Moving on

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Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote: 1 minute? Was there during almost whole day yesterday, didnt saw you.
I will be right now again there
Oof, now I feel bad for you again. I almost pity you too much to make fun of you, except you remind me of Trump.
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I see on your channel you have 2 videos of humiliating me? WOW. Can you remind me, when that happened?
I know we played past year 3 matches, Iceworld (you trolled, and learned lesson, because you lost). You won on SniperBox, but on USA one, and next day you LOST. Also you lost on SunnySide and YOU KNOW. So can you please remind me what is that for Pool match? What is that for MiniDust match? That supposed to be me? Really? Again filming fake videos. WOW impressive.

You won in 2019 only ONE match, in 3 you got ass wooped. In 2020, you got ass wooped again, and if you ask me, we can play every single day from now on, so that I record more and more. More you film fake movies and more you convince people its me, more pissed I will be, more videos I will make, and trust me I will beat you to the level when you would ragequit this game. I did same to all trolls before you.

I will literally smash you so many times, you would be shamed to come to Discord. Do not worry, I make something special for you. I will use some materials where you bark, and how that ended for you.

Difference is, I DO NOT film FAKE movies with someone else to prewtend its you, I DO NOT take other people nicknames, AND I DO NOT HIDE. So I am in every single aspect over you. Trust me man, when you see my name in DX rather run from now on, cause seriously I will hunt you down. Nothing personally, I just do that to people like you. I want you to fall down to the ground, till you realize where is your place, as before 2 days. Maybe then you would be humble.

I suggest to see my video I will make, you WOULD LOVE IT. Its harder to play against me in proper sever where I can actually heal and where my bullets and scrool have effect right? You should know, you had zero in your stats. Too bad, you improved to 4 hits in match, but you downed to zero kills. Every year PRO LIKE YOU surprises me more and more.

I hope you will provocate me more, it seems it works. Starting to destroying you every time more easier.

See you around (dont doubt about that in a sec).

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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

RodNeySaLaMi wrote: Oof, now I feel bad for you again. I almost pity you too much to make fun of you, except you remind me of Trump.
Oh I see, you make so much fun of me that you totally destroyed me with zero kills? I agree, was pure disaster how I played. I was hit 4 times, cant believe! You improving, but sadly also downgrading at same time. Hard call! Too bad I catched your nickname change also. Just epic.
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Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I dont care, you are always welcome to join more times.
My recorder will wait you every time.
But I will show you how good editing of one video can be.
As I said Karma is weird thing, hits back very fast.
Video will be in some well unique style, can say that much.
Rest is show for my fans. =D> :matrix:
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Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

I am your onlyfan uWu
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Cozmo you still around? Have you eaten your words? Where is your "troll" statement now?
Played a lot of matches, and your friends eaten dust (all not moded servers where I can actually heal and scrool).

So why is that so? Also they avoid me a lot since I am in game. They know my recorder will find some drive space to post it online.
Are you for one match with me to be next in line who is beaten by "noob and troll" as you called me?

There should be no problem? Since youre pro as they are.
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Since last time I was on Discord, noone, and I mean noone managed to beat me. Period. It will stay like that for a looooong time, mark my words.
I was stupid to play in rigged servers at all, such mistake aint gonna happen any time soon.

1. They fail in infinite augs.
2. They fail in any other fun mode.
3. They fail in Cozmo.
4. They fail in regular (not moded new age crap) zero augs.

They are now limited to their little world, but even there I will make them to loose games. As soon as I find some time to train ATDM and improve sniping to 2013 lvl so that I can surpass that healing issue, and scrool problem. But will get there. Things will start to be lot more interesting.

My plan is to constantly join their own servers, despite my disadvantage and film how I still beat them. Over and over.

I just like it, harder you guys make it for me, better videos will be, and better achievent also. :matrix: :wave:
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Re: Moving on

Post by Cozmo »

Idk where my other post went, so sure - I'll write it again.

