I have an ATI 3DRageII, none of the ATI drivers work, Rage Fury, Rage Pro and Rage 128Pro didn#t work. Can't find a download driver for RageII. Time for a new card?
Heh, you think that's bad? My PII (yes! PII!) has 128 MB's of RAM, 400Mhz processor, 7.98 Gb HD, and an ATI RagePro supported by a Voodoo2 accelerator. LOL!!! It has a hard time just booting up! :lol:
I had a geforce, but I fried it, then the replacement wont fit in new mobo which isnt that old... and this rage2 happened to fit, I left it in and forgot it...
I had the same problem, I downloaded the driver and installed it. After the reboot windows was working in 480 x 640 at 4 bit Shocked
Radeon sucks.
(? that's how it's called?) enable troubleshooting modeit by pressing F8 when booting your PC until the Windows bootscreen appears. Choose "Troubleshoot Mode".
uninstall the drivers, reboot and again into troubleshoot mode
lol ok im sorry im a dumb American... im just saying decent computers don't cost that much anymore... i saw a laptop with a solid state hard drive for like $200
Kothar wrote:lol ok im sorry im a dumb American... im just saying decent computers don't cost that much anymore... i saw a laptop with a solid state hard drive for like $200
Rofl! I wasn't having a go, just saying. And $200? 1 sec, lemme go visit xe.com....
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