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Re: A note about skill

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 21:20
by anax
i should say that your reaction is not a surprise, Darko.
But it actually is, i'm in pure amazement at what comes from your keyboard.

3X damage is normal for a zoomed sniper scope.
This is the most basic knowledge. :bwahaha:

Give me a plane ticket and i will fly to Croatia,
sit down at your computer and shout instructions to you
whilst showing you the game settings screen which is clearly invisible to you.

Re: A note about skill

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 21:23
by Hey
Binds have been used for years, and I don't think the "sniperbind" is as amazing as you make it out as.

These binds are supported ingame, we don't need to use a mod to use them, we don't use an external program to use them, the engine is designed to allow them.

Re: A note about skill

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 21:51
by <-(DD)->Darko
Famous quote from Matrix (Morpheus): What you must learn is that these rules are no different that the rules of a computer system. Some of them can be bent. Others can be broken.

Deus Ex has no binds allowed. Only problem is that those lines can be bent or broken :) In .INI folder.

And about no zoom 3x damage. Why you all ack stupid lol? You know very well what I speak. THEY HAVE SNIPER WITHOUT ZOOM WHICH HAS STRENGHT OF SNIPER WITH ZOOM :) Have you read conversation which I gave you? :)

Ok lets go this way. Guys like Shadowrunner and George have you seen how whole hivemind and HK always hit you in head from close range from movement?
You know that is not possible. I train on many games, and I know that is very hard to doo in any game, and specially in Deus Ex where is 45% of angle closed, you do not see left, you do not see right, but they will see you if you go near them, and they will kill you like they use zoom, what is not possible cause then they would not see you :) (close shoot without zoom mostly do not kill).
Other comparation: Have you fight with them in direct fight from movement in range of 1 metter, when he pulls sniper (no time for zoom, no time to even aim, but he put you down :) How lol????
There is no time, he just change ammo, he put bullet in you and you drop dead. They never miss in such situation :) NEVER :)

But there is some way to test them :) Try to play with them bigger maps like Snipebox. Tell me now, how is possible that all those "NO MISS" guys from close, can not hit elephant from long distance where real skills must be advantage hahahhahaa!!!!! What paradox?

Case closed. Please guys, test what I said to you. You will see about what I talk :) It is sniper hit with no zoom or sniper instakill. Improved damage from ini file :) Nothing less and nothing more :) Other way is only script or bot, but I will not go so far :) But it will not surprise me.


Re: A note about skill

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 00:05
by anax
THt's because we react quickly and predict where your head will be in relation to the cross hair, it's called aiming.

Re: A note about skill

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 00:58
by synthetic
machete wrote:
Solid wrote:
machete wrote:
Solid wrote:I am strongly certain that he doesn't cheat as I have confronted him.
I'm sorry but this is a revisionism too far. Phantom has, on many occasions, admitted to and even defended speedhacking over the last few years. I was once treated to a prolonged demonstration of his sniper reload speed, which was twice as fast as anyone else's.

That said, I played with him in my server the other day and saw no evidence of cheating. I'm convinced he was playing fairly. Whether that's just because I was there, I couldn't say, but I'm willing to give him a chance to show that he's reformed.
I understand that he "HASN'T" cheated, I said he "DOESN'T" cheat, which is in the present, just clearing that up.
Fair enough, my mistake. I agree that there's a chance he's stopped cheating. I don't trust a word he says because he's lied too many times, but the proof is in the pudding and what I saw the other day was not a cheater.

The way I see it, it is simply costs too much time and effort to start pinpointing what cheats Phantom uses or doesn't use after non-stop speedhacking for 6 years. It just doesn't matter anymore.. it was mere weeks ago when he was happily justifying cheating lol. Banning him takes 1 second.

Also, anyone who wants to see through Dani's and Solid's many metabolic end product of lies are free to join HVM, so you see how I run things. Phantom is overgrown Darko with language barrier so he has always thought I use some kind of uber hax. In reality, he is so metabolic end product that I've been beating him on anything from 690 mhz duron to dust filled pentium 4 thats damn near bluescreen every aug fight.