The clip you posted in Discord shocked me, because I haven't scrolled to heal since 2005 and I thought no troll would think of that. Maybe you really were this weird deluded guy with an ego problem.

But nope. After talking to you, all you've done is mention me constantly and BEG for replies. You're way too desperate to be sincere. Hopefully this is the last bit of attention anyone here gives you.
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Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Hi Cozmo
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

No attention nor sympathy to you (or anyone else) who supports those people, and calling me fake "player/legend/noob/troll".
I will not stop till I beat every single of you guys OVER AND OVER, on the SAME WAY, as in 2013, TILL AGAIN half of you ragequits, what will pull more normal people inside, and those craps you guys develop will wanish away.

Only normal thing, that was actually from some good deal, was by Kaiser. Till he actually manipulated my death to count 2 times. But his improvement was actually very good. Bad thing about Kai's work was that he gave it to WRONG people. Some will know on who I think. SAME as Hey did in his server.

Its shame you are involved in abomination of game, and dont crap about "accidental" scrool metabolic end product pile of crap, cause nobody believes to you anyway. I am sure you guys knew my game setup and keys more than well. I just dont believe.

But as I said, I aint gonna stop till i remove every single troll from this game as in 2013. Then will be peace. Youre one of them welcome to play against me. Any time.

I liked your work and respected you, but some people turned on the way before you as you did, to people where respect goes away. Not my fault, every person is grown enough to know what he does. In my country people say, you are same as you hang out with particular group of people. It is more than obvious about who I talk here and who those people are. Same those that want DXMP dead, and filming fake videos that DX is not active for 5 + years, while they crap on this same forum HOW BIG supporters are.

Naive fools. My goal is clear till every single of you guys leave game, so that this beautiful game receives only normal people in DXMP. DX deserves normal people, not trolls and fools.

With that said :matrix: :-({|= :wave:
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

See you around people :wave:
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Re: Moving on

Post by Cozmo »

Hey Rec!
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Re: Moving on

Post by Fear »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Naive fools. My goal is clear till every single of you guys leave game, so that this beautiful game receives only normal people in DXMP. DX deserves normal people, not trolls and fools.
Darko... "normal" people who have contributed to DXMP positively over the years (and had longevity), are players in clans like FGS, Alpha, HK etc.

Players and clans who helped contribute to keeping this game alive for 19 years by creating maps, mods, paying for servers, organizing competitions and clan wars in the days we had enough people around, posting to clan forums during relevant years, posting guides and tutorials and even FIXES TO EXPLOITS. (such as CDX by Cozmo being the most recent, but also previous attempts such as MTL, miniMTL etc.)

You however, are some irrelevant little pissant who showed up sometime in the last 6-8 years when the majority of the community had long gone, and still built yourself a reputation to everyone (bar your 2 friends) in the community to be one of these "trolls and fools".

Lets take a look at your contributions shall we, starting with negatives as they make up about 70%;

The negatives...

- Tin Foil Hat forum posts and stories
- Posting screenshots on your website that has a total active user base of 1
- Causing annoyance to everyone with your inability to finish a game you are being challenged in
- Causing annoyance to everyone with your continuous bind bashing (players using binds dates back to at least 2003 if not earlier)
- Constantly whined about people using your alias like it hasn't happened to all of us 300 times over in the last 19 years
- Naively listened to "advice" from other trolls over your brief years and then attacked people based off this both very limited and mostly incorrect information
- Been hostile to 99.3% of all players you've interacted with for absolutely no reason bar they are better players than you

The positives...

+ Somewhat entertained and amused us all for the last 6+ years (even if for the wrong reasons)
+ Involuntarily (but successfully) tested spectator mode for any bugs

You didn't exist to anyone until around 2012/13 and based off your contributions since then what do you actually truly know about multiplayer, the community and where things stand? I'll answer this honestly for you, next to nothing.


