pathing outdoor areas

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pathing outdoor areas

Post by mikak »

hey guys; question: how does one block an open area from pawn pathing?

one part of my map (in the back- pic at moddb) is a road, and i would like to keep the pawns on the sidewalk, and use only the pedestrian crossing (ie. part of patrol route) but i'm not sure of the best way to do that.... i would like to block pawns, but not player or lighting

i was having a play with the add special/invisible collision brush, and the collision settings for it, and then it crashed because i put it into dynamic lighting before rebuilding :|. am i in the right area with that? ... g#imagebox
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Re: pathing outdoor areas

Post by ShadowRunner »

it's a right click for properties > collision > bblockactors isn't it?
Or have a clear texture on actors.
Sorry I don't remember much! And a lot I never knew. I only just found smell class!
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Re: pathing outdoor areas

Post by mikak »

unfortunately my initial plan turned the outdoor area into an instant death zone by invisible guillotine. so i fell back on the trusty *blockmonsters. not ideal, but does the job, i managed to block off a few paths with signs, bollards and streetlights, but pathing is still a real mess in one particularly open area. found this great mutator for ut called mindreader.u, but i didn't get it to work for dx, needed additional ut packages. wondering if anyone could tell me if there is a debug/dev command for seeing what pawns are up to?

just wondering because i realised that if i keep walking infront of a patrolling pawn until you force them into a location where they can no longer achieve their path, the game crashes hardcore. ie. i kept walking infront of a transitauthority, until he ended up on the other side of a safety barricade; 10million iteration crash. trying to fix those sort of potential problems, and create redundancies incase of tricky crate carriers blocking routes and such

woo smellclass, i recently found Kalman's foliagefactory class, does make a fine alley decorator ( nice work Kalman, btw i used that, hope you don't mind :wave:
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