Moving on

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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

May the force be with you:

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Re: Moving on

Post by Fear »

You or the person playing your character is a lost cause unfortunately, you've clearly been had by the idiots you speak to.

Half the players and clans you've mentioned quit Deus Ex before you found it on the shelf and asked your mum to buy it for you along with those superman figurines.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Most competitive matches (legit ones) I had were with Phantom, we used to play MiniDust 3 times, and I think our score was till near 50 frags tied, several times.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:...besides, you Machete, Ken and Reclaimer. Why you guys don't like me? Cause all of you 4 abuse, and I still smashed you. I understand its not nice to see when someone crushes your ego, cause I did that to 4 of you in 2013 a lot.
Complete fantasy stories in your head Darko... I would love to see a screenshot or video supporting any of the 2 quotes above but since I already know they don't exist, just show me ONE of a game you actually put up a good score against decent opposition - and I ain't talking about any of your amazing 3-0 scores either, something similar to this, this, this (starring Phantom), or this (starring you under your alt-name that you pretend is another person).

Funnily these were all taken in 2013, the year that you "smashed me alot" so if I've got some screenshots like this you must definitely have some right? Show everyone Darko smashing us!

See you around and enjoy in day people! :wave:
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Playing DX since you still didnt hear for it, since first day, since demo is released, biggest fan possible, and one of the honest people. Last mochicans of this game. What you cant say, you abused this beautiful game since long time ago.

Since you crapping, I will put only those where you cry or hide. Watch also my video above, against your "friend" Reclaimer, kill n4 is something you and him both aint gonna repeat with training 100 years! You have slow motion, ADMIRE IT WITH PASSION. You can do only that admire!

Till then stay loud and try to metabolic end product, but stay chicken same as Reclaimer and rest of the weak fucks that supporting you! I am ready to beat you ALL (all those who supporting you) IN REALITY IN TOURNAMENT. Every single *love* of you, and youre supporting cheerleader fucks. Every single. And I would enjoy smashing you all same as in 2013. Such fucktards dont deserve even to participate in best of the best games of all time.

Who the *love* you think you are? Only one abuser who used WH in green color in 2013 (ask Dani), and still got smashed by me and B-D<awg in 5 of 7 matches that year! Wow!!!! Sure, you can talk.

If you would not use that superbind crap, you would be humiliated even more. You guys are aware that I am now limited on sniping skills only, but remove that superbind and FPS shitpile of crap and play tournament against me (or lets all play on same setup), and I would SHUT THE *love* your filthy mouth once for all, same as in 2013, THIS TIME WOULD BE VIRAL.

I am SO SORRY that I didnt film how I amashed you guys in 2013, that was some epic thingie, but I did in 2017, HOW YOU SPECTATE.

Talk more, same as Ken. I am here, always ready to play with BIG MOUTHS like you Machete, Ken and Reclaimer and Psycho in REALITY. Will you guys accept it? DO IT! Find balls then talk.

More pictures you can find on my website, some of the best ever scores I had I didnt film, those are not 50 % from best scores I did! I had games over 50 frags all the time in 2013. Sadly didnt film many of those since I played 6 hours daily, and won in over 180 matches that MONTH ONLY. WHo would copy paste each win all the time. I am more than happy with those you can see here.

When you would make 52:0 on Sniperbox against 4 people as I did, then talk, till then you can stay in silence. Or when i made you and Dani to ragequit game for few years! Do you still remember CargostationAlpha, Iceworld, and Zan-Gogh (after which you left for LOOOONG time)? I bet you do.

More pictures you can find on this same topic: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7448&start=75

Have fun. Learn something, maybe then you would be player worth to mention.
What abvout this?
What abvout this?
What about this?
What about this?
What about this?
What about this?
Here trolls like you tried to invite me on 1:1, so I asked why not all 3 on me alone? Here is result before they ragequit. SAME AS YOU.
Here trolls like you tried to invite me on 1:1, so I asked why not all 3 on me alone? Here is result before they ragequit. SAME AS YOU.
primjer.jpg (36.44 KiB) Viewed 19426 times
All here tried to beat me, only FITSG helped me, and we both had positive score, check what we did to rest? Dani was inside, Paco was inside, this is WHAT I TOLD YOU, even 5 people cant beat me in infinite augs! THEY NEVER COULD, YOU NEVER COULD, NOT EVEN YOUR BEST PLAYERS EVER WHO YOU SENT THERE, NOT EVEN CLIX. Not that they didnt try. They have sent them all on me there, all went down.
All here tried to beat me, only FITSG helped me, and we both had positive score, check what we did to rest? Dani was inside, Paco was inside, this is WHAT I TOLD YOU, even 5 people cant beat me in infinite augs! THEY NEVER COULD, YOU NEVER COULD, NOT EVEN YOUR BEST PLAYERS EVER WHO YOU SENT THERE, NOT EVEN CLIX. Not that they didnt try. They have sent them all on me there, all went down.
Here is brave Fear in 2016 after teasing me SAME AS NOW, to try to beat him (and I did on several maps). Now he crying and calling Die's server not relevant? Let me remind you Die's, Poor's and Krky's servers were and are most visited DX servers probably ever!
Here is brave Fear in 2016 after teasing me SAME AS NOW, to try to beat him (and I did on several maps). Now he crying and calling Die's server not relevant? Let me remind you Die's, Poor's and Krky's servers were and are most visited DX servers probably ever!
Here you guys filmed fake videos about me how I hide! FUNNY YOU SEE THAT SRETNIK? THAT WAS ME KICKING THEIR ASS SAME TIME THEY CLAIMED I AM PLAYER WHO THEY BEAT! Machete -1, Dani -7, Anax - 17! Cryyyyyyyy
Here you guys filmed fake videos about me how I hide! FUNNY YOU SEE THAT SRETNIK? THAT WAS ME KICKING THEIR ASS SAME TIME THEY CLAIMED I AM PLAYER WHO THEY BEAT! Machete -1, Dani -7, Anax - 17! Cryyyyyyyy
5.png (181.25 KiB) Viewed 19426 times
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Funny how they troll for something already posted on forum, but dont worry, not a problem for me to link it.

