Moving on

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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I dont bother with CS too much, nor I need much training. What you saying is full of codes, I play sniper modes, bomb modes, any modes, mostly I do not care, all what you will see is mostly half automatic gun and me.
Do not be confused and think I play only OP gun, not first time I won mixed guns match. When I will have time will post some videos from CS, but as I said in advance, do not want to start with Apex and CS Go vids yet, because I have too many old materials.
Lets just says CS GO is easy game for me, mostly because I played similar match types in URT. Both with sniper only, and exchangable guns. And I played URT a lot.
I have some URT video which I can edit and post on youtube, if youre interested. But for making new on CS GO, cant say some eta time, nor when I will exactly play.
You saw which nickname I use, if you see me, youre welcome. I dont care if same team or different. You aint gonna hear me to talk much.
Also I do think in Prime are still cheaters, maybe even more of them, they just have less obvious cheats. But thats just another story.
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Also have to say that I played so far CS GO, only while I was in dutch (mostly), so very short time, but have insane ammounts of achievements, would lie if I say I know which and how many, forgot to be honest because didnt played it for quite some time now. I just do not play it so much as some other games. Will try to equal that with time. But as I said, played CS since old versions so, ye, not that I need too much training.
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Re: Moving on

Post by Kuchcik »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:What you saying is full of codes
Shouldn't have brought up being "good" in a game that you don't know the basic lingo of, or seem to lack understanding about it. Anybody who would spend a month or so actually playing actual csgo, being interested in learning and improving could understand all of what I have written.

What I refer to as "actual csgo" is 5v5 matchmaking, the way counterstrike was always played, not some 20+ people deathmatch clusterfucks with respawns on custom servers. If you start talking about being any good at or interested in csgo, everyone will assume you are talking about the former, the latter is not csgo, not up to the spirit of counterstrike, not what is being played on Majors that bring in 1+ million viewers, and that is not what people get actually excited about.
Consider taking some time to watch a match on the highest level here: That's the sort of level that people that are into csgo aspire to. Next time, please point out that you are not actually playing the game, you're playing a failed abortion of a gamemode for the game.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Lets just says CS GO is easy game for me, mostly because I played similar match types in URT. Both with sniper only, and exchangable guns. And I played URT a lot.
Saying that csgo and urt skills are exchangeable is just plain WRONG.

Even if you play the custom-deathmatch-choose-your-own-adventure flavour of csgo, those games are SO different from each other in terms of gameplay at a decent level, that one could say that the only common denominator is the fact that they both have guns are are first person. One comes from a long-running lineage of arena-type shooters (think Quake 3), the other is a tactical 5v5 with recoil patterns, utility and aimpunch. For the record, I was the one that brought in the topic of UrT to this forum back in '07 or so, plenty of people from FGS used to play it.

A simpler example: think about the movement differences. Or maybe you don't walljump/strafejump/slide in UrT and just press W?

Apologies for lashing out on you, but you spout out what seems to be random, unstructured statements with no understanding of what you are actually talking about, and that seems to be a common pattern in plenty of your posts that I have read. I have no beef with you, but there really seems to be something wrong with the way you communicate.
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Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

I gotta say, even with the commentators I can't get that hype about CSGO footage. The one thing that I saw that was cool though was the pro nade skills at spawn though.

Me, I've always been more of an arena deathmatch shooter. My favorite game, Unreal Champs 2, I've played competitively and won money in LAN games . I've never been able to confirm this, but judging by my personal experience, my record, and all the extant footage of UC2 gameplay I've ever seen, I might be the best UC2 player in the world.

Here's footage from my Livestream yesterday, playing against bots on the XLK network cuz nobody wanted to connect vs me but liked to watch:
Last edited by RodNeySaLaMi on 12 Aug 2020, 20:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

You have to know something about me. Instead of crying I will never be on the level of players in DX, i played and played and started to won games even in times of best legends. I talk here about time when I started to won first games in 2012. Monkee, Hey, Ricci, Phantom, FullMoon, Blade, Sinthetic, Fear, and many many more. I remember first game I won with ALL them inside, I had not only most frags than any person, and my team won. Monkee was not happy with that. You see he called me nab, and that he cant believe I won + my team won.

