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Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 07 Mar 2014, 14:43
by Achilles
I'll wait to monday then :)

Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 11 Mar 2014, 00:36
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
Alright.. it's still monday, so we're not too late!
Congratulations, you're accepted to FGS, Achilles! :)
Here some further information about how it will go on:
Like every new member, you need to pass a trial time, where you can prove yourself. (e.g. showing a certain presence, providing further results of what you a presented/promised in your application, etc)
The length of the trial time depends on your input and behaviour but doesn't exceed two months.
At the end of your trial time, a final estimation will decide about the successful pass of the trial time.

Up to now, new members needed to wear the trial tag [FGS-T].
We're currently considering to abolish that trial tag. To avoid confusion, I request you to wear the [FGS-T] tag yet, until we've made a final decision.
Furthermore, you will be added to the FGS Trial Member group within the next days.

One last thing which some new members desire..
Do you wish to change your forum username? (This is purely optional)
If yes, it's the best time to tell it now. :o
(Mind that your login name will change accordingly)

Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 11 Mar 2014, 13:29
by chin.democ.
Congrats Achilles.

Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 12 Mar 2014, 22:43
by Achilles
Thanks I'm glad of bein accepted :d

Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 14 Mar 2014, 00:44
by ShadowRunner

Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 17 Mar 2014, 05:58
by Kiki
Gratz Sile :)
Good luck and have fun in new clan :)

I just wanted to clarify and explain something.
Hivemind is inactive, not dead and thats a difference. It's true that some of us uninstalled dx but we always can install it back. And we did not make that decision because of "phant and his cheaters". We never take care of this moron seriously. We just tried to look for (and install to our server) patches to his bugs + abuses. We make that decision because all aug scene became inactive. There was only 1-2 atdm games only per week or less than that. Also we all have (except phant), our "real life" and sometimes we are to busy to even think about playing games.

P.S. Hivemind server is offline and will be offline until we decide to return :)

Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 17 Mar 2014, 11:55
by Alvind
Which means its dead lol any clan could reinstall DX if they wanted to and make a comeback, just as with every other game.

Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 17 Mar 2014, 18:11
by synthetic
I second Kiki's post and congratulate Sile on successful application :-)

Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 17 Mar 2014, 19:54
by Kiki
Alvind wrote:Which means its dead lol any clan could reinstall DX if they wanted to and make a comeback, just as with every other game.
I didnt write that all ppl from our clan uninstalled dx, thats first. Second as you can see we are still around some forums + rarely ingame so i dont think we are classified as dead clan. But think whatever u want. I wont keep this discusion longer cuz its wrong thread.

Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 17 Mar 2014, 20:46
by ShadowRunner
FGS has a strong forum presence too. I don't think there is anything wrong in that, if at least some members play regularly. If people hang out on the forums properly before applying to join, the application then becomes a lot easier because all members can get an idea of the person, not just the most regular players.

Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 17 Mar 2014, 21:09
by Mastakilla
I'm gonna be that guy and request Achilles to make his signature smaller

Achilles make your signature smaller plz it's too big! :-)

Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 19 Mar 2014, 22:54
by ShadowRunner
Masta make your avatar bigger plz.

Confusing statement
Nobody has a large signature.
Achilles, good luck in FGS!

Re: Sile's/Achille's Apply for FGS

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 00:04
by Mastakilla

im a fail and read signature so there you go what