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Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 19 Aug 2016, 17:59
by Mastakilla
Darko trolls the metabolic end product out of everyone, I dislike trolling but he's good at what he does. Stop giving him the pleasure people.

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 19 Aug 2016, 20:06
by CarlRoberts1996
Rofl, he doesn't bother me, I enjoy the amusement and know he enjoys it.
I'm mainly just responding to embarass him and highlight his stupidity, and to give people a good read
at how stupid he is, because it's funny to see his points shut down. Hopefully he'll give up
soon so I don't need to keep posting here xD

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 19 Aug 2016, 22:06
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
anax wrote:*love*(Yourself c*nt){
Multiplier symbol in Variable name AIN'T WORKING MAET! 8-[

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 22 Aug 2016, 01:42
by anax
~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:
anax wrote:*love*(Yourself c*nt){
Multiplier symbol in Variable name AIN'T WORKING MAET! 8-[

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 01 Sep 2016, 01:38
by Fear
So like, I still don't get why every time I take leave from this game for months or years at a time, I visit the forums to find Darko saying I'm active, aliasing him and using superbinds.

You've been name dropping me into your imaginary stories for over 4 years.



Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 01 Sep 2016, 17:59
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
According to him you'll live forever!! :matrix:

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 18:19
by machete
Fear wrote:So like, I still don't get why every time I take leave from this game for months or years at a time, I visit the forums to find Darko saying I'm active, aliasing him and using superbinds.

You've been name dropping me into your imaginary stories for over 4 years.


He keeps doing the same thing to me. And after all these years, I still don't know what the *love* a superbind is. :D

Hey Darko, remember this?

Also this vs you and Phant?

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 14:57
by Kaiden
I dunno who Darko is, but he seems like another Hitman with his "XPOSED!!!!" crap.

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 10 Sep 2016, 21:41
by <-(DD)->Darko
Haha, I cant believe! Lol over LOL!

Ok First for Anax, Kai, Carlos, simply I will not waste my time on your insults, its just attack on human inteligence, just 2 short things about their abuses:

1. People please look their logs where they said their "bot, player or B" (they still can not say what and who it was, they say in one post bot, in other player, in third it was B, what is funny since B had own nickname), basiclly check start of logs. You will see how I join and how that "bot" welcomes me with insults :) And he had also my nickname. So basicly whatever it is, bot, user or B, it is their responsibility, their fault, and all know it. Stealing of clan marks, insults + hack provocations. Anyway, check logs "carefully" and more or less you will see who was real troll there. Besides they admited that they can manipulate score in their server, add bots, and that they dont like me. They admited that they insulted me, my mother, and even put abusive words on my nickname. So its just waste of time to spend words on them. Nothing more to say, what is not visible from logs + pictures.

2. Ah Machete, you smoke weed often arent you? :) You see, when I started with Deus Ex, even some of best legends could not kill me more than 5 times, before I killed them back. And that was in first days of Deus ex, when I was still on no binds, and no zoom on mouse like scrool etc etc. I never used binds, but I was way stronger than you starting from 2012 further. Very soon machete I will post over 200 pictures (more or less), on my professional portal (as I promised) where I beaten you, and 5 more of your friends at the same time in whole month of playing in your server for full 28 days, 3-4 hours daily, I have not lost more than 2 times in that month. Since then I have NEW monitor, zoom on mouse (regular setup in game), and I use scrool to heal. So I am better and faster, I see better, and guess what I play better.

