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My sudden absence (again)..

Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 01:43
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
Hello my fellow clan mates..

First of all, I want to apologize for my sudden absence.. I just noticed that it's been about a month.
That behaviour was and is inadequate towards the clan and in other clans it would have caused me to get kicked already for sure.
That's why I have the urge to elaborate the reasons..

I know it's not been the first time that I was absent for weeks and I often pinned it to my study.
It's true, my master study IS time consuming but it also always matters, how effective you use the time that's given.
I wasn't able to be effective anymore due to a lack of motivation.
I'm having motivation problems for quite a while now but it became worse over the past months.
I'm struggling with seeing a perspective and a point in all that.. which makes it hard to perform tasks anymore.
In addition to that, I'm suffering sudden mood changes.
My current short temper causes me to give up on tasks very fast and failures turn me pretty sad, although there's no ratioal reason for such reactions.
That's all caused by latent depressions I think.. I'm not in peace with the world and myself anymore.
The reasons are too personal to elaborate them all in detail but I wanted to let you know what's up with me so far.

I was already thinking about receding from my position in FGS, since I am not useful for the clan anymore..
I didn't even manage to perform the updates on the altfire server yet, which would be a matter of not more than one hour if I was back on my feet.
So yeah.. not sure what else I can say.. I'm still seeking for the magic bullet to solve my issues.


Re: My sudden absence (again)..

Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 16:03
by chin.democ.
Glad to have you back Nobody, people will always have their own problems in life, mine are very much my health issues which limit my life drastically at the moment. I think it all boils down to one's attitude, if you have a positive attitude you can get through anything.

I hope your studies are going well, we desperately need you here in the [FGS] clan as you are far to valuable to lose, stick around and do what you can here and there, don't put yourself under pressure, do yourself a favour and relax, go with the flow.

Re: My sudden absence (again)..

Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 23:41
by ~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~

Re: My sudden absence (again)..

Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 05:29
by Whiplash
I'd say you've fallen into a nasty slump, perhaps even depression. Part of it sounds like a vicious circle, where you give up on something, mess it up, feel crappy about messing up, then feel disheartened/unmotivated taking on the next thing. I've been there to some extent myself, I know what it's like to screw up and fail spectacularly. Or more to the point, feel so, whether un-energetic or disheartened as not to try anything in the first place. ](*,)

For what its worth, you have my support.

Don't worry about DX/FGS, we'll get by somehow.

Take care of yourself.

- Whip

Re: My sudden absence (again)..

Posted: 30 Dec 2012, 02:38
by ShadowRunner
There's times when you have to shove all the admin, pm's, sdk and wotnot to one side and go play dx for a while.

Do something for yourself, not for everyone else for a change...

delegate, get lazy...

put your feet up, enjoy a game...

Re: My sudden absence (again)..

Posted: 30 Dec 2012, 03:53
by [FGS]Chees
Good point Shadow, I second that. All work no play can make a person p***** of at the world. Gaming or real job, go have some fun, chill, get laid and all the rest of it :-D

Re: My sudden absence (again)..

Posted: 30 Dec 2012, 04:35
by ~DJ~
Glad to hear from ya, Nobody! :-D
Don't worry mannnnn.. infact I'm quite inactive too, with various reasons such as 'study' or even lack of motivation if I'm being honest.. or other personal reasons.. :bwahaha:
just don't think anything crazy like resigning or leaving or somethin' [-X

MERRY CHRISTMAS and hope you're having a good one. ;-)


Re: My sudden absence (again)..

Posted: 30 Dec 2012, 14:07
by ShadowRunner
edit wrong topic, posted in map topic but it arrived here