Same happened in 2013. I played full year, played 6 hours daily, to show Dani, Machete and company that they cant metabolic end product on me, and then cant trash on people. Story is known, I lost maybe 8 matched in team (never negative), 3 in single player (whole year). Same that year in 12-th month I played 1:1 in front of all. That happened same day after 7 people failed to beat me! 7. Sinthetic, Fear, Solid, Dani, Anax, Phantom, and Lox, who changed to me. 13:11. 2 ragequited (Dani and Fear, in the middle of the match), Phantom changed nickname. They all entered in server and Dani said, king is here, best of the best, lets humiliate him. Oh they did, they started cool, with 2:0, but after score went down the pipe problems started, they didnt joke anymore. Phantom has not teased anyway. He was always or mostly cool with me, when they didnt crap about us. He was maybe only who was not negative in score in that team.
Later that day I played on Iceworld against Fear, because SIdewinder told, if youre best this year, you should beat best. So first Started Dani, he lost. Then joined Fear, HE LOST. Then came fake Darko, well that was seriously hard, still do not know till this day, who that was. I know its noone of them. WHOEVER HE WAS. Is probably one of hardest people to beat I ever played. I managed to beat him only by 2 frags. That was in my best times, when I could jump behind wall, hit in head in jump, any time I want. But as I said, that was when I played 6 hours daily. There is difference. Later we played AGAIN on Zan Gogh and I beaten there Dani and Fear. So ye........ Noone else tried to play AT ALL. ALL WATCHED, WE TALKED. Noone tried to play anymore. Noone tried to dispute anything.

OH BUT GUESS WHAT. IN 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 I was still called nab. In 2018, in 2019, i beaten again and again people who called me nab. STILL in 2020, people think i am nab?

So guess what, instead of crying, we can do it for God knows how many times, just that game in CS Go. I dont play tournaments, but you are seriously wrong if you think that I cant beat any professional player in this world. They earn money on that, I dont. But I have that in my hands. Maybe I will never be as in 2013, but you can beat i can smash any of them with sniper, any time of the day, because i would be modest if I say that I am in 99.99 % of people using sniper in ANY GAME.

I use same nickname as in Apex, so youre free to look how many achievements I had in CS Go. Also my conditions are terrible these days, dont know why, on laptop all worked perfectly, now I had to reduce graphics, and still its not as it should be.

But as I said, I am always opened for tournament. All legends welcome, default setup, Deus Ex, Apex, CS Go, URT. We will see where is my real place. You can bet any time in any day that with sniper noone will beat me when you combine all games together. If you think you saw great snipermans in URT, you can just forget that. What I did with sniper in urt was insane. Did I struggle, sure i did, cheaters as in any place. One guy that I beaten beated me back with 20 difference. But then came new version of game, his cheat did not work, and he lost 25-30 difference :))))
So you see, we can debate who is how much good, since I dont know who is using what.

You guys can call me however you want, seems that will never change, no matter how many times I beat over and over same people that metabolic end product on me. I dont have desire to beat anyone, or proove anything. I play for fun. But sure, I am first of all who will accept online meeting of DX legends and see WHERE IS MY REAL PLACE.

You can bet I will want to see that, seriously. With that said, I have nothing more to add. My nickname is known in all games, people are welcome to spec me, add me, play with me, or against me. Rest is irrelevant.

Have fun.
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Difference between me and many people is that I dont touch other people legacy. Nor I try to modify it.
I will repear what I told since day one, in my case started to be reality. In Leonardos case was reality, in many many other people started to be reality.

"Everyone can beat EVERYONE, it is only matter of luck, training, desire, believe, skills, many times of all that together, it will happen sooner or later".

That is just fact. Someone can come and shoot in the last second and beat you. All that is part of the game. Been there, done that too.
Its all about respect, and for me best people are those who have respect.

Have fun :wave:
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Re: Moving on

Post by Cozmo »

Wow, this is still going.