Your score 3:15, kiddo, you and me both know that you filmed fake video with Dani, Anax, Kai and Carlos. Not first time, you are one of those who filmed with Dani & Anax, fake videos how I lost 10:0 and 20:0. Tell me Machete, who is so stupid to believe, that ANYONE can beat me 10 or 20:0, or 15:3. Are you on some dope kiddo? I lost since 2012 maybe 5-7 times, even if I count team matches, check my all wins from 2016, I played against Phantom, Fear, Anax, Sinthetic and you, and I had better score. So tell me, in which universe you live? Oh pardon, in that one where you hide behind fake nicknames. You use your nickname only when you play with fake Darko aka user with which you filmed fake videos and fake pictures (like that insanity in sniperbox 2, where you filmed FAKE Darko, while I posted pictures how I was under alias under at the same time, and beaten you and Dani hahahaa. Hilarious, do you remember that? :) I will refresh your memorry, you also claimed that you beaten me 10:1, but kiddo, I was not that player, I was another which put you and Dani in negative, and I was at the same time there :) Anyway good story, wonna see some great story? Check this:

Here is one proof which you have not expected (your picture, where you made mistake kiddo), while you filmed video against fake Darko, while I beaten your and Dani's, ass undercover:


I repeat, do you see that guy Sretnik? That was me, you have pictures on internet, how I put you in -1, Dani in -8, and anax in minus 15? Its on this forum, under Darko's Box topic which I posted. :) You filmed fake video, while I kicked your ass and filmed your conversation. It was hilarious.

I do remember that video Machete, it was filmed in 2015, you and Anax lost. You know what is funny? I played alone against 3 people almost 5 minutes, and I had positive score " you acused" that I kill inactive guy ahahahaa, like that was reason. You guys covered whole map, and I killed inactive guy??? Nice story. You played whole map with more people, and you had lets be honest pathetic score, and still you could not put me in negative. Face it Machete, you cant beat me.

Not only that you cant beat me, soon I will relese professional portal for gaming with my professional youtube since I will go with full game strenght, I am in best shape I can be, I kick ass of other professionals, so I tell you one more time, you are welcome to come to be asskicked one more time.

Just to refresh your memory, how bad ended for you just 2 days when I came in shape. I had lame score in first day 46:42. Lets be honest, that is lame, I am guy who played against 5 people and beaten them all by myself its full internet of those demos. There was you, Dani, Fear, Sinthetic and your pal Solid with Anax(all 6 which took my nick). How bad that ended for you, you will see when I release my portal.

For now just few pictures for you, do you remember this? Where I kicked your ass alone, you took nick Darko's Boss, so I took nick OwnedByDarko, and owned your arogant ass. Do you remember this?


Do you remember this, where I kicked your and Anax's ass alone?


And for the end, you said I am one member community, well here is my precious legend Lucky, look our score against you and Anax, pure humiliation isnt it? :) Train more kiddo, train more:


If you want full size pictures, they are here:

There is much more, but this is just fine, for more, you guys will have to visit my youtube chanell + professional portal once I enter again into gaming waters.

Dont forget, its good to dream, but I prefer reality Machete :) You are always welcome to demonstrate your skills, but problem is that many people tried, and always ended bad for them. I was in 2016 2 weeks in server before they banned me from 75 % of servers, show me ONE picture where someone beaten me, just one. Well thats the problem, you cant, cause I almost never loose, right? As I said, its good to dream, and you and your company dreaming a lot :)

See you in game guys.

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 10 Sep 2016, 21:54
by <-(DD)->Darko
I hope Deus Ex will be again more active, for all who still play there, I am there here and then, at least one time per a day when time allows me, so see you in game people.