1. You wanted proof about lies where someone claims 10:0 against me? This picture where Machete filmed "fake scores" against me FILMED HIM! Problem on this picture is they didnt know that PLAYER they beaten was not me! I was inside all the time smashing their ass with nickname Sretnik (LuckyMan on english). How that ended? Machete -1, Dani -7, Anax -18! They called me FullMoon, but was not fullmoon. Whole match posted on same forum, sadly some pictures went down because imgur deleted them after a year. Too bad, but still thats proof from HIS OWN picture. Bad timing he had. Means I TELLING TRUTH ALL THE TIME. Check forum on 20 places, you would see I mention how I beaten them as Sretnik on Darko's Box, where they claimed to beat me 10:0 or 28:0. Sureeeeeeeeeee! Thets why Sretnik smashed their ass!

2. Brave Fear spectating in 2016, after first few minutes of the game. He stating thats not him, but earlier on this same topic he stated he was in Die's server! Nice nice. Same as he stated Dani is so and so (but later that proofs are on Dani's server) LOL. Meaning they did played in 2013 also, when me and B-Dawg beaten them in 5 of 7 matched in 2:2 game! Also meaning I telling truth all the time about kicking his ass in 2013. All saw how he lost on CargoStationAlpha (with 5 more people against mre alone, ingluding Phantom, Dani, Anax, Machete). Only Lox helped me later with words, I cant let you play alone. HUGE ADMIRE TO LOX. He went to me cause he could not see how rest metabolic end product on me. HUGE RESPECT! Actually I dont believe from all people Phantom trashed on me. We were almost always cool. I just dont know why he played with them anyway. BUT!!!! Phantom returned in 2017, and helped me to win against BARK BARK Machete and Anax, where 3 of them tried to beat me. Phantom came and we smashed them. its online.

Sure, you can talk, as I said. I am totally IN FOR REAL LIFE TOURNAMENT. Actually bigger preasure I have, more people like you urine me off, better I am. Once on CS:GO once guy told that I suck, I started to play 2 times faster and better (usually I playing casually, so I started to zoom faster, shoot faster and kill 4 times more), I turned score and our team won. He then said youre cool.

Man I saw such trolls to metabolic end product on me in every single game till I make them to stay in silence. Dont forget, you are forcing me to constantly repeat history. THIS TIME, I EILL FILM EVERY *loving* MATCH and make it viral. You want new match! NO PROBLEM, but this time i demorec all. Told that to Reclaimer, Ken, Machete, and you! I have now proper machine that can record easy without any performance loss. So do it. Make me proud! =D> :matrix:

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Re: Moving on

Post by Fear »

It's a shame you couldn't post anything to actually back some of your claims up, or of you smashing anyone but I didn't hold my breath...

I was going to individually review each one for you but I cba, because what you gave me was effectively a small compilation of either pointless low scores, a mediocre score in a sniper map against solid who had a ping of 320, a score of 70 in a modded fun server, and a screenshot of me on spectate in a modded fun server.

They're all actually garbage screenshots to put forward for a case of being as good as you think you are to be honest with you Darko, I was hoping for much better.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Who the *love* you think you are? Only one abuser who used WH in green color in 2013 (ask Dani), and still got smashed by me and B-D<awg in 5 of 7 matches that year! Wow!!!! Sure, you can talk.
I'm a wallhacker now lol, I know what you are referring to and it was a render bug which was reported to Chin and quickly patched out with a new version of Pool, nobody ever played competitively (though I wouldn't put it past Dani) and it would show in screenshots you nincompoop, also show me some screens of these 5 of 7 matches.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:1. You wanted proof about lies where someone claims 10:0 against me? This picture where Machete filmed "fake scores" against me FILMED HIM! Problem on this picture is they didnt know that PLAYER they beaten was not me! I was inside all the time smashing their ass with nickname Sretnik (LuckyMan on english). How that ended? Machete -1, Dani -7, Anax -18! They called me FullMoon, but was not fullmoon. Whole match posted on same forum, sadly some pictures went down because imgur deleted them after a year. Too bad, but still thats proof from HIS OWN picture. Bad timing he had. Means I TELLING TRUTH ALL THE TIME. Check forum on 20 places, you would see I mention how I beaten them as Sretnik on Darko's Box, where they claimed to beat me 10:0 or 28:0. Sureeeeeeeeeee! Thets why Sretnik smashed their ass!
Are you writing a plot for something? That's some thoughtful nonsense right there.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:2. Brave Fear spectating in 2016, after first few minutes of the game. He stating thats not him, but earlier on this same topic he stated he was in Die's server! Nice nice. Same as he stated Dani is so and so (but later that proofs are on Dani's server) LOL. Meaning they did played in 2013 also, when me and B-Dawg beaten them in 5 of 7 matched in 2:2 game! Also meaning I telling truth all the time about kicking his ass in 2013. All saw how he lost on CargoStationAlpha (with 5 more people against mre alone, ingluding Phantom, Dani, Anax, Machete). Only Lox helped me later with words, I cant let you play alone. HUGE ADMIRE TO LOX. He went to me cause he could not see how rest metabolic end product on me. HUGE RESPECT! Actually I dont believe from all people Phantom trashed on me. We were almost always cool. I just dont know why he played with them anyway. BUT!!!! Phantom returned in 2017, and helped me to win against BARK BARK Machete and Anax, where 3 of them tried to beat me. Phantom came and we smashed them. its online.
When did I state that wasn't me in your screenshot I haven't seen it before lol, should I start accusing all the spectators in my screenshots of doing it to avoid playing against me too? All you've posted is fairytale stories with screenshots that have no relation to any of them.

Try again though, I'm almost finished experimenting with you.


You couldn't break even when it was effectively 4v3 in your favour here...
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

There are 2 slight problems. That screenshot was filmed PRE 2013, when I played on dark monitor, and slower DSL, also was rookie, since I entered in 8-th month of 2011.

Funny how you didnt film games where you actually lost. Like that one where Monkee was surprised when I first time owned all of you, had most wins + my team won.

