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Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 10:24
by unkn0wn
i just was wondering if FGS have any plans are able to host DXAG game type again? playing DXAG was one the most fun times iv had on dxmp & would be great to see it back some time & im more many others would too it was very popular as i remember.
i love how it encourages better team play & communication & makes refreshing change from the standard team deathmatch games.


Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 12:03
by ShadowRunner
DXAG, WW2, WW2 RPG is all being discussed atm I think. Three thoughts have surfaced.

1. It would be nice to have more dxag maps, so smuggler and A51 aren't needed.

2. It would be nice to mix Code Zero and DXAG.

3. It would be nice to have a constant battlefront, co-op type game.

After January, I will be sorting out all the WW2 maps and can prepare them for DXAG version.


Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 15:36
by [FGS]Chees
WW2 DXAG maps sounds great Shadow. Only had a window of 2 weeks to use WW2 weapons so never got to see there full potential of them. the maps, weapons worked great together so through DXAG in will be even better.


Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 00:24
by ShadowRunner
WW2 will resume soon. The only map I will make major changes to will be France1944, which had bad fps. Mainman's Landernau is roughly about the detail limit or "debris" limit possible, he used larger and fewer chunks of debris, than I did, I actually represented individual roof tiles on the ground, but that is going too far in an open arena map. So if mappers are firing up for WW2/DXAG then this is the challenge really, bring us rubble and destruction with great fps please. Unreal doesn't seem suited to swathes of rubble dressing every hole in every wall...

The thing with DXAG, there is only one main complaint, that it is a very good mod, with only 1 x WW2 map and 1 x WW1 map, the other two are default maps from the 21st century story.

I'm sure people will have really good ideas what popular maps could be converted for DXAG or WW2.


Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 02:59
by [FGS]Chees
What about the maps you hosted previously? a hand full were not default or edited maps.


Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 01:47
by Poor
Wasn't there recently a DXAG server up? Never saw anyone in it. People only play 0a and party maps now.


Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 12:05
by Psycho
Poor wrote:Wasn't there recently a DXAG server up? Never saw anyone in it. People only play 0a and party maps now.
It took like 5 mins to download a 2k file, so I guess that put people off, including me.


Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 12:17
by ShadowRunner
[FGS]Chees wrote:What about the maps you hosted previously? a hand full were not default or edited maps.
Landernau 1
Zan Goh
Area 51
There is a Cathedral map, but it's not DXMP_Cathedral

Stalwart/Stalkyard, I get confused which
France 1944
Cathedral SP edit
Landernau 2


Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 23:07
by Majster
ShadowRunner wrote: Stalwart/Stalkyard, I get confused which