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 10 Sep 2016, 23:52
by ~TheClown~
1. People please look their logs where they said their "bot, player or B" (they still can not say what and who it was, they say in one post bot, in other player, in third it was B, what is funny since B had own nickname), basiclly check start of logs. You will see how I join and how that "bot" welcomes me with insults :) And he had also my nickname. So basicly whatever it is, bot, user or B, it is their responsibility, their fault, and all know it. Stealing of clan marks, insults + hack provocations. Anyway, check logs "carefully" and more or less you will see who was real troll there. Besides they admited that they can manipulate score in their server, add bots, and that they dont like me. They admited that they insulted me, my mother, and even put abusive words on my nickname. So its just waste of time to spend words on them. Nothing more to say, what is not visible from logs + pictures.
Cant say who it was? It's B. it was B. A guy called B. B. B. B. B. And no, we are not responsible for everyone YOU urine off to the point where THEY want to insult you. Thats a full time job itself. And only person "provocationating hacks" was you. You know, we posted that entire log... Showed it all. Yes I can manipulate score, ONLY in my server, for the 50th time, where it has no bearing on anything, effects NOTHING. Yes I add bots. Who cares? My bots function as automated helpers. One hosts an ingame trivia match, ones a language translator. One taunts players when they die. Who gives a flying *love*. And yes, we dont like you, noone does.
Your score 3:15, kiddo, you and me both know that you filmed fake video with Dani, Anax, Kai and Carlos. Not first time, you are one of those who filmed with Dani & Anax, fake videos how I lost 10:0 and 20:0. Tell me Machete, who is so stupid to believe, that ANYONE can beat me 10 or 20:0, or 15:3. (And pretty much the rest of the post)
Okay, first off. You do know me and Carlos atleast have never even MET Dani right? I've spoken to him once and he was a male sex organ. So please stop your accusations of me "working with him" because I have nothing to do with him. It's one hell of a story you've invented, but serious, get your facts straight.

And to sum up, later on you say some metabolic end product about "Theres not one screenshot showing me loose because i never loose", right.
Or, the REAL explanation: Between your ragequitting, and you coming up with excuses about binds, hacks that don't exist, whatever else you come up with, none of your losses COUNT.
YOU are the one dreaming. You are not the godlike player you think you are.
You try and disregard our points by calling us "stupid", even though we pretty much destroy any points you make, leading me to think you're either stupid yourself, or just intentionally being a troll, either way, I look forward to seeing how you completely ignore all my points and invent more riddles and stories to justify your existence.

P.S. Your Mother

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 11 Sep 2016, 10:32
by <-(DD)->Darko
Well you see I am proud Croat, I dont tolerate lies, troll, and insults. I will not drop on your level. You England guys have a lot common with Serbs. And since we know how low Serbs play like nation, that is preety shameful, isnt it?

Dont forget, you have IP adress and logs, so you can easy log of player proof, with IP adress! Why you dont pair pictures with ip adress in logs? Because you know its fake! So basicly I state again, I have lost, but even against best legends when I was newbie I have not lost so much. Since 2012 on, I dont remember anyone beaten me for more than few frags. Only people who beaten me in 2013 were 2 people: Kyle from Alpha, during our training those fights were always close, we played and trained a lot of mathes, hes great guy, and one was against girl (later they said it was Dani's gf), not sure if is correct. Chicken salsa? If I remember correct.

In 2016, I think I lost only 1-2 games in team, and that is it. Server logs + IP can match that easy. I am not scared I know what I can, and how I play, I am only human. Yes you guys have superbinds, and I dont think I am best. BUT I KNOW that I can beat anyone. If you dont believe in that, then you live in dream world. I prooven to you at least 2 times that I can beat anyone.

Let me refresh your brains:
1. In 2013, you, Deviant, Carl & Anax, said to me to proof that I can beat all, so you all played under player nicknames in your server, one after other, I beaten 4 games in row, each of you. Normally hardest game was against you it was close call, but still I made it. You did beat me in team fights in 2013. But 1:1 is something totally different, when it comes to that, then I depend only on myself, and trust me, then is different story.

2. Have I lost against any player in this game? Normally that probably I did, I play for fun, I often let people to win, I come, and go, I play mostly funny servers, so people had better score than me 1000 times, when we passed co-op maps at Karky's, at Cozmo, etc etc. But I repeat when It comes to real fight 1:1, there is different story.

3. In 2015, same story again, in your server (what you know very well), Dani and Anax who returned, insulted me again. You have on this same forum epic ammount of proofs, you know very well that they hit us, when we had no desire to play. And you know also from fact that I accepted their 1:1 challenge and they both lost. I played against them in your server and they lost. So what is not clear??? HAVE YOU EVER SAW ME TO LOOSE 3:15? EVER? Please stay quiet and calm.

