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Posted: 31 Aug 2013, 18:07
by ShadowRunner

wtf is happening in Hungary, what are your views on it, do u need the clan pop over with gepguns?

For those that don't know what I'm talking about, the president has basically ended opposition parties, or so the media say.

Re: Hungary

Posted: 31 Aug 2013, 18:54
by ~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~
Haha, no, where did you hear that?

Re: Hungary

Posted: 31 Aug 2013, 21:51
by ShadowRunner
Saw an article on Facebook, but I can't find the source right now, but having googled it, I realize the article was probably either right wing sensationalist media basically lying, or it was some viral marketing test, which had been designed to appeal to people's concerns. I think the article was referring to this: ... tion-pact/
Which is in fact entirely legal and just two parties merging, but the article on FB had me believing the President had dissolved other political parties in a 1956 style coup, something about "ending opposition parties".

There's a huge amount of chainletters on FB at the moment, mainly health and medical stuff I have seen personally, ranging from "buy this or kids will die from cancer", to "artificial sweeteners do this to people" (claiming more than they actually do). I see here it's similar, someone is claiming something that is basically untrue about the president and from what I have read, these kind of articles are chainletters, common on events pages, which are appealing in this case, to democracy-lovers or perhaps the far right and a lot of them are viral marketing tests.

Re: Hungary

Posted: 01 Sep 2013, 12:49
by ~DJ~
..maybe the president of Hungary was hungary so he ate the opposition parties.. heh.. eh.. get it? HEH

Re: Hungary

Posted: 01 Sep 2013, 15:29
by Majster
~DJ~ wrote:..maybe the president of Hungary was hungary so he ate the opposition parties.. heh.. eh.. get it? HEH
Yes, it's true. It had to be this!

Re: Hungary

Posted: 01 Sep 2013, 22:05
by ~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~
It'd be fun to look at the article you originally saw because it is indeed major many metabolic end product :-D

Here's what happened in a short, quite raw form:

1998-2002: A politcal party called Fidesz wins elections over the socialists who had been in charge basically since 1956 under different names/titles.
Fidesz makes a series of decisions that finally start to push things into the right direction, the economy starts to grow, unemployment rates decrease, altogether things seem to be going pretty well after decades of socialist/communist many metabolic end product and madness.
MSZP the opposing party (socialists) acknowledge the successes of the party and as any other opposing party would do, they claim that the country could be doing even better and Fidesz is holding back money from the people who'd deserve it. Based on this idea they create a campaign in 2002 and win the elections.
2002-2006: MSZP is the governing party, things are going pretty bad again, the prime minister Peter Medgyessy resigns in 2005 due to involvement with communist spy agencies back in the day, another guy called Ferenc Gyurcsany takes over. He's a good public speaker but also a criminal, the national debt grows as the popular investments he makes (such as building highways and repairing public buildings) are paid for by foreign loans, pushing the country in even further debt.
2006-2010: MSZP is once again elected due to the aforementioned popular purchases and mindless money give aways to the people in order to win again. A few months later a sound recording of a major MSZP meeting is leaked in which the prime minister (Gyurcsany) basically admits having lied to Hungary this whole time and not knowing what the f'ck they'd been doing this whole time and how to fix this sh*t. The leakings lead to major protests, obviously the people are raging and demand that the prime minister as well as the party resign immediately and announce new elections. The PM basically decides to ignore the whole thing, receives basically no pressure from the EU to do so either and manages to stay in charge for another 3 years. In 2009 he decides to resign, saying that "some people believe that the uncoordinated behavior of the government is because of the prime minister himself, so I will solve this problem now". MSZP stayed in office regardless and elected Gordon Bajnai (current president of Egyutt 2014) to govern for the final year.
2010: Fidesz is elected once again by a democratic majority vote of 67% (that's a good indication of how fed up Hungary was with the socialists by that point lol). MSZP falls apart, Gordon Bajnai and Ferenc Gyurcsany both quit the party to form their own parties, Gyurcsany creates 'Demokratikus Koalicio' (DK) and Bajnai creates 'Egyutt 2014'. What this meant was that people in MSZP wanted to blame each other for their collective epic failure to govern Hungary for 8 years.

Socialist and foreign media absolutely love to call the current government a regime and what not for their unmatched power over Hungary, a 67% majority in the parliament means enough votes for a party to modify fundamental laws and the constitution itself. What people seem to forget is that this 67% majority comes from a democratic election, the voters decided to end the socialist many metabolic end product and put the one and only capable party to govern Hungary, which is Fidesz.

Fidesz did not dissolve the opposition, the opposition dissolved itself by doing what I just explained above, blaming each other for their own stupid metabolic end product and splitting the only strong opposing party into three separate, technically irrelevant and completely unreliable parties. Therefore it's easy to predict that Fidesz will win the next elections (perhaps with yet another 67% majority) and there's nothing anyone can do about it because they're going to win legally and democratically.

Re: Hungary

Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 12:45
by ShadowRunner
Yep the article made one think it was a regime that had circumvented laws to bring political change. Right wing media for you.

@ DJ ....Did Dubai Deus Ex The Fall ? I didn't. Milan game was fun, but I prefer online gaming. There's Norway I'm playing iceworld every day.

Thanks for the heads-up, I will impress my friends with Hungarian knowledge.

Re: Hungary

Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 16:12
by IchoTolot