You know what Darko? I think you're just lazy. Instead of learning anything about the games you play, it's easier for you to just play with crappy default keys and accuse everyone else of cheating. Or maybe you're afraid of trying because then you have no excuse when you lose a game. Either way, it lets you feel like a top player while not putting in the effort to be one. That's very convenient.

Even after 7 years of these posts, you've not convinced a single person. Aren't you just wasting your time here?
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Re: Moving on

Post by anax »

Darko, you've been doing this for almost 10 years, actually move on and stop getting angry over a 20 year old game.
I don't know if you have mental issues or if you're the most dedicated troll in the history of the DX community but you need to grow up and stop.

I had fun stealing your clan tag and name in 2012-13 because it got a reaction out of you, your reactions against other players were funny for a couple of years but we've all grown up, it's about time you did the same. If I knew my fairly generic trolling would start 5+ years of you pissing your pants in rage all over the forums and now discord too, I would have apologized right there and then.

I was actually going to give you a serious apology in this message, but you don't deserve it, you act nice for a while until you convince us that you might have stopped holding grudges and stopped being serious about a 20 year old game, and then the entire cycle starts over again with you crying about your "wins in URT" and "PLZ 1v1 in wEbCaFe" , you talk like a mid-2000's 17 year old who never leaves his nut-crusted computer desk for fear of losing the big important match in <insert awful cod-era shooter here>.

Seriously, none of us care anymore, I haven't even logged into here for years, let alone to respond to the endless books you keep writing about us.
You obviously have a problem with gaming addiction, I've seen your forums and youtube account, maybe someone died and the only way you can be happy anymore is by desperately clinging on to the idea that you're a legend in a dead game from 2000, if this is the truth I seriously feel bad for you, but for your own health you should really just stop this nonsense.

Put away the computer, go outside, eat a *loving* apple, take a bath, fix yourself up and go find a Croatian hottie to bang and forget about the f*cken video games, whatever.. just GO AWAY and enjoy life outside of the computer screen for one god damn second. If it helps you do exactly that, then fine, sorry for stealing your clan name SEVEN bloody years ago...
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Cozmo wrote:Wow, this is still going.

You know what Darko? I think you're just lazy. Instead of learning anything about the games you play, it's easier for you to just play with crappy default keys and accuse everyone else of cheating. Or maybe you're afraid of trying because then you have no excuse when you lose a game. Either way, it lets you feel like a top player while not putting in the effort to be one. That's very convenient.

Even after 7 years of these posts, you've not convinced a single person. Aren't you just wasting your time here?
Oh, I am the lazzy one? Nice, so can you please enlighten people here, why you try to convince me into something that is CLEARLY CHEAT! Why is that not cheat, let me remind you, THAT IS NOT SETTING UP MASTERSERVER OR NO-CD, that is MESSING WITH DEFAULT SETUP OF GAMEPLAY. In my book that is CHEAT. No, I am not lazzy, I just refuse. Why you provoke me here?

Clearly you are with them, problem is, do you know, or do you pretend who is one of them with other nickname? I wonder? So you are calling me lazzy, while I do not see you corrected scrool problem in YOUR MASTERPIECE? Who is here lazzy.

Of all people in this game, you are last for who I would say, you are WITH THEM. Because to sabotage CLEARLY rest of normal tier 1 players, who refuse to use raised FPS, binds and moding exe file, its over any level of dignity. There is no excuse for me, there is only facts, IF YOU CAN NOT HEAL DURING MATCH, THAT IS NOT EXCUSE, THAT IS FACT. Call it how you want, but in my book that is coders mistake, NOTHING ELSE. Only question here is not if i will use metabolic end product you guys use (I will not), question is will you FIX THAT? That is only relevant thing.

Also you played with me many many times, and you call me with player that makes excuses, WOW MAN, just WOW! Seriously?

I never planned to do it, but now I will link in this topic example how I do play with sniper when I CAN USE PROPER ZOOM AND SNIPER, and when I can move. Have in mind this is from URT, original is much faster on 125 FPS, this is filmed on 26 FPS, so would seem little bit slower, URT is much much faster. You tell me, if I am player who is making excuses? Those guys played here with knife, cause they could not get close enough to me with sniper, and one hit with knife there is kill.