4. I lost against people, I lost against you, and I know from fact that you play with sniper better than machete. Machete is good player, but lets face it, he uses same abuses even since time of hivemind, they all do it. That sniper glitch during zoom from close, every hit is kill. All know about that. He use it, not only him, 15 people more. Honestly I had harder games with you than him. You know why? I always keepdistance with them, their abuse sucks on long distance. You know how good I am at sniping, there is no way I will loose at long sniping.

Best result in sniping in 2016 had SniperKilla who said I never beaten him, he was arogant, started with 0:2 against me, but tehn i turned score in 6:3 and well, he lost. AND THAT WAS BEST FIGHT 1:1 THIS YEAR, CLOSEST ONE WHERE YOU CHAMPS TRIED TO BEAT ME THIS YEAR.

Against abusers and medbind users + superbinders I make distance. I am tactic player, I WILL NEVER HAVE NEGATIVE SCORE. Normally metabolic end product always happen, but that is more for science fiction in my case.

So be polite and spear people of stupidity. I played with 2 times better guys than machete, and if you ask Phantom how ended our matches he will say to you, 2-3 frags difference for him and me. We played maps like minidust, and often after 15 minutes it was tied, scores about 50:50 etc etc. I am player which makes a lot frags in a minute, you seriously think my 1:1 fight will end just with 10 frags????? Please check multiplayer massive scores from your server, you will see how I play. You have logs when I played against Anax, Deviant and Carlos in your server, and you will see I beaten all 3 of them with one more guy. Why you dont show those logs?

You believe in what you want, but I am here, and I am ready always to come in neutral zero augs server. I entered in 2013, beaten my oponents, I entered in 2015, did same, and guess what, I am ready to o again in 2016. EVERY SINGLE YEAR YOU GUYS call me noob, amateur bla bla bla bla, and every single year you guys receive massive ass kicking, and still never enough for you guys.

Face it, I dont like abusers, and I will keep comming until you guys either ragequit from game, or stop insulting people. More you guys provovcate, and Insult, more i will come. And please stop banning people just because they like me. For fact, ask Nikki what for a person you were before you meet anax??? And look what you are now? Arogant insulter, who touch in mothers of other people.

Dude, shame yourself. I will not even try to return insults, you are not worth. Guy from 2014 which you were was cool guy, but after you gave access to Anax, and after you tolerated to him how he insulted me in your own server, and how he changed my nickname, and you DID NOTHING, that is shame. All escalated when you guys started to ban me, and others when we returned to anax on insults. That is why people mostly do not come in your server anymore. More people would come if you would apologize to people, but you never even apologize to anyone.

You never said, I AM ADMIN i could prevent that. But no, you are like: I am admin, what i can do? I cant ban last people in deus ex????? So basicly you cant ban anax, because he will leave DX, but you can risk 5-10 people who will leave deus ex because him? You arogant child.

No more comment. Anyway anyone who knows me, he knows that I never ragequit, and specially I dont loose 10:1:10:3:15, or 20:0, who wants proof, he can try at any time. In fact, I saw Anax, and Fear to ragequit this year from Die's or Hey's in Cozmo, when they could not kill me.

Shorty after you had bot who insulted me in your server, anax came to Hey's Cozmo, took my nick, and insulted me. He tried to kill me, and I said, try one more time, and i will attack you (he knows I dont kill in CO-OP maps), so when he ould not kill me, he insulted and left :)

That is your company, seriously I have a lot of pictures, demos....... Do you want that I put those on internet? Not a problem, seriously, what will be your excuse this time? It was not anax? Oh please.

No comment, and I will not even try to convince anyone. Who think I am noob, he is welcome to test it. You can insult me, you can try to beat me, I will stay in silence, but dont be arogant little kid, and dont ragequit, and dont hide under nickname player (as you all often doo, because you know you will loose), and dont cry IT WAS NOT ME, when I post on internet. In short, who want dirty way, he can challenge me and loose.