Enjoy in day people :wave:

Edit: I have nothing personal against you even though you constantly mention me and others in your imaginary stories, because they are hilarious to read. I also already know you won't listen to anything said in this post because of issues like delusion and sitting on a bindless high horse, but aside from this current kerfuffle Darko we welcome you with open arms into the DXHQ Discord server as always x
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Fear, let me remind you 2 things:

You crapped same way about me before 2 years, maybe now 3, that I did not beaten you!

1. You ragequit against me in Dies server. I posted also aour fight IN ATDM! YES, ATDM! You didnt beat me there either? Wow, surpsrised?
2. You tried to beat me on my ground, you forgot that you, dani, solid, anax, psycho together could not beat me in infinite augs. DUDE i am master and commander of UNLIMITED AUGS.
3. I didnt finish game? Why do you think I am so powerful comparing to anyone else in fun servers with unlimited augs? Even in Cozmo and rest fun maps?
4. Stating about ragequits, while I have proof you did it.

I respect your legacy, you didnt mine, youre welcome to test my skills same as Cozmo.You forgot how that ended for you in 2017?
Reclaimer forgot how that ended for him in 2019, so now they all "HIDDING", with more than good reason, cause this time kiddo, I AM TRAINING AGAIN, same as in 2013.

I am not anyone's enemy, but you ALL are welcome to challenge me, cause this time, I am in shape. Will be in shape! Any time, over and over.

HK, respect to Ricci and Hey, epic players. They always showed me respect, I never hidden that i respect them back. I was always newbie for them, but difference between you guys and them, is that they saw me playing, and saw my potential, you guys never respected my wins over you guys.

FGS, whatever you people crap here, many FGS people are cool with me. I will not name them, because you guys are fameous to trash on ever<y single player that likes me. But half of FGS was cool with me. Only 2 people never liked me from FGS. Its known story why I have grudge over FGS. 2 guys from FGS started that pile of crap when they started to exploit my ban and nickname, FGS was involved.

Still i respect people from FGS.

BUT when you bark about LEGACY: ZXC, EDH, VOID, those were biggest clans with biggest member basE! They had no bad reputation, and have GREAT owners. They still host servers, and I LIKE THEM ALL. They are friendly to me, ALL.

So ask your self, why I am cool with all from VOID, EDH, ZXC, R clan, but also RA clan! Every single of them is cool with me! No exception! Why is that? Its because they are cool people.

Alpha guys are also cool. I never had problems with them. So why doy ou involve them in this story. I never had problems with Alex (not sure I meet him in game), but I did Kyle, who beaten me 2 times in my prime! I did him too, but less important.

And about Discord channel, thanks, but no thanks. First time I left cause you provocated me in 2016. Then they invited me when they claimed youre not around, and then Reclaimer started to build his reputation, and crap over all players, SO I LEFT. But i had nice REVENGE for reclaimed that is getting nice views online right now. You should check video, its quite cool, and edited on very good way.

Karma returns all, remember that. I am cool with all people. Till they start to abuse on any way. Then we have a problem, because I DONT LIKE ABUSES, nor people that bully others.

SO that Discord channel? Thanks but no thanks. And do not worry about visits on my site, its connected with my other websites, + FB, so you can bet it has a lot of views. Just because its not active forum, does not mean site is not viral.

Before few months if you typped DD Gaming Community or DDGAMINGCOMMUNITY, you would not see anything listed even near top, now you see all listed. Type DARKO JEDI MASTER, i am so good ranked now that even my youtube is in top 2 hits just after 7 days when you type that.

You dont need to like me, but in free time I did internet marketing, and in about 1 year from now, with some luick I will have my company in that area, and doing some epic freelancing work.

I have now work that takes me a lot of time, so cant post as much as before. I am not hostile person, I just dont like how many of you behave.

And about my ego, I posted videos where I didnt win! So, lets not drama about my ego etc etc.

All the best.

Have fun :wave: