Hello all! Also, some mods.

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Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by Aidan »

Happy New Years! Hey again everyone, I'm back on FGS :)

So, the past half year, I've been destroying old PC peripherals such as my PS/2 Mouse & Keyboard :P I've been acquiring better peripherals, and my next big step is the rig I'm building. Once I have created this rig (will be within the next two months), I will once again begin mapping/modding (LIKE MAD).

So I have quite a lot of ideas, and plans for Deus Ex, and was wondering if anyone would be interested in helping :)

I WOULD post my ideas, but would like to keep them private for the time being, and between the developers until the release of the modification(s).

By the way, I'm loving the DX cursor =D
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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by ShadowRunner »

Members are very busy running servers, studying and working on TREM, SG, DXMPHR mods, now is not a great time to be taking on any more mods. I'm also working with a TNM forums member to research Deus Ex for blind people, making Tong's House for a single player mod, running a joint PR machine between ourselves and Eidos (check out Jonatchoo's latest tweet to 7000 people), maybe I am maxxed out.

Especially the advert which says "It's too good to even tell you the idea". Not much to go on for decision-making is it.
Topic title is about Mods. Where are they?

It's good to see you here and at Alpha though.
Since you are an applicant who was turned down first time, I think most members didn't know you, it's probably a better idea to get involved with an existing mod, you'll find it a lot easier to get members involved with your work after that.
Right now we are looking for as many people as possible on the DXMPHRMOD for example. Take Malladus and Kalman for example, I had never even heard of Malladus, so how could I vote. I barely knew Kalman, but even after a week of working with him, I feel I I know him well enough to judge him as an applicant.
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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by chin.democ. »

Always good to hear when people have enthusiasm for making some art, I've been lucky enough to be involved in a few mods within the last couple of years mostly mapping as my modeling skills are beginner at best.

You have to forgive my ignorance but I've mainly been mapping and not playing and so there is very few people I know from the online community these days (that and my terrible memory), and I am unfamiliar with yourself and I would be interested in seeing some of your previous work and also I'd be more than happy to hear any ideas or proposals that you may have.

As for myself my old stuff can be found here - http://deusexmultiplayer.freeforums.org ... -t192.html

My newer stuff '09-'11 is wrapped up within mods but a few of the screenshots of my work can be seen.

http://www.moddb.com/mods/deus-ex-multi ... revolution
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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by Mastakilla »

I wish I had time to get back into mapping... I'd like to hear you out on your ideas but I wont be able to do anything untill after May. When I return to DX :alc:
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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by ShadowRunner »

Well yea, exactly, let's hear those ideas...

Hi Aidan, I looked at your previous application topic, your first post on these forums, I downloaded the maps and had a look.
I could only open one. The other two are missing something, it's not the file that you subsequently attached, I get the same message whether I download that second psig.utx or not. "Critical: Assertion failed: Actors(1)!=NULL [File:..\Inc\UnLevel.h] [Line: 223] Critical: Windows GetLastError: The system cannot find the file specified. (2)"
Anyway, I was able to open one map.
thought it was quite bizarre in design, quite unusual, I wondered what thought processes led you to make some brushes, it's intriguing. I'm not a fan of 2048-length tunnels, but it seems like it might work fairly well on altfire if enough spawnpoints were added. The tunnels probably need an alternative exit, we get players who like to block their team etc, otherwise seems like a fun map.
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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by ~DJ~ »

oh hi aidan

i'll try helping stuff, but can't do much, if you want. :oops:
That Resident Evil Mod

~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~ wrote:you+serious=error

chin.democ. wrote:It's just what you're doing with your right hand that worries me....
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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by ShadowRunner »

No he's not helping until you tell us your ideas. Fair enough, protect your idea, but give us a clue, what sort of project Aidan?
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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by Aidan »

Thanks for the feedback everyone :)

That map, as well as a few other are quite old, and yes, I can/will modify them to meet server standards. May is perfect, because I probably won't be finished my new rig build until that time.

My ideas consist of adding certain RPG elements into Deus Ex Multiplayer, as well as tweaking the game to add optimal performance for today's standards.

Most players (who play seriously) now a days, usually always play 0-aug. So I was thinking.. why not add a mutator, for a player mouse-over health bar? It will be a small floating layer beside the player you put your crosshair over that will show multiple little health bars thus showing health of every body part. Small, sweet, and simple to reduce clutter, yet informative, and engaging. There can be a serverside option to decide whether to only show this little mouse-over box beside team mates, or both enemies, and team mates.

This one is quite big. It's the idea of merging CRD, with MTL. One is only able to install one or the other. CRD fixes serious issues, while MTL allows easier accessibility, and functionality. To add. It would be nice to develop an "auto-update engine" linked to the game, but also game-side, that allows us to automatically add new mutators, fixes, etc. to updates.

Weapon model, textures, and sound updates. Being that Deus Ex is 10 years old, I figured that for non-tnag/tactical servers, I could create new weapon, model, textures, and sounds. The weapon stats, would not change. They will remain balanced, but will have more of an updated tune per say.

asides from a classic weapon refresh, I would like to refresh augmentation effects for the augged players with enhanced effect visuals to add more emphasis when turning on augmentations such as "Combat Strength", as there is currently no visual.

I have been putting a lot of thought and consideration in to the future of the original Deus Ex lately. FGS throughout years seems, and has continued to proven themselves to be the most trustworthy, dedicated, and most mature clan of Deus Ex. I would love to offer my time and skills alongside to better improve Deus Ex, and the community. Whether I become a member or not, has always been, and is completely up to you. Regardless, I have, and will always love Deus Ex all the same, and shall try my best continue and put forth my ideas into action.