Rest of good people who want to play in peace, they are welcome. Enjoy.

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 11 Sep 2016, 10:34
by <-(DD)->Darko
I play a lot in fun servers when I have time, people who miss Deus Ex are always welcome, I am always happy to play some CO-OP maps with good people and remember old times.

See ya in game people.

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 11 Sep 2016, 10:52
by ~TheClown~
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Well you see I am proud Croat, I dont tolerate lies, troll, and insults. I will not drop on your level. You England guys have a lot common with Serbs. And since we know how low Serbs play like nation, that is preety shameful, isnt it?
And you think mass racism against an entire country because you hate.. 3 of us is okay?

In 2016, I think I lost only 1-2 games in team, and that is it. Server logs + IP can match that easy. I am not scared I know what I can, and how I play, I am only human. Yes you guys have superbinds, and I dont think I am best. BUT I KNOW that I can beat anyone. If you dont believe in that, then you live in dream world. I prooven to you at least 2 times that I can beat anyone.
I dont believe you can beat EVERYONE. Sure, you can probably beat SOME people, anyone can. But believing you can beat EVERYONE means you think you are literally the best player on the entire planet, which no, just is not true. And again, theres no such thing as Superbinds. Just BINDS. A game mechanic. And tbh, most people only use medbinds, which is nowhere near a hack of any kind. Take it from someone who UNDERSTANDS the engine, binding is part of the game.
Let me refresh your brains:
1. In 2013, you, Deviant, Carl & Anax, said to me to proof that I can beat all, so you all played under player nicknames in your server, one after other, I beaten 4 games in row, each of you. Normally hardest game was against you it was close call, but still I made it. You did beat me in team fights in 2013. But 1:1 is something totally different, when it comes to that, then I depend only on myself, and trust me, then is different story.
Except i can disprove that in one sentance. I didn't KNOW Carlos and Anax in 2013, and I wasnt even playing the game during that period. I'd stopped from 2009 until last year. So whoever you played, wasnt me.
2. Have I lost against any player in this game? Normally that probably I did, I play for fun, I often let people to win, I come, and go, I play mostly funny servers, so people had better score than me 1000 times, when we passed co-op maps at Karky's, at Cozmo, etc etc. But I repeat when It comes to real fight 1:1, there is different story.
But if my my score in an RPG server counts, so does yours.
3. In 2015, same story again, in your server (what you know very well), Dani and Anax who returned, insulted me again. You have on this same forum epic ammount of proofs, you know very well that they hit us, when we had no desire to play. And you know also from fact that I accepted their 1:1 challenge and they both lost. I played against them in your server and they lost. So what is not clear??? HAVE YOU EVER SAW ME TO LOOSE 3:15? EVER? Please stay quiet and calm.
Dani's never been in my server. Stop inventing stories involving me and him, because we have literally no connection other than the people we know seperately. Me knowing Anax and Macho, and Dani knowing them, doesnt mean I know Dani.
So be polite and spear people of stupidity. I played with 2 times better guys than machete, and if you ask Phantom how ended our matches he will say to you, 2-3 frags difference for him and me. We played maps like minidust, and often after 15 minutes it was tied, scores about 50:50 etc etc. I am player which makes a lot frags in a minute, you seriously think my 1:1 fight will end just with 10 frags????? Please check multiplayer massive scores from your server, you will see how I play. You have logs when I played against Anax, Deviant and Carlos in your server, and you will see I beaten all 3 of them with one more guy. Why you dont show those logs?
No such logs exist in our servers, because I've NEVER seen you fight in our servers. Because our servers arent for fighting seriously. And the "proof" from OTHER servers don't count, according to you.

