retarded conspiracy theories, myself, I got the jab asap and now am free to travel around. Came back from Ukraine recently which has like 10% vacc rate (but is also much sparsely populated too).
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Re: Hey

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

guess it's true what they say about pollacks. No offense O:)

jk's aside, I been making sure to stay healthy enough to keep from needing medical services while the derps jam up the hospital corridors.

Stay safe in happy
Smell The Glove

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Re: Hey

Post by Kuchcik »

RodNeySaLaMi wrote:guess it's true what they say about pollacks.
They say plenty. Most of it is true. :-D
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Re: Hey

Post by ShadowRunner »

Check out this...

Fort Detrick Outbreak.

Wuhan Military Games 2019.

It is possible that Covid was an outbreak in a US lab, brought to Wuhan by soldiers accidentally for the Military Games 2019.

Otherwise Bob Page, I mean Bill Gates, has no control over my body yet.

The moonlandings were real.

JC Denton saved the world...
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