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Re: FGS Mostly Zero-Aug Server

Posted: 12 Apr 2018, 12:54
by <-(DD)->Darko
Honestly I would love to see how you would smash my face lol. And yes I would love to pay for that. Since I am Croatian (learn little more about Croatian history), and since we are probably nation who defended successfuly country more times than almost any country in the world, since we have insane number martial artists and champions and fighting is in our blood, yes bro I dare you, do it for me, show me how you will smash computer into my face. You are always welcome to do it.

Actually I dare you for 2 things:

1. When you come to Croatia, FIRST I will show you what are REAL PRO skills and beat you or any of your "tier one" pals in neutral webcaffe 1:1. My 1000 euro offer is still walid.

2. Would love to see how someone will kick my ass since I dont remember last time I received that. Lol

Now facts:

<-(DD)->Darko: I know what you did Cheese!
Cheese:Insults, kisses, insults, kisses, hate, rage, kisses, wink wink
<-(DD)->Darko: Dani at least admited what he did and said sorry, what about rest of you?
Cheese:We are not man enough to admit how we abominated Deus Ex, and how I cause all of that when I allowed them to insult and impersonate others. Bu I am Englishman, why should be my fault, insult wink wink, it can not be my fault even if I caused it, or God forbid to admit abuse of AP.

Anyway dude, I feel your pain, you have hard times, so would not even try to drop on such level since I can cause more damage to you than you to me anyway. So will just ignore you. I think some people should burry their mistakes, and get over them, like Dani did, or at least tried. Because If you admit mistakes, you can move on. If not, well thats heavy part.

I was retard when I returned insults, and appologized for that loooong time ago, besides most of my gaming pals didnt like that so I stopped. Some people just need to grow up.

Re: FGS Mostly Zero-Aug Server

Posted: 13 Apr 2018, 19:46
by Kaiden
This is like reading HDD21 circa 2008

Re: FGS Mostly Zero-Aug Server

Posted: 14 Apr 2018, 12:37
by Psycho
<-(DD)->Darko wrote: 1. When you come to Croatia, FIRST I will show you what are REAL PRO skills and beat you or any of your "tier one" pals in neutral webcaffe 1:1. My 1000 euro offer is still walid.
I'll play you for that offer, and I'll only use my mouse when fighting.

Re: FGS Mostly Zero-Aug Server

Posted: 14 Apr 2018, 18:54
by <-(DD)->Darko
Challenge accepted, any time. But you can forget about close combat in MTL because lets be clear, I dont trust you, and I will not even try to be naive to fight with those cheap "so called legit" superbinds, which are by the way shame that could not be bigger, and lame excuse for average guys who need advantage cause they suck in regular setup against other guys, or in short, people who use superbinds or use any other advantage over others are from my experience only arogant guys who are very avare that the blind in medium average, so they use what they use.

Its similar as with "bang bang" size, when you cant step up naturally, make it bigger. That is how I compare cheap shot players against natural pros, with artificial cheap tricks. Funny how those superbind guys call their wins with raised FPS and superbinds against other newbies, as legit wins. Same was with Dani. But I removed smile from faces of any of you in 2012, so yes, why not to try again in 2018.

This time you guys use so cheap tricks that sadly I can not overperform, but sure, I can play tactical, and when its comes to aiming skills I am totally in. So yes, prepare your mouse, tell them to unban me, and I come.

Re: FGS Mostly Zero-Aug Server

Posted: 14 Apr 2018, 18:59
by <-(DD)->Darko
Oh, you talk about webcaffe real life match? Where we play on natural setup, natural ping, and no superbinds? Oh dude, yea man, I am so in that I cant be more in. Good luck man. Just say time and place.

Re: FGS Mostly Zero-Aug Server

Posted: 18 Apr 2018, 14:37
by Fear
You, Me, Bobs CRT Webcafe, Timbuktu, 2089 @ 8622pm

Re: FGS Mostly Zero-Aug Server

Posted: 18 Apr 2018, 20:02
by <-(DD)->Darko
My website is public, contact info is in there.You arw very welcome, and response from my team will come very soon. You can count on that.

Deus Ex gameplay will be done via: Fresh install, supervision of my team (no usb, od digital media use after instal, no file mess, no console mess), allowed use of game, only key setup in inventory, and regular FPS default use on 60 FPS. Lan game.

If you have something against that, not my problem. I play on fresh game, default setup. Who cant handle it, not my problem.

If that is fine, I am ready to fight anyone. Not first time that I play against those who claim to be best of the best. Guess how that ended (for them). I always accept challenge, no exceptions.

Re: FGS Mostly Zero-Aug Server

Posted: 18 Apr 2018, 20:04
by <-(DD)->Darko
See you in game champions.

Re: FGS Mostly Zero-Aug Server

Posted: 28 Apr 2018, 12:06
by [FGS]Chees
See yoi game Dicko have nice door ya plick :bwahaha:

Re: FGS Mostly Zero-Aug Server

Posted: 11 Jul 2018, 04:31
by TheWolf
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:smash my face
I'd love to smash your face ;)