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Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 15 Nov 2019, 10:05
by RodNeySaLaMi
Here's some online footage of Cozmo's latest versions of CDXv5. The weapons are rebalanced for LAN-like gameplay, reduced lag for high pingers, and the complete elimination of the need to lead shots to hit an opponent. ... ex=11&t=2s ... dex=4&t=0s

UPDATE: An even newer version that includes Low Tech weapons is now online at [FGS]WunderLand!

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 24 Nov 2019, 09:25
by RodNeySaLaMi
wow this forum is spamt

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 21 Dec 2019, 00:28
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
I see no spam so far!

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 15 Feb 2020, 03:00
by anax
Aye CDX is good stuff. Also Noodz, where's all the threads older than 2019?!?!?!!?111one :(

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 28 Mar 2020, 22:01
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
Huh?? I see older threads when going back the pages!

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 29 Mar 2020, 00:22
by ~Blade~
RodNeySaLaMi wrote:...The weapons are rebalanced for LAN-like gameplay...
Ah, I was wondering how all the weapons got fucked up lol, makes sense.
Beautiful game ruined :smt010 Can't believe Nobody let this happen :ney: Thankfully most players won't be here to see this abomination :-D

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 31 Mar 2020, 04:05
by RodNeySaLaMi
Blade you just mad cuz you suck lol.

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 01 Apr 2020, 16:12
by ~Blade~
RodNeySaLaMi wrote:Blade you just mad cuz you suck lol.
Lol classic forum warrior comment - that's all you've ever contributed to dxmp :bwahaha:
Don't let me get in the way of your fun server games with darko/anax/etc. It's a shame that this is what dxmp has become.

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 02 Apr 2020, 22:12
by RodNeySaLaMi
Ah Blade I got some nice footage of me and Duke and Price smacking you up nice. Come play with us some more and I can get a series going. Also dissing on my boi Anax thats low. He plays a lot better than you do these days.

Which I guess is why you mad right now lol

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 02 Apr 2020, 22:16
by RodNeySaLaMi
Cozmo worked hard and now noatter the ping you dont have to lead shots. I guess that would be an "abomination" to anyone who relied on having low ping to get kills on laggy players like me and Duke.

I'm proud of my boi Cozmo for his contribution. Let's great players like me shine even in 250 ping. Looks like you're gonna struggle. Might wanna stick to being a forum warrior yourself bruh ;-)

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 03 Apr 2020, 20:44
by ~Blade~
RodNeySaLaMi wrote:Cozmo worked hard and now noatter the ping you dont have to lead shots. I guess that would be an "abomination" ...
If you look closely, you'll notice that i didn't criticize this - I criticized the changing of the weapons, all the rifles behave differently (i.e. don't reload, the sniper click, damage changes, etc.) and these things didn't need to be changed at all - to fix the "LAN-like" play. The only issue was the assault rifle at super high fps - that i tried to fix with poor/et al but can't remember where we got to.

I got nothing against Cozmo. I just don't think you should change things which weren't broken.
RodNeySaLaMi wrote:Ah Blade I got some nice footage of me and Duke and Price smacking you up nice....
Do you care to share which Clan War this was part of? Or was it some random pub game that you mysteriously thought meant something?

Not sure who this Price guy is, is he part of the old C clan? Him and StoneCold? Perhaps the guy in this actual Clan War?
RodNeySaLaMi wrote:... great players like me shine even in 250 ping...
Woah ez bruh, you that guy in the HK war that just cloaked+run away the whole game?
You even did that in your US server, total turbo female sex organ. Don't act like Ricci cuz you aren't metabolic end product compared to him.

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 03 Apr 2020, 22:27
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
~Blade~ wrote:
RodNeySaLaMi wrote:...The weapons are rebalanced for LAN-like gameplay...
Ah, I was wondering how all the weapons got fucked up lol, makes sense.
Beautiful game ruined :smt010 Can't believe Nobody let this happen :ney: Thankfully most players won't be here to see this abomination :-D
I'm actually unaware of that. :bwahaha:

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 09 Apr 2020, 13:48
by RodNeySaLaMi
lol yeah that fool got quiet :-$ :-$

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 11 Apr 2020, 00:42
by flaw
All I wanna know is, what's wrong with Steve Harvey?

Re: Latest Footage (CDXv5 Showcase)

Posted: 11 Apr 2020, 12:31
by RodNeySaLaMi