It would be wrong to say that I care awful lot about beginners when it comes to Phantom & Co cheating, and killing any of them isn't really a major problem for me either. My entire point here is that if an online game lets cheating float, then the game has truly died. I have absolutely zero chance of getting any old friends back to game if they find out what metabolic end product is happening here.

Re: A note about skill

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 01:06
by RP-G-eorge
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Some games EVEN HAVE .INI file protection against modification! That says all!!!
That's a good idea for a patch that may work, but the only problem would be people using the patch and from what I'm reading, that's never going to happen, so unless there's a way to force this patch as part of the server, then there's no chance of it working, but I for one like this idea.

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Ok lets go this way. Guys like Shadowrunner and George have you seen how whole hivemind and HK always hit you in head from close range from movement?
Lol. Yeah. I've said it before, but I'll say it again.

From day one when I played this game and not once did anyone explain to me about what it was that they were doing. I was simply ignored while getting sniper killed from one foot away.

As someone who has actually had sniper zoom on in Cargo, normal reload, camped with 300+ ping while everyone has less than 100 ping and still managing to get atleast 3 to 5 kills, I'm happy. Lol. Maybe 900 deaths, but so be it. I just play for fun, but that never stopped the blah, blah, blah typed from those who would use the sniper bind in close combat, which was one to three feet.

I'm finding this thread quite odd on the attacks on this Phantom player. If nobody had any knowledge about binds and Phantom was the only player binding, he'd be attacked for cheating.

Just because nobody has figured out how to do certain things with this game without a program, doesn't mean it can't be done. It's easier to create a program compared to editing who knows what from the looks of things.

If people are using a program to create something for this game, technically this game needs to be able to connect with the program, so you can't have one without the other, so one could say that the program connects with the game, as knowledge has been used to do so, just like with binds.

The rules on this game are simply screwed up, but whoever owns what server can set whatever rules they want, but there's hypocrisy from what I'm seeing.

Re: A note about skill

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 03:25
by anax
no no no. it's players who are screwed up.

George, I respect your opinions. And that you're being the speculative neutral onlooker, but you're not making a lot of sense, in parts.

Binds are part of the game functionality, programs are not. How blindingly obvious must this become for everyone? ](*,)

i've repeated the same points at least 3 times so i'm just going to wait until this thread produces something interesting.

Just an entire thread of Darko typing huge speeches would suffice, my entertainment needs would be met for the day.

Re: A note about skill

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 06:37
by RP-G-eorge
anax wrote:Binds are part of the game functionality, programs are not.
That's my point though. As far as we know, there may be a way where no programs for a higher speed are needed, but programs have been created for this from using other programs that can find multiple amounts of data, such as cheat engine, compared to manually breaking down the game piece by piece for a simple edit in a file maybe.

If a program can be created that works with the game, I think it's possible it can be done without the program. One just needs the knowledge.

I guess only the creator of whatever it is of Dues Ex can answer that though.

Re: A note about skill

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 09:46
by Hey
Darko, you do realize the spectator feature in minimtl233 NEVER shows the scope?

Re: A note about skill

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 10:23
by synthetic
RP-G-eorge wrote:
anax wrote:Binds are part of the game functionality, programs are not.
That's my point though. As far as we know, there may be a way where no programs for a higher speed are needed, but programs have been created for this from using other programs that can find multiple amounts of data, such as cheat engine, compared to manually breaking down the game piece by piece for a simple edit in a file maybe.

If a program can be created that works with the game, I think it's possible it can be done without the program. One just needs the knowledge.

I guess only the creator of whatever it is of Dues Ex can answer that though.
Impossible to do with binds what you are saying, but would've been doable by.. well, coding your own "improvement" for the player class or something. This isn't an additional program, nor is it bind. Its script, and Alex and Nobody did major job blocking those. Creating this kind of cheats is waay above the abilities of google heroes, and - as said - isn't binds still.

Before minimtl310ish+ firefix you could use your own Windows as that additional program. I surprised Dejavu when I showed how easy it was to speed up your game by.. doing absolutely nothing to windows or the game or using no separate software. I just started the game up with wrong parameters, and it got the time wrong.

There are 3 binds that may or may not be problematic:

1) sniper bind. All pc shooters have some kind of those. My philosophy is: if I cannot stand behind player's shoulder and watch if he has the bind or not, I have no point to whine or prosecute individual players for it. The bind isn't all benefits, I've never used it beyond testing because I didn't like how it impacted the control I had over my game and aim. The fact that it may be problematic is shown in tournaments that may or may not opt to disallowing this specific bind. It goes both ways, sometimes some allow, sometimes some dont allow, but you need to remember that those tournaments usually are LAN and generally have same enforced conf rules.

2) behind view. In most all games this would be primitive wallhack, and phantom (and some other noobs) use it as such. It is mainly broken in 0a mod but i don't see a point of it existing in classic game either. A bind can combine behindivew on and off along with max fov of 120 during behindview.

3) spam binds. For a skill oriented player this makes no sense, but those of us who have played longer already manually spam bursts some. I don't know why it seems more effective, but it likely has something to do with client reporting to server. Dani found some autoclicker programs that I tested with him, but they are blatantly obvious, whereas binds wont be. I'd class this as potentially problematic because its just plain weird to start adding weird metabolic end product to your fire functionality Oo seems like minor exploit but doesnt really matter that much. Autoclickers on the other hand can be configured to how frequently they click, apparently.

Darker side of these binds would be lag binds, obviously. I'm suspecting Solid uses lagbind (or simply desperately spams activateallaugs a *lot* when out of bio lol), and Dani has been very creative coming up with all kinds of weird warp and lag binds. According to Phantom's words, though, it is me that is "Using that old lagbot". I wonder whats that. He must be butthurt that I get headshots on him while family is torrenting.

As for all that helping stuff. There are players that try to help beginners, but as overall player sum decreases, so does the number of helpful players in correlation to that decrease. Normally new players go and join a clan that teaches how game is played, and-or read active clan forums that always have some thread or article about them. Sitting in server and waiting for skill to suddenly drop on one's head like newton's apple is.. unwise.

Re: A note about skill

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 13:25
by Mastakilla
The gap in ideologies and experience in this topic is too big to have a discussion, if neither side has an open mind about what the other side is saying we're not going to be getting anywhere. Shadowrunner, I can't be bothered to go back to where you quoted me and quote you back on it, but you conveniently left out my second post where I explained my time before I knew about key binding, and how I wasn't being a little bitch about it when I found out.

Every single clan forum was littered with tips on binds, detailed explainations on binds, discussions about what binds are better then others, and really there was never any difference to the options you had when it came to medbinds, it came down to personal preference

I also read somewhere someone called many metabolic end product about point blank headshots with a sniper, not realizing that if a person is right in your face and you zoom in your entire screen is filled with their head, all you need to do is pull the trigger. Ex. my sniper rifle is in my 3rd slot, I'm in close combat:

I press 3, take rifle out
I press Q which is my key for scope
I left click

takes .2 seconds, I don't think it actually zooms much in that time. No advanced binds involved, these are in-game control options. Results in a headshot more than half the time.
I could be lazy and have onrelease leftclick bound to my Q, but I personally find that annoying to work with. Sometimes you maybe prefer to wait another .3 seconds before firing because the opponent just jumped or something.
Thing with that is, if I do miss it gives the opponent almost an extra second if spitting ammo at me with his assaultrifle which in close combat is more then enough to give you the edge. Ken usually sticks to his assaultrifle and this is why he tends to thrash me in 1v1's.

When playing Ken I got headshots way less often in close combats using my sniper, because of his experience he knows how to move to make it alot harder.

