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Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 00:42
by anax
uh lol? i wasn't saying it was a rubbish 0 aug map, it's good! but it does better on altfire imo; the middle area is great for pistol/ energy rifle fights.

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 03:41
by Poor
Majster wrote:
anax wrote:not that i don't enjoy a good 0-augs bash on NYC_Statue... it is a good map but i get bored of its size it could do better on altfire, nyc statue with 12+ players on Altfire is crazy town.
I disagree, NYC_Statue is perfect 0 augs map. Anyway, NYC_Statue was withdrawn from Altfire, because was too small. ;)
NYC_Statue was one of the maps people would actually vote for. Pop-N-Fresh has a point: They keep removing the everyone's favorite maps!

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 11:48
by ShadowRunner
They keep removing the everyone's favorite maps!
I've noticed this, It was sad to see Mantra's map being removed.

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 11:52
by [FGS]Chees
isn't that what the monthly map vote is for!? or am I missing the point here?
Maps in and out of fashion on every monthly vote.

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 13:45
by anax
Altfire has a monthly mapvote too?! lol i am missing things...

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 13:59
by [FGS]Chees
Where all lost, just nod and agree with whats said :-D
No not a bi monthly vote on Altfire just the map vote mutator for players to vote each map cycle.

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 21:04
by Poor
Pacman, 8red, NYC_Statue, and Abandoned were some popular altfire maps that got removed. Now usually scoutz is voted.

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 21:11
by [FGS]Kalman
Oh, those maps were awesome, and someone removed them, that's why I don't play so much Altfire (and nowadays, not much DX too)

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 01:57
by ShadowRunner
So I argued against Abandoned, cos server was set to lams, I couldn't give a hoot these days though, enough people vote a variety of maps these days and the more interactive maps like SG get voted, so I don't mind, the issue is perhaps when pacman and abandoned are constantly repeat voted and you're just being lammed or balled in your spawn.

To be honest I think any map where spawn is visible from other spawn, doesn't really work well in altfire. Even people complain on scoutz about it. It's not a mapsize issue as such, even people complained on Rattery Park about this...

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 19:42
by Majster
Poor wrote:Pacman, 8red, NYC_Statue, and Abandoned were some popular altfire maps that got removed. Now usually scoutz is voted.
I remember 8red and Abandoned was played too often, NYC_Statue was too small and Pacman was disliked by Nobody. In the other hand, we can put these maps on the server again. These maps can get second chance, in particular Altfire server is too often empty.

So, Nobody put these maps again! :wink:

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 19:52
by anax
damn... you don't want anyone to host those maps do you!? :-D :wink:

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 20:30
by chin.democ.
Nobody is on holiday for four weeks!

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 22:08
by Majster
chin.democ. wrote:Nobody is on holiday for four weeks!
OMG I forgot. :( Don't say only he has access to Altfire server's deusex.ini!

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 10 Aug 2012, 10:50
by chin.democ.
I have access!

Re: Carone Elevator Set Mismatch

Posted: 10 Aug 2012, 20:54
by Majster
chin.democ. wrote:I have access!
So, can you add these maps, what Poor mentioned? :)