You believe in what you want, but I am here, and I am ready always to come in neutral zero augs server. I entered in 2013, beaten my oponents, I entered in 2015, did same, and guess what, I am ready to o again in 2016. EVERY SINGLE YEAR YOU GUYS call me noob, amateur bla bla bla bla, and every single year you guys receive massive ass kicking, and still never enough for you guys.
Face it, I dont like abusers, and I will keep comming until you guys either ragequit from game, or stop insulting people. More you guys provovcate, and Insult, more i will come. And please stop banning people just because they like me. For fact, ask Nikki what for a person you were before you meet anax??? And look what you are now? Arogant insulter, who touch in mothers of other people.
Fun fact, Fits wasnt banned for supprting you. And we're british, jokingly insulting eachother is how we say hello. Maybe thats a cultural difference, british people dont get offended by that so easily. Hell, in schools, saying Your mother to eachother is the funniest thing ever.
Dude, shame yourself. I will not even try to return insults, you are not worth. Guy from 2014 which you were was cool guy, but after you gave access to Anax, and after you tolerated to him how he insulted me in your own server, and how he changed my nickname, and you DID NOTHING, that is shame. All escalated when you guys started to ban me, and others when we returned to anax on insults. That is why people mostly do not come in your server anymore. More people would come if you would apologize to people, but you never even apologize to anyone.
Same to you, this entire arguement is fueled by you. I once told you, straight up, that if you stopped insulting everyone, I'd help stop the argueing. But if YOU wont listen to me, why should I help you? Stopping the insults involves work from BOTH sides. Sure, the guys might get carried away occasionally, but you have to remember that we've given you chances to stop the fighting, but your response is insulting us.
You never said, I AM ADMIN i could prevent that. But no, you are like: I am admin, what i can do? I cant ban last people in deus ex????? So basicly you cant ban anax, because he will leave DX, but you can risk 5-10 people who will leave deus ex because him? You arogant child.
Your the only person banned, because you insult us. We only ban peple who legitimately deserve it. If we banned everyone who you didnt like, we'd have MINUS players, there'd be noone left but YOU.
No more comment. Anyway anyone who knows me, he knows that I never ragequit, and specially I dont loose 10:1:10:3:15, or 20:0, who wants proof, he can try at any time. In fact, I saw Anax, and Fear to ragequit this year from Die's or Hey's in Cozmo, when they could not kill me.
Because Cozmos is a legit server for fighting in? Rofl.
No comment, and I will not even try to convince anyone. Who think I am noob, he is welcome to test it. You can insult me, you can try to beat me, I will stay in silence, but dont be arogant little kid, and dont ragequit, and dont hide under nickname player (as you all often doo, because you know you will loose), and dont cry IT WAS NOT ME, when I post on internet. In short, who want dirty way, he can challenge me and loose.

Rest of good people who want to play in peace, they are welcome. Enjoy.
"I will stay in silence" is hilarious, you've never been silent. And hell, I'd lose against anyone in DX. But that's because I dont care. I do what I enjoy, which is modding, and having a laugh.

Re: Lunatic mode of England people, freak show starting agai

Posted: 11 Sep 2016, 11:20
by <-(DD)->Darko
In short, as I said, people are always free to test my skills. I dont care, I will not defend myself anymore. I play Deus Ex, nothing stops them to come and try to attack me. I will either ignore or I will beat them. Will I loose? Hardly, but I dont stop you guys to test your luck. As I said I will go again in best possible shape because I will redesign portal + open channel, so I am in shape. I dont use superbinds, but if guys who abuse that raised FPS and superbinds will help them they live in dreams. Since 2012 I always watch out in first minute hoe people play, move, heal or shoot, based on that I adjust my tactics. If they abuse I keep distance, and in sniping I can only say good luck. I play a lot of games, and since I know myself I was more than just good sniper. Even when I started game in 2011, my sniper results from sniperbox were insane. 70-80 kills just me..... That not exactly average sniper skill issue.

Anyway I will not say I am best, that is not why I play. But I will always defend myself if needed. I repeat:

"Anyone can beat anyone, its only matter of good day, luck and skills, maybe lucky hit in last second or all of that combined."

About people who insult me on forums or games, that stops with this day on.

See ya in game people