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!! Please read !! one sentence to player [HK]Reclaimer

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 23:23
by Ooomm
([HK] Reclaimer wrote in a forum" Love this Pedo Smile" and meaning a photo of me.)

have u some prob

Posted: 11 May 2006, 00:59
by ShadowRunner
Reclaimer and Mak from HK can be pretty annoying and offensive and I dont think they care particularly. They dont like people being nice to each or talking normally, without some attitude, or talking in chat room spk.

HK used to send me pm's on GODZ demanding I leave DX cos I was snitchin on ladderbuggers. Reclaimer and Mak and a number of other people actually argued against reporting and support the ladderbuggers by flaming any who report. They also joined in the lies when IO were lying about seeing me buggin.

People just dont like to lose. If you do too well, ppl start teamkilling you or accusing you of cheating.

[A]Lex accused me yesterday of lambuggin when I beat him.
I guess it's like a real war, people lose their minds when they are losing.

You own Reclaimer any server any wep I am sure...he's just being lame.