These were three modifications I have been thinking about lately. They range from easy to hard, are possible, and lengthy, but none the less, a big revelation for Deus Ex, and certainly something to think about.

Thanks for reading,

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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by ShadowRunner »

as you said FGS is dedicated. That's the issue, we're looking for dedication. People who will spend more time wearing the tag than aliasing. People who are reliable. We all disappear, sometimes more than a year, but generally our members stay for good and generally we give a regular committment, internet and Godwilling etc.

Your ideas sound interesting. MTL came under some criticism on Eidos forums for removing some functionality such as lean etc. Also CRD had a scope bug at one point, it got fixed, but since Alex left DX, I don't know how fully developed/fixed CRD is, if your mod addressed these kind of issues and made MP MORE like SP, I think you would be very successful with it. As a mapper I don't know where I fit in with that.

I'm not sure about the usefulness of mods that only work with SP or Default MP either though. Bowens, Tac, Tnag etc form a substantial percentage of the server list these days.

That's my only wish, that coders produce mods which make MP more like SP in terms of functionality. That's why I love Redgreazel's work so much, you can operate turrets, bots, choppers etc. MPKeypad and FLKeypad are simple, but fantastically useful mods too.

Sounds like the mappers won't be much help for any of these mods.

Maybe pick up from where you left off last time and show us some recent work if you can...

Also I think actually Augs is the dominant gametype. Don't count Dogny's ZXC server, the player numbers are incorrect.
When that is taken into consideration it's more than 50% of people are playing augs perhaps.
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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by Aidan »

I too am dedicated. If I put a thought into motion, I continue onwards with it as much as possible. whenever I play, I'm either Aidan, or H3XUS. That's it. I don't see a point in having numerous aliases.

That is exactly what I'm talking about. I want to give full support to DXMP, and successfully add many RPG elements to it that made the single player so successful. I want it to be more immersible, interactive, and fun.

Whenever I play, everyone always seems to be playing 0-aug. I never count the zXc servers haha.

I started off mapping, but then got in to modding years after.

How about this. Once I finish my rig a couple months from now. I'll create some new maps, and provide (working) files.

I have idea's for tactical based maps that add that RPG element that just doesn't appear in most maps these days... Strategy. Say for example in smuggler, when the central turret is in command. The players of that team linger in that general area as they feel it is their own. Being said, the opposing team must strategically think of a way to take over the turret, and eliminate the enemy players that are roaming around that area. We all know DXMP was only a patch, and that even the maps were rushed, as they were easily modified form single player. Smuggler is a distant example of the point I'm trying to prove, but is a good enough example to represent role playing and strategy in multiplayer, in which I wish to strengthen.
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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by Malladus »

ah yes, the strategic part of gaming...well, good luck on that. cause most people play mp games that have gun-usage in a shooter-way as normal shooter, no matter what for a game it is exactly. even in a tactic shooter, people play in the mp as it would be some "I have no brain"-/"aim and shoot"-game like counter-strike or call of duty. but it is a good idea, as having a nice tactical gameplay would be quite good... an example for a good strategic gameplay would be those:
- Capture The Flag:
*rules: to score a point, take the enemy flag and bring it to your base without dying.
*goal: score the most points with your team before the timelimit is hit
- Assault
*rules 1: the game is played in rounds, so for example in the first round, team blue must try and take their flag to the enemy base to score 2 points, but if team blue fails to scorewithin the round's time limit, team red gains 1 point. then the next round starts and team red has to try and get their flag to the enemy base.
*goal 1: score the most points with your team before the maximum round limit is hit
*rules 2: same as rules 1, with some changes: there are only 2 rounds per map (one for each team) and you now have specific mission objectives (destroy/defend a special location) that need to be fulfilled in order to win. and if you win in, for example, 2 of maximum 10 minutes, the other team has only 2 minutes to fulfill all the mission objectives
*goal 2: team blue -> fulfill all mission objectives and win the 2nd round (defend the mission objectives)(only if other team is slower than blue team)
team red -> win the 1st round (defend the mission objectives) and/or destroy mission objectives faster than other team
- Domination:
*rules: control specific locations on the map in order to get points. the more locations your team controls, the faster your team gets points
*goal: get the most points with your team before the timelimit is hit

these are just some examples of what i think are some good examples (domination and 2nd assault version is from unreal tournament)

sry for the long post
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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by Aidan »

CTF has been done in DXMP before. If it was better created, then yes, it would be successful if implemented as a gametype.

However, a control point / team deathmatch-esk map would work great, as each base taken by the enemy team would always have players coming out of the portal, and riddling each base. No to mention that there would be turrets in multiple entrances to these seized areas. There is thinking involved in order to strategically win such a match.
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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by Mastakilla »

CTF isn't very strategic, lol. It's just running to a point and back trying not to get killed, there's room for a tactical approach, just like team deathmatch, but no one bothers with it.
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Re: Hello all! Also, some mods.

Post by ShadowRunner »

Mastakilla wrote:CTF isn't very strategic, lol. It's just running to a point and back trying not to get killed, there's room for a tactical approach, just like team deathmatch, but no one bothers with it.
+1, except teamwork can be fun, co-ordinating a diversion and theft of flag at the same time. Need to guard the flag as well.
I found CTF in DX to be afflicted by autosniper rifle and fights were very short and basically a ping contest as a result. It would be nice to see it improved.

I loved Alex's plant the bomb mod. That could be developed as well.
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