And I play 9 years now my friend. Problem is last 5 you people doing all to make it unplayable for rest of normal setup people, and you know. You think I am blind how you people shut down here and then rest of the servers where I and rest play, just to try to move all TO YOUR PRECIOUS ATDM, OR MODED SERVERS? Ye, if I would have no eyes, I would believe. I have respect to you, but you are the one who is putting fingers into others. Why you doing It, I do not know. Seriously man, I respect what you did, but there ARE FLAWS. You didnt correct ping issue for me, YOU DID IT FOR DANI. Dont forget I beaten him in 2019, IN THAT SAME LAG. Why I call him DANI? Because its funny he and REC have similar ping. Enough said. Also he uses same predictable jumps.

Anyway, watch this, and you tell me. This is not even close of how good I am in sniping, check my website in further months for some epic sniping reflexes. Then my friend if you will not like it, you can tell If I have skills or not. If you want me to play on moded setup, lets make REAL LIFE TOURNAMENT, you guys setup all computers same (I do not want to have any business with that abomination), AND THEN MY FRIEND, you will be convinced how much OVER THOSE who bark here I am. You clearly forget what is difference in firerate when you play with 60 and 180 FPS! You clearly forget how it is to heal slower? Who cozuld touch me in 2013 when all had 60 fps? When I could heal in air, and they had only regular binds? We all know why THERE ARE SUPERBINDS connected directly on guns, and not only medkit! Its only because REST WERE NOT SO GOOD as me and few other players like blade, ricci, hey, phantom and fullmoon. Dont go there with cheats. Played with Phantom, I know many of others used worse metabolic end product.

Do not get me wrong, I will still join in rest of regular servers, but I am tired to play in modified servers where you guys doing all to trash rest of normal people, who want to play on normal setup. Even Blade told what he thinks about changes, and that some things just didnt work. And he is playing longer in MP than I do.

Video which I promised to you, I would not brag nor link it here, but ye, its only right click and movement brother, nothing else. Scrool also. NOTHING ELSE. IN GAME THAT SUPPORTS AND DEFINES MAX FPS. Ye, you know harder to cheat then, and modify ini. Also try to do that in Apex, will see what you will receive? Something called, BAN.

Have fun brother:
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

anax wrote:Darko, you've been doing this for almost 10 years, actually move on and stop getting angry over a 20 year old game.
I don't know if you have mental issues or if you're the most dedicated troll in the history of the DX community but you need to grow up and stop.

I had fun stealing your clan tag and name in 2012-13 because it got a reaction out of you, your reactions against other players were funny for a couple of years but we've all grown up, it's about time you did the same. If I knew my fairly generic trolling would start 5+ years of you pissing your pants in rage all over the forums and now discord too, I would have apologized right there and then.

I was actually going to give you a serious apology in this message, but you don't deserve it, you act nice for a while until you convince us that you might have stopped holding grudges and stopped being serious about a 20 year old game, and then the entire cycle starts over again with you crying about your "wins in URT" and "PLZ 1v1 in wEbCaFe" , you talk like a mid-2000's 17 year old who never leaves his nut-crusted computer desk for fear of losing the big important match in <insert awful cod-era shooter here>.

Seriously, none of us care anymore, I haven't even logged into here for years, let alone to respond to the endless books you keep writing about us.
You obviously have a problem with gaming addiction, I've seen your forums and youtube account, maybe someone died and the only way you can be happy anymore is by desperately clinging on to the idea that you're a legend in a dead game from 2000, if this is the truth I seriously feel bad for you, but for your own health you should really just stop this nonsense.