I have way more pictures, problem is that YOU ALWAYS or almost always were HIDDEN. Only when you were not hidden was in 2013, when YOU GOT OWNED BIG TIME on 3 of 4 maps!

Wow you found one picture of negative score, of my teammates, AND THAT WAS SOMETHING that happens to literally ANYONE in competitive match. Specially when they begin.

As I said pre 2013. You can ONLY DREAM about my loss after 2013, since all 2013 I had just few losses in 1:1 (2 Alpha user, one ChickenSalsa), and few in team matczhes (none in negative).

Matches with low score are because of maps played or because of low ammount of minutes. We played 10 minutes when 6 of you lost 13:11 against me and Lox, OH PARDON, you and Dani ragequit way before that. I still remember Dani's sentance: "King is here", lets humiliate him.

Well KING was loossing against 6 of you (at start 7 of you), 0:4, but I turned that around, and I remember that I already had lead at 7:6 and hold it till end. So ye, bark how much you want.

What you didnt tell to people, YOU WENT TO SPECTATE AFTER YOU had negative score :) I killed you like 3 times in row? :) Tiny thingie you didnt tell to people. You actually tried to play against me on 2 or 3 maps, and lost on all in there. Spectated even more.

Fear, you can bark all day long, send who you want, you guys tried in same server probably 5-7 times, even up to 5 of you, and you never could beat me, NEVER.

ONLY person that beaten me in infinite augs, and put me in negative score was Die. And Karky and Die, are legends of that mode. Actually Karky could survive 2 times longer against bots than I could. Her gameplay was just impressive. I saw her winning in zero augs few times, despite she never liked to play there.

You guys are ovverated. Player like FSB, Parker and Shana, played RPG modes with me, and I know they could smash easy you guys. I know what I talk, I played with them for a long time.

As I said, you has same approach in 2013, and 2016, ended bad for you. I dont need to record, people srtill remember dont worry. Do you want to know who was there when I beaten you?

LIST OF PEOPLE: Me, Phantom, Dani, You, Sidewinder, Anax, Fake Darko (I would love to know who that guy was) he was one of the hardest opponents I ever played!!!!!, and few more (Iceworld).

For Cargostation Alpha: Lox, Me, Phantom, Dani, Machete, Anax, You (and maybe one more cant remember).

For Zan-Gogh: Me, Phantom, Sidewinder, Dani, you and several more people.

Have to say thanks to Sidewinder because he was the one who asked to beat you both AGAIN in same NIGHT for title of best of the best.

Well I hardly think many people have amnesia? I prooved that you guys filmed fake videos about me, when even on Machetes picture is visible how I smash him.

Problem with you guys is that you played against me under aliases, and when you lost, you just ragequit and thats it. SOME TIMES i had was score, Dani uncloaked, and then I smashed him :) Hugeeee mistake.

Dude if I had recorder in 2013, some brutal matches would be filmed, some epic ones. I remember one match with pillars (box shaped map), I literally made so many sniper reflex shots I cant believe.

And when it goes about maps and skills? Dude, my avg ping in 2013, on euro server was around 60! On that ping I smashed every single binder, and my skills with assault were so impressive that your pistol glitch was useless! Even when Dani and you and Machete tried with that crap, I just combined tactics, to overperform that easy, I tried to get close.

In 2013 I would end fight with one clip of 30 bullet rounds MAX in assault rifle, could heal in air, and was way faster than you guys. I could overperform binds you guys used.

But that trash since 2017 on, where you guys started to use superbinds + raised FPS, is pure trash. If I cant match superbinds + raised fps binded together, nobody can! Actually I smashed Reclaimer despite that (he claimed he didnt used it, but not so sure). I am sure he uses it now.

Anyway, you can dream on.
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Lets discuss pictures I will show you now:

1. Person first in your team from 2013 on, beaten me just one time? ONE, ONE, dude one. And that was in USA server where I lost to Solid. Later I beaten solid also back on same Euro server. For some reason I had always worse conditions than rest of the people on USA servers. One picture is from zero augs, other from fun server (unlimited augs). Result is almost same. I repeat we talk about guy who I confronted 1:1 and he was better than you on picture you linked. Also how many matches we played? Why dont you show rest of the matches from that night about Lucky? I bet you lost at least few, and I was first. But nice that you found at least one.

2. Several matches where I play against unknown players. So could easily be machete, or someone else.

3. People on my pictures are high class players, most of those people kick your ass, I bet they did.

4. You have 1:1 with direct Hivemind user.

Any more excuses? [-X

Thanks :wave:
Barking machete had 0:3 in that match and with luck he went to 4:3 before end of the match on other player, who was player here? Enlight me?
Barking machete had 0:3 in that match and with luck he went to 4:3 before end of the match on other player, who was player here? Enlight me?
MagicKillaah, yep brutal player, was not 1:1 but was great game
MagicKillaah, yep brutal player, was not 1:1 but was great game
So who is this? Someone who tested my skills, was zero augs server, was very good player, but score says all. Hivemind?
So who is this? Someone who tested my skills, was zero augs server, was very good player, but score says all. Hivemind?
So who is player here?
So who is player here?
Whoever that guy was, well that was one tough game, but score again says all
Whoever that guy was, well that was one tough game, but score again says all
One more zero on counter of my opponent
One more zero on counter of my opponent
Zero augs
Zero augs
Who is this? Could it be its machete? Well less important
Who is this? Could it be its machete? Well less important
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Re: Moving on

Post by Kaiden »

Hadn't a lot of the best players Deus Ex has seen moved on by 2013? From what I recall most of the major/original clans were gone, and the Master Server was on the verge of shutting down, following years of the community being plagued with DDoS attack (0augs Deja genocide) and engine exploits.

{E.D.H}{FPS}HDD21 wrote:I like ponies
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:HDD21 was brutally stronger than any of you
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Re: Moving on

Post by Fear »

Kaiden wrote:Hadn't a lot of the best players Deus Ex has seen moved on by 2013? From what I recall most of the major/original clans were gone, and the Master Server was on the verge of shutting down, following years of the community being plagued with DDoS attack (0augs Deja genocide) and engine exploits.

HI MATE, long time to see! Yea since Gamespy went the masterserver has been run by 333networks I believe, something Alex[A] set up. We mostly use discord to organise games now.


Darko I really don't have the energy for your stories that never happened you are totally deflating me with them :(

Like before, the screenshots are garbage and are just random junk, I want actual screenshots of all these amazing memories you have smashing me, anax and ken etc, or nothing. I can also guarantee that if Cedric/Magickillah was in form he would beat you, a better player than you I think.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:There are 2 slight problems. That screenshot was filmed PRE 2013, when I played on dark monitor, and slower DSL, also was rookie, since I entered in 8-th month of 2011.
That's a lie, it's my screenshot from 2013, and didn't you used to say "I'M NOT LUCKY IS OTHER PERSON" alot, I guess you dropped the act there.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:ONLY person that beaten me in infinite augs, and put me in negative score was Die.
Die is augs GOAT obviously.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:People on my pictures are high class players, most of those people kick your ass, I bet they did.
We must be looking at two different things, you haven't posted one yet that I've seen.

I think I'm all out of motivation experimenting with you now, the barrage of stories is a good tactic of yours it makes people tired of talking to you.

You know nothing about how things work on this game man, all this talk of raised fps, "superbinds", abusing etc... you have just been fed some bad information and it has gotten you so angry and delusional.

No more stories please, I think I've pretty much said all I care to anyway, especially to such a non entity. You'll never listen to anyone and open your mind up to the fact you might be wrong about something, and you'll never stop spouting bollocks.

Enjoy in day :wave:
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Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Sup Kaiden.

Yea as far as I can tell 2013 was a dormant year in DX. All the major matches ended a year before and heavy hitters stepped away. I stopped playing in 2012 for awhile myself.

Pretty sure all but a few TAC, alt fire, rpgers and noobs were around. Guessing those were who Darko streaked off.

2012 tho, I was playing on a shitty desktop with dudes like HeY, Ricci, Kale & TBD.

Apparently DXMP had a dry spell cuz from what I hear in 2014 the players considered the top at the time were dudes like Dani & Solid lol.

When I came back around winter of 2018 the only serious competition was Price, Duke, Cozmo, Ken & Gab. Solid came back for a bit on a high power rig and did well. Not sure how he'd do in CDX when wifi players like Price & I can hit snipes better.

By the end of last year a lot of the OG scene came back cuz SilentScope returned and hit up a bunch of the oldschool veterans from his & my era. So we had a bunch of CG, Void & JTB dudes come back as well as some Triads and HK's.

Mostly everybody got wrecked in CDX since crouch rifling didnt boost their damage and just gets em headshotted quick nowdays. Some players adapted, some got mad they couldnt cheese the game anymore.

But the ga.e never was as active beyond 2006. And back then Fear was already becoming a top sniper in Euro 0a, pretty much carrying RTK in both regions. Next to him was Trollied, Raiden, & Clix, not to mention TBD & Ken dominating the Euro ATDM scene with DBL, Monkee & Messiah.

Those days the bangers in USA were me, JJBOMBER, Flaw, Ricci, Tejas & Gaz. Rhino's 0 aug, [EL] for Custom augs, [T]ranscendence server for ATDM, & Drunkards for BTDM.

Also heard been the some odd old auggers who pop in now and then like SHADES & Sike as recently as 2016. Saw DDM come back for a few but he's not been in top form sonce 2005.

DCSB Conceited played a bit as well but aside from him & Ricci no other Dead Cows came back since 06 back when we had Reef's server.

But yeah, dudes like Darko always been the randoms in tbe background that streak off a few newbies trying to learn the game still. Probably why he got the impression he was good but when he stepped to real pros he just couldnt keep up. He'll llay you in like a funline map or RPG but in a real deathmatch he'll always quit out before his score gets bad, always worried someone will sshot I guess. Not like theres anyone doesnt know he cant hang by now.

But as for these days, Price & HeY are the tops, with me & Duke just under, sticking it to the rest. And I'ma swag on that tip as hard as I please, my videos speak for themselves, big dee coming thru make way. Step right up, try your luck, etc.
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Re: Moving on

Post by Kaiden »

RodNeySaLaMi wrote:But the ga.e never was as active beyond 2006. And back then Fear was already becoming a top sniper in Euro 0a, pretty much carrying RTK in both regions. Next to him was Trollied, Raiden, & Clix, not to mention TBD & Ken dominating the Euro ATDM scene with DBL, Monkee & Messiah.

Those days the bangers in USA were me, JJBOMBER, Flaw, Ricci, Tejas & Gaz. Rhino's 0 aug, [EL] for Custom augs, [T]ranscendence server for ATDM, & Drunkards for BTDM.

Also heard been the some odd old auggers who pop in now and then like SHADES & Sike as recently as 2016. Saw DDM come back for a few but he's not been in top form sonce 2005.

DCSB Conceited played a bit as well but aside from him & Ricci no other Dead Cows came back since 06 back when we had Reef's server.
I recognise a lot of those names. Synthetic's unformatted (and not fully populated) clan list with owners/rough gametypes from 2006 that I stumbled upon showed how full the game was back then, whatever's left can only be a shell of that sadly.

Code: Select all

[A] Alpha Daedalus [x] [x] Both
[A] | [!A!] Assassins DeViL [x] [o] [x] Auged 2001 | (02) | (06)
[A] Alliance Daedalus, Trance [x] [x] Both 2004
[AAGP] All About Great Peoples [_] [x] Both late 2005 - early 06
[ABC] ABC Warriors [_] [x]
[AdHd] Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Algernon [x] [_] 02/01 2001 -
[AE] Apexenvisioned [x] [x]
[AG] Ancient Gods Anubis
[AI] Artificial Intelligence GrayFox [_] 2000-2001
[AK] Augmented Killers DestroyerZero [x] [x] Auged
[AK-47] AK-47 [x]
[AOD] Angels of Death {a} 2002
[AOD] Mastakilla 0a
[AoDX] Anarchy Of Deus Ex
[AoG] Angels of God DevilsNight [x] [x]
[APC] A Perfect Circle TicTacToad [x] mid / late 2001
[AT] Arctic Thunder [x]
[AU] Assassins Unlimited Yossarian, N8dunn [x] Dec. 27 - 2001
[A!B] Attitude Brothaz Monkee Auged Aug 05 -
[A²] Animated Assassins Weirdette, Predator [X] [_] Auged 2002 (1 week)
[A7X] Avenged Sevenfold Theo22 [x] [x] 0a 2004
[B] Beginning To Your End [_] 2003
[BA] Brutal Assassins [x] [x]
[BDP] - 4/16/03
[BE] Black Eagles
[BH] Black Hand deusex [x] 2001
[BH] Bounty Hunters
[BIA] Brothers in Arms Papparoach, Controlled [x] [x] 0a Late 2005
[BK] BlitzKrieg DrDeath [x] {a} [x] 25 March '01 -
[BORO] Team Boro
[BTJ] Born To Jump Kryss [x] [x] [o] 2001-2004
[b2s] Born To Survive Terminator_Dan [_] [x] 0a Early 2006
[C] Crazy 88 (Makaveli), Dio [x] [o] [x] 0a 2005
[C] NoOne 2003
[C] Carnage DropDead, Nash, mrBlack [x] 2004 summer
[C] Chevignon semisonic {_} 2004 summer
[C22] Catch 22 HotData, UnderTaker420 {a} Feb 2001 - 28 july
[C4] C4 Luger 2004/2005
[C/A] Covert Assassins DownBringer 2003
[Ca] Chained Alliance XenomorphSlay [x] 0a 2004
[CAP] Graveman ? 0a aug 04
[C&B] Cock & Balls Sly? 2005
[cdp] Chicken Dancing Psycho The4thDenton {a} 2001
[CG] Common Ground Dillinger, Da_Term [x] {a} {a} [x] {a} Auged 2001 -
[CW] Celtic Warriors [x] [x]
[CYD] Consider Yourself Dead Verbluten [x] [x] Auged 00 01 ?
[D] Diablos SnaKe [x] [x] May 17, 2003 -
[Đ] Divine {_} [x] Auged September 24, 2002 - '03
[DA] Dark Assassins DarkShadow [x] summer 2002
[DA] Dark Aussies DarkAussie [x]
[DB] Deus Brawlers Esnight [x] [x] 0a 2004
[DC] Dead Cell co-lead: HiGhVeLoCiTy [x]
[DCSB] Dead Cows Strike Back (Blade, RogueJedi) Mole [x] [o] [x] [o] Both 2001 - summer 05
[DD] D-Devils Klaasvaak [x] [x] 2003 - 2004
[DEA] Deus Ex Assassins Slicer, Boaz [x] {a} [x] Auged 2001
[DeFc] Auged old..
[DEH] Deus Ex Hitmen Cypher 2003
[DEM] Deus Ex Militia 2002
[DES] Deus Elite Squad DeusX [x] [x] Auged March 2001
[DES] Dessension Ellimination Salvation Predator [x] {a} Auged
[DEV] Deus Ex Viscera Eagle, Dark0hmN [x] {a} [x] 04/06/01 -
[DF] Dark Force BobodaKnifa [x] [x] 0a - 2005
[DG] Da Gangstas TheCobra [x] [x] ~Jul 25th, 2003
[DH] Dark Hunters Smookie, Nitrous0xide [x] 0a Feb - Apr 2005
[DK] Dread Knights UndyingProphesy, cannonfodder [x]{a} [x]
[DL] Dark Legacy Informant [x] [x] 2003
[DMI] Dead Man Incorporated no leader {a} {a} Auged 2002
[DnA] Devils 'n' Angels Devilsnight [x] [x]
[DOA] Divine Order of Assassins [x] 2002
[DOGZ] Dogz Emo [x] 0a march - apr 2005
[DOSW] Death On Swift Wings Xucier [x] [x]
[DPK] WeeBooMasters ? 2001
[DS] Divine Souls [x] [x] Auged
[DTD] Alrightythen
[DU] Dynasty Unlimited [x] Summer 2001
[DUI] Deusing Under The Influence Assrocket Auged 2001
[DXA] Deus Ex Alliance Eagle {a} [x] 2003
[DXC] [x]

