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Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 16:16
by synthetic
Old game but with proper texture and tweaking mods even TES3 can look nice, not to mention TES4.

Anyway as my xfire shows Ive been playing it lately. Never really played it before, mostly TES3. I couldnt stomach vanilla Oblivion so some mods came mandatory (different mods to make it more difficult etc, combat moves. Used OOO and Combat Moves among other things, to be specific).

Little screen, its a bit dark but this character is already a lot of fun :-D


This shows the settings for a mod that moves or changes those ugly big HUD items just the way you would like. Closeup of the character as well. Shes not wearing much but to counter those "amagad how can it count as armor its ridiculous" comments: designer did not make it into armor. Wristbands and shoulderpads are only armor pieces. :-D


Re: Oblivion

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 16:38
by Kuchcik
finished vanilla 1.0 a few months ago, 100% complete, all oblivion gates shut, lvl 32 wood elf thief/archer combo.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 17:42
by Majestic
Bretons > J00
But archers are good fun too.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 17:57
by synthetic
I always go Imperial or Dark Elf for some reason. Knight or Archer for class. This one is Assassin (thief) with focus on archery.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 19:32
by Kuchcik
make ur own

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 21:07
by synthetic
I used to in morrowind but i try to avoid custom classes now. More fun in a way.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 21:19
I go and have sex with women. It's the best game ever.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 23:12
by synthetic
I find it somehow irrelevant to the topic. We dont play games to copy the reality, do we. In fact, its a rather dimwitted comment, but since youre spaz I suppose youre forgiven ;-)

(sorry, its just that I am REALLY sick and tired of people spewing metabolic end product about things they are absolutely clueless about! People deprived of imagination, clinging desperately to decadent ideals and weak role models. To be true you must ignore ALL forms of creative entertainment --and we wont even go into material that is supposed to educate you-- that includes music, literature, most definitely the films, theater and so forth. Its about hard mind numbing work, getting your *love* on, getting drunk as *love* just so you can go back to work with a bad hangover. Future will have no more to offer than a bad liver, arthritis, social dementia and the best you wish youd get your male sex organ into is a fat white trash that might resemble a female.)

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 23:16
by Mastakilla
Playing football is a game, very much reality aint it

But yeh irrelevant it is :P

Also on topic, I felt Morrowind was way bigger than Oblivion for some reason... I also miss the medium armor skill and the spears. They was asskickingly awesome.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 23:23
by synthetic
Oblivion is piece of metabolic end product compared to Morrowind :(

I had to google to find where the *love* Imperial Legion was. Only obvious quest is the *loving* notorious main quest that could be finished in umm.. couple hours?

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 23:33
Hidden wrote:I find it somehow irrelevant to the topic. We dont play games to copy the reality, do we. In fact, its a rather dimwitted comment, but since youre spaz I suppose youre forgiven ;-)

(sorry, its just that I am REALLY sick and tired of people spewing metabolic end product about things they are absolutely clueless about! People deprived of imagination, clinging desperately to decadent ideals and weak role models. To be true you must ignore ALL forms of creative entertainment --and we wont even go into material that is supposed to educate you-- that includes music, literature, most definitely the films, theater and so forth. Its about hard mind numbing work, getting your *love* on, getting drunk as *love* just so you can go back to work with a bad hangover. Future will have no more to offer than a bad liver, arthritis, social dementia and the best you wish youd get your male sex organ into is a fat white trash that might resemble a female.)
Christ, talk about taking it a bit too seriously. Dude I play games too, it's ok, you're safe here, calm down.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 23:58
by synthetic
I knew what you meant and how you meant it. I wasnt being defensive with what I said, but just had to vent some steam. Ive seen far too many idiots giving their 2 cents about media entertainment, the 2 cents they should just keep to themselves because thats all they will ever have.

To be on topic: does anyone still play TES3? O_o Ive been planning to do that for past 2 years maybe, but getting ALL the mods I want installed is a nightmare. I completed maybe 80% of the vanilla MW (which is great btw because I have even more reason to play it again) and wanted to customize it to fit the new character, but *love* that game has thousands of mods.

And dont be hating on mods, say you make a Nord fighter, then youd want a proper house on the icy island there, proper gear and so forth. I was planning to listen some black metal as background, too :-D

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 11:28
by Kuchcik
ya I've done vanilla TES3 like 2 years ago. completed the main quest and most of the side quests with a wood elf archer-thief

and yeah, Morrowind is WAY bigger and more deep than Oblivion.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 12:17
by synthetic
I always went to do the imperial legion quests there. gnisis is such an adorable village :D Once you got that chameleon amulet north from gnisis you were pretty much invincible. ~70% invisibility rox ma sox. Redoran ftw, too :-D

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 20:36
by chin.democ.
Played Morrowind on the xbox, found it to be too difficult and boring (cough *nerdy* cough), Oblivion is more user freindly I find, and for me personally is much more fun to play :riding: , although lately I've just been playing Forza Motorsport 2. :smt031