
The time is right for a suicide!
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Post by ShadowRunner »

I'm working on a map right now based on the western end of the Arnhem bridge in September 1994, two or three days after the battle has started.

I have made unusual spwnrooms, the player will "parachute" into the map. I am posting the map here, only the spwnrooms have been finished.
I am looking for people to tell me what they thought of their spwning, was the parachute ride too long? Would you prefer to spwn inside a static aircraft cabin, collect weps and jump out? The buildings around the map have HK textures and nothing has actually been built, I am really just trying to get the parachute ride correct and satisfying to players first...

For those of you wondering, Arnhem is an insignificant dutch town near some airfields and one of the river Rhine's tributaries, which during 1994 became the focus of Allied plans. Despite warnings that their radios didn't work and that elite German panzer troops had just arrived at Arnhem for a holiday, Allied forces had been trying to use their paratroopers in no less than 16 other plans since D-Day and felt they could not wait any longer.

The result was that the Americans captured the first two objectives, one in a legendary boat assault in broad-daylight, but the British spearhead at Arnhem was all but decimated from 10000 men to 2000 who were taken prisoner or escaped ten days later. Paratroopers held out with 2 days supplies against elite tanks and assault troops for over ten days...

When the Germans finally over-ran the house overlooking the bridge, there were less than 40 British soldiers able to fight and carrying ammunition. There was no question of the Germans winning, once the re-inforcements were stopped. The event is immortalized in Cornelius Ryan's story "A bridge too far". It wasn't too far, the Allied leadership were simply incompetent, inexperienced and inefficient...unlike their opponents.

Also in my map, players parachute near the bridge. In real life it was over eight miles away from the bridge, cos the RAF did not wish to fly near the airfields around Arnhem.
I am looking for people to tell me what they thought of their spwning, was the parachute ride too long? Would you prefer to spwn inside a static aircraft cabin, collect weps and jump out?
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Post by Reaction »

One of the other main flaws with the plan was that para troopers were best used for small stealth like operations. Not major deployment of thousands of troops. They worked best on oerations like "pegasus bridge", the first aliied troops to land on continental soil on d-day.

From what i can see ofthe map, the zones arent correctly finished and the zone properties will apply to the whole map, am i wrong?
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Post by IchoTolot »

Reaction wrote:From what i can see ofthe map, the zones arent correctly finished and the zone properties will apply to the whole map, am i wrong?
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Post by ShadowRunner »

LOL you are dead right on both counts. You cant jump once you've landed I've noticed... Oh well back to the drawing board...

Actually there was one exception, the massive paratroop drop on Crete by the Germans. But yes every other successful operation, Merville Battery, Bruneval Radar, Pegasus Bridge, Belgian bridges, the Italian Aqueduct etc was no more than around 120 men each time.

The worst case I can recall is the Americans dropping the British supposedly on Mount Etna in Sicily, but seeing Flak for the first time dropped the gliders into the sea and ran, the American Pilots killing or drowning over 1000 Commonwealth soldiers.

I just liked the idea of parachuting into an MP map...

I have photographs and maps of Pegasus Bridge, but couldn't see how it would work in MP, without a very large map, which was mostly canal...

EDIT thanks for testing that map idea, and Icho, that is a cool post lol...
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Post by Reaction »

I like the idea and think it is possible, you just need to put a little bit more thought into it and finishing the zones of properly.
~ Chris ~ Reaction ~

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Post by ShadowRunner »

It's going to take me time, because I didn't really understand the various commands in the properties, terminal velocity, Z axis and friction...were tweaked to get the fall right. I copied the zone info from an SP map.
Yeah when I get it right it will be nice, if I get it right lol...

The only operation I can think of where paratroopers actually landed on the target was 101st Airborne at St Mere Eglise on D-Day, the paratrooper stuck on the church spire etc... not another church map lol...
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Post by Reaction »

I could have a look at the zones if you want, im no expert, but i can finish them off properly. I dont know alot of the properties either :P
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Post by ShadowRunner »

Well thanks, I'll call it a reaction/runner map or something, or if it is good we can present to DXMS or something, joint credit etc...


Well i noticed some things.

1. I didn't rename the second zone when I copied it, so they are linked.
2. The Paratrooper starts outside the zone and finishes outside the zone.
3. The Zone might be too close to the ground?
4. The properties are not simple to control.

I altered the Zone Gravity Z-axis from 950 to 999
I altered the Zone Fluid Friction
I altered the Terminal Velocity
I think I didn't actually change Ground Friction, but it was affecting the fall.

The fall before was way too slow, like a balloon not a parachute, also there is no crunch when you hit the ground, I was wondering if there was a sound effect in stock folder that would solve this...

I'm open to any ideas, Pegasus bridge or parachuting into a completely different time/world etc, what ever you think will be good...
But I'd like to give you the credit and call it a joint work etc...
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