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Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 09:41
by ShadowRunner
Elemental = Rogue Agent


Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 13:25
by Kothar
erm... what r u talking about and what about mastershadow being a liar?

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 13:34
by ShadowRunner
I'm saying Mastershadow is a member of the private forums, but he does appear to have started lying too, he's supporting comments made by Elemental.

CG told me "we have info on Rec relating to the CG forums crash"

They then sent me the "info" but failed to point out it related to ANOTHER forums and a practical joke.

I published this info when Rec started lying about me accusing him of being involved in the Deja/Private Forums...

Now Silverknight tries the same tactic as EYE Scottie...

I believe neither Master nor I are lying, we have a difference of opinion on the serious of the comment by Daemon...

"Be careful we dont want you to get caught like Dogny..."

which notice the word WE, is why i use the word conspiracy...the context of this convo was during a discussion about files necessary for actions which ARE illegal...

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 17:17
by Kamikaze
The files he is talking about are GODZ maps and the person he is talking to is Whiplash. Whiplash was talking about using GODZ maps on his CLONEZ server. I said that NC's maps are copyrighted and that I think one of the charges that Dogny went down on was copyright infringement. Daemon then agreed with me, telling Whiplash not to use the maps and if he did to be careful, because he didn't want to see his friend getting arrested.

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 17:24
by Elemental
I think ShadowRunner just wants to see that somebody pays for this, innocent or not.... Everything in that document can be found just by reading forums since this crap seems to be everywhere, so in reality there isn't anything that nobody already knows in it.... So stop trying to ruin me ShadowRunner, I have 2 people who have seen this document for themselves and both say ur full of bs,.

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 20:03
by ShadowRunner
OK since ppl are lying here's some of the document, it aint so rosy...
DAEM0N Quote Post
Posted: May 31 2006, 09:18 PM Post #9
With my brother's account (Bean) I can access the Godz only forums, we can get info there, though NC hasn't really been posting on those forums, most of the Godz members have left.

Elemental Quote Post
Posted: Jun 1 2006, 10:52 AM Post #23
I was thinking since we are going to be an organized society dedicated to detroying Godz, perhaps we should have some sort of ranking system......... I dunno why I thought about this, I just got bored.....

DAEM0N Quote Post
Posted: Jun 1 2006, 07:00 PM Post #31
Okay, I just don't want the stuff that happened to Dogny to happen to you.

Elemental Quote Post
Posted: May 31 2006, 01:59 PM Post #3
I am currently double crossing NC. My whole investigation is part of the plan. I have to make everybody think i'm investigating to find out the "truth" Anything I post about the investigation, do not take seriously, I'm trying to make it look as realistic as possible. NC is starting to lighten up a bit towards me, I think he thinks he can use me against IO. He will, but he won't. What I mean is I am going to give him false information about IO and what we plan to do, in the mean time, I plan to give IO real information about Godz. and what is being said.. i'm good, nothing like gaining somebody's trust and then smacking him up on the side of his fat old head with it.

DejaVu Quote Post
Posted: May 31 2006, 02:06 PM Post #6
if you can gain his trust, than this is a good start. becoming his right hand would be awesome. from that point, we would be able to gain some extra information about his hardware and connection.

Note the word TRUST...

If you guys continue to lie and accuse me of killing DX, I'll post more, much more, until everyone knows just what exactly you were doing, planning to do and how you were going to do other words STFU.

Play the game and stop hating GODZ. Hate is killing DX not shadowrunner.

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 20:34
by Elemental
Have you guys noticed how he's so desperate to make me look and other ppl look bad? keep in mind that he's done this b4.. Everything on that document is public. it's already on Forums and stuff.... so all your doing Shadow is just bringing up already known info in a stupid attempt to make me and other ppl look bad, not to mention ur making FGS look like babies.. i'm sure Icholot will be happy to see what u did to his forums while he was gone.

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 22:18
by ShadowRunner
OK Elemental...howbout you and I STFU from now on?

If u dont STFU I will take it that you want me to continue arguing...

Your choice, dont post again, I dont say anything in this post except call a truce, let's STFU.

Dont post again. TOPIC CLOSED?

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 23:59
by Elemental
Finally you come to some logic.. Now let's end this topic by ending it in other topics.... and then we can talk on MSN and see what we can do about restoring the "friendship" that was lost because of this...... if you decide you want to.

Posted: 28 Jun 2006, 00:02
by xikron
I highly suggest that this come to an immediate end.

Posted: 28 Jun 2006, 00:52
by Elemental
xikron wrote:I highly suggest that this come to an immediate end.

That's not my call... though i been saying for about 3 days that this needs to end... but maybe it finally will...

Posted: 28 Jun 2006, 01:14
by ShadowRunner
OK Elemental...howbout you and I STFU from now on?

If u dont STFU I will take it that you want me to continue arguing...

Your choice, dont post again, I dont say anything in this post except call a truce, let's STFU.

Dont post again. TOPIC CLOSED?

Xikron wrote
I highly suggest this comes to an IMMEDIATE end

He appears to be arguing with Xikron...

Posted: 28 Jun 2006, 01:26
by m45t3rs4d0w8
How about... Just STFU and do NOT Reply

Posted: 28 Jun 2006, 01:30
by ShadowRunner
that meant you too darling...