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Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 01:43
by ShadowRunner
Pure, utter chaos everywhere!

Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 20:19
by <-(DD)->Darko
Some people like Machete are so hilarious. Have I lost many games? Sure I did, probably against every person in this game haha, why? Because I often let people win. As I said I have 2 moto's:

- I love when people are happy

- Everyone can beat everyone, it can be skills, luck, or you can join in last minute make hit and win, or maybe all that combined.

But now to facts. When it comes to abusers and people who support those, or people like machete who clearly is supporter of raised ping, then I must be realistic. He called me noob in 2011., ok I started then, but still even that year I had best score and first win in one teammatch against one of best wins I remember, there was over 15 people, someone said I cant believe that noob Darko won :) I was rookie then.

So yes, then came 2012. I was in so good shape that I came literally into Machete's server, and said that I will beat every single abuser, no matter how he abuses. Why? Because they insulted my friends, and filmed fake videos how I loose 10:0 or 20:0. So Machete, you call me noob, so let it be. You and Sinthetic both, not to mention Fear. So lets go to straight facts. 01.02.2012 - 28-02-2012. That is perios when you had hosted server, I played over 180 games in your server, sometimes over 5 hours daily. I lost only 2 games, one against Chicken Salsa, and 1 against Kyle from Alpha. Those were only loses 1:1 in that months, and only 2 of 3 from whole 2012. One more time beaten me Kyle in 1:1 in Sniperbox on Unknown's server if I remember well.

Except of that I lost maybe only 5 games in team, never negative. All rest are wins, so about 170+ wins for me from over 180 wins IN YOUR SERVER. In second month of 2012.

So if you are such pro, Machete, why you dont start to be a man, and post here those logs? Oh pardon me, I asked you same in 2012, 2014, and 2015, your excuses were that you dont have any logs. What is hilarious, and well its a lie, isnt it?

And you know very well that you lost 1:1 against me in Zan-Gogh in 2012, tohether with Fear and Dani. In that 2012. some people raged from game for over year. I will repeat to you 5 more times if needed.

1. I entered in your server in 2012., 7 people were there, 6 in opposite team (Lox xhanged later to me), and me. Dani, Phantom, Fear, and 2 more guys, not sure if you and sinthetic. Dani said, I quote: "King is here, lets humiliate him". It started good for you guys with 0:2, you laughed when you guys killed me, and I said I quote: "Just wait and see".. Your ship started to sinc around 7:7 when I started to turn score into 8:7 and 9:7, all of you were negative in score, and in final 13:10, 2 people raged, Dani and Fear. Phantom changed nickname. Yes, that was epic humiliation right? I dare you to post here those logs, even conversations. 2-nd month of 2012. Your server, your host. Map was Cargostation alpha.

Also tell me Machete do you remember what was after that? We went into another server, where someone beaten fake Darko. I came and I told, beat me. We started to play and I beaten you in Iceworld in front of all. Dani said I cant believe what I see. He tried, he lost too. Actually that year me and B-Dawg were only 2 who could beat Fear and Dani despite their abuses. They lost about 5-7 two on two mathes we played that year. After that we went to Zan-Gogs map where Sidewinder told me with few guys (over 10 people in server), Darko if you are best, then best Dani and Fear 1:1. I beaten both, they left from map and I have not saw them for over a year.

I had peace whole that year. In 11-th month of 2012, some of people tried to beat me again. They lost.

2. You and Anax continued to bully and call me lame player every year (probably you have lame memmory how many times you were humiliated), so you lost in 2014. and 2015, also many times 1:1. Have I lost few times, sure I did, 2 days in row. But what happened when I finally turned into shape is ridiculus. You see that quote you have Machete? Actually you lost that match and I beaten you in that match. Video is still online check our scores. I was not negative, Phantom was not either, and I played for 5 minutes against you Anax and one more player alone. So tell me, who is lame player. Just 1 day from that I beaten you and Anax alone in 1:2 fight. I posted online on this forum in 2015: how I beaten you both 32:30, and on Smuggler I smashed you and Anax, you raged, and he at least played until the end. So I ask you Machete, I am not near the best? If you say so, but I am only one who beaten every single player in this game, against which I played many times sooner or later.

3. About statement that I such with skills. Tell me one, just one player who is better than me in sniping? Who? I wait. Name? You banned in 2014. sniperbox from your server and filmed fake pictures on walls of your sniperbox 2, but there is one tiny problem. I beaten you under nickname sretnik while you talked how you kicked my ass. Hardly you can kick my ass while I kick yours right? :) Its easy to beat unknown players and say it was me, while I came and beat you and Anax again alone. Oh you have amnesia about that too? So you lost in 1:1 in 2012., 2014., and 2015. I played against Phantom, Anax, Fear and Sinthetic in 2016. in one friendly match in zero augs, I was near the top with positive score. So tell me, where were you? With what score? Lol. And I came during the match, after all of you.

4. I dont such at augs, actually I am insane with all augs. Only people who have impressive skills with infinite augs are Karky and Die. They played that gamemode for years, and on RPG modes, so their skills were impressive. Why I dont play on server with augs that deplete (where bioenergy deplete), because of 2 facts. Some of you have separated binds on mouse what is not possible in here, in default setup in game. So yes, I am not idiot.

5. You tried to come with your crew many times to beat me in Karky's or Zxc infinite augs to beat me. YOU ALWAYS I repeat, YOU ALWAYS lost. Nobody of you beaten me there. And you know it.

So yes Machete I dare you to try your skills on SniperBox again in 2017., or on server with infinite augs, bring it on. Dani and one more tried to kill me 10 minutes before they moaning and left cause they could not even kill me lol. So you can think how you will end. Or Sinthetic, or any of your "TOP TIER" friends. I am here. Infinite augs or zero augs, I dont care.

Also If you want too see what are real skills, watch my new portal and watch some of videos that will be posted in next months. YOu will see what i do in other games with people like you.

I dont care you guys have constant amnesia how you lost against me every year, I dont care you call me noob. But I wonder how you live in denial when I have clips + 100's of pictures online how you guys lost. Must be that all lie, and its conspiracy theory because I am noob or I have luck every single year lol :)

Funny people. Anyway check it out and learn something, maybe then you will start to play like tier 1 player. Until then stay in silence, train and just play better. Have fun.

Link to my new portal:

Re: Little introduction about 17 and their "pals"

Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 20:36
by <-(DD)->Darko
All best and enjoy in game people.