[DXCBP] [x]
[DXIN] Deus Ex International xnt700 [x] [x] Auged 2001 - 2002
[DXM] Deus Ex Mafia SnakePlissken [x] [x] 0a sept '04 - mid '05
[DXM] Deus Ex Masters Killa, NSF [x] 2001
[DXR] Deus Ex Revolution TheCobra [x] [x] 0a
[DXS] Deus Ex Snipers Estep16 [x] 2001
[DWK] Dream World Kings
[D12] Deadly Dozen SilentScope [x] Auged 06-04-'03
[EE] Evils Enemy bobmonkhouse, blade [x] [x] 0a Dec '05
[EIS] Elite Infantry Squadron 2Jiggy4U, Melkor, Monk [_] Auged 2001
[EK] Expert Killerz Blaze
[EL] Elites and Legends ZigZag, BigDawg [x] [x] {a} Auged 01-01-'03 - '03;'06
[eN] Enigma Splitter {a} [x] Both nov '04
[EoD] Engineers of Death GreatDane [x] [x] 0a
[EVO] Evolution Clan Viper [x] [x] aug 13 '02 -
[eX] eX NoControl [x] {a} Auged 2002 - '03
[E3] Echelon 3 | Eternal 3 PlayerOne, Mikwae [x] [x] Both 2005
[F] Force Trollied, Papparoach [x] [x] 0a apr 10 - 23 2005
[FA] Fallen Angels djpyro [x] [x]
[FBF] 917 {a} [x] 2001
[FC] Full Clip Trollied [_] [x]
[FGS] *loving* German Servers IchoTolot, RoiDanton [x] [x] 0a/MOD/A
[FMG] Friends, Maturity, Gaming BMW-M3 [_] [x] 0a late 05 -
[FTA] From The Ashes GambitX [x] 0a may - june 2004
[FUEL] Fuel [x]
[G] Guardians Smookie, Nitrous0xide 0a IIq 2005
[G] Geppers Krump Auged April 2003
[GATO] Global Anti-Terrorist Organisation TheKing [x] [x]
[GDF] Global Defensive Force [x] 2001
[GDotS] German Defender of the Sniper Johnny [x] [x] 2001
[GDX] Generation DX D.J.Dawg, Ikkletom [x] {a} 2001
GHOST The Claymore Nation [x]
[GODZ] Godz NoChance, Railgun [x] [x] [x] 0a
[GS] Ghost Snipers Chaos [x] [o] [x] 0a 3 years - spring '05
[GSM] Grandpa's Secret Mission 2003 summer
[GURU] GURU [x] 0a winter 2005
[H] Hellraisers HellRaiser [x] [x] 2002...2003?
[HG] Haters Galore [x]
[HK] Hunter Killers HunterKiller [x] [x][x] Both
[HS] Hyper Snipers MagusC June 2004 (1week)
[HYDRO] Hydro Carnage?
[I] Immortal Merlin [x] [x] [x] Auged
[IMPAC] [x]
[iOi] Institution of Insanity SoulSnatcher [x] [x][x] Auged 2003
[IO] Illuminated Ones JCDenton [x] [x] 0a June 2004
[JTB] Just The Basics Swisscheese [x] 0a '02/'03
[Kingz] Kingz MastaKilla [_] 2001-2002
[KISS] Kiss Damage, HotData, Dr.Spanky, Jojo {a} 2001
(killers) Killers Sniper [x] [x] 2004
[KCW] Klop [x] [x] 2005
[KS] Kiddie Snatchers KingHerrod [x] 2001
[Li] Lithium Gambit, Storm [x] [x] 0a June 19 '04 -
[Lz] Lordz BobodaKnifa [x]
[M] Ministry Of Mayhem Bob, AlexDenton [x] 0a
[MAC] Masters and Commanders TrigrHappy [x] [x][x] Auged
[MDX] Mac Deus Ex {a} {a}
[mG] Master Fulg [x] [x] Late 2002
[MI] Mercenaries Incorporated Roland, TheSheriff [x] 2001
[MJ12] Majestic 12 [x] [x] Mid 2003
[MJX] Majestic mumbojumbo [x] 2001
[MK] Mushroom Kings MarioNuke March '02 - Aug '04
[MoH] Men of Honour JCMental [x] [x] 0a '04 ending - Feb '05
[MTX] Matrix Oracle [x] [o] 0a 25/05/03 -
(mud) 0a
[MYTH] Myth Reptili@n 0a IIIq 2004 (2 weeks)
[N] Nostalgia Calabria [x] [x] 0a June 2005 -
[N/A] Not Applicable Compudoc, DerianX, Alex [x] [x] Auged - 4/2/03
[NaNo] Nano Battleangel 0a 2005
[Naked] Naked Auged
[NB] Auged 2001
[NEM] Nemesis GreatDane, rand12om [x] [x] Both Jan '05 - March '06
[NI..RE] Nightmare Kaiser Auged '02-'03 (few weeks)
[nMe] Enemy TheInformant [x]
[n00b] Noob AceWiggles, Jfk [x] 2006
[NOK] No One Knows Canadian [x] 2001
[nR] Night Raiderz Spetsnaz {a}
[NSF] Never Stop Fragging GEIST001 [x] [x] 2001
[NSF] Ninja [x] [x] Late 2002 - 2003
[NSF] Invisible Online? Dark [x] [x] 2001-2002
[NS] Natural Selection PsychoPath [x] [x] [x] 2004 (few weeks)
[OS] Old School
[OAK] Order of Apocalyptic Knights ShadowMasterTheOne, Batto {a} 2002
[P] Phoenix Dillinger [x] Auged
[P] Prophecy TheCobra, Chaos [x] [x] 0a 2005 (month)
[PN] 2003
[PNK] Pink Pinkie [x] [x] MOD Feb 2004 -
(ph...m) Phantom urine [x] Autumn 2002 -
[PRO] Professional
[R] Reactor Ancestor,StormBringer, Merc, ICE {a} {a} Auged July 1st 2001 - (2002)
[REM] REMapping Lucid_X MAP
[Rebels] Rebels TheDestroyer [x]
[RF] Revolution Forces Terminator_dan, Rob [x] [x] 0a 21 Dec - Jan 2005
[RF] Rebel Forces TheOneManGang, KillaCrowe69 [x] [x] 2001
[RoTm] Rise of The Machines [_] [x] 0a Early 2006 (week)
[RTK] Recruited To Kill Mastakilla, Papparoach 0a
[ROO] Roo [_] {x} 0a Early 2005
[RUA] Robbery Under Arms BlakSykic [_] [_] 2001
[R2R] Ready To Rumble AMADEUS, ToySoldier, Morpheus {a} {a} 2002 - '03
[$] Deus Ex Specters DarkDragon [_] [x] 0a 2005 (1 weeker)
[S] Stalkers Hydra [x] [x] {a} Auged 2001 - 2002
[SAS] Special Air Service Shadow [x]
[SH] Silent Hunters GhostDawg [x] 2001
[Shen] Shel al Calhar [x] [x] 0a late 2005/2006
[SMD] 2001
[SL] Surfin Ladies [x]
[SLO] Slovenians DejaVu [x] [x]
[SNA] [x] Auged 2002
[SOD] Soldiers of Death Nobody, JellyMan (2 weeker)
[SoF] Soldiers of Fortune Commando [x] 0a Autumn 2005
[SoL] Soldiers of Liberty UnknownToxin [x] 2002-2003
[SS] [x]
.SV Saintly Villains [x]
[S2] Stalkers 2 2001
[S2D] Search to Destroy Aussiefella, Nightmare [x]
[T] Transcend AlCapone, Soul, WeEiRdOo {a} [x] Auged 2002 - 2003 ('05)
[TC] Toxic Creations [x] 0a Autumn 2005 -
[TCA] Auged
[TCF] Training Clan Facility TheCobra [x] [x] 0a
[TCN] The Claymore Nation JohnnyBravo [x] Auged
[tCO] Bubbles?
[TDA] The Directive [x] [x] Auged
[TDG] [x] [x] Auged 00... 02?
[TDH] The Devils Hitmen Nukem
[TDT] The Dragons Tooth Nash, mrBlack [x] 0a (few weeker)
[TEC] The European Coalition BelsePunk {a} {a} Early 2004
[TGU] The Great Union Batto, ShadowMasterTheOne? [x] [x] - 6/21/03
[TMF] The Mortal Fist DoctorWho {a} [x]
[TN] Thug Nation TicTacToad, Cheeze, Dameon [x] [x] Auged '00 -'01 ('01-'02)
[TNC] The Nameless Clan [x]
[TNT] Maximus 1999
[T•R] The Revolution TheCobra [x] July -Sept 2003
[TRM] The Rifle Masters
[TS] Twisted Souls Storm [x] April 26th '04 -
[TSD] The Silent Destroyers BioPulse [x] [x] Auged
[TSS] The Sleep Stalkers Terminator_Dan [x] [x][x] 0a Aug '04 - Oct '04
[TSW] The Shadow Walkers Laura [x] {a} Late 2002
[TT] The Terminators Trollied [x] [x] 0a
[TU] The Underground InTraining 2001..2002?
[TZ] Terminaterz Dos, 99'krizalid [x]
[V] Vengeance AlexDenton [x] [x] [o] 0a december 2004
[VET] Deus Ex Veterans [x]
[vL] Valhalla June 2003
[UL] Unlimited Limit Grathius [x] 2003..2004
[U] Uprising NoControl [x] [x] Auged 2002
{U} Utopia Quadalus 0a summer 2005
[UE] Unreal Entities DevilsNight [x] [x]
[UG] United Gangstas NoControl [x] [x] Auged
[UK] United Killers [x] Auged 2001
[Ux2] Ultimate Unity Will [x] Auged
[W] Weird Warriors weeirdoo, Weirdette [x] [x] Auged '01..'02 - 2003
[Warriors] Warriors
[WC] Walton Collective HelioWalton 2001 - 2005
[WDW] Auged 2003
[Y] Yakuza Akira [x] {a} Auged 2001
[X] GoodSpeed? [x]
[XTC] Extacy [o] [x] 0a Early 2006
[XxX] [_] [_] 2001...2002
[Z] Z AdultSwim [x] [o] IIIq 2005
[ZW] WhiteChocolate ??
[+] DarkSide MarioNuke [x] [x] 0a 2005
[Ø] The Void Moop [x] [x]
[15] Fists Schism, Labtech [x]
[2G] Together [x]
[3] Triad Messiah, Diabolica [x] {a} [x] Auged Nov 2001
Das Mantissyndikat Sardaukar {a} Auged 2001
By 2008 it was documented only the below were still actively fighting as a clan, and by 2010 pretty sure a bunch of them had stopped too, maybe not the jajajaja EDH and a few others. I remember 2013/14 as a lot of ZXC/RPG servers mostly which actually had a fair amount of players, I recall joining them sometimes to test the limits of their admins and took advantage of a 86.* IP range.