Put away the computer, go outside, eat a *loving* apple, take a bath, fix yourself up and go find a Croatian hottie to bang and forget about the f*cken video games, whatever.. just GO AWAY and enjoy life outside of the computer screen for one god damn second. If it helps you do exactly that, then fine, sorry for stealing your clan name SEVEN bloody years ago...
I am not angry over game, AT ALL. I am angry that you doing SAME metabolic end product ON ALMOST ALL SERVERS? I dont care ABOUT WINS over me. I know, you know ALL KNOW, this is JUST NOT SAME as in 2013! You guys have FPS advantage, you guys use binds, I DONT. And honestly I dont give a bip bip. BUT WHEN SOMEONE CALLS ME OUT, while he using same that metabolic end product, AND I CAN NOT EVEN HEAL, and HE CALLS THAT REGULAR WIN, then my friend that is many metabolic end product.

As I said, we can make friendly tournament, you guys setup in real life all computers (i do not even want to know what you guys did), rest will be history. We will see who will cry. I know 60 is not as 180, not to mention direct heal, and then after that switch to past used gun with zoom already, WHAAAAATTT??

But to make over that servers that sabotage normal setup players is pure TRASH. Please dont start you guys dint know or test is BECAUSE ITS many metabolic end product! For the love of God, who does not test that? I asked in Apex pro players who often play with me if they use scrool, they said yes. So BS. And yes I have ultimate things binded there, BUT YOU CAN DO IT THERE FROM INVENTORY. IN DX NOT. DIFFERENCE!

I know nothing is set in stone, BUT WHY WOULD I DO IT! WOULD MY PLAY WILL BE LEGIT comparing to other players? NO. Why then you constantly calling Phantom out? Just because he DID IT BEFORE YOU GUYS, he is cheaters, BUT WOW, YOU GUYS ARE NOT? WTF????

Just saying, what about you guys bla bla here? He is cheater just because he used it before you guys, and he was better than you guys while he used it??? So why should I not consider novadays you cheaters, SAME AS YOU DID HIM? Where is bip bip difference?

Get those points straight? Why I joined to that server? Just to SHOW, that I CAN NOT BE DEFEATED, not even 5:0, and not EVEN 10:0. I will say RIGHT AWAY. IN JTB (or how is called), I CAN NOT BEAT MAYBE EVEN SMALL KID! I just CANT! my heal does not work!!!! My guns are so underated over guys with FPS 120+ that is stupidity to play, and then my guns dont switch either on reload, my healing is not responsible......... That is not something that happened in 2013.

You saw I am rusty in SunnySide, still I would beat him. He know, I know, you know. Thats why he was scared. You guys played with me, killed innactive person (Donny was his nickname), praised Serbs, trolled and insulted me. I didnt respond. You guys got what you deserved. If he had balls I would beat him too.

So ye, I am not even upset about that. You guys do what you want. I will stick to normal setup. If you guys want to have some tournament in real life, sure, invite me and Phantom, Ricci, Blade, Hey, Duke,we will see under same conditions how much of us you guys will really be able to beat? You can believe what you want. Dont get me wrong, I respect you, you were actually great in 2017, or so, dont know when we last played, I never took you that win over me. But we all know about rest.

And about my private life, doing fine, dont have financial problems, have girl (for 5 years now, normal one, thanks God), but thanks for worry about me. And why I return here? Because I know what you people doing to other people. I know WHO THAT REC IS! I know how Dani and you worked before, I know you constantly pissing in the pool every year with new ideas. And that guy is doing it.

As I said I didnt joined in server where I knew I have serious setup problems, to win. I CAME to show to people HE AINT SO GOOD AS HE THINKS, and to show why I DO NOT WANT TO PLAY THERE. I showed problems I had with switching guns and medkit, still I WOULD smash him easy on any other server not moded.

You have urt video there, check it, understand it, watch my work further, its not only Deus Ex, not Only URT, and those games are not dead, never will be.

I respect all peope, even you and Dani. But if there are trolls, I will return them proper way. You guys can doing that, but I will do it harder.

While normal servers, normal behaviour and normal people, you can expect same from me.

Have fun.
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Re: Moving on

Post by Cozmo »

Dude nobody is ganging up on you - EVERYONE is tired of your nonsense posts. I've ignored them for almost a decade, but you've even started blaming *me* for your DX losses. I'm not trying to provoke you, I'm trying to help bring your ego back to earth. It's so inflated that it caused you to pollute this forum for a decade and accuse countless players of cheating. This will be my last response here, I hope some of it gets through to you but somehow I doubt it
Spoiler: CDX
In CDX, I got countless bug reports and fixed almost all of them. You were actually the *only one* who found the scroll problem, and that was *after* I had finished working on it (2 years is enough). It's honestly ridiculous that you're calling my bugfix & anti-cheat mod "sabotage" because of that - especially when it fixes a lot of the stuff you regularly complain about, like high FPS advantage. In CDX, outdamaging someone just means you're outaiming them
Spoiler: Medbind
Those 'instant medkits' aren't the results of binds - you can get the same result with E=belt 9. Medbind doesn't even help with the timing of using a med. If your argument is that belt 9 isn't a key you can change in the menu, you could still just put your movement keys next to the 9 key lol. Every 'legendary' player you've mentioned used a medbind too. Nobody else in the game thinks this is cheating. Your definition of cheating is just arbitrary and convenient for you. Think about why that is
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Re: Moving on

Post by anax »

I am not angry over game, AT ALL. I am angry that you doing SAME metabolic end product ON ALMOST ALL SERVERS? I dont care ABOUT WINS over me.

As I said, we can make friendly tournament, you guys setup in real life all computers (i do not even want to know what you guys did), rest will be history. We will see who will cry.
You care a lot, I can tell, otherwise why are you still ranting after SEVEN years?
This doesn't sound like something a person would say if they don't get angry about a video game.
But to make over that servers that sabotage normal setup players is pure TRASH. Please dont start you guys dint know or test is BECAUSE ITS many metabolic end product! For the love of God, who does not test that? I asked in Apex pro players who often play with me if they use scrool, they said yes. So BS. And yes I have ultimate things binded there, BUT YOU CAN DO IT THERE FROM INVENTORY. IN DX NOT. DIFFERENCE!
You can change your keys from the options menu in DX, all those options including DEFAULT ONES are binds, that's literally all that a bind is, it just uses a command inside the game, W is a "bind" for the "MoveForward" command...
Making a new "custom" bind of your own is literally just changing the key to a different one, many people change their "ToggleScope" to be on the E key, it's a bind, WE ALL have binds, and you DON'T need to edit the INI to do this, when you change a key in the options menu, it actually changes the INI anyway...
I've explained all of this to you before like 3 times and this is the last, why am I even bothering...
I know nothing is set in stone, BUT WHY WOULD I DO IT! WOULD MY PLAY WILL BE LEGIT comparing to other players? NO. Why then you constantly calling Phantom out? Just because he DID IT BEFORE YOU GUYS, he is cheaters, BUT WOW, YOU GUYS ARE NOT? WTF????

Just saying, what about you guys bla bla here? He is cheater just because he used it before you guys, and he was better than you guys while he used it??? So why should I not consider novadays you cheaters, SAME AS YOU DID HIM? Where is bip bip difference?
What evidence do you have that me or Rec or Crow etc are cheating??? Please show us how we're cheating with video evidence.
Get those points straight? Why I joined to that server? Just to SHOW, that I CAN NOT BE DEFEATED, not even 5:0, and not EVEN 10:0. I will say RIGHT AWAY. IN JTB (or how is called), I CAN NOT BEAT MAYBE EVEN SMALL KID! I just CANT! my heal does not work!!!!
Don't worry, it's okay to suck at FPS, you might want to see a therapist if you're getting mad at being beaten by a kid.

"My heal does not work" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :-D good chuckle was had right there, keep the jokes coming.

Also, you've been defeated many times by various players, if you don't start winning after 3 deaths you usually give up, it's no secret.
You saw I am rusty in SunnySide, still I would beat him. He know, I know, you know. Thats why he was scared. You guys played with me, killed innactive person (Donny was his nickname), praised Serbs, trolled and insulted me. I didnt respond. You guys got what you deserved. If he had balls I would beat him too.
Who??? What?? WTF are you even talking about, balls of steel? Don't stay in the closet for too long if you like that.
So ye, I am not even upset about that. You guys do what you want. I will stick to normal setup. If you guys want to have some tournament in real life, sure, invite me and Phantom, Ricci, Blade, Hey, Duke,we will see under same conditions how much of us you guys will really be able to beat? You can believe what you want.
Don't tell me that you're not angry about a game if you're constantly begging for multiple players of a mostly dead FPS from 2000 to even THINK about travelling to Croatia and setting up computers just to beat you in 3 maps and then travel all the way back home. This is not esports, this is a dormant 20 year old game that only us 10 or so players still even bother to keep installed or care about.
Dont get me wrong, I respect you, you were actually great in 2017, or so, dont know when we last played, I never took you that win over me. But we all know about rest.
Stop switching from A: swearing at us ingame when you start losing to B: brown-nosing us in some of your rants just to make sure you don't sound too butthurt. We can see right through this, you've done this for SEVEN years and it was already old in 2015. GROW UP.
And about my private life, doing fine, dont have financial problems, have girl (for 5 years now, normal one, thanks God), but thanks for worry about me.
Good news, a shame you get mad about FPS games when you have a gf though. Here's a tip for you since I had a 5 year relationship too, make sure they never hide information from you cuz of their own selfishness (seriously). (and keep doing your MLM/bitcoins too :bwahaha:) I wonder about your sanity and I think you should stop caring so much a bout DXMP.
And why I return here? Because I know what you people doing to other people.
What did I do? wtf are you accusing me of doing?? :roll:
I know WHO THAT REC IS! I know how Dani and you worked before, I know you constantly pissing in the pool every year with new ideas. And that guy is doing it.
Dani stopped playing more than 3 years ago dude.... it's already old news that me and pretty much everyone else in this community stopped caring about or being friends with Dani.
I showed problems I had with switching guns and medkit
Like I said, it's okay to not know the controls very well, don't worry man. :-D
You have urt video there, check it, understand it, watch my work further, its not only Deus Ex, not Only URT, and those games are not dead, never will be.
I saw you upload an URT sniping video, URT is not Deus Ex.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I respect all peope, even you and Dani. But if there are trolls, I will return them proper way. You guys can doing that, but I will do it harder.
When you start losing cuz your opponent is a better player or because you don't know how to use controls, you start swearing and becoming confrontational and serious, stop pretending to respect people just to avoid appearing angry, man.
While normal servers, normal behaviour and normal people, you can expect same from me.
Have fun.
You too, Darko. I suggest having fun outside of DXMP and URT, because you get mad when you lose in this fairly dead/inactive game.

I'm going to start completely ignoring you now.

I honestly don't know why I bothered to respond to you for the 100th time, because we all know you will just continue to post angry rants, you should seriously think about contacting a therapist to help you, because you have a big problem with being obsessed about DXMP and losses and wins etc.. just STOP, just GIVE UP and stop caring about winning in a 20 year old game. GET HELP.
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Re: Moving on

Post by anax »

You didnt correct ping issue for me, YOU DID IT FOR DANI.
*loving* ROFL :bwahaha: :bwahaha: :bwahaha: :bwahaha:
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Cozmo wrote:Dude nobody is ganging up on you - EVERYONE is tired of your nonsense posts. I've ignored them for almost a decade, but you've even started blaming *me* for your DX losses. I'm not trying to provoke you, I'm trying to help bring your ego back to earth. It's so inflated that it caused you to pollute this forum for a decade and accuse countless players of cheating. This will be my last response here, I hope some of it gets through to you but somehow I doubt it
Spoiler: CDX
In CDX, I got countless bug reports and fixed almost all of them. You were actually the *only one* who found the scroll problem, and that was *after* I had finished working on it (2 years is enough). It's honestly ridiculous that you're calling my bugfix & anti-cheat mod "sabotage" because of that - especially when it fixes a lot of the stuff you regularly complain about, like high FPS advantage. In CDX, outdamaging someone just means you're outaiming them
Spoiler: Medbind
Those 'instant medkits' aren't the results of binds - you can get the same result with E=belt 9. Medbind doesn't even help with the timing of using a med. If your argument is that belt 9 isn't a key you can change in the menu, you could still just put your movement keys next to the 9 key lol. Every 'legendary' player you've mentioned used a medbind too. Nobody else in the game thinks this is cheating. Your definition of cheating is just arbitrary and convenient for you. Think about why that is
Lol what you talking is hilarious that can not be more hilarious. You GUYS took your time to work on minimtl abuse, but that was also not cheat? EVERY SINGLE thing, was truth! Not only that, till Dani, exposed many of you, who can say I was wrong. ONLY YOU? So please. I dont care how long you worked, obviously dont work as it should. And about medbinds do not try to argoue with me, you have machetes confesion how his medbind works! Not only that its so fast that you dont see medkit in hands at all, you only hear it. So I see a lot of BS here. Not to mention cheat some guys told me in 2019, that some people abuse sniper damage, and manipulate it, because SOME OF YOU guys offered that to them. So spear me. I know not first time that FGS defended cheaters (ask Dani). So yes, dont preach to me. As about my ego, we can play in reality. You say I LOOSE, sure, but lets se how many of you (if any) will be able do it. When I lost last time in EURO server? Please remind me? When? Oh, you cant even type? So long? Yes so long. So cut the crap. Have fun, and its not about my ego. Its about skills, you guys are not even close to what you could see in video, and am tired to hear nabs how they call me noob. Have fun, and honestly when I do my job I do it properly, I dont care how long. I trained till I beaten them all.
Oh and my losses you guys claimed here, were filmed? Ask Machete and Anax, ask Dani and Anax? I have still picture how they claim they beaten me 20:0, but I was under nickname sretnick, smashed their asses. Khm yes. Sure! Have fun.
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

anax wrote:
Don't worry, it's okay to suck at FPS, you might want to see a therapist if you're getting mad at being beaten by a kid.

"My heal does not work" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :-D good chuckle was had right there, keep the jokes coming.

Also, you've been defeated many times by various players, if you don't start winning after 3 deaths you usually give up, it's no secret.
Will quote only that rest is nonsense, my quote was clear, why is Phantom cheater? Simple as that, why?


As I said he was called cheater, and you guys today use same and worse metabolic end product, calling it legit. Simple as that, cheaters. No need to check further.

First of all things you guys bind and doo, is totally different than what other people can and IS POSSIBLE TO bind in inventory from game. ITS BS.

And about my losses, when was last time I lost in euro server? When? You did it once in 2017 in USA server, past year did it REC in USA, this year also in usa, Rest I humiliated you guys. You guys constantly crapping on other servers cause you would get ass wooped.

You would beat me? Wait wait? Will you? I will show our matches on my website soon, so far you managed to do it......... ONE TIME? Wow, one time. Rest is made up. But do not worry you would be surprised how many materials I have. Of your zeros. I know your ego is down when someone beats you at least 20-40 times. you never have enough. I would be also frustrated as you.

And Urt is same as DX, i have same setup, in normal conditions on ping 40 I play same lunatic as on URT. Oh but I dont have anymore 40 ping. Why is that I wonder?

You guys dont sabotage rest of people? Really? I dont see any pro player returning? I dont see any reason why they should do it? Only moded servers with flaws.

As I said since you guys are scared as F, what about I travel with my "bitcoins" to dutch, france, germany? Lets meet there, lets see who will beat who. I will just ask one simple question, WHEN i lost last time in EURO server? Hm yea, like ages ago?

You tried, not that you didnt, that whats only matters, you tried. At least YOU TRIED.

Who needs help, if all of you involved in this metabolic end product, for last 7 years. Why I trash here is known. Its same what you did to my friends.

Have fun in your little world. Its easy to film losses, hardly to beat me FOR REAL.

I ask you to make tournament, in front of all, but that aint gonna happen, cause one is to trash on me, and other is to try really beat me. We all know that aint gonna happen. You still bully kids? I know what you guys did to Leonardo. Little preaks.

All best to good people. Rest stay in silence.

Have fun.