DXMP Aug trios

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DXMP Aug trios

Post by PhillipJ »

Here's a thought about dxmp balance I'd like feedback on: In Multiplayer->Augmentations, have augs grouped in threes, rather than pairs. That means you can only pick one of three, rather than one of two, as well as changing up what the augs actually are within those trios. For example, instead of "Speed Enhancement OR Power Recirc" how about "Speed Enhancement OR Ballistic Protection OR Regeneration"?

The reason would be to disrupt the typical playstyle of: Speed, BP, Regen, Vision, ADS, Energy Shield, EMP Shield. It would also result in a "fully augged" player having slightly less augs, meaning they aren't as god-like.

1. I know this is probably impossible to actually implement
2. This is something that would've made more sense to discuss in 2005 or something
3. It may disrupt certain playstyles, but that's also the point


With that out of the way, here are the aug trios I came up with:



As an example, using these hypothetical choices, my augs would probably be:
A. Speed
B. Cloak
C. Power Recirc
D. Enviro
E. EMP Shield
F. Aqualung

What do you think? Again I know this is probably impossible and won't ever happen since it's probably too drastic, and not feasible code-wise (modified client?). Nevertheless, it'd be nice to hear thoughts on these groupings, or on the idea overall, or if you have any improvements for better, more balanced aug groups etc?
Last edited by PhillipJ on 08 Dec 2022, 19:59, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: DXMP Aug trios

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

This sounds like DXAG
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Re: DXMP Aug trios

Post by PhillipJ »

I just googled DXAG now, it seems to be a classes thing, medic engineer etc

Something I wanna clarify that was pointed out to me is misleading. Since I labeled them with letters it seems like I'm saying you pick one of the letters and that's it, but my intention was to say you can only pick one aug from each letter, the same way you pick one aug from the aug pairs in Multiplayer>Augmentations
Last edited by PhillipJ on 08 Dec 2022, 20:00, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: DXMP Aug trios

Post by Magus »

Yea, Arx Genus (to give it the full name) had five different 'classes' that players could choose, with varying configurations of weapons, tools and most importantly augs for each.

Those aug choices were fixed, however - I think each class had three thematically-appropriate augs available to them, and maps used with the game mode had custom elements which were only accessible to some classes and not others.

Effectively, it was a lot narrower in scope than this appears to be.
-- Magus "There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary, and those who don't"
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