Code: Select all

[3][tBoT][III] Triad [Forums] [Website]
{17} Clan Seventeen [Forums]
[A] Alpha [Forums] [Website]
[ARM] Armageddon[Forums]
[ATK] Armed to Kill [Forums]
{B} Beginining to your end[Forums]
[B2S]Born to Survive [Forums][Website]
[DIOS] Dios [Forums] [Website]
{D} Dragon clan[Forums]
[DXS]Deus Ex Soldiers[Forums][Website]
[E] Echo [Website]
(Edh) Esquadra Del Hierro[Website]
[EL] Elites and Legends [Forums]
[FGS] *loving* German Servers [Forums] [Website]
[HK] Hunterkillers [Forums]
^i Alien Intelligence[Forums]
[NK] Noob Killerz [Forums]
[N] Nostalgia [Forums] [Website]
[REN] Renegades [Forums] [Website]
[RTK] Ready To Kill [Forums]
[Shen] Shen Al' Cahar [Forums]
[T] Transcend [Forums]
[TSS] The Sleep Stalkers [Forums]
[V] Vendetta [Forums] [Website]
[XPS] Extreme Person Shooters [Forums]
[ZS] Zakon Swiatla [Forums] 
{E.D.H}{FPS}HDD21 wrote:I like ponies
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:HDD21 was brutally stronger than any of you
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Joined: 20 Jan 2019, 12:34

Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

From that list [DCSB], [3], [CG], [T], [N], [REN], {HK}, (B), [V], & [EL] were good clans with strong lineups.

[A] kinda stopped being a real DXMP clan imo not long after they stopped calling themselves Alliance and started calling themselves Alpha again. That was around 2005 or so. Their last good players were GeneralJoey (who joined DCSB), BoboDaknifa (who joined [T]), Amme and Mahou. Clyzm wasn't bad either, I remember getting him into playing augs with targetting in late 06 or so in Da_Terminator's server.

.:DCSB:. had Gaz, HalfCut, Labtec, Amigo, Sturmovik, Mole, DdM, Reef, Worminator, Heat and Excel. [2003-2006]

(CG) had Nathan, Alucard, Malachai, Shoe!, Cajun, Blurs and Dillinger [2003-2008]

[T] had AlCapone, Flaw, SilentScope, Yahweh, Kao, Raiden, Vortell, Conceited, Bobo, and me. [2002-2009]

[REN], [N] and [V] dominated the Euro Non Aug scene, a lot of them being former DCSB and [TT] players. [~2005]

[EL] had ZigZag, Ricci, BigDawg, Tejas, Gab, Joker888, Viol8ter, and Revenant [2002-2009]

(HK) had TBD, Labtec, Mirage, Prodigy, Kale, JJ, Gotti, Goku, HeY, Yanni, Zulu, Lars, Stealth~Monk, and me [2003-2013]

Then you had Monkee's clan [A!B] which had Duke, Spaz, Leon, Ste, GrimRaper [2008-2013]

or thereabouts
Smell The Glove
Posts: 466
Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 22:00

Re: Moving on

Post by Kaiden »

Makes sense, Alpha moved more into modding really, which I enjoyed at least.

I can't remember if RZA, TheSpecalist, Raiden and Splitter were any good, I seem to remember Splitter was at least but going back a long time. Just goes to show what was gone by 2013 though, understandable for the games age.

Also a relevant quote;
Hanover Fist wrote:For the record, anyone who thinks they're above anyone else is a fool

Anyone who thinks they're above someone because they can play a simplified gametype of a game with no competition is a retard.
{E.D.H}{FPS}HDD21 wrote:I like ponies
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:HDD21 was brutally stronger than any of you
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Posts: 234
Joined: 20 Jan 2019, 12:34

Re: Moving on

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Ha, yeah I was probably bashing some 0 auggers with that quote. But yeah I actually forgot to mention TheSpecialist and Splitter, who were really good at both gametypes.

Also I am retard
with big dee

Real talk most of the DX community though are a bunch of retards
Smell The Glove
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Re: Moving on

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Fear wrote:Enjoy in homosexual :wave:
When people calling other people homosexual, they are homosexual themself, scientists prooved that. And homos used "Lucky" as word for polite saying for a homosexual. So, you want to say youre "homosexual" since you use polite way of homo, or homosexual? Dont be shame, if youre homosexual, say homosexual. I aint gonna stop using my *loving* nickname I use for ages, just because one homosexual, says so?

Dont get me wrong I respect every single person, but I cant accept to male guys *love* themself and claim thats normal. Girls can lick themself, still aint normal, but at least cool to watch, at lest they dont go over the limits of natural.

So dont be homosexual, rather lay (if you can, they say spine can be nasty). Youre rood, I can be too.

Back on point.....


WRONG! Masterserver was shut down later! Also some legends retired before me, TRUTH, BUT I HAVE MEET EVERY SINGLE OF THEM.

For example I played with all ZXC leaders, EDH leaders, VOID leaders, AIB leaders, maybe even Alpha clan, I remember Renegades, Hivemind, and this year I saw Messiah also.


List of players I played in teams: Phantom, FullMoon, Ricci, Hey, Ste, Ajit, Solid, Liquid, Dani, Psycho, Cannabiss, Leon, Monkee, Bam, Clix, Zero, DejaVu, Rat, Excsm, Die, Karky, FSB, Starbit (Mr.Woolf), B-Dawg, Leonardo, Parker, Shana, and so many more.........

I know more people THAN any of you?

You think you can bark with Reclaimer against me, and ABOUT me? DUDE i played more matches during my time, than ALL OF YOU TOGETHER. COMBINED! I played 180 matches in 2013 just in ONE month! With who if no players?

You say no proofs? What about we do play now? So you dont approve screenshoots? Wow, I got luck so many times? *love* It I have to be most lucky guy on planet!

Fear let me remind you, Leonardo (back then kid), was FULLY trained by me, not just teached, I learned him to snipe, to teach him basics, MADE FIRST AND PROBABLY ONLY MEGAKILL on POOL map and in DX in general, after he said he will never do doubble kill I do.

You can discredit me how much you want. There is list of people who saw your loss, and no matter what you say, no matter BS you hit here, nobody cares. YOU LOST!

I am Lucky aka Sretnik, in other games, not Deus Ex. In Deus Ex I am Darko, reason? That was my single player nickname, and when people start to get familiar with me, would be stupid to change it, so I sticked to Darko (my name).

In short, you dont approve history, screenshoots, same as Reclaimer cant accept even VIDEOS! Wow, that mentality......... Sore loosers.

You guys talk about sniping, DUDE when you saw sniperbox and me inside you have run since 2012 as fast as you could, not just you, ALL OF YOU.


And about my performance, man! In 2017 was my last dominance in close combat maps! They made sniper to auto-reload after scrool!!!! They tried to fight me! After a week they changed it cause I WAS EVEN MORE DOMINANT!!!!

DONT metabolic end product TO ME that you guys didnt remove or made changes because of me! I WAS SO FREAKIN DOMINANT THAT you guys after 4 years of my dominance made autoreload sniper, BUT REMOVED IT AFTER JUST 7 DAYS! BECAUSE I WAS LITERALLY UNTOUCHABLE! 7 DAYS DUDE!!!!

Delusional? Dont forget you said I am delusional when I claimed you guys abut 5 meds spawn (they minimtl abuse exposed, and all were wow) after RedFox and me posted proofs how you guys actually abuse it)!!!!!. SO STFU with delusional stuff to someone who does not know how minimtl worked! I still have video that proofs how you guys did it even from 50 metters! You guys could open even stations anywhere on the map and heal bioenergy or health, and not only spawn 5 meds! I can go on and on.

You can escape from flaws you made, but TRUTH you cant escape. You have to live with things you did in game. Erasing my legacy is wrong way. You know I would accept your or Reclaimers challenge. You know I am 50 % better sniperman than you or him, because if you watch mine or his videos, and count my hits I hit 50 % more than him. Only reason he was lucky is because I played in fucked up server where scrool didnt work, nor my freakin sniper after hit!

In short, I was so badly sabotaged after 2013, that COMMUNITY LITERALLY (i dont joke) REMOVED SniperBox from ALL server! ALL *loving* SERVERS for a year! WHO THE *love* DOES THAT IF IS NOT ABOUT ME?


When so many people would try to stop your dominance as they did to me, then you would talk.


I WAS KING of assault + sniper setup, and raised fps to max + superbind + sabotage scrool on mouse is perfect weapon to *love* up Darko's dominance. If all that metabolic end product is not invented because of me, because of who you did it? I made you and Dani retire after kicking your ass in 2013, Phantom and FullMoon were tired of metabolic end product you guys did to them, despite they were and are way better players than you people, so if nobody else played, because of who you made it? STFU. Troll!

You jumping in your words every single sentance. Nobody playing, but you proclaimed as legit every single possible metabolic end product, you cried before about Phantom? *love* off man. Just *love* off.

I dont want to be rood, but man youre *loving* annoying. And liar above all.

I dont give a *love* how you can or cant not handle the truth, you lost 3:1 in direct 1:1 fights with me, same as you did in 2016, and same as did Reclaimer in 2019.

End of story.

Have fun peachie! :wave: