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Posted: 02 May 2006, 15:29
by IchoTolot
ShadowRunner wrote:...
Comments since I joined [[FGS]] lol =

"Oh [[FGS]] let anyone in these days"
"[[FGS]] used to be an elite clan"
"I cant stand your maps more than five minutes"
"Your maps make me feel sick"
"All your maps are copy/pastes" (not true but is Proteus and Skyline...)
"[[FGS]] are noobs"...
:uglylol: you forgot:

"[FGS] are cheater and aimbotter"

Posted: 02 May 2006, 20:28
by Ooomm
lol :LAM: in his ass, thats no aimbotting ! but fun !


Posted: 03 May 2006, 01:02
by m45t3rs4d0w8
Aim Botting... Iv got accused of cheating the other day. Apperently killing 4 poeple with a gun with them all shotting at you is cheating.

The InAdept always accuses, the Masters don't give a dawm.

Posted: 03 May 2006, 15:09
by IchoTolot
~[A]Nobody~ wrote:OMG DUDES!

you guys fully forgot [A]LPHA! :shock:
rand12om wrote:perhaps he should have made it

and so on in no particular order.. ... b.0.1.html

Posted: 04 May 2006, 08:30
by synthetic
there is an update available for the list.. havn't had the chance to upload it yet. ~3 clans added and some blanks filled in plus minor tweaks..

It would be most helpful if you guys here could add something to it aswell.. that german clan das mantissyndikat led by sardaukar is a dark spot, no clan name, no tag.

Actually you are wrong ichotolot, when talking about who is best I believe the poll starter ment active clans and hardly had any knowledge of the dead clans, I know I ment active clans. Sadly the clanlist that you linked here has aged activity markings, something I have fixed few days ago. 0.2 contains clans that were "green" about 4-3 months ago.

Posted: 08 May 2006, 04:53
by ShadowRunner
It would be most helpful if you guys here could add something to it aswell..
It constantly changes, this is something i will soon keep daily/weekly track of... I've seen FURY and TWEETY clans today...

But who is the best clan? Well here's FGS on [A] yesterday...
Who is the best players on [A] server so far? Easy = ANUBIS...

Posted: 08 May 2006, 19:20
by Toss7
ShadowRunner wrote:
"Oh FGS let anyone in these days"
"FGS used to be an elite clan"

Both is True. :(

Posted: 09 May 2006, 04:27
by m45t3rs4d0w8
It is obviosly FGS... Why add other clans ;) :D

Posted: 10 May 2006, 01:50
by ShadowRunner
Both is True. :(
Why :( Tossy?

Trust me I'm better than you think honestly :) Just I think there are a lot of people on our teams who havent used SG weps like nukes or gep understand the importance of defending doors from cloakers by closing it when u guard something in the base the patrollers cause more havoc with lams, nukes, rockets and no brain-tactics than the enemy sometimes...

There are "lame players" who gep the vents and gate and camp and never at all use bullets so gate trix like cloaking and lying on the floor dont work etc...jumping out of the gate is fine until the nobody rocket hits the room in CMD, bunker is easier to take and hold part of the gate room.
But a lot of GODZ players come and let the cloakers and venters into the base, cos they never seen it held properly...

QUOTE = OOOM speaking to TOSS7 on infolink after receiving a bullet from Toss7's rifle...
you've farted your last little metabolic end product gas chipmunk
LOL that's why FGS is the best clan...

Here's some more good scores from shad and kothar...any excuse to show a score...OK ALL scores are with bullets only...a few geps from the vents to clear a few gate campers somtimes...

Ok this first pic was 3 v 3 against total rocket gate camping nubs. StarGating in against 3 ppl can be done no probs without cloak even...
And here's another reason FGS is the best, look at this, has anyone else bothered I wonder? ...taking his time to make effective switch blocking...
and then another 1 v 3 for the most of the game. I just hope for 1 v 11 on SG. I know then it will be 40.0 score no problem...after that I will go to the bar for a drink...
And Shen take a good beating and learn to respect Hekler and Koch SMG...
And this was a 2 v 4

I am a noob

Posted: 12 May 2006, 12:26
by synthetic
how do you define "best"?
you could draw separate "best" by skill level and by organisation.
Often the best clans skillwise don't stick around long, usually because of inner problems and overall bordom.
Clans with good organisation and attitude can stick around for years and skillwise achive nothing or a little.

So go figure, I won't be naming any particular clans here or say anything about FGS (to avoid any flaming) but I think some people here should actually try and find out what clans are around these days. And I mean serious clans.

Posted: 12 May 2006, 17:42
by Reaction
The best way to define it is definately attitude. Bad attitude = bad clan.

Posted: 12 May 2006, 18:30
by ShadowRunner
I totally agree with both of you, the server list is different is these days.

Attitude is everything...yes..

OK I was having a bit of fun, I'm not saying FGS is the best clan, but it is the best clan for me to join I feel. And I'm proud of them 100%.

I have no personal negative experience of FGS at all ever, which is pretty rare from a clan for me, in one year of MP.

I'm probably the worst member of FGS in many ways...hehe...but Random, I wouldn't worry about flaming, if you have something to say about FGS, I'd like to hear it, because I am a new shoot...

Posted: 12 May 2006, 21:06
by Kothar
shadowrunner u r not the worse player of FGS if any thing we both tie 4 the worse playerz but u alone no... but me and u teamed up we r lik an eighth of icho's skill.... so we r not the worse or the best we r in the lower middle... :P hope that was encouraging shadow


Posted: 12 May 2006, 21:13
by }{JACK}{
i agree with toss we need proper trials not demos sent and i mean day trials they might be having a luck day and we need to look at skill toss is a good example put lams and nades in the right plances not just for kills but locations so you can shoot the hell out of em thats what we need to look at good skillful players with good attitude=good clan anyone who disagrees with that has a bad attitude and can personly get lost(this is not a bad attitude its a point)


Posted: 13 May 2006, 18:18
by ShadowRunner
Attitude is everything!!!

Speaking of lams...

This was 12. 1 with me very outnumbered, the other guy was watching...
Then the teams even...then ppl start switching to my team...17.1
Then everyone gets lame and switches. 20.2 Owned...
X clan should not switch. I would like FGS to challenge and crush X, EYE and KICKASS clans on the Nobody Server, they deserve a good beating and showing how lame SOME of them are...and how much they teamkill with [A]Rockets and Nukes...

If I attack the base it will be lammed to high heaven against me.
So...fight fire with fire...quid pro quo...If I hold the base I WILL plant lams. It's not my fault if I am the best lammer.

1. Run around corners.
2. Forget to bring a gep gun in a vent situation and clear the lams...
3. Use EMP
4. Use AUGS
5. Use lams themselves
6. Creep into a boobytrapped base...

The only player who figured how to kill me was Zerutal.
In the last two minutes he cloaked the whole length of the tunnels past my team, gepped every lam and gepped us from behind.

I like the idea of trials, perhaps regular ones...
I think all weps and all servers is a good test. I can own most of the time on some servers, but if other FGS are on FGS, or others on Gamesmajor my scores can start looking really terrible every time... I'm spending more time on Gamesmajor...