In the end, it boils down to skill and experience, and as a newcomer or self proclaimed veteran who hasn't a clue how to play the game properly after 4 years and prefers to call many metabolic end product, you should probably just have gotten more experience in game rather then crying cheat or calling many metabolic end product.
Actually, playing people like Ken 1v1 I could get infuriated by him often dominating the game, and I'd mess up loads of times and my mind just goes many metabolic end product. But not because I actually think he's cheating or being unfair, just because it's many metabolic end product I'm being terrible everytime we 1v1 :-D

Re: A note about skill

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 14:13
by <-(DD)->Darko
George trust me, sniperbind is not only what they use, they have improved damage from.ini file, and that is real problem, cause any pro player (you are pro player, but you have ping issues), knows that you CANT hit head from moving, except if you have luck, cause from 1 metter distance mostly you aim torso or legs, you just cant aim head cause it is almost impossible hit head from movement. Even kid knows that because you are not only one who is moving, he moves also :) So I know what i talk.

Hey I will say you this, why George do not use binds which has so high ping? Cause he has dignity. Why I do not use it? Cause I do not need cheats to be good. Game which does not support binds, just do not support binds. Any pro player will support game decisions and will not improve his percentages in fight against other player. I am not afraid when i play against other people cause I know that I do not need binds to be good. If other need that to be better than me, that means only that they are weak people which need advantage to achieve something.

I do not want to insult anyone, but that is my view on Deus Ex issue. That is just not Counter Strike where you can add all on mouse.

Re: A note about skill

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 17:24
by Mastakilla
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:George trust me, sniperbind is not only what they use, they have improved damage from.ini file, and that is real problem, cause any pro player (you are pro player, but you have ping issues), knows that you CANT hit head from moving, except if you have luck, cause from 1 metter distance mostly you aim torso or legs, you just cant aim head cause it is almost impossible hit head from movement. Even kid knows that because you are not only one who is moving, he moves also :) So I know what i talk.
Ye guyz have increased damage from ini because you cant hit head from close range so you must have increased damage hax in ini because that would make it easier to hit the head lolz


Re: A note about skill

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 19:00
by Hey
<-(DD)->Darko wrote: they have improved damage from.ini file
Indeed this is true, we're all changing our weapon damage settings.

Re: A note about skill

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 22:19
by <-(DD)->Darko
Even child knows that I tell truth.
Please guys just play with them on Iceworld and you will see that they never miss from close, and it is harder to beat them from close than from larger maps where skills are even more important, and that is really hilarious cause every single person knows that is opposite and that experianced player must have even bigger advantage on bigger map than on smaller.

Who is so naive that can believe that person can react so impressive from close distance?
That is impossible because of zoom, and without him they could not kill you with one hit, cause there is no time even to aim so fast when you change weapon, not even to zoom lol (we speak here about change weapon and hit in one milisecond :)

That reminds me on bots, they have impressive skills on close (UT and Counter Strike), but they suck on larger distance (they are slower), same is with them. PERSON which would have AIMBOT skills just could not SUCK on bigger maps as they suck, but you all with such abuse miss more on larger map, but never on close range lol, and that is just hilarious hhahaha.

I am natural and I just know that you cant hit without cheats every single time on close range head. SO REASON IS AIMING BOT or improved damage in .ini file.

In real life, if you walk with zoom (even if you have impressive skills with sniper), you have luck if you hit person from movement 2 times from 10 hits from closer range than 10 metters (if both of you move). That is impressive score. That can say every single professional player from internet and real life, but to hit 10 from 10 ahahhaha, please dude, do not make me laugh :)

Besides if they are so strong, why noone of them dares to play with me in any webcaffe in world for real money? With supervision of webcaffe owners (so that noone can use binds, or hacks from .ini) because owners of webcaffe would install game and would give random computers to me and them. Well think little and you will know. Everyone who really knows to play and have skills would not have to use abuses like they do. Simple and clear. What says that about them